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r the praise of them that do he duties of the younger and ces, to the aged and superio he younger and inferior in er and superior, are: 1. To give place to them with revere 33. Thou shalt rise before ar the face of the old man,

sion to them, so as to follow t v. S. Likewise ye younger the elder

m in their graces and holy

Be ye followers of me; eve

the duties of the aged and s es, unto the younger and infer he aged and superiors in gifts rer and inferiors, are;

ge, and to shew forth ly and examplary con d men be sober, gr ity, in patience : be in behavi

d things.

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Gordon Lester Ford
Presented by his Sons

Worthington Chauncey Fordh
Paul Leicester Ford


to the

New York Public Library.

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