TO CORRESPONDENTS. Clericus Eboracensis is respectfully informed, that his letter would have received immediate attention had he paid the postage, and signed his real name and place of abode.-The favours of Ermas; a Kentish Curate; Juvenis; Suspicax; Kappa, and Clericus, will appear in our next Number. THE ORTHODOX CHURCHMAN'S MAGAZINE AND REVIEW, FOR FEBRUARY 1805. The Priest must be capable to instruct with advantage; and the people disposed to learn with readiness: he must lead, and they follow chearfully in the Paths of Righteousness. DR. BARROW. BIOGRAPHY. Biographical Sketch of the late most Rev. JOHN MOORE, D. D. Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, &c. HIS amiable prelate was the son of a grazier at ry de Crypt, he received his education, and from thence removed to Pembroke College, Oxford, where he took the degrees of B. A. and M. A. He was afterwards a member of Christ Church, in the same university; and while there became introduced by a fortunate and wholly unexpected accident to the late Duke of Marlborough, by whom he was appointed private tutor to one of his sons, we believe Lord Robert Spencer. During his residence in that noble family, he was obliged, through the pride of the Duchess of Marlborough, to dine constantly at the second table; yet when the duke died, the same haughty dame is confidently said to have offered her hand to the humble chaplain and tutor whom she had before kept at such an unbecoming distance. This honour, however, Mr. Moore had the good sense and prudence to decline; which forbearance of his made such an impression upon the minds of the family, particularly of the young duke, as ensured his advancement in the Church. A valuable living in the gift of the family was the first reward; which was succeeded by a prebendal stall in the cathedral of Durham, through their interest with the bishop, Vol, VIII. Churchm. Mag. Feb. 1805. M. and and a canonry of Christ Church, Oxford, from the king. In 1771, he was made Dean of Canterbury; and in 1773, advanced to the bishopric of Bangor, being consecrated at Lambeth on the same day with the present learned and venerable Bishop of Worcester, and the sermon on the occasion was preached by that acute theologian Dr. Thomas Balguy, who afterwards refused a bishopric. to On the death of Archbishop Cornwallis in 1783, the archiepiscopal dignity, is said to have been offered to those great prelates, bishops Lowth and Hurd, who declined accepting it, and both concurred in recommending Dr. Moore, who was accordingly elevated to that high and important station, which he filled twentytwo years with great honour to himself, and the satisfaction of the church and nation. Moderate in his politics, courteous in his manners, benevolent to the clergy, charitable to the poor, and liberal to all persuasions, he gained universal esteem. Numerous instances might be adduced of his unostentatious bounty. He was very pleasant and entertaining in company, and excelled in relating an anecdote, yet always kept strictly to truth and propriety. His grace only printed two sermons, one on the 30th January, 1777, and the other a Fast Sermon in 1781, both preached before the House of Lords His Grace enjoyed many years a vigorous constitution, strengthened by exercise and temperance; but at length his memory failed, and he sunk into a lethargic state. He died at his palace of Lambeth, January 18, 1805, in the 74th year of his age. His Grace married first Miss Wright, a beautiful lady with a genteel fortune, who died of a decline about 1765. He next married Miss Eden, a sister of Sir John Eden, and of the present Lord Auckland. His surviving children are the Rev. John Moore, Rector of Wrotham in Kent; Charles Moore, Esq. M. P. for leytesbury in Wiltshire; the Rev. Robert Moore, Rector of Latchingdon in Essex; and John Moore, Esq. who is at the university of Oxford. Two of his grace's daughters died of consumptions within the last seven years, On the 25th January, about twelve at noon, the Loyal Lambeth Volunteers, Lieut, Colonel. Slade, mustered in the Prince's gallery, Vauxhall Gardens, in compliment to Charles Moore, Esq. a son of the Archbishop, who is a captain in that corps, and marched from thence to Lambeth Church, to attend the funeral of his grace. At two the body was removed from the chamber in which it lay in the palace, through the long gallery, built by order of Cardinal Pole, down the stairs, and across the fore court into the body of the church. The funeral service was read by the Rev. Dr. Vyse, Rector of Lambeth. The pall bearers were Lord Henley, Sir Frederick Eden, Colonel Eden, the Hon. Col. Eden, Morton Eden, Esq. Capt. Eden, Lieut. Col. Bell, and John Eden, Esq. The chief mourners, the archbishop's four sons, Lord Auckland, and R. Richards, Esq. (his grace's executors) together with the Rev. Mr. Sandiford, and the Rev. Mr. Barton, chaplains to the noble prelate; Dr. Vaughan and Mr. Young (his physician and apothecary) and several other friends, besides the churchwardens, &c. of the parish; and a numerous train of domestics closed the procession. The body was deposited in a vault under the communion table. The outside coffin was richly ornamented, and a mitre highly gilt, was placed on the top of it, before it was lowered into the vault. A SACRED CRITICISM, No. XXII. REMARKS ON JUDICIAL INFATUATION. PART I. (Continued from page 17.) more rational and probable cause, I apprehend, may be assigned for Pharaoh's obstinacy, and more conformable to scripture. When he saw Aaron's rod transformed into a serpent before him and his servants, instead of acquiescing in the miracle, he seems rather to have doubted its reality, and to have suspected that it was a dececption or impos ture. And that this particular miracle, was more open to suspicion than any of the rest, is proved from its insufficiency alone, to persuade the Israelites of the divine mission of Moses; as God himself foretold, Exod. iv, 8. And it was not until after it had been confirmed by two other signs, namely, restoring the leprous hand, and turning water into blood, that, "the people believed," or gave full credence to Moses, Exod. iv. 30. Egypt, according to the received opinion of antiquity, " abound ed more in prodigies than any other country*;" and Pharaoh might naturally have suspected that Moses who received his education in Egypt, and was "learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians," Acts vii. 22, was nothing more than a skilful magician, or conjuror; and therefore might have sent for his wisemen and magicians, in order to learn from them, whether the sign given by Moses was truly supernatural, or only such as their art was able to accomplish: judging, that if they could imitate him, or do the same works, it would invalidate the argument which Moses drew from his miracles in support of the sole divinity of the God of the Hebrews, and of his own mission. In this very light the conduct of Pharaoh is represented by the great Jewish historians and commentators, Josephus and Philo. "But when the king mocked [at the message], Moses actually furnished him with a view of the miracles wrought at Mount Sinai. But he indignantly called him a wicked wretch; who, having formerly fled from slavery in Egypt, had now artfully contrived to return, and attempted to excite terror, by wonder-workings and magic arts (τερατεργαις και μαγείαις, καταπλήξειν) And when he said this, he ordered the priests to exhibit the same appearances to him; (the Egyptians being wise and skilled in these matters,) that he (Moses) might not alone appear to have power with God, and by ascribing the wonder to him, gain credit thereby with the uninformed." Josephus Antiq. II. xiii. 3. "When the surrounding spectators, fled at the spectacle [of Aaron's rod turned into a serpent] affrighted with wonder and astonishment; such of the wise men and magicians as happened to be present, said, why are ye affrighted? neither are we unacquainted with such things; but practise an art capable of publicly producing the like." (τι καταπλήτίεσθε ; εδε ημείς των τοιύτων αμελητως εχομεν, αλλα χρώμεθα In a ) Philo. De. Vita Mosis, Lib. I. p. τεχνη δημιούργω των ομοίων) 478. Edit. 16, 13. And according to the Talmud, when Moses began to work his miracles, the magicians mocked him, saying, Thou bringest straw to Affra; (or as we would express it, Thou bringest coals to Newcastle;) meaning that he had * Τέρατα τε πλεω σφι ευρηται η τοισι άλλοισι απασι ανθρώποισι This is the testimony of a respectable eye witness, Herodotus Euterpe. €. 82. judged |