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from the Apostles or from the earliest times, but as the result of theological speculation.

Aposteln oder von den ältesten Zeiten kommende Tradition, sondern als das Ergebniss theologischer Speculation.

2. Catholic theologians (e. g. Bel- 2. Katholische Theologen, z. B. larmin) acknowledge, and we ac- Bellarmin erkennen an und wir knowledge with them, that Bap- mit ihnen, dass die Taufe und tism and the Eucharist are 'prin- die Eucharistie ‘principalia, præcipalia, præcipua, eximia salutis cipua, eximia salutis nostræ sacramenta' sind.

nostræ sacramenta.


[Scripture and Tradition.]


[Schrift und Ueberlieferung.]

1. The Holy Scriptures being 1. Während die heilige Schrift recognized as the primary rule of anerkanntermassen die primäre Faith, we agree that the genuine Regel des Glaubens ist, erkennen tradition, i. e. the unbroken trans- wir an, dass die echte Tradition, mission-partly oral, partly in d. i. die ununterbrochene, theils writing-of the doctrine delivered mündliche, theils schriftliche Ueby Christ and the Apostles, is an berlieferung der von Christus und authoritative source of teaching den Aposteln zuerst vorgetragenen for all successive generations of Lehre eine autoritative (gottgeChristians. This tradition is part- wollte) Erkentnissquelle für alle ly to be found in the consensus auf einander folgenden Generaof the great ecclesiastical bodies tionen von Christen ist. Diese standing in historical continuity Tradition wird theils erkannt with the primitive Church, partly aus dem Consensus der grossen to be gathered by scientific method in historischer Continuität mit from the written documents of all der ursprünglichen Kirche ste


henden Kirchenkörper, theils wird sie auf wissenschaftlichem Wege ermittelt aus den schriftlichen Denkmälern aller Jahrhunderte. 2. We acknowledge that the 2. Wir erkennen an, dass die Church of England, and the englische Kirche und die von Churches derived through her, ihr herstammenden Kirchen die

have maintained unbroken the ununterbrochene bischöfliche SucEpiscopal succession.1 cession bewahrt haben.

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[The Immaculate Conception of the Virgin [Unbefleckte Empfängniss der Jungfrau Ma


We reject the new Roman doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as being contrary to the tradition of the first thirteen centuries, according to which Christ alone is conceived without sin.2



Wir verwerfen die neue römische Lehre von der unbefleckten Empfängniss der h. Jungfrau Maria als in Widerspruch stehend mit der Tradition der ersten dreizehn Jahrhunderte, nach welcher Christus allein ohne Sünde empfangen ist.


[Offentliche und Privat-Beichte.] Wir stimmen überein, dass die Praxis des Sündenbekenntnisses

[Public and Private Confession.] We agree that the practice of confession of sins before the congregation or a Priest, together with vor der Gemeinde oder einem the exercise of the power of the Priester, verbunden mit der Auskeys, has come down to us from übung der Schlüssellgewalt, von the primitive Church, and that, der ursprünglichen Kirche auf purged from abuses and free from constraint, it should be preserved in the Church.



We agree that 'indulgences' can only refer to penalties actually imposed by the Church herself.

uns gekommen und, gereinigt von Missbräuchen und frei von Zwang, in der Kirche beizubehalten ist.

ART. XII. [Ablass.]

Wir stimmen überein, dass ‘Ablässe' nur auf wirklich von der Kirche selbst aufgelegte Bussen sich beziehen können.

This article, which refers simply to an historical question, caused some discussion. Döllinger and Reinkens recognized the validity of the Anglican succession, to the gratification of the Anglican members of the Conference; but the Greek and Russian members expressed doubts, and withheld their consent till further investigation.

2 It is remarkable that on this article Döllinger and the Old Catholics were more decided in their opposition to the papal dogma of 1854 than Canon Liddon, of St. Paul's, who was willing to tolerate the Immaculate Conception as a 'pious opinion.'

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[Gebete für Verstorbene.]

[Commemoration of the Departed.] We acknowledge that the prac- Wir erkennen an, dass der Getice of the commemoration of the brauch des Gebetes für die verfaithful departed, i. e. the calling storbenen Gläubigen, d. h. die down of a richer outpouring of Erflehung einer reicheren AusChrist's grace upon them, has come giessung der Gnade Christi über down to us from the primitive sie, von der ältesten Kirche auf Church, and is to be preserved in uns gekommen und in der Kirche the Church. beizubehalten ist.


[The Mass.]


[Die Messe.]

1. The eucharistic celebration in 1. Die eucharistische Feier in der the Church is not a continuous repe- Kirche ist nicht eine fortwährende tition or renewal of the propitiatory Wiederholung oder Erneuerung sacrifice offered once for ever by des Sühnopfers, welches Christus Christ upon the cross; but its sacrificial character consists in this,

ein für allemal am Kreuze dargebracht hat; aber ihr Opfercharak

that it is the permanent memorial ter besteht darin, dass sie das

of it, and a representation and pre- bleibende Gedächtniss desselben ist sentation on earth of that one obla- und eine auf Erden stattfindende tion of Christ for the salvation of Darstellung und Vergegenwärtigredeemed mankind, which, accord- ung jener Einen Darbringung ing to the Epistle to the Hebrews Christi für das Heil der erlösten (ix. 11,12), is continuously present- Menschheit, welche nach Hebr. ed in heaven by Christ, who now appears in the presence of God for us (ix. 24).

ix. 11, 12 fortwährend im Himmel von Christus geleistet wird, indem er jetzt in der Gegenwart Gottes für uns erscheint (Heb. ix. 24).

2. While this is the character 2. Indem dies der Charakter der of the Eucharist in reference to Eucharistie bezüglich des Opfers the sacrifice of Christ, it is also a Christi ist, ist sie zugleich ein gesacred feast, wherein the faithful, heiligtes Opfermahl, in welchem die receiving the Body and Blood of den Leib und das Blut des Herrn

our Lord, have communion one empfangenden Gläubigen Gemeinwith another (1 Cor. x. 17). schaft mit einander haben (1 Cor.

x. 17).


1. Dr. Döllinger proposed also the following article concerning the Invocation of Saints, but withdrew it in consequence of the opposition of the Greek and Russian members, who maintained that such invocation was a duty, on the ground of the seventh cecumenical Council:

'We acknowledge that the Invocation of Saints is not commanded as a duty necessary to salvation for every Christian.'

'Wir erkennen an, dass die Anrufung der Heiligen nicht als eine Pflicht anzusehen ist, deren Erfüllung für jeden Christen zur Seligkeit nothwendig wäre.'

2. These theses have no official authority, and express simply the private convictions of the members of the Conference; but they may be regarded as the provisional creed of the Old Catholics until acted upon by their Synod, which is the official organ.

3. Art. XIV.-Dean Howson, of Chester, at the second Bonn Conference, held a year afterwards, entered, in behalf of some evangelical Anglicans, the following protest against a possible Romanizing interpretation of this Article:


'Some members of the Church of England, who earnestly desire success to the present efforts for reunion, having been made anxious and doubtful by that part of the Article on the encharist, provisionally adopted last year, which speaks of the eucharistic celebration as a representation and presentation on earth of the one oblation of Christ, which is continuously presented by him in heaven;" and those expressions being capable of different shades of interpretation, I beg leave respectfully to state the meanings which such persons, with myself, are disposed to attach to them. We view the eucharistic celebration as a "representation," because in it (according to 1 Cor. xi. 26) we show forth the Lord's death till he come; we speak of it as a "presentation," because those who receive, in the Holy Communion, the blessings procured by the sacrifice of Christ, do at the same time, as sinners, plead that sacrifice before God; and we conceive the sense assigned to Christ's "continuous oblation in heaven" must be limited by the revealed fact (Heb. vii. 27; ix. 12 and 25-28; x. 10 and 18) that his sacrifice for sin was made complete, once for all, before he ascended to heaven. I feel bound in conclusion to add that, on further reflection, I have less confidence than I had before as to the strict consistency of the language of this Article with the language of the English Book of Common Prayer.'

Dr. Liddon dissented from this protest, and expressed his agreement with the Article in the full sense of its language. Döllinger and the Old Catholics were silent. There is, however, no precise correspondence between the original 'representation and presentation' and the German translation, ‘Darstellung und Vergegenwärtigung;' and both terms are capable of different interpretations.




[At the second Döllinger Union Conference between Old Catholics, Orientals, and Anglo-Catholics, held at Bonn, Prussia, Aug. 10-16, 1875, the following agreement on the old Filioque Controversy, essentially in favor of the Greek view, was adopted, but, like the agreement of the preceding Conference, it still waits for the official sanction of the Churches therein represented. The German text is the original, and is taken from the Secretary's Bericht über die vom 10–16. Aug. 1875 zu Bonn gehaltenen UnionsConferenzen, im Auftrage des Vorsitzenden Dr. von Döllinger herausgegeben von Dr. Fr. HEINRICH REUSCH, Prof. der Theologie, Bonn, 1875, pp. 80, 92, and 93. An English translation of this report by Rev. Dr. SAMUEL BUEL, Prof. of Divinity in the Gen. Theol. Sem. of the Prot. Episcopal Church at N.Y., with a Preface by Rev. Dr. Robert J. Nevin, Rector of the American Episcopal Church in Rome, was published in New York (1876), and another translation, with an Introduction by Canon Liddon, in London (1876).]

1. Wir stimmen überein in der 1. We agree in accepting the Annahme der ökumenischen Sym- œcumenical symbols and the debole und der Glaubensentscheidungen cisions in matters of faith of the der alten ungetheilten Kirche. ancient undivided Church.

2. Wir stimmen überein in der Anerkennung, daß der Zusaß des Filioque zum Symbolum nicht in kirchlich rechtmäßiger Weise erfolgt sei.

2. We agree in acknowledging that the addition Filioque to the symbol did not take place in an ecclesiastically regular manner.

3. We give our unanimous assent to the presentation of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit as taught by the Fathers of the undivided Church. 4. We reject every representa

3. Wir bekennen uns allerseits zu der Darstellung der Lehre vom heili gen Geiste, wie sie von den Vätern der ungetheilten Kirche vorgetragen wirt. 4. Wir verwerfen jede Vorstellung und jede Ausdruckweise, in welcher tion and every form of expression etwa die Annahme zweier Principien in which is contained the acceptoder åpɣaí oder airía in der Drei ance of two principles, or begineinigkeit enthalten wäre. nings, or causes, in the Trinity.

[The following additional Articles are explanatory of Art. 3, and were adopted at the request of the Greek and Russian delegates:]

Wir nehmen die Lehre des heiligen We accept the teaching of St. Johannes von Damaskus über den John of Damasens concerning the heiligen Geist, wie dieselbe in nachfolgenden Paragraphen ausgedrückt ist, im Sinne der Lehre der alten unge trennten Kirche an.

Holy Spirit, as it is expressed in the following paragraphs, in the sense of the doctrine of the ancient undivided Church.

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