Though wide around our conquering arms are hurl'd, quenched:" and of a state of blessedness, the latter says, with unrivalled energy and beauty "eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." SATIRE III. Argument. UMBRITIUS an Aruspex,* and a friend of our Author, disgusted at the prevalence of vice, and the total disregard of needy, and unassuming virtue, is introduced on the point of quitting Rome. The Poet accompanies him some little way from the city, when the honest exile, no longer able to suppress his indignation, stops short, and in a strain of animated invective, acquaints him with the causes of his retirement. This Satire is managed with wonderful ingenuity. The way by which Juvenal conducts his friend out of the city, is calculated to raise a thousand tender images in his mind; and when, after lingering a moment at the gate, Umbritius stops to look at it for the last time, in a spot endeared by religion, covered with the venerable relics of antiquity, and in itself eminently beautiful; we are tempted to listen with uncommon attention to the farewell of the solitary fugitive. What he says may be arranged under the following heads, that Flattery and Vice are the only thriving arts at Rome; that in these, particularly the first, foreigners have a manifest superiority * Tacitus says, that on the day Galba was murdered, Umbritius predicted the impending treachery (Hist. lib. 1. xxvii.); in which he is followed by Plutarch. Pliny calls him the most skilful Aruspex of the age. Umbritius Aruspisum in nostro ævo peritissimas. over the natives, and consequently engross all favour; that the poor are universally exposed to scorn and insult; that the general habits of extravagance render it difficult for them to subsist; and that a crowded capital subjects them to numberless inconveniences unknown in the country (on the tranquillity and security of which he feelingly dilates): He then adverts again to the peculiar sufferings of the poorer citizens from the want of a well regulated police: these he illustrates by a variety of examples, and concludes in a strain of pathos and beauty, which winds up the whole with singular effect. SATIRE III. v. 1-5. GRIEV'D though I am, to see the man depart, Who long has shared, and still must share, my heart, I yet applaud his firm resolve, to live At lonely Cumæ, and the Sibyl give One citizen at least, one virtuous fugitive. VER. 4. At lonely Cuma, &c.] Juvenal gives the epithet vacue to Cumæ, which puzzles honest Barten; for how, says he, can a place be empty which is described, just below, as a thoroughfare to Baix? This, too, seems to be the opinion of the commentators, who, alarmed for the veracity of the poet, explain the word by quietæ, otiosæ, non tam plenæ hominum quam est Roma, Tc. But there is no need-a place may be uninhabited though numbers pass through it daily; and this, in truth, is what the author satirically hints at : that Baix, which Seneca calls diversorium vitiorum, should have such attractions for the Romans, as to draw them all to it,-in despite of the many delightful spots in its vicinity, through which they were obliged to pass, and of whose charms, therefore, they could not be ignorant. The next line-atque unum civem donare Sybilla,-appears to me to have been constantly mistaken. Holyday translates it— to add, "To good Sibylla one inhabitant more;" and he is followed, I think, by all the rest, without exception. I have little doubt, however, but the poet meant to insinuate, that Cume was entirely de Full on the road to Baiæ, Cumæ lies, Where poets, while the dog-star glows, rehearse, serted. No great compliment to the good sense of his contemporaries; for the situation was well chosen, and the country about it delightful. Whether the taste of the Romans improved, I know not; but this town was afterwards inhabited, and, in the reign of Justinian, stood a long and severe siege. I did not mention in its place, that Cuma was dedicated to the Sibyl, who had a temple here. It was here, too, that Dædalus (v. 41) alighted, in his flight from Crete. VER. 8. Though I would make e'en Prochyta, &c.] Prochyta was a bare and rugged rock in the Tuscan Sea, not far from the Promontory of Misenus. It is now a fertile and a pretty spot. VER. 14. Where poets, &c.] The humourous malice of the author! Who, enumerating the dreadful dangers of an overgrown capital-fires, falls of houses, &c. finishes with the most dreadful of all-poets reading their works in the dog-days. Metastasio's translation of this Satire, though it be neither remarkable for vigour, nor for a right apprehension of the drift of the original, has yet many well turned passages. This is one of them :-to those who have experienced an Italian summer, it must be peculiarly striking: |