having any male issue, the title descends to his nephew, George Carpenter. The Rev. Coplestone Radcliffe, Rector of Stoke-Climsland in Cornwall, and Vicar of Tamerton-Folliot in Devonshire. In York-street, Portman-square, after a long illness, Mrs. Horsley, the second wife of the Right Reve-, rend the Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. The Rev. Thontas Clack, Prebendary of St. Peter, Exeter, Rcctor of Kenn and of Morton-Hampstead in Devonshire. Mr. Simkin, of the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the Strand. As he was coming down stairs in a hurry from the ball-room about half past eleven o'clock, his foot slipped, and losing his balance, he fell over the banisters and fractured his skull. Though every medical aid was called in, he died two hours after the fatal accident. He had been originally waiter at the Old London Tavern, and by in dustry and perseverance realized a fortune it is supposed of above 50,0001. At Cublington, near Aylesbury, aged 52, Thomas Hedges, Esq. one of the firm in the Vale of Aylesbury Bank. In him was the truest affectionate and tender husband and father, as well as sincere friend: he has left a wife and seven children with a numerous acquaintance, to lament his death. At Adderbury, in Oxfordshire, after a long illness, which she bores with exemplary cheerfulness and christian-like resignation, in the 24th year of her age, Susanna, the wife of Robert Wells, of Wormleighton, in the county of Warwick, Esq. and the younger daughter of John Barber, Esq. of Adderbury, Aged 67, the Rev. Edw. Clarke, vicar of Aberford and Thorner, curate of Saxton, and a prebendary of the cathedrals of York and of Rippon. TO CORRESPONDENTS. We shall be glad to be favoured with the remaining Letters of Bishop Wren. The Essays on the Natural History of the Bible will be resumed in our next. Anti-papista will see his observations anticipated in the present Number. On other occasions we shall be glad to hear from him. Calixtus on Justification, is inadmissible, because unintelligible. Several articles of Correspondence and of Review have been unavoidably postponed this Month, but will be duly attended to in the next Number. THE ORTHODOX CHURCHMAN'S MAGAZINE AND REVIEW, FOR MAY 1805. Return, we beseech thee, O GOD of Hosts, look down from Heaven, and behold, and visit this vine; and the vineyard which thy right hand hath planted, and the branch that thou madest strong for thyself. BIOGRAPHY. Psal. lxxx. 14, 15. THE LIFE OF GEORGE BROWNE, SOME TIME ARCHBISHOP OF DUBLIN; In which is given a particular Account of the Introduction of the REFORMATION into IRELAND. The following article we have thought would be acceptable to our readers, as being very curious in itself, and particularly interesting at the present crisis, when the Roman Catholics are not contented with merely a liberal Toleration, but claim, as a matter of right, to obtain a full participation of legislative authority. It is reprinted from an old and scarce tract, which the editors of the PHENIX incorporated into their. collection, in 1720. GEORGE BROWNE, by birth an Englishman, of the order of St. Augustin in London, and provincial of the friars of the same order in England, being a man of a meek and peaceable spirit, was preferred to the archiepiscopal see of Dublin by King Henry the Eighth, and consecrated before his arrival into Ireland, by Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury, two other bishops assisting him, viz. John then Bishop of Rochester, and Nicholas then Bishop of Salisbury, on the 19th of March, Anno 1535. The Reverend James Usher, late Primate of Armagh, amongst his memorials of Ireland, gives this holy father this description:-George Browne was a man of a cheerful countenance, in his acts and deeds plain down-right, to the poor merciful and compassionate, pitying the state and condition of the souls of the people, advising them, when he was provincial of the Augustin Order in England, to make their applications solely to Christ; which * Vol. VIII. Churchm. Mag. May 1805. Tt advice advice coming to the ears of Henry the Eighth, he became a favorite, and upon the decease of John Allen, late Archbishop of Dublin, became his successor. Within five years after that he had enjoyed that see, he (much about the time that King Henry the Eighth began to demolish the priories, abbeys, and monasteries, formerly built by the Romish clergy, within these his Majesties dominions of England and Ireland) caused all superstitious reliques and images to be removed out of the two cathedrals in Dublin, and out of the rest of the churches within his diocese; he caused the Ten Commandments, the Lord's Prayer, and the Creed, to be placed, being gilded and in frames, about the altar in the cathedral of Christ-Church in Dublin; he was the first that turned from the Romish religion of the clergy here in Ireland, to embrace the reformation of the Church of England; for which fact he was by Queen Mary laid aside, and his temporality taken from him, yet he patiently endured affliction for the truth to the end. Upon the reformation of King Henry the Eighth in England, and at his renouncing the papal power or supremacy of Rome, the Lord Thomas Cromwell, then Lord Privy Seal, wrote unto George Browne, then Archbishop of Dublin, signifying from his Highness (then terming the King by that title) that he was fallen absolutely from Rome in spiritual matters within his dominion of England, and how it was his Royal will and pleasure to have his subjects there in Ireland to obey his com, mands, as in England; nominating the said George Browne, Archbishop, one of his commissioners for the execution thereof, who, in a short space of time, wrote to the Lord Privy Seal, as follows: My most honoured Lord, YOUR humble servant receiving your mandate, as one of his Highness's commissioners, hath endeavoured, almost to the danger and hazard of this temporal life, to procure the nobility and gentry of this nation to due obedience, in owning of his Highness their supream head, as well spiritual as temporal; and do find much oppugning therein, especially by my brother* Armagh, who hath been the main oppugner, and so hath withdrawn most of his suffragans and clergy within his see and jurisdiction; he made a speech to them, laying a curse on the people whosoever should own his Highness supremacy; saying, that isle, as it is in * George Cromer, then Archbishop of Armagh, their Irish chronicles, insula sacra, belongs to none but to the Bishop of Rome, and that it was the Bishop of Rome's predecessors gave it to the King's ancestors. There be two messengers by the priests of Armagh, and by that Archbishop, now lately sent to the Bishop of Rome. Your Lordship may inform his Highness that it is convenient to call a parliament in this nation, to pass a supremacy by act; for they do not much matter his Highness's commission which your Lordship sent us over. This island hath been for a long time held in ignorance by the Romish orders; and as for their secular orders, they be in a manner as ignorant as the people, being not able to say mass, or pronounce the words, they not knowing what they themselves say in the Roman tongue. The common people of this isle are more zealous in their blindness, than the saints and martyrs were in truth at the beginning of the gospel. I send to you, my very good Lord, these things, that your Lordship and his Highness may con sult what is to be done. It is feared O'Neal will be ordered by the Bishop of Rome to oppose your Lordship's order from the King's highness; for the natives are much in numbers within his powers. I do pray the Lord Christ to defend your Lordship from your enemies. Dublin 4, Kalend. Decemb. 1535. The year following a parliament was called in Ireland, the Lord Leonard Grey being then King Henry's viceroy of the nation, in which George Browne, then being not many months above a year in his archiepiscopal chair in Dublin, stood up and made this short speech following: My Lord's and Gentry of this his Majesty's realm of Ireland. BEHOLD, your obedience to your King, is the observing of your God and Saviour Christ; for He, that high priest of our souls, paid tribute to Cæsar (though no Christian) greater honour then surely is due to your prince his Highness the King, and christian one. Rome and her bishops, in the father's days, acknowledged emperors, kings, and princes, to be supreme over their dominions, nay, Christ's own vicars; and it is as much to the Bishop of Rome's shame, to deny what their precedent Bishops owned; therefore his Highness claims but what he can justify the Bishop Elutherius gave to St. Lucius, the first Christian King of the Britains: so that I shall without scruple vote his Highness King Henry my supreme over ecclesiastick matters as well as, temporal, and head thereof, even of both isles, England and Ireland, and that without guilt of conscience, or sin to God; and he who will not pass this act, as I do, is no true subject to his Highness. This speech of George Browne startled the other bishops and lords so, that at last, through great diffi culty, it passed; upon which speech Justice Brabazon seconded him, as appears by his letter to the Lord Thomas Cromwell, then lord privy seal of England; which original is in that famous library of Sir Robert Cotton, out of which Sir James Ware, that learned antiquary, transcribed the same. Within few years after that the act of supremacy had passed in Ireland, we do find a letter written by George Browne to the Lord Cromwell, complaining of the clergy how they fell off from what had passed, and how the Bishop of Rome had contrived matters against the then reformation; collected by Sir James Ware, out of an old registry, some time in the custody of Adam Loftus, Hugh Corwin's successor, and also Archbishop of Dublin. Right Honorable and my singular good Lord, I ACKNOWLEDG my bounden duty to your Lordship's good will to me, next to my Saviour Christ's, for the place I now possess; I pray God give me his grace to execute the same to his glory and his Highness's honour, with your Lordship's instructions. The people of this nation be zealous, yet blind and unknowing; most of the clergy, as your Lordship hath had from me before, being ignorant, and not able to speak right words in the mass or liturgy, as being not skilled in the Latin grammar; so that a bird may be taught to speak with as much sense as several of them do in this country. These sorts, though not scholars, yet are crafty to cozen the poor common people, and to dissuade them from following his Highness's orders: George, my brother of Armagh, doth underhand occasion quarrels, and is not active to execute his Highness's orders in his diocess. I have observed your Lordship's letter of commission, and do find several of my pupils leave me for so doing. I will not put others in their livings till I do know your Lordship's pleasure; for it is meet I acquaint you first, the Romish reliques and images of both my cathedrals in Dublin, of the Holy Trinity and of St. Patrick's, took off the common people from the true Worship; but the Prior and the Dean find them so sweet for their gain, that they heed not my words. Therefore send in your Lordship's, next to me, an order more full, and a chide to them and their canons, that they might be removed. Let the order be, that the chief governors may assist me in it. The Prior and Dean have written to Rome, to be encouraged; and if it be not hindred before they have a mandate from the Bishop of Rome, the people will be bold, and then tug long before his Highness can submit them to his Grace's orders. The country folk here much hate your |