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QUOTATION WANTED: ST. CHRYSOSTOM (3га Ѕ. iii. 249.) -The passage seems to be a favourite with church builders. It occurs in

"A Discourse of St. Chrysostom, Greek and English, with a Sermon on Behalf of the Church-building Society; preached in Harrow School Chapel by Christopher Wordsworth, D.D. London, 1843.

Ἡλίκον γάρ ἐστιν ἰδεῖν πρεσβύτερον εἰς εἰκόνα βαδίζοντα τοῦ ̓Αβραάμ πολιὸν, ἀνεζωσμένον, καὶ σκάπτοντα, καὶ αὐτουργοῦντα; τί τοῦ ἀγροῦ ποθεινότερον ἐκείνου; ἐνταῦθα μείζων ἡ ἀρετή, κ. τ. λ. (Ρ. 18.) Ε. Ν. Η.

EELS (3rd S. iv. 305.) - Your correspondent, W. H., seeks chapter and verse for Τῷ θρίῳ τὴν ἔγχελυν. I am afraid it is no great help that I can give; yet it may be worth while to refer him to Leutch's Paræmiographi Græci, vol. i. p. 316, Diog. Cent. viii. 55, where the phrase is quoted, with the explanation, τῷ θρίῳ τὴν ἔγχελυν : θρίον, τὸ φύλλον τῆς σύκης· τραχὺ γὰρ ἔστιν, αἱ δὲ ἐγχέλεις ὀλι σθηραί· πρὸς τὸ λαμβάνειν οὖν αὐτὰς κατάλληλον δοκεῖ. The same proverb and explanation occurs, totidem verbis, in vol. ii. of the same collection. (Apot. xix. 76.) But on neither do I find any note or comment, so that I conclude the editors could not trace the quotation. Referring to Erasmi Adagia, I find the proverb "Anguillam captare," and the reference to the Equites for ἐγχέλεις θηρᾶσθαι, but that is another matter entirely. I have looked at Pareus, Lambinus, Weiss, Gronovius, Bothe, Ritschel, and at Thornton's translation, for any note on "Anguilla 'st: elabitur" (Pseudolus, ii. iv. 57) which might throw light on the proverb in question, but in vain. In Gesner's Thesaurus, 1. c. there is this • remark on the passage of Plautus, -" Dictum per metaphoram. Quâ figurâ etiam dicunt 'Anguillam caudâ tenere' de iis qui sunt lubricâ fide."

J. D.

Notwithstanding appearances to the contrary, I am disposed to think your correspondent will find very few local names derived from "eels." Aalborg may be an exception. The vocables al, el, ell, hol, hul, ill, ol, ul, found in British local names, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, denote that they are or were originally situated near

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"Jamdudum quocunque fugis te persequor, at nunc
Cassibus in nostris denique captus ades.
Amplius haud poteris vires eludere nostras,
Ficulno anguillam strinximus in folio."

And. Alciati Emblem. From ed. of 1540.-
J. S. C.

LORD KIRKCUDBRIGHT (3rd S. iv. 229, 312.)Sir Bernard Burke in his Family Romance, thus mentions Lord Kirkcudbright:

"William M'Clellan, Lord Kirkcudbright, father of John, seventh Lord, whose right was confirmed by a decision of the House of Lords in 1773, followed the occupation of a glover in Edinburgh, and for many years used to stand in the lobby of the Assembly Rooms in the Old Town, selling gloves to gentlemen frequenting that place of amusement, who, according to the fashionable etiquette of that period, required a new pair of gloves at every new dance. His lordship never absented himself from his post on any occasion, except at the ball which followed the election of a representative peer, and then only did he assume the garb of a gentleman, and, doffing his apron, became one of a company, the most of whom he usually served with his merchandise the rest of the year." P. O.

COWTHORPE OAK (3rd S. iv. 69, 238.) - Your correspondent's query as to the present state of the Cowthorpe Oak not having been fully answered, I beg to say that the "king of oaks," although quite hollow in the trunk, still covers a large space of ground with its branches, and bears a good quantity of foliage: standing in a croft or small field adjoining a farm house, and near the church of Cowthorpe, are in favour of its protection. The leading branch fell by a storm in the year 1718, which being measured with accuracy, was found to contain five tons and two feet of

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"Après que le célébrant a versé dans l'eau, en forme de croix, le sel, symbole de la sagesse chrétienne, et l'huile sainte des catéchumènes, emblême de la douceur des vertus évangeliques, les assistants chantent les pseaumes 148 et 150."

"Maintenant que la cloche est ointe et bénite, elle peut recevoir les honneurs de l'incens, dont la vapeur parfumée est l'emblême des hommages qu'un cœur brulant de charité doit faire monter vers le ciel."

"On donne ordinairement le nom de baptême à la bénédiction des cloches. Ce mot est parfaitement juste, sous le rapport étymologique, mais il est tout à fait impropre dans le sens théologique. Aussi l'église ne l'a jamais employé."

I wish to add a query. M. Corblet says that the most ancient bell in England is probably one which has recently come down from the belfry of a church in Cornwall. It bore the inscription, "Alfredus Rex." It is supposed that it was given to that church by Alfred the Great (871-900.) What is the bell to which the abbé refers?

While on the subject of bells, I may subjoin a cutting from the Daily News of this day (October 12th) with a query as to its truth:

"An interesting archæological discovery has just been made at Ornolac, near Ussat-les-Bains (Ariège), France. On taking down a bell to make certain repairs in the steeple of the church, it was found to bear the date of 1079, and must consequently be one of the oldest bells in Christendom. It is the only one left of three which the church possessed before the first revolution, when the other two were destroyed."


RING POSIES (3rd S. iv. 243.) —
'Tis in your will to save or kill.
If you but consent, you shall not repent.
Knit in one by Xt alone.

If love I finde I will bee kinde.
In thee my choyse how I reioyce.
As God decreed, so wee agreed.
God aboue encrease or love.

As God appoynted I am cötented.
Take hand and heart, ile nere depart.
Live and dye in constancy.
A vertuous wife yt serveth life.
As long as life your loving wife.
I will be yours while breath indures.
Love is sure where faith is pure.
A vertuous wife doth banish strife.
Double Posies.

As God hath knit our hearts in one,
Let nothing part but death alone.
As God hath made my choyse in thee,
So move thy heart to comfort mee.
God yt hath kept thy heart for mee
Grant that our love may faithfull bee.
God our love continue ever
That we in heaven may live together.
The eye did find, y heart did chuse,
The hand doth bind, till death doth loose.

First feare ye Lord, then rest content,
So shall wee live and not repent.
Divinely knit by grace are wee,
Late two, now one, ye pledge here see
Breake not thy vow to please the eye,
But keepe thy love so live and dye.


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PHRASES: GHOST STORY (3rd S. iii. 70.)

"He saw that the boots were empty,
And knew that the wearer was dead."


hatte einen Freier, und der Freier starb. Nachdem das Mädchen ihn einige Wochen betrauert hatte, ging sie zum Tanze mit einer ihrer Kameradinnen, der auch der Brautigam gestorben war. Ihr Weg führte sie an dem Begräbnisplatze vorbei; und als sie vor dem Begräbnisplatze standen, sagten sie Steht auf, ihr Brüder! wer wird uns sonst zum Tanze führen?' Als sie am Ende Weges gegangen waren, da standen die beiden Todten auf und verfolgten sie. Kaum waren sie in die Stube, wo getanzt ward, eingetreten, da kamen auch jene beiden herein und führten sie zum Tanze. Beim Tanzen traten die Mädchen jenen Männern auf die Füsse, und da merkten sie, dass die Stiefel leer seien, und so wussten sie dass sie mit verstorbenen tanzten. Die Todten aber schwenkten die Mädchen so, dass sie fast zu Tode tanzten." - Litauische Märchen, Sprichworte, Rätsel, und Lieder, von August Schleicher, p. 34, Weimar, 1857, 8vo, pp. 244.

The maidens were at much trouble in getting free from their dead lovers, and hid themselves behind the stove of an old woman, who was sitting up to spin flax. The dead men came to the door, and asked for the two young women whom they had tracked. The old woman persuaded them to sit down, and listen to a history of flax from its being sown to its conversion into paper. Before she had done, the cock crew, and the dead men departed. FITZHOPKINS.


HEATH BEER (3rd S. iv. 229, 310.) -If the whole heath must be explored, we cannot forget Crofton Croker's Fairy Legends (2nd ed. 180), in which Tom Fitzpatrick and the Cluricaune discourse as follows:

""Beer!' said Tom: 'Thunder and fire, where did you get it? Where did I get it, is it? Why I made it. And what do you think I made it of? '-' Devil a one of me knows, but of malt, I suppose; what else? '-' 'Tis there you're out. I made it of heath.'-' Of heath! Now, you don't think me to be such a fool as to believe that?' 'Do as you please, but what I tell you is the truth. Did you never hear tell of the Danes? '-' And that I did; weren't them the fellows we gave such a licking when they thought to take Limerick from us? '-'Hem!' said the little man drily, 'is that all you know about the matter.'-'But what about them Danes?'-'Why all the about them there is, is that when they were here they taught us how to make beer out of the heath, and the secret's in my family ever since."

Mr. Croker says, in a note, that it is a generally

received tradition in the south of Ireland that the Danes manufactured a kind of intoxicating beer from the heath. A. DE MORGAN.

The Irish legend is similar to the Pictish and other traditions mentioned by your learned correspondents. The secret of the manufacture, after the expulsion of the Danes consequent upon the decisive battle of Clontarf, remained with three survivors, a father and two sons. The father, being threatened with torture to compel him to divulge, replied that his sons would kill him if he did so. That obstacle was effectually removed by the execution of the sons; and then the father exclaimed, "Now my purpose is accomplished! Youth might have quailed before the fear of death, and played the traitor; but age has no such terror," and so heroically submitted to execution, the secret perishing with him.

Shallow receptacles of broken stone, partially calcined, are occasionally found in secluded mountain districts; and these are believed to be the ancient brewing vats, Hibernice, Fualacta na Feinne; i. e. the cooking hearths of the Fenians. The bitter herb mixed with the wort, as pointed out to me by the Irish peasantry some twenty years ago, was the bennet (Geum urbanum), termed Minarta - a word which I have failed to trace in any of the Celtic glossaries. In Denmark the myrica (Pors) was rather used for the purpose of giving the liquor an aromatic flavour; so that the "potus cerealis, vulgo biera, Latine cerevisia," alluded to by Ion Isaac Pontanus in his Daniæ Descriptio, was commonly termed Pors-öl.


J. L.

Although your seven other correspondents on this subject speak of heath-beer as "a fabled tradition," yet an eighth correspondent says that he has "drunk it within these last four years in the Lammermoors." Pennant in his Voyage to the Hebrides, p. 229, mentions heather-ale, and says that the proportions were two-thirds of the plant

to one of hops, hops being sometimes added. Mr. Weld, in his Two Months in the Highlands, p. 83, says, "although the art of brewing the Pictish heather-ale is lost, old grouse-shooters have tasted a beverage prepared by shepherds on the moors, principally from heather-flowers, though honey or sugar, to produce fermentation, was added." Масculloch, in his Highlands and Western Isles (iii. p. 333), denies that there was ever such a beverage as heather-ale; though he says that the heath flowers may have been added to the malt for the purpose of giving it flavour. Boece's Pictish legend is therefore assumed to be a mythic narrative; and we are not to believe that

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An officer of this name became Colonel of the present Thirty-ninth Regiment in March 1752, with which he embarked for India. In 1756, when a portion of his corps was ordered to proceed from Madras to reinforce the celebrated

Lt.-Colonel Clive, he claimed the command, but

it was ruled that he should remain at Madras.

Colonel John Adlercron commanded the force sent in May, 1757, to relieve Trichinopoly, and was actively engaged against Wandewash. In the following year he was promoted Major-General, and in December, 1760, was advanced to the rank of Lt.-General. He died in July, 1766. I have not been able to obtain information about his THOMAS CARTER.


Horse Guards.

CRYPT AT ST. PETER'S IN THE EAST, OXFORD (3rd S. iv. 307.) - A correspondent signing himself X. X. asks about the crypt in St. Peter's in the East, Oxford. Within the last year it has been explored by the Oxford Architectural Society, who came to the conclusion that there were two side passages leading from the crypt to the west, and the staircases were found leading up into the two aisles. As regards the deep recess walled up at the end, they found upon breaking through the wall, that the side walls and end wall were of the same date, the stones of one forming part of the other, and the side walls extending no further. There were present, however, several old inhabitants of the parish, who said that they could remember when there was no end wall, but a door been some considerable distance along the passage. with a passage beyond, and they had themselves At present the space beyond the wall which was broken through is filled with earth. Merton College.

THRAVES (3rd S. iv. 290.)

"A daimen icker in a thrave,
'S a sma' request," &c.

A. D. T.

(See Burns's Lines to a Mouse.) Dr. Jamieson, in his Scottish Dictionary, explains the primary meaning of thrave, or thraif, to be twenty-four sheaves of corn, including two stooks or shocks. A secondary meaning is a multitude, a considerable number. Dr. Jamieson gives further illustrations of the meaning from the northern languages. J. MACRAY.



A Chronicle of England, B.C. 55, A.D. 1485. Written and illustrated by James E. Doyle. The Designs engraved and printed in Colours by Edmund Evans. (Longman.)

To discover a novelty for a Christmas Book is no easy matter-yet this is what Messrs. Longman have contrived to hit upon, in the very handsome volume now before us, which is clearly intended to answer that purpose, though of higher literary value than such books can frequently boast. The composition of this Chronicle as Mr. Doyle with great modesty and propriety calls the present Narrative of English History from the Roman Invasion to the Death of Richard the Third-was originally a labour of love: "undertaken partly as a historic exercise, and partly as a simple and continuous narrative of the principal events of English history, with a view to pictorial illustration." The study bestowed upon these illustrations, and the pains taken to give truthfulness to them-by strict attention to costume, architecture, local scenery, and other accessories, even personal portraiture, as far as authorities existed-soon made Mr. Doyle's Chronicle known far beyond his own private circle; and it was seen and commended by no less judicious and intelligent a lover of Art than the late Prince Consort. A suggestion made for its publication, some time since, was not acted upon, on account of the difficulties and expenses which would then have attended the reproduction in colours of Mr. Doyle's drawings. Recent improvements in colour-printing have removed those impediments, and the public may now possess themselves of a volume certainly unique in its kind. The drawings have almost the interest of contemporary illuminations, which they somewhat resemble; but with the advantage of better drawing, and greater truthfulness. Too much praise cannot be bestowed upon Mr. Evans, for the success with which he has reproduced them in all their variety and brilliancy. They are some eighty in number, and we know of no illustrations of English historical subjects which convey so strong an impression of the spirit of the times which they represent. The narrative, which has been entirely re-written by Mr. Doyle, seems to have been as carefully studied and compiled as it is simply and gracefully related. That the book will be distributed largely as a Gift Book, for which it is peculiarly suited, there can be little doubt. And we think we may venture to prophesy, that Doyle's Chronicle of England will be a favourite book for the same purpose for many a Christmas yet to come.

The Autograph Souvenir: a Collection of Autograph Letters, Interesting Documents, &c., executed in Fac-simile, by Frederick George Netherclift. With Letter-press Transcriptions and occasional Translations, &c., by Richard Sims. (Netherclift.)

This a new monthly serial, dedicated to the reproduction of interesting autographs and other documents. The first number is varied and interesting; as our readers will admit when they hear that it contains two letters of Queen Elizabeth, and others by Gustavus Vasa, Oliver Cromwell, Burns, and Mozart.

Queen Dagmar's Cross. Fac-simile in Gold and Colours of the Enamelled Jewel in the Old Northern Museum, Cheapinghaven, Denmark. With Introductory Remarks. By George Stephens, F.S.A. (J. Russell Smith.)

Those of our readers who remember the interest excited by the fac-simile of Queen Dagmar's Cross, which

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MOZART IN LONDON, by Mr. Husk, and other Papers of interest, in our


WEDDING SERMONS. We have forwarded to Juxta Turrim the lists kindly furnished by Abhba and Mr. Kempt.

THE DEVIL. The pamphiet and a private communication intended for I have been forwarded to that correspondent.

EAST WOODHAY BELLS. We have a letter for N. H. R., whose article on this subject appeared in last week's" N. & Q." Where shall we for ward it?

R. has our best thanks. We had, however, anticipated his sugges


T. B. (Dunblane) The books, of which'our correspondent encloses a list, are neither rare nor curious. There is not one of them which might not be purchased for half a sovereign from any respectable dealer in second-hand books.

DAVID GAM. The Bishop whose ordination was questioned by Abp. Whately was Dr. Joseph Butler of Durham, This doubt has been since set at rest by the discovery of the record of his ordination. See" N. & Q." 1st S. x, 393.

J. L. P. The singular Funeral Sermon by Hugh More on the death of Mr. Proctor has been discussed in our 2nd S. i. 353, 422, 461. It has all the appearance of a satirical production.

H. S. There were two prelates of the name of Barlow. Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln, and William, successively Bishop of St. David's, Bath and Chichester. Some particulars of the consecration of the latter w be found in our 2nd S. vi. 526; vii. 48, 91, 133, 201.

Авива. Mallet's Report on the Dodder Reservoirs is reprinted in Weale's Quarterly Papers on Engineering, part 11 or vol. vi. part 1.

A. F. C. R. (Bristol.) The postage stamp is that of Sydney. It is an imitation of the great seal of the colony, with its motto, Sic fortis Etruria crevit.

L. A. M. Some notices of the Gunston family at Stoke Newington were given in our 2nd S. i. 436.

H. T. ELLACOMBE, М.А. An account of Adrian (not Ambrose) Stokes, the husband of Frances, Duchess of Suffolk, appeared in our 1st 8. vi. 128, 225; xii. 451.

"NOTES AND QUERIES" is published at noon on Friday, and is also issued in MONTHLY PARTS. The Subscription for STAMPED COPIES for yearly INDEX) is 118. 4d., which may be paid by Post Office Order in Six Months forwarded direct from the Publishers (including the Halffavour of MESSRS. BELL AND DALDY, 186, FLEET STREET, E.C., to whom all COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE EDITOR should be addressed.

Full benefit of reduced duty obtained by purchasing Horniman's Pure Tea; very choice at 38. 4d. and 48. "High Standard" at 4s. 4d. For merly 48. 8d.), is the strongest and most delicious imported. Agents in every town supply it in Packets.


CONTENTS. -No. 98.

NOTES:-Mozart in London, 385 - Indulgences Printed by William Caxton, 387 - Cornelius Agrippa on the Morals of the Clergy, 16. - Michael Johnson of Lichfield, &c., 388Vixen, 389-Jeremy Collier on the Stage, 390.

MINOR NOTES: - "Shades," a Public-house Bar: Origin of the Word-The River Thames described by Sir Walter Scott - The Names Arthur and Guinevere-Great Guns - Westall's Woodman - Blair's "Grave" - Who Write our Negro Songs?- The '45 - A Furness Distich, 391.

QUERIES: - Allegorical Painting - Bealby Family Joseph Booth's Polygraphic Exhibition - Congreve of Congreve - De Quincey's Works - Dienlacres, Staffordshire-Gunpowder in the Reign of Richard II. - Heraldic Query: Elkanah Settle-Sir Thomas Jones, Knt. -Oratorios-Oriental Queries - Paganism in France-Peat Bogs The Rev. Frederick Sherlock Pope-Portraits of Notorious Ladies of the Reign of George IV. - Prognostications - Lady Reres - Hugh Rose. Botanist - Singapore - Tenures of Land in Ireland, &c., 393.

QUERIES WITH ANSWERS: -John Davy - Ring said to be of Mary, Queen of Scots - Bermuda - Newspapers - John Canne - Merkyate Cell-H Henry Howard -" -"Carfindo". Mustache, 396.

REPLIES:- Swing, 398-Potheen, 399-The Devil, Ib. Laurence Sterne - Binding a Stone in a Sling - A Goose Tenure - Expedition to Carthagena - Landseer's "Fable of the Monkey" - Sedechias - Ranulph de Meschines John Freer-"Dublin University Review" - Fictitious Appellations-Wand of the Grand Masters of the Templars-Explanation of Words - Families of Trepsack and Forster - Portraits of Johnson - Commoners using Supporters - Berry or Bury, &c., 400.

Notes on Books, &c.



When a few short months shall have passed away, a century will have elapsed since a little boy, seven years of age - already celebrated throughout a great part of Europe for the precocity of his genius, and destined thereafter to achieve a fame which will endure as long as the art which he practised shall exist-first placed his foot upon the soil of England. The boy was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Little Mozart, as is well known, was, together with his sister, carried about to the principal cities in Europe by his father, Leopold Mozart, to exhibit his marvellous abilities. The family arrived in England on April 10, 1764, and remained here about fifteen months. Of Mozart's performances during his stay in London, but little is recorded by his biographers: even Mr. Edward Holmes (whose Life of Mozart is by far the best that has yet appeared) having contented himself with the mention of the two performances in June, 1764. In the belief that fuller details will be acceptable to many, I have transcribed from The Public Advertiser all the different announcements relative to Mozart's public appearances in London, which I subjoin. They furnish many interesting particulars, and for the most part need little commentary.

"At the Great Room in Spring-Garden, near St. James's Park, Tuesday, June 5, will be performed a grand Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, For the benefit of Miss Mozart of Eleven, and Master Mozart of Seven, Years of Age, Prodigies of Nature; taking the Opportunity of representing to the Public the greatest Prodigy that Europe or that Human Nature has to boast of. Every Body will be astonished to hear a Child of such a tender Age playing the Harpsichord in such a Perfection. It surmounts all Fantastic and Imagination, and it is hard to express which is more astonishing, his Execution upon the Harpsichord, playing at Sight, or his own Composition. His Father brought him to England, not doubting but that he will meet with success in a Kingdom where his Countryman, the late famous Vertuoso, Handel, received during his Life-time such particular Protection. Tickets at Half-a-Guinea each; to be had of Mr. Mozart, at Mr. Couzin's, Hair Cutter, in Cecil Court, St. Martin's Lane." (31st May, 1764.)

"By Permission of the Lord Chamberlain. At the Great Room in Spring Garden, near St. James's Park, This Day, June 5, at Twelve o'Clock, will be performed a Grand Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, For the Benefit of Miss Mozart of Eleven, and Master Mozart of Seven Years of Age, Prodigies of Nature. The Vocal Parts by Signora Cremonini and Sig. Quilici. The First Violin with a Solo by Sig. Barthelemon, Violoncello with a Concerto by Sig. Cyri. Harpsichord and Organ by Miss Mozart and Master Mozart. Tickets at Half-aGuinea each, to be had of Mr. Mozart, at Mr. Couzin's, Hair Cutter, in Cecil Court, St. Martin's Lane." (5th June, 1764.)

Leopold Mozart had misgivings as to the pecuniary results of this concert by reason of the cost of the band; but they were removed by the liberality of the professors engaged, many of whom declined receiving any remuneration for their services. The boy's next public appearance was at Ranelagh, on June 29, where he performed gratuitously for the benefit of a charity. His father, in a letter to a friend on the Continent, quoted by Mr. Holmes, speaks of this as a politic proceeding, and comments on the prospective advantages likely to ensue from his allowing the child thus to "play the British patriot." The announcement of the entertainment being very long, I give only that part relating to Mozart:

"For the Benefit of a Public Useful Charity. At Ranelagh House on Friday next... In the course of the Evening's Entertainments the celebrated and astonishing Master Mozart, lately arrived, a Child of 7 Years of Age, will perform several fine select Pieces of his own Composition on the Harpsichord and on the Organ, which has already given the highest Pleasure, Delight, and Surprize to the greatest Judges of Music in England or Italy, and is justly esteemed the most extraordinary Prodigy, and most amazing Genius that has appeared in any Age." (26th June, 1764.)

It would seem that the children did not again perform in public until the following February:

"For the benefit of Miss Mozart of Twelve, and Master Mozart of Eight Years of Age, Prodigies of Nature. Little Theatre in the Haymarket, Friday, Feb. 15, will be a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music. Tickets at Half-a-Guinea each, to be had of Mr. Mozart at Mr.

Williamson's in Thrift-street, Soho." (6th February, 1765.)

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