S. No. 184 S. No. 200 1 To incorporate the Washington Society of the New Jerusalem.[By Mr. Patterson, of New Hampshire.] Granting a pension to Mrs. Ann Inn Corcoran.-[By Mr. Morgan.] In House: Received from Senate, 1859; referred, 1869; reported : Referred, 196. od to To amend an act entitled "An act to amend the several acts hereJe tofore passed to provide for the enrolling and calling out of the national forces," approved March 3, 1865.-[By Mr. Referred, 196; reported and referred anew, 219; reported adversely, 2067; indefinitely postponed, 8323. For the relief of the Bartholomew County Agricultural Society in S. No. 202- For the relief of Captain Phelps Paine, of Illinois. [By Mr. Referred, 196; committee discharged, 354097111 S. No. 203 -1 Toapportion the issue of the national currency of the several States and Territories and the District of Columbia. [By Mr. Van In House: Received from Senate, 422; referred, 991; reported S. No. 206- S. No. 180 -८.८ To incorporate the Washington City Land and Building Associa To amend the various acts establishing the Navy Department of lado entbord toid For funding the national debt and for a conversion of the notes of the United States. [By Mr. Sherman.] Reported, 219; report printed, 242; recommitted, 484; reported, 999; called up, 1417; discussed, 1468, 1624, 1649, 1787, 1809; notice, 2594; amendment, 8708; called up, 8869; discussed, 3958, 3987, 4031, 4035, 4041; passed, 4050; passed House with Mamendments, 4312; disagreed to by Senate, 4628; conference, S. No. 207-Continued. 4403; conference report, 4466; concurred in by Senate, 4466; S. No. 221 To amend an act entitled "An act to amend existing laws relating to internal revenue." - [By Mr. Corbett.] Referred, 343. Vacating certain offices in Georgia, and empowering the constitutional convention to fill the same. - [By Mr. Wilson.] In House: Received from Senate, 4080; referred, 4084; reported, P i Read, 343. S. No. 223 To amend an act entitled "An act declaring and fixing the rights of volunteers as part of the Army," so as to give officers proper rank, and include the Marine corps. - [By Mr. Harlan.] Referred, 343. To amend an act entitled "An act to provide for a district and S. No. 227 circuit court of the United States for the district of the State Referred, 242; reported adversely, 678. S. No. 212 To grant lands to the Northern Michigan Railroad Company in extension of the Northern Pacific railroad.-[By Mr. Howard.] Referred, 271. S. No. 213 To amend an act entitled "An act to amend the judiciary act **passed on the 24th of September, 1789." -[By Mr. Williams.] Reported, 318; called up, 1807; passed, 1807, 1808; passed House with amendment, 1843; concurred in, 1847; enrolled, 1864; vetoed, 2088; discussed, 2094, 2115; passed over veto, 2128; passed House over veto, 2149; instructions to present to Secretary of State, 2149. In House: Received from Senate, 1828; passed with amendment, 1859; discussion, 1881, 2059; agreed to by Senate, 1865; enrolled, 1866; vetoed, 2163, 2165; veto discussed, 2165; passed over veto, 2170. For the relief of Mrs. Eastman, the mother and sole heir of S. No. 228 For relief of John Templeton.-[By Mr. Patterson, of Tennessee.] Referred, 404; committee discharged, referred anew, 470; reported adversely, 3856. S. No. 232 Granting a pension to Henrietta Nobles. -[By Mr. Patterson, of Referred, 404; reported, 2067; passed, 3323; passed House, In House: Received from Senate, 3845; referred, 3346; reported and passed, 3897. S. No. 233 A To establish a certain post route in Oregon. - [By Mr. Corbett.] S. No. 234 To authorize the removal of causes in certain cases from the district courts to the circuit courts of the United States.-[By Mr. Morrill, of Maine.] Referred, 404, S. No. 235 To incorporate the congregation egation of the North Presbyterian church of. W Vashington.-[By Mr. Morgan.] M Referred, 404. In House: Received from Senate, 2614; passed with amend- S. No. 217 11 In relation to the coinage of gold and silver.-[By Mr. Sherman.] In addition to the act entitled "An act to incorporate the Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria Steam Packet Company." [By Mr. Willey.] Referred, 404; reported, 3671; passed, 3718. In House: Received from Senate, 3761; referred, 4490. To create a southern judicial district in California. - [By Mr. S. No. 237- Referred, 318; reported and recommitted, 1163. relation to the promulgation of the laws of the United States.[By Mr. Anthony.] : Referred, 404; reported, 816; discussed, 1125; passed, 1126; passed House, 1657; enrolled, 1693; approved, 1744. In House: Received from Senate, 1141; passed, 1661; enrolled, 1681. Referred, 765. S. No. 290 By Mr. M Ross.] of e : To provide for holding terms of the United States district courts for the western district of Missouri at St. Joseph, in said State.-[By Mr. Drake. Referred, 845; reported adversely, 2556. S. No. 305 1 Granting aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Union Pacific railroad to Idaho. Portland, (Oregon,) Montana, and Puget sound. - [By Mr. Harlan.] Referred, 845. S. No. 306 For the protection in certain cases of persons making disclosure as parties or testifying as witnesses. [By Mr. Frelinghuysen.] Referred, 845; reported, 950; passed, 951; passed House, 18691 enrolled, 1882; approved, 1439. In House: Received from Senate, 970; referred, 984; reported and passed, 1334; enrolled, 1393. S. No. 807-11-20 αε For the relief of certain Government contractors. - [By Mr. Reported, 880; discussed, 1148, 2922,2959, 3051; passed, 8052; Reported, 786: passed, 1889; passed House, 3902; enrolled, S. No. 8088958 approved. 8984. In House: Received from Senate, 1859; referred, 1869; reported and passed, 3898; enrolled, 89461 12.000 9ךm, tol For the relief of the heirs of the late General Duncan L. Clinch, deceased [By Mr. Davis.] Reported and passed, 880; passed House with amendment, S. No. 308-Continued. 1515; concurred in by Senate, 1567; reconsidered, 1620; non-concurred in by Senate, 1620; conference, 1744, 1782; conference report, 1843; concurred in by Senate, 1843; concurred in by House, 1899; enrolled, 1939. In House: Received from Senate, 899; referred, 944; reported and passed with amendment, 1540; disagreed to by Senate, 1634; conference, 1668, 1681, 1707, 1761, 1797; conference report, 1866; concurred in by Senate, 1859; discussed, 1866, 1902; concurred in by House, 1904; ; enrolled, 1927. In House: Received from Senate, 1250; referred, 1772; motion S. No. 825-1 to reconsider, 1772. S. No. 312 11 To constitute San Antonio, within the collection district of Saluria, Texas, a port of delivery. - [By Mr. Morton,] Granting lands to aid in the construction of a railroad and tele-Referred, 981. graph line from Fort Scott, Kansas, to Santa Fé, New Mex- S. No. 326ico.-[By Mr. Pomeroy] Referred, 921; printed, 1230. W 8. No. 313 Referred, 921; reported, 1095; discussed, 1487; passed, 1488. ン For the relief of George T. Brien. - [By Mr. Van Winkle.] Reported, 980; passed, 1840; passed House with amendments, 3902; conference, 3954, 8984; couference report; 4097; concurred in by Senate, 4097; by House, 4147; enrolled, 4159; approved, 4235..20.. In House: Received from Senate, 1859; referred, 1869; reported and passed with amendment, 3896; conference report agreed to by House, 4131; by Senate, 4182; enrolled, 4186, 8. No. 315 Granting a pension to Marquis D. L. Mitchell, of the Creek nation of Indians. [By Mr. Van Winkle.] Reported, 981; passed, 1840. 10. : איי " Amending an act entitled "An act for the removal of the Winne bago Indians, and for the sale of their reservation in Minnesota for their benefit." [By Mr. Thayered Referred, 981.7 S. No. 327 To extend the preemption and homestead laws of the United States over certain lands therein named. - [By Mr. Pomeroy.] Referred, 981. S. No. 328 ! Amendatory of an act entitled "An act donating public lands to the several States and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts," approved July 2, 1862.-[By Mr. Henderson.] Referred, 981. S. No. 329 For the relief of David T. Stevenson, [By Mr. Morton.] Referred, 999., S. No. 881 To extend the time for completing a military road in the State of Wisconsin.-[By Mr. Howe.]. Referred, 1026; reported and passed, 1887; passed House, 2858; enrolled, 2861; approved, 2925. In House: Received from Senate, 1906; referred, 2029; reported, 2829; passed, 2830; enrolled, 2876.9 S. No. 332 Granting a pension to John W. Harris. [By Mr. Van Winkle.] Referred, 1026; reported, 1811; passed, 184 8902; enrolled, 3958; approved, 3984. 1, 1842; passed House, In House: Received from Senate, 1859; referred, 1869 and passed, 8895; enrolled, 8948. S. No, 333 reported For the relief of Julia M. Molin.-[By Mr. Van Winkle.] Referred, 1026; reported, 1162; called up, 1841; passed, 1842; passed House, 3902; enrolled, 3958; approved, 3084. In House: Received from Senate, 1859; referred, 1869; reported and passed, 3898; enrolled, 3948. |