as a party writer in as mercantile life, his uncle placed him first with a merchant in Cork, and afterwards in a banking house in London: but an attachment to the muses made him disgusted with the ledger, and in 1750 he entered as a student of Gray's Inu. Having a great inclination to the stage, he made one or two unsuccessful attempts as a performer, for which he was refused admission as a barrister, by the society of Gray's Inn: but he succeeded bet- p ter afterwards at Lincoln's Inn. His practice, however, never rose to any eminence, though he tra velled the Norfolk circuit, and w in habits of intimacy with Bing, Serjeant Davy, and the eminent lawyers of the day dramatic writer, he ob great and deserved repr is. Grecian daughter d his Way to Kee medy. He also wro after Marriage, ather lesser pie merit and pop terary under work, call nal, whic' tinued t sioner Johr くみど pe, rket vards mes's e had Rev. Jolm of Pattis ears curate of dlesex. He will ted for his excellent as well as by his valuable on of the Common Prayer, ls. 8vo, which it is to be lamented, he has not completed. The Rev. John Rice, rector of vi- Walden, Kent. TO CORRESPONDENTS. Essay on Providence: the Letter to a Methodistical and several other valuable favours will appear in our next friend M. A. may be assured, that we have never received Cmunications which he mentions. Had they come to our should certainly have paid due respect to them. Part of the "No Methodist," cannot with propriety be inserted; but rent ainder is not in the same predicament, we will, with the 's leave, give it a place in our next. ERRATA. Page 190, line 19, for "interposition," read "interpretation. 192, 193, ibid. 194, 212. 379, 7, dele" of his civil power." -26, for "this," read "The." 33, for "not," read "now." 34, foras," read " to those which." 24, for "arguuntar," read " arguuntur." sters of the stair-case, he unfortu- At Appleby, in the Isle of Wight, Aged 75, Rev. Joseph Wells, At Loddington, of an apoplectic car of St. Mary's, Reading, and Aged 77, the Rev. Joseph Sharpe, At Stisted, Essex, the Rev. Jolm TO CORRESPONDENTS. Mr. Ludlam's Essay on Providence: the Letter to a Methodistical Our good friend M. A. may be assured, that we have never received ERRATA. Page 190, line 19, for " interposition," read " interpretation. 192, 193, ibid. 194, 212,- 7, dele" of his civil power." -26, for "this," read "The." 34, for as," read "to those which." 24, for "arguuntar," read" arguuntur." 19, for "Common Meal," read Common Weal." 379,34, for " preserved," read" pursued." GENERAL INDEX TO THE EIGHTH VOLUME. A BSOLUTION, on the Advertisements, propoposal for 67, Calamy, Edmund, anecdote of PAGE. 321 360 439 Afflictions, benefit of 441 Ages of the World, on the dif- 441 Cambridge Almanack, on the 44 Andrews, bishop, life of 1 Charles I. anecdote of 11 338,359,424 Anecdotes dence of 33 Christian Observer, queries to 410 Church, Essay on the Atonement, the day of 96,253,435 Clarke, on the character of Dr. 196 132 Barwick Dr. anecdote of Beaumont, Dr. Joseph, account Benedicite paraphrased 424 Cockin, William, account of 238 Communion hymn, the 74 361 Confirmation, on the necessity of 205 221,311 Cunningham, William, account Bodleian library, improvements in the 381 357 12,83 239 PAGE. Good-morrow, by Gascoigne 115,179,297 H PAGE. 153 48 Devotions, occasional 211 Hall, bishop, select thoughts by 373, Drapier, Jonath. in reply to Mr. Evanson - count of the answer to his rejoinder 260 271 lic petition Duties of parents, &c. Duelling, on E Hutchins, Mr. enquiry concern- I 17 Ignatius, St. life of 60 Independent, definition of an 390 161 426 12,83 75,155, Infidelity, on 442 235,318,467 111 Ireland, on the state of 227 321 J 91, 170,377 214 442 96,253,435 Ecclesiastical Preferments Eclectic Review, on the English tongue, antiquity of the pier - on the letter of to E. P. 122 Jews, on the restoration of the 366 27 Jub ii. 9, explained 188 Joma, or the day of Atone- ment 256 Judicial infatuation, remarks on 12,83 K ter' Kneeling in public worship, on L 129 132,203 |