Obrazy na stronie

altered more than once within the years named, 1839 to 1862; but in the one now before me for 1861, the particulars of the fifteen cases in that year, where executions followed the capital convictions, are given, viz. the county, the name and age of the condemned, and particulars of the murder. I have not access at this moment to the returns for the previous years; but J. P. D. will find the two murders of police constables he names as occurring in East Suffolk, quite exceptional cases. In 1861, there was no capital conviction, I believe, for the murder of a police officer: certainly no execution for such offence. The papers may be consulted at the British Museum; or purchased for a small sum at the office for the sale of Parliamentary papers, West


There were fifteen executions in 1861: fourteen for murder, and one for an attempt to murder. This latter is the only case in which the extreme penalty has been inflicted for twenty

one years, where the murder has not been actually accomplished; and is the last that can take place for less than murder, as the alteration of

the law which came into operation on the 1st of November, 1861, virtually abolishes the punish

ment death for all offences but treason and

murder. The one case referred to was for a very brutal attempt to murder; that of Martin Doyle, aged twenty-six. He attempted to murder a woman with whom he cohabited; but she survived, and was the means of convicting her assailant.

The returns of commitments and convictions, &c., were known at one time as Redgrave's Tables; and this will be sufficient to indicate the sources from which J. P. D. may gather the information he seeks.

Т. В.

Your correspondent will have some difficulty in obtaining all the information he desires, but as far as his queries relate to the general subject of

convictions and executions in Great Britain and

Ireland, he will find full statistics, from 1828 to the present time, in the Companion to the British Almanac, 1828 to 1863. D. M. STEVENS.

BERNARD GATES, TUNER OF THE REGALS (3rd S. iv. 204.) - The regals was a small portable organ much used during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The instrument belonging to the royal chapel, being carried with the other chapel furniture from place to place on every removal of the sovereign, was no doubt in frequent need of tuning, and hence the appointment of a "Tuner of the Regals." The office of tuner was continued long after the instrument was disused, but was abolished, I believe, about seventy or eighty years since. It is probable that after the office became a sinecure the appointment was given to some other officer of the chapel as a

means of increasing his salary; like as the office of Lutenist was for a long series of years after the duties ceased held by the Master of the Children.

Will MR. WING kindly oblige me with a copy of the inscription on the tablet in North Aston church "to the memory of Bernard Gates, the musical composer"? I am desirous of knowing what relationship existed between him and Bernard Gates, Gentleman, and Master of the Children of the Chapel-royal, who died November 15, 1773, aged 88, and was buried in the cloisters of Westminster Abbey. W. H. HUSK.


188, 234, 274; iv. 220.) - It is stated in Loretto and Nazareth, two Lectures by William Anthony Hutchinson, Priest of the Order, 1863, that the blessed Virgin Mary once appeared to a certain Alexander de Georgio, the Curate of the Parochial Church of St. George at Tersatto, and told

him, among other things relating to the holy house

at Loretto, that the cedar statue preserved therein was an image of herself, made by St. Luke the

Evangelist. In Feb. 1797 the Commissaries of French Directory seized upon this relic and removed it to Paris. In the French Catalogue it

and as belonging to the Egyptian-Jewish school." was described " as a statue of some eastern wood,

This image was restored to the Church of Loretto in 1802, and is now an object of much superstitious reverence. See pp. 7, 43.

Bottesford Manor.


ARMS OF MILAN (3rd S. iv. 210.) - The arms of the Duchy of Milan are, Argent, a thrice bent serpent azure, crowned, with a child gules in its jaws. This is from the description of a coin of Maria Theresa (1778) in Dr. L. Fliessbach's Müntzsammlung seit dem Westphälischen Frieden of Milan, for I remember seeing them painted in bis zum 1800, &c. These are the present arms the Exhibition. I suppose the ancient arms were the same, although curiously enough, my Nürnberg Wappenbuch (1605) does not give them, perhaps because it did not consider Milan German, then being under Spanish rule.


UM-ELIA: AMELIA (3rd S. iv. 270.) -The statement that the mother always takes, in the East, the name of her first-born with the prefix um, mother, is evidently a mistake. It is not taking a new proper name, but only a new character, that of a mother; as we speak of the mother of Wellington, Buonaparte, Newton, &c. The statement, however, if not generally true, is so in particular instances where the distinction of the son may give a new name to the mother - as Saba was named Um-khalid. (Stanley's Sinai, 271.) It is certainly so as respects the father, who is sometimes best or only known by his son's name, with the prefix aboo, father. Thus we have, Aboo-taleb, Aboo'l-feda, Aboo-beker, Aboo'lkasem, Aboo-omrabbin, Aboo-omar, &c. Like instances occur in Hebrew names. See a judicious article, "Name," by Ewald, in Kitto's Biblical Cyclopædia. The Arabs give to their boys usually the names of Mahomet, or some of his family or companions; of some of the early patriarchs triarchs and prophets (Abraham, Isaac, David, Solomon, &c.); and lastly, names formed from the attributes of God. Girls are mostly named after the wives of Mahomet, and others of his family; and are sometimes distinguished as "beloved," "blessed," "precious," &c., and sometimes by the name of a flower, or other pleasing object (Lane's Mod. Egypt, i. 78). Emma, Emily, and Amelia, belong not to the Shemitic, but to the Indo-European family of languages.


However possible your correspondent's theory may be regarding some of our English names, yet respecting the one in question it is powerless: for Amelia is, without doubt, the feminine of Æmilius; which, so thoroughly Roman, can, I think, never have been derived from the Saracens. JEAN Y

ROBERT DAVENPORT (3rd S. iv. 291.) - As D. DALE asked where? it may be as well to add to the interesting information contained in the subjoined reply, that in Dodsley's Old Plays, vol. xi. p. 263, several particulars in text and notes are gleaned, regarding which references are given. Some statements are there made, too, which are not included in the reply; e. g. his being licensed for The Histoire of Henrie the First, April 10th, 1624; that along with Thomas Drue he wrote The Woman's Mistaken. A New Tricke to cheat the Devil and four other plays are therein also attributed to him.


A review of this writer's tragedy King John and Matilda, will be found in the Retrospective Review, 1st S. vol. iv. p. 87. Davenport is likewise the author of a "very agreeable facetious comedy," entitled A new Trick to cheat the Devil, 4to, 1639; besides several plays which have never been printed. In Heber's Catalogue, pt. iv. p. 245, we also read, "The Bloodie Banquet, by T. D., probably R. Davenport, 1639;" but according to the Biog. Dram., ed. 1782, p. 33, " by some ascribed to Thos. Barker." JOHN A. HARPER.

THIRD BUFFS (3rd S. iv. 287.) - The 3rd (or East Kent) regiment of foot is called "the Buffs." It received this designation from the fact of its being the first regiment in the service that wore accoutrements, such as sword-belts, pouch-covers, &c., made of leather prepared from the buffalo. In after time, its waistcoats, breeches, stockings, and facings were made to correspond with the buff

colour of the appointments. When the 31st regiment was raised in 1702, it was clothed in buff vests, breeches, and stockings, and so acquired the name of the "Young Buffs," which has long since fallen into disuse. As long as the "Young Buffs" retained its name, the 3rd, for the sake of distinction, was styled the "Old Buffs." Its old title of "the Buffs," given to the regiment in military playfulness and familiarity, is now a recognised designation, and may be seen in any Army List. See Rl. Mil. Chron. 1811, ii, 119; and Cannon's Hist. Record of the 3rd Regt. of Foot, 1839.

Brompton Barracks.

M. S. R.

THE REV. PETER THOMPSON (3rd S. iv. 289.)— In my collection of books relating to Yorkshire and Yorkshiremen, I find a volume entitled

"Sermons occasioned by the sudden Death of the Rev. Peter Thompson, late Minister of the Scotch Church, Leeds. To which is prefixed a Memoir of his Life. By Adam Thompson."

This work was published in Leeds by Edward Baines, 1807. The author was a brother of the deceased; and the brief memoir states that the Rev. Peter Thompson was a native of Coldstream, a small village in the south of Scotland; being born there on August 11, 1778, and was the eldest of a large family. He went to the college in Edinburgh in 1792; he was licensed to preach on April 9, 1799, and commenced his ministry at his native village. He was appointed on December 11 of the same year to the pastoral charge of a small congregation at Whitby, where he remained until he removed to Leeds in 1804; where he remained as pastor of the congregation at Albion Chapel until his death on February 17, 1806.

The memoir is a very meagre one, giving no particulars beyond the statement that he "married a young lady with whom he had been long and intimately acquainted; she bore him three sons in his lifetime. The first could hardly be said to have lived. The other two survived him, and a fourth was born about four months after his death."

I shall be very happy to answer any specific inquiry so far as the information given will permit, or I will leave at your office, for the use of S. Y. R., the volume in my possession on his giving to you his name and address, and intimating, through your columns, his desire to look at it.

I have referred to the History of Leeds by Edward Parsons, published in 1834, but I find no reference whatever to the Rev. Peter Thompson. The name of the chapel where he presided is given, which was in that year under the care of the Rev. R. W. Hamilton.

Mr. Thompson seems to have been much beloved by his congregation at Whitby, and also at Leeds, and very acceptable as a preacher. T. B.

RIDDLE (3rd S. iv. 188, 277.)-I am quite perplexed to know how gas can be said to " apportion things of earth by line and square." I never heard the answer. The following has been suggested to me by a lady-mile-stone. Here Stone is the late Frank Stone the painter, whose works were held to be excellent delineations of the passions; and the mile-stone does show in many ways (i. e. roads) how everybody fares (in the old sense, i.e. goes). If this be not the answer, it is a very good echo. The riddle was given many years ago. A. DE MORGAN.

MRS. COKAIN OF ASHBURNE (3rd S. iv. 305.) Doubtless a relation of the soi-disant Sir Aston

Cockain or Cokayne, who was baptised at Ashbourne. Why not his mother or sister? Donne

was a friend of his.

"Donne, Suckling, Randolph, Drayton, Massinger, Habbington, Sandys, May, my acquaintance were."

J. H. K.

he is styled Major; and is stated to have been twenty-eight years town major at Gibraltar. He was buried in Gillingham churchyard, north-east of the church; and his resting-place is marked by a plain headstone, bearing this inscription :

"In Memory
of Richard Rudyerd, Esqr,
who departed this Life
the 3d of Oct., 1793,
Aged 84 Years."

I have looked through the Annual Army Lists in my possession for 1756 to 1794, and can find no mention of any Rudyerd in the 36th regiment of foot, or as filling the office of town-major at Gibraltar. If he ever was in the service, it must

have been before 1756. Supposing this, and taking it for granted that he held the town-majorship for twenty-eight years, he must, when appointed to the office, have been only about eighteen years of age! This is extremely improbable; and the inscription on his headstone makes it tolerably cer

Arms, Boteler, impaling, three cocks: Cokaine. tain that he never held military rank. Crest of Boteler.

"Here lies the body of Sir Francis Boteler, late of Woodhall, in Bishops-Hatfield, descended from the Right Noble House of Botelers, Barons of Oversley, Wemur, and Sudley. Knighted by King Charles the First, at York,

May the 1st, 1642. His first wife was Dame Anne Cokaine, of the ancient and honourable families of the Cokains of Ashborne, in Derbyshire, where she is in terred: by whom he had a son that died young, and two surviving daughters, Julia and Isabella. He departed this life the 9th Oct., 1690, in the 80th year of his age, in hope of a joyful resurrection."-See Clutterbuck's Herts, vol. ii.


A. B.

PARTY (3rd S. iv. 269.) - There is very good reason for believing Swift to have originated the dictum " Party is the madness of many, for the gain of a few." It appears at the end of the second volume of Miscellanies published by Motte & Bathurst in 1736, as the first paragraph under the heading of "Thoughts on Various Subjects." The closing paper of the first volume bears the same title, and is moreover further distinguished by, the hieroglyphic signature of Swift. The chapter from which I quote the saying in question does not contain this identifying mark, but as it is also called Thoughts on Various Subjects," it may fairly be assumed to be a continuation of the subject treated in the first volume, and may, without straining a point (due allowance being made for typographical inaccuracy), be assigned to the witty but cynical Dean of St. Patrick's. WILLIAM GASPEY. Keswick.

[ocr errors]

MAJOR RUDYERD (3rd S. iv. 289.) - The Rudyerd who died at Chatham, October 3, 1793, was named Richard. His death is recorded in the Gent. Mag. 1793, vol. lxiii. part 11. p. 961, wherein

From 1756 to 1793 two Rudyerds only, as far as I can make out, were in the service. These were Henry and Charles William Rudyerd; the former died when lieutenant-general at Hammersmith, October 18, 1828, aged eighty-eight; and the latter (son of the former), when lieutenantcolonel, at Gibraltar, October 19, 1813. Both were in the corps of Royal Engineers.

Richard Rudyerd of Whitby, in Yorkshire, and Henry Rudyerd, Lieut.-General of the Engineers, were brothers, sons (by the second wife) of Benjamin Rudyerd, third in descent from the celebrated Sir Benjamin Rudyerd. See Burke's Patrician, iv. 66.

It still remains to be proved whether Richard Rudyerd of Whitby is the Richard Rudyerd who M. S. R.

died at Chatham in 1793.

Brompton Barracks.

SIR BERNARD DE GOMME (2nd S. ix. 221, 252.) It may not perhaps he too late to inform D. W. S., that Mr. Charles Haliday, of Dublin, has printed for private circulation a very interesting document, entitled

"Observations Explanatory of a Plan and Estimate for a Citadel at Dublin, designed by Sir Bernard de Gomme, Engineer-General in the Year 1678, with his Map, showing the state of the Harbour and River at that time, Exhibited to the Royal Irish Academy, at their Meeting on Friday the 15th of March, 1861," (5 pp. 4to.)

The paper has not appeared in the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, of which Mr. Haliday is a member, but has been reprinted in the columns of the Irish Times newspaper.

For a reference to Sir Bernard's "design of building a fort royal on the strand, near Ringsend," in the vicinity of Dublin, see the report of Mr. Jonas Moore, drawn up in the year 1675, and printed in Letters written by Arthur Capel, Earl of Essex, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, in 1675, p. 167 (4to. London, 1770). Авива.

I may add that the name "Booterstown" is of rather older standing than Dr. Todd supposes, as reference to Dublin newspapers (for example) of the last century will show; but this is a point of minor consequence. "Butterstown" was the more common appellation.

[ocr errors]

"PHILOMATHIC JOURNAL" (3rd S. iv. 291.) For MR. NEIL's information, I beg to say that I numbered two old friends in the list of contributors, Mr. Jonathan Dawson, father of the gifted lecturer, Geo. Dawson, son, and Joseph Bounden, the author of two pleasing poems-"The Deserted City," and "Eva." I may add a living one, whose name there is no reason to conceal, my friend J. A. Heraud, so well known in a very varied literature. Perhaps I should scarcely name myself, as I had no hand in its conduct, but merely furnished kokulamak, meaning to smell; the ter

one light review on Poems by Miss Garret, with
several small poems of my own. I had my old
friend Bounden's copy (left me), but it was by
mistake sold among 1500 more some years ago to
my own great regret. I quite forget the pub-
lishers or printer.
J. A. G.

ZINCOGRAPHY (3rd S. iv. 290.) - I cannot speak positively, but I believe the facsimiles to which WM. DAVIS refers, as shown in the Exhibition of 1862, were produced by the Anastatic process, which is identical with zincography only so far as both processes may be called printing from zinc plates. The preparation of the metal for receiving the impression in each case is very different. The Anastatic process is suited for the reproduction of old books, drawings, engravings, &c., and it does not necessarily destroy the originals, but it endangers them, requiring great manipulation, and in all cases impairs the tenacity of the paper. In some volume of the Art Journal WM. DAVIS will find the information he seeks, but I have not the means of referring to it.


THE BHAGAVADGITA, ETC. (3rd S. iv. 166, 238, 279.) - The word khokhol does not appear to be Arabic, or to have any connection with kohhl, eyepowder. But I find in a Turkish Vocabulary (Barker, p. 38) the words قوقلق,koklamak, and


minal mak is the Tartar form of the infinitive of the verb, the remainder, kokul, will, I infer, form the substantive, smell or scent. (Pfizmaier, Grammaire Turque, р. 224.)


SWING (3rd S. iv. 271.)-You are quite correct but you do not state how it was that the term in your reply to the Query of GEORGE LLOYD ; Swing became first applied to this species of outrage. If my recollection serves me, the rick burnings at the outset were preceded by threatening letters, sent to the persons whose property was in danger, and signed "Swing," It was a Ireland. cognomen assumed, as Captain Rock was taken in

in Holinshed, descriptive of a in the

Т. В.

GREEK PHRASE (3rd S. iv. 319.) - The passage in Diodorus Siculus is in the second book, p. 162, of the first vol. of Wesseling's edition, Amsterdam, 1746; chap. 1. according to the Latin version of Rhodomanus, p. 94, of Stephanus's edition. The verb ἀποσφενδονῶν, and not only the verbal ἀποσφενδόνητοι, is in Plutarch, but I cannot at present give the reference.


BOOTERSTOWN, NEAR DUBLIN (3rd S. iv. 276.) With reference to the REV. DR. TODD's very interesting communication on this subject, I send you four lines from Mr. William Scribble's recent pamphlet, entitled Hurrah! the Fleet! or, Greetings from the Shore, p. 4 (Dublin, 1863) :

"Free Booterstown, of bad renown,
With Sandymount along,
In lengthened row, to Ringsend low,
All join the welcome song."

Mr. Scribble has evidently adopted the wrong
explanation of the name; but with Dr. Todd's
satisfactory letter within our reach, no one in
future will fall into the same mistake. If he does,
he certainly will be without excuse.

Т. В.

BLACKGUARD (3rd S. iv. 295.) - They appear serving with their proper weapons in a passage fray between the servants of Henry VI. and of the Earl of Warwick; where the former set upon the Earl, "the yeomen with swords, the blackguard with spits and fireforks."



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Notices to Correspondents.

CPL. For the origin of the inn-sign "Pig and Whistle," consult "N. & Q." Ist S. ix. 251; x. 33; and The Athenæum of Sept. 12, 19, and

26, 1863.

LLALLAWG. There is no account of the canal near Llechryd in Phillips's History of Inland Navigation.

***. For the translations of Faust consult Bohn's Lowndes Bibliographer's Manual, art." Goethe," pp. 906, 907.

W. E. A. Many thanks for the particulars, which it is thought advisable to withhold.

R. W. DIXON. The query respecting George Bright appeared in our last number, p. 305.

C. C. (Oxford). Bishop Gastrell's Notitia Cestriensis, edited by Canon Raines, is vol. viii. of the works published by the Chetham Society, 4to. 1845.

ERRATUM. Antè p. 306, col. ii. line 16, for " IDALER"read" 1* DALER." "NOTES AND QUERIES" is published at noon on Friday, and is also issued in MONTHLY PARTS. The Subscription for STAMPED COPIES for

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