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Accadi, Salvador, deceased, bill (H. R. No.
742) for the relief of the minor children
of. .3480, 3490, 3574, 3625, 3785, 3825
Accounts, bill (H. R. No. 406) to provide for
the settlement of the, of certain public offi-
cers................ .1707; 1708, 3098, 3126
....2, 11, 4303
concurrent resolution proposing an, of Con-
gress from December 20, 1865, till Jan-
uary 9, 1866......
.66, 77, 88, 90


and nays on the.......
resolutions relating to................1484, 1485,
3278, 3292, 3987, 4065, 4114, 4292

remarks on the, by-

Mr. Conness

Mr. Grimes......................

Mr. Hendricks........



.3278, 3279

Mr. Fessenden.............3278, 4114, 4115

Mr. Poland.......

Mr. Pomeroy

Mr. Sherman..

Mr. Sumner.

Mr. Trumbull...........

Mr. Wade............

yeas and nays on the............

........... .4114

4114, 4115

.4114, 4115
4114, 4115

.3279, 4115

Agricultural college, joint resolution (H. R.
No. 180) extending the time for the com-
pletion of the, of the State of Iowa...3509,
3522, 3574

Agricultural colleges, bill (S. No. 344) donat-
ing public lands to the several States which
may provide, for the education of persons
of African descent.........
Agriculture, bill (H. R. No. 50) to amend the
......2866, 2888
fifth section of an act donating public lands
to the several States and Territories which
may provide colleges for the benefit of, and
the mechanic arts, approved July 2, 1862,
1906, 3649, 3726, 3922

[blocks in formation]


American Forest Tree Propagation and Land ||
Company, bill (S. No. 228) donating pub-
lic lands to the, for conducting experi
ments and disseminating information re-
specting forest-tree culture, calculated to
prevent the destruction and encourage the
production of forests in America ......1588
Amiot, Augustin, bill (H. R. No. 364) to con-
firm unto his legal assigns and representa-
tives a certain lot of ground in the city of
St. Louis, in the State of Missouri, 1438,
1449, 1862, 1883
Anderson, Charles F., bill (H. R. No. 143) for
the relief of......
.312, 313, 591, 671
Anderson, Peter, bill (S. No. 79) for the ben-
efit of........
..265, 1253, 1774, 3623
remarks on the, by-
.1254, 1774

Mr. Clark....

Mr. Creswell....

Mr. Davis.......

Mr. Grimes......

Mr. Van Winkle....

Andrews, Sally, bill (H. R. No. 462) granting

pension to............ 1810, 2612, 2673, 2938
Anthony, Henry B., a Senator from Rhode

Island, 8, 11, 16, 18, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 36,
37, 66, 67, 68, 76, 77, 78, 80, 89, 108,
134, 160, 186, 187, 208, 224, 226, 243,
244, 245, 265, 312, 339, 390, 402, 519,
520, 521, 591, 641, 670, 699, 874, 878,
951, 953, 964, 965, 979, 1036, 1078, 1131,
1178, 1221, 1233, 1252, 1258, 1273, 1284,
1285, 1289, 1320, 1350, 1351, 1386, 1509,
1510, 1511, 1536, 1537, 1542, 1560, 1561,
1562, 1588, 1589, 1663, 1664, 1677, 1752,
1778, 1787, 1843, 1849, 1850, 1862, 1866,
1878, 1927, 1928, 1930, 1953, 1954, 1961,
1980, 1981, 1982, 2033, 2050, 2107, 2109,
2192, 2193, 2281, 2282, 2300, 2304, 2335,
2341, 2356, 2415, 2416, 2420, 2444, 2445,
2482, 2547, 2548, 2795, 2806, 2807, 2852,
2856, 2857, 2888, 2889, 2912, 2913, 2989,
2991, 2992, 3026, 3073, 3097, 3098, 3112,
8123, 3150, 8178, 3183, 3184, 3191, 8193,
3194, 3221, 3222, 3223, 3283, 3307, 3313,
3333, 8879, 8393, 3407, 3408, 3427, 3450,
3503, 3504, 3664, 3666, 3671, 8727, 8729,
3750, 3759, 3782, 3788, 3792, 3793, 3803,
3825, 3855, 3892, 3928, 3929, 3950, 3960,
3962, 3963, 4006, 4007, 4023, 4025, 4030,
4070, 4071, 4073, 4113, 4115, 4119, 4120,
4133, 4134, 4163, 4205, 4223, 4290, 4292
resolutions by...8, 11, 67, 76, 77, 78, 134, 226,

265, 699, 1350, 1386, 1954, 3098, 3407
remarks on the concurrent resolution ap-
pointing a joint committee on reconstruc-
.......... 24, 28
remarks in relation to the reports of the
Associated Press.........
....36, 37
remarks on printing addresses on the death
of Senator Collamer........

remarks on the joint resolution relating to in-
tercontinental telegraph............ ..953
remarks on the joint resolution (H. R. No. 51)
to amend the Constitution.......
.964, 1285

Anthony, Henry B., a Senator from Rhode

remarks on the naval appropriation bill 1509,
1510, 1511



remarks in relation to the publication of the
laws of the United States.. ..........1537
remarks on placing hulks, &c., at the dispo-
sal of commissioners of quarantine in ports
of the United States.......
remarks on the loan bill.....
remarks on distributing documents to certain
judges of the United States......1927, 1928
remarks on the resolution relating to the
Army Register..........
remarks on printing the Patent Office Re-
remarks on suppressing speeches in the Con-
gressional Globe..
.2281, 2282
remarks on granting the Hall to Mrs. Wal-
remarks on the volunteer Army Register,
2415, 2416
remarks relating to appointments in the Mil-
itary Academy..
remarks on publishing the official history of
the rebellion

remarks in relation to printing the Presi-
dent's message in regard to Austrian troops
for Mexico.......
...........3503, 3504
remarks on the bill to regulate elections for
Senators in Congress......
remarks on the miscellaneous appropriation
bill, 3928, 3929, 3960, 3962, 3963, 4073, 4119
remarks on the bill for the relief of Marga-
rette Ann Laurie....
Appropriation, bill (H. R. No. 35) making an,
for refurnishing and repairing the Presi
dent's House......
....66, 68, 77
bill (H. R. No. 36) making an, for the pay-
ment of invalid and other pensions of the
United States for the year ending June
30, 1867.........
..66, 68, 208, 671
joint resolution (S. No. 69) making an, to en-

able the President to negotiate treaties with
certain Indian tribes, 1982, 2009, 3075, 3100
joint resolution (H. R. No. 143) making an,
for the repair of the Potomac bridge, 2852,
2855, 2980, 3155, 3178
bill (S. No. 346) to amend section seven of
the naval, bill, approved the 3d of March,


bill (S. No. 405) making an, for the construc-
tion and repair of the levees of the Missis-
sippi river, in the States of Mississippi,
Louisiana, and Arkansas, and for the im
provement of the river............3522, 3560
bill (S. No. 408) making an, for the erection
of a marine hospital at Yokohama, in Ja-
pan, and for other purposes......3574
joint resolution (H. R. No. 92) authorizing
the Secretary of the Interior to pay certain
claims out of the balance of an, for the
payment of necessary expenditures in the
service of the United States for Indian
affairs in the Territory of Utah.........4170

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