The Works of Horace: Translated Into English Verse, with a Life and Notes, Tom 1W. Blackwoods, 1881 |
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ARCHYTAS Augustus bard BATTLE OF PHILIPPI beauty beneath blest Book brows Brundusium Brutus Cæsar Catullus charms Chimæra Cinara dear death deep delight divine dost doth dread earth Epistles Epode fair fame fate father Faunus fear feel fierce fire fray fresh Gelonian give gods grace Gyges hand happy hath heart honours Horace Horace's hour Jove land live lord Lydia lyre Mæcenas morals Muse ne'er never night noble nobler numbers o'er Octavius once Orcus passion Phidyle Phyllis plain poem poet poet's poetry poor praise Pyrrha rich Roman Rome round Sabine Satires says Scythian shalt shore sing sire slaves smile song soul spare spirit stars strain sure sweet Sybaris Tarentum taste Telephus Teucer thee thine thou thought Thracian Tibullus translation Tyndaris Venus Venusia verse Virgil wealth Whilst wild wind wine young youth