The Congressional Globe, Część 3Blair & Rives, 1866 |
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Strona 1921
... motion was agreed to . Mr. WASHBURNE , of Illinois , moved to reconsider the vote by which the joint resolu- tion was referred to the Committee of Claims ; and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on the table . The latter ...
... motion was agreed to . Mr. WASHBURNE , of Illinois , moved to reconsider the vote by which the joint resolu- tion was referred to the Committee of Claims ; and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on the table . The latter ...
Strona 1945
... motion to reconsider be laid проп the table . The latter motion was agreed to . NAVAL APPROPRIATION BILL . Mr. FARNSWORTH . I rise to a privileged question . I desire to make a report from the committee of conference on the ...
... motion to reconsider be laid проп the table . The latter motion was agreed to . NAVAL APPROPRIATION BILL . Mr. FARNSWORTH . I rise to a privileged question . I desire to make a report from the committee of conference on the ...
Strona 1951
... motion to reconsider , and move to add after the word " service " in the tenth line , " or enlisted men of the regular Army ; " so that it will read , as follows : SEC . 4. And be it further enacted , That to the six regiments of ...
... motion to reconsider , and move to add after the word " service " in the tenth line , " or enlisted men of the regular Army ; " so that it will read , as follows : SEC . 4. And be it further enacted , That to the six regiments of ...
Strona 1952
... motion to reconsider on next Monday , the next legislative day ? Mr. WASHBURNE , of Illinois . I would suggest to the gentleman that he can accom- plish his purpose by entering the motion to reconsider to be acted on hereafter . Mr ...
... motion to reconsider on next Monday , the next legislative day ? Mr. WASHBURNE , of Illinois . I would suggest to the gentleman that he can accom- plish his purpose by entering the motion to reconsider to be acted on hereafter . Mr ...
Strona 1968
... motion to take up the bill was agreed to . EXECUTIVE SESSION . Mr. WILSON ... reconsider . APPORTIONMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES . Mr. HILL introduced a joint ... reconsider the vote which the resolution was adopted ; and also moved ...
... motion to take up the bill was agreed to . EXECUTIVE SESSION . Mr. WILSON ... reconsider . APPORTIONMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES . Mr. HILL introduced a joint ... reconsider the vote which the resolution was adopted ; and also moved ...
Inne wydania - Wyświetl wszystko
Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
Aaron Harding adjourn adjutant allow amendment was agreed appointed Asahel W authority bill H. R. bureaus Burt Van Horn called cavalry citizens claim CLARK colonels colored troops Committee on Military Congress CONKLING Constitution contract contractors court Demas Hubbard desire duty entitled Government granting GRIMES habeas corpus honorable House of Representatives Illinois increase Indians Iowa JOHNSON joint resolution judge legislation lieutenant loyal ment Military Affairs motion to reconsider motion was agreed move objection officers passed Pennsylvania pension persons petition present PRESIDENT pro tempore previous question proposed proposition quartermasters rank rebel rebellion referred regiments regular Army SCHENCK second lieutenants Secretary Senate Senate bill session Sioux City soldiers SPEAKER suppose THAYER tion TRUMBULL Union United vacancy VAN AERNAM vessels Veteran Reserve corps volunteers WASHBURNE West Point words yeas and nays York