Obrazy na stronie

"enwheel" = en

subject which they happened to be treating, gene- flames completely enveloped the pot. Shakspeare rally resorted to the ancient classics. The exceptions to this rule in our own literature are very few,

and are worth recording. In the dedication to Charles II. of his Speculum Juventutis, 1671, Captain Edward Panton Putrophilus says, in reference

to his own work:

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OLIVER CROMWELL'S FACE.- This note may be useful some day: "Bust of Oliver Cromwell from the noted cast of his face, preserved in the Great Duke's gallery at Florence." This bust was sent by Wilton, the sculptor, to the Exhibition of the Society of Artists of Great Britain in 1766. Recollecting the circumstances of his death and burial, and the hanging afterwards, could this cast have been taken during life? or, if after death, at what period? I see ("N. & Q.," 2nd S. iii. 73) that H. W. F., a lineal descendant from Cromwell, states that he has a modern bust (unique) "modelled from a cast from the Protector's face, which has been in the family of the descendants since Richard Cromwell." W. P.

WALE. -The following extract from All the Year Round, which I have just cut from a provincial paper of date Sept. 20th, 1862, seems to me to exhibit a fine full-grown specimen of what is engendered by that insatiable love of paradox cherished by many comparative philologists:

"The word 'wale' means in the English language a rising part upon cloth or skin - as when it is said that the lash wales the soldier's back; and yet the heart of the Scotchman is full of gentleness when he says he intends to wale a wife.' Such a waling being the highest compliment he can pay her sex. The derivation of the word makes it curious and strange enough that ever a term so stern should have come to be employed to describe an errand so gentle. The Saxon word willan signifies to spring out, to well. An old poet says:

Therebye a chrystall stream did gently play,
Which from a sacred fountain welled away.'

From expressing what 'springs out,' the word came to express what is chosen, or picked out."--All the Year Round.

Now there should be no difficulty in retracing the Scotch verb " to wale," to select. "Wailed wine," in Chaucer's time, meant "choice wine;" and he uses "wailed" as an equivalent for "old." But it is evidently directly derived from pall = a wall or enclosure; not from pelle or peallan = a spring or fountain. I do not doubt (though from my want of any exact knowledge of philology, I merely surmise) that "cull" = to pick out, and " valley," = a place walled in or surrounded, and wheel (Sax. hpeol) are also derived from the same root. A "wheel-fire" was a fire in which the

(Othello, Act II. Sc. 1) uses close.

I would just mention further, that some Scotchmen do thrash their wives occasionally, but if one of them confessed his guilt he would not say, "I waled," but "I welted her." The periodical writer whom I have quoted could then justify the ruffian for his language at least, without any straining or paradox.




What has become of the portrait of Milton, which belonged to his widow, and was purchased after her death by Speaker Onslow ?

Aubrey, who wrote in 1681, seven years after Milton's death, mentions it as belonging to his widow, "very well and like, when a Cambridge schollar." Deborah Clarke, his daughter, informed Vertue the engraver, in 1721, that her mother-in-law "had two pictures of him, one when he was a school boy, and the other when he was twenty." The latter picture, and the one now in question, was purchased by Onslow (Speaker of the House of Commons throughout the reign of George II.) from the executor of Milton's widow, and engraved, four years after her death, by Vertue, in 1731. In 1741 it was engraved for Birch's Heads, published by the Knaptons, by Houbraken as "in the collection of the Right Hon. Arthur Onslow, Esq., Speaker of the House of Commons." In Boydell's Milton, published 1794, is a plate from the same picture, with the following inscription:

"John Milton, ætat. 21. From an original picture in the possession of Lord Onslow, at Clandon, in Surrey, purchased from the executors of Milton's widow, by Arthur Onslow, Esq., Speaker of the House of Commons, as certified in his own handwriting on the back of the picture."

The present Earl of Onslow has informed me, that he has no portrait of Milton in his possession; but that he once had a daub purporting to be a copy, which he sold for its full worth, -a sum under two pounds sterling!

The picture was sold at Christie and Manson's in 1828, to a person named More, and nothing further is known of it. How nothing but a daub and copy from this authentic portrait of Milton came to be left in the possession of the Onslow family, and even whether that unworthy substitute still exists, are matters of more than ordinary curiosity. G. SCHARF.

National Portrait Gallery.

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BAKER-LEGGED: WALSALL-LEGGED. -Among the "ridiculous ominations of physiognomie" given in Gaule's Mag-Astro-mancer (1652) is the following:

"26. Obs. That loose kneed signifies lascivious, and baker kneed, effeminate."-Р. 186.

I turn to Bailey's Dictionary for an explanation, and I find "Baker-leg'd, straddling with the legs bowing outward." I am tempted to ask, why "Baker"? In Staffordshire I have heard similarly-fashioned people called "Walsall-legged," their formation being accompanied with a peculiar outward motion of the knees when the person is walking, like to that made in descending stairs; and I have been told that this arises from the natives having to walk up and down so many steps when going to and from their homes. I only know Walsall from passing through it by railway, and I am therefore unable to say from

my own knowledge whether or no the general aspect of the Walsall houses, or the Walsall natives, will justif the cause and effect implied in the term-"Walsall-legged." CUTHBERT BEDE.

BRADMOOR CHURCH. - Can anyone oblige me with an account of Bradmoor church, five miles from Nottingham? Only the tower now remains. There is a tradition in the neighbourhood that Oliver Cromwell destroyed the same by fire. The tower is at present used as a cart-shed, and is

surrounded by farm-house buildings. Beyond these traditions, I could learn nothing on the spot,

and I am anxious to know how a building consecrated to religious purposes should have passed so completely away from its original dedication.

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THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. - Was the Geneva Bible of 1560 the first to expunge the name of St. Paul from the title of this epistle, and what other early printed editions have followed its example?

A Latin Bible, following Jerome's Version of 1514, calls it "Epistola Pauli ad Hebreos." A later Latin Bible, published "Lugduni apud hæredes Jacobi Giunctæ," 1551, adds "Apostoli " after "Pauli." A New Testament (Greek and Latin) "interprete T. Beza," printed by H. Stephanus, 1567, calls it simply "ad Hebræos epistola;" and a similar title is adopted in an English version, Englished by L. Tomson, London, 1590."*



MR. FITZGERALD. Can any of your readers give a list of poems written by a Mr. Fitzgerald, and contributed to various Annuals between 1830 and 1840? His poems bear a certain resemblance to those of Praed, and may sometimes have been accredited to the latter. In my preface to Praed's Poems, I have given the reasons why I do not

think Fitzgerald wrote some poems published over the signature of 4. As Praed had some connection with one of the London Journals, I think the Morning Post, did he contribute any poetry to it? Has any one a copy of the Brazen Head, a periodical edited by him? W. H. WHITMORE.

HENRY DE LACY, EARL OF LINCOLN (1282), had an only daughter, Aleysia, espoused to Thomas Earl of Lancaster, but having an illicit connection with a certain Thomas Edgar, and no issue by her husband, the latter, on the death of her paramour, adopted his son, also named Thomas Edgar. I should be glad to know the authority for the above, and also who Thomas Edgar was?

S. S.

"THE HINDU PRIESTESS." - In 1843 there was

printed at London, in 8vo, the first part of the Hindu Priestess, or the Affghan King - a poem in six cantos, by Elizabeth Stewart. The publisher

[* We have omitted that portion of our correspondent's communication respecting the much contested question of the authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews. The discussion of this mooted point would require more space than we can devote to it. Mr. Horne, in his Critical Introduction, has carefully methodised and abridged the productions of the most eminent biblical scholars on this disputed subject.-ED.]

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WILLIAM LITTLE, THE BRISTOL GRAMMARIAN. In the Appendix to vol. ii. of The History of Bristol, by Corry and Evans, I find the following passage:

"The situation is precisely under the remains of a monument; which, from its style, must have belonged to the times of Henry VII., and has been always called the tomb of William Little, the Bristol Grammarian."

As I never heard the tomb referred to, nor any other in this city so called, and believe the name William Little, the Bristol grammarian, nowhere else exists, can any of the readers of "N. & Q." oblige me with information on the subject ?

To save trouble, the writer has, I believe, mistaken William Little for William Lilye; who, however, was not connected with this city, either by birth or residence, being a native of Odyham, in Hampshire, and settled in London, where he died of the plague in 1523. His two sons were ecclesiastics; and, although good scholars, were not equal to their father. Besides which, neither of their names were William, but George and


Bristol City Library.


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MOSSING A BARN. - In an account of works done in Lancashire, in the year 1602, the slater charges in November "for mossing of the great barn, and the pker, uppon his owen chardges, wee getting the mosse, vij." This occurs twice more, and evidently refers to the roof. I suppose the practice was to lay the tiles or slates on moss, now often substituted by reeds, hay, straw, or heather; but perhaps a local reader may be able to state whether or no I am correct in my supposition of the use of moss as mentioned, or what is meant by the words. W. P.

DEATH OF THE CZAR NICHOLAS. - This emperor died, it will be remembered, rather suddenly in the month of March, 1856. Has any authentic account of his last hours been published, and by whom, and where?


NUMISMATIC QUERIES. - Can some of your numismatic correspondents kindly answer the following questions:

1. What is the best text-book for a beginner? 2. How (if it all) can verdigris be removed from old copper coins, without injury to the coin?

3. Between what dates were the archiepiscopal coins issued? Were they struck by bishops, or by archbishops only? Are they to be identified as the coinage of any particular prelate? If so, to whom do the following two coins belong?

(a) Shield bearing lion exceedingly rampant. Legend, "Ave Maria Gratia Pii." Reverse, a

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SIR JOHN STRADLING'S "GLAMORGAN."-Having received no reply to my former query respecting the whereabouts of this laudatory ballad, perhaps some reader of "N. & Q.," recognising the two following stanzas, alleged to be a portion of it, will kindly inform me where the entire poem is to be found, and if it was really composed by Sir John Stradling? Possibly it may have been

the work of some other hand.

"And in Glamorgan's hillie parts,
Cole greatly doth abound;
For goodness and for plenty, too,
Its equal never was founde.

"With wood and iren, ledde and salt,
And lyme abundaintlie,

And every thing that mankinde want,
This land doth well supplie."

G. O.

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QUARTERMASTER, CARRIAGEMASTER, SERGEANTMAJOR. - Can any correspondent of "N. & Q." afford some information as to the rank and duties of these officers under the Tudor, and early Stuart sovereigns? The term "Quartermaster" is still used in both army and navy; but with a very different meaning in each service. Of a "Carriagemaster" we never hear now; and the "Sergeant-Major" has ceased to be a commissioned officer, though, if I rightly understand the references to him in the histories of Queen Elizabeth's Irish wars, he must then have filled a position on the general staff of the army, somewhat analogous to those of the Adjutant-General and Brigade-Major of modern times. S. P. V.

REGIMENTS IN AMERICA. - Can any of your readers inform me what regiments of the British army were stationed in America from 1755 to 1760? and particularly, what regiments contributed to the forces under General Braddock? D. M. STEVENS.



1. There was published about 1821, McJulian's Daughter, a poem in five cantos, by Henry O'Neil Montgomerie Ritchie. Can you give me any information as to any other poetical or dramatic works of this poet?

2. E. G. L. Bulmer, author of Juvenile Poems, 1820. Is he author of any other poetic or dramatic writings?

3. At the Oxford Encænia of 1763 a Trialogue (written in honour of the birth of the Prince of Wales) was performed. Who was the author?

4. Miss G. Kennedy. This lady wrote several tales or novels, Father Clement, &c. There is a French translation of her works, about 1844. Who is the translator? 5. Hannah More's Sacred Dramas, 1782. There is a German translation. By whom, and what is the date?

One of the abovenamed shields exhibits the arms of the see of Canterbury, impaled with a cross that seems engrailed charged with five cinquefoils, and on a chief another cinquefoil between two birds. The second shield is this coat alone. To whom do these coats belong? The nearest resembling it is that ascribed to Wolsey, successively Bishop of Bath and Wells, and of Durham, and Archbishop of York in commendam; also to that of the see of St. David's, to which may be added that of Bishop Langton, of St. David's, but neither of these persons had any connection with the see of Canterbury. Bedford's Blazon of Episcopacy has no coat of arms of any Archbishop of Canterbury resembling the above. Does his drawing of the Langton coat agree with the description given by him?

Queries with Answers.

W. P.

ST. BRANNOCK. - In the ancient church of Braunton, a village giving its name to one of the hundreds of the county of Devon, are many quaint carvings. One representing St. Brannock (to whom the church is dedicated) with a cow. When was the saint supposed to exist? Can any records of his miracles or life be traced? In Camden's Britannia the saint is mentioned as having converted the ancient Britons near this spot; and I faintly recollect having heard a legend, that a forest once stood where the large sand-drift, known as Braunton Burrows, now is found, which supplied timber for the building of the church. The wild deer were used by the saint as beasts of draught, and

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If any of your readers can give me the history

6. Who is the author of Railroad Eclogues, Pickering, of St. Brannock I shall be grateful.



WHITEHALL. - In the Royal Collection of Drawings in the British Museum, there is an etching quarto size, headed, "Plan of ruins of Whitehall, June 14, 1718." It apparently represents the foundations of the old hall, and of the chapel of the palace, with some adjoining buildings. On the plate is also given two coats of arms "found in the ruins," and a crest. I wish to ask if such a plan is known to be in any published work? A fire occurred April 10, 1691; a great fire, which finally destroyed Whitehall broke out Jan. 4, 1697-8, and lasted for seventeen hours, the ruins remaining undisturbed for several years. The plan may be supposed to be taken after this latter event, and the dates may give a clue to the publication, which I have not been successful in discovering.

8, Down Street, W. Piccadilly.


[Risdon, in his Survey of Devon, p. 337, ed. 1811, has left us the following traditionary notices of this early saint: "Braunton, anciently Branockstowne, so named St. Branock, the King's son of Calabria, that lived in this vale; and, as appeareth in the book of his commemoration of the place, arrived here in the days of MalgoConame, King of the Britons, and three hundred years after Christ, began to preach his holy name in this desolate place, then overspread with brakes and woods. Out of which desert, now named the Boroughs (to tell you some of the marvels of this man) he took harts, which meekly obeyed the yoke, and made of them a plow to draw timber thence to build a church, which may gain credit, if it be true. Historians write, that in foreign countries they cause red deer to draw, and milk their hinds. Of which Giraldus maketh no wonder, but avoucheth, that he had seen the same often used in Wales, where he did eat cheese made of hinds' milk. I forbear to speak of his cow, his staff, his oak, his well, and his servant Abel: all which are lively represented in a glass window of that church, than which, you shall see few fairer of one roof."]

TURKISH GUN IN ST. JAMES'S PARK.-I have referred in vain to Cunningham's Handbook, Brayley's Londiniana, and similar works of reference, to ascertain the date of that fine specimen of early oriental cannon founding, the great gun in St. James's Park, and to find translations of the Arabic inscriptions with which it is decorated. Perhaps some of your readers will kindly furnish this information, or state where it is to be found. J. H. L.

[A description of this piece of ordnance, which was placed in St. James's Park on March 21, 1803, will be found in The Universal Magazine, cxii. 233; The Gentle man's Magazine, vol. lxxiii. pt. i. p. 279; and The Euro

pean Magazine, xlii. 314. At that time the two inscriptions been decyphered.]

AN AMERICAN POET. - Can you name the author and give the title of a volume of poetry published by an American clergyman a few years ago, in which are the following lines in a beautiful poem on the Church?

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[This is the concluding verse of a poem, entitled "I love the Church," in the Christian Ballads, by Arthur Cleveland Coxe, M.A. Fifth edition. Philadelphia, 1855. It occurs at p. 96.]

TWILL. Apropos of "pioned and twilled brims" (3rd S. iii. 464), it strikes me that it would be desirable to ascertain what is the etymology of twill as applied to kerseymere and other stuffs. The word is not to be found either in Johnson or in Bailey. MELETES.

[To twill, according to Webster, is "to weave in ribs or ridges; to quill." It should at the same time be borne in mind that twill is a provincial term for a reed or quill. (Halliwell.) In this, which appears to be the primary meaning of the word, it has been proposed to derive twill from the Latin tubellus, diminutive for tubus. Should our correspondent fail, as we fear he may, to discover any Latin authority for the word tubellus thus ingeniously suggested, he may perhaps agree with us in thinking it possible that twill is from the Latin tubulus, a little tube.]



(3rd S. iv. 11.)

We remember to have seen, from year to year, in the various public papers at home and abroad,

startling paragraphs put forth indirectly as manifestoes, apprising the world that the Order of St. John was about to shake off the dust from its glorious banner, and array itself once more in the garb of sovereign pre-eminence. At one time the scene of this recovered splendour was to be laid in Greece; at another, we were told to look out for the reconquest of Rhodes. Then the Holy Land, or a large portion of it (the actual limits were mentioned), was to be placed under the flag of the Knights; while, subsequently, as the hopes of the small, struggling community descended from point to point in the scale of exресtancy, some smaller speculation was confidently announced: an obscure island or islet scarcely observable on the map of the stated locality was to be the long-sighed for seat of their restored independence, where-risum teneatis?-the knights could keep up a quarantine much wanted.

From a consideration of what I have written, my readers will apprehend that the members of the English Langue care not to derive any countenance, authority, or support from the soi-disant chapitre (to use the words of Admiral Count de Litta already cited) now seated at Rome, and the silly insinuation that the writer of the Memoir of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem and the English Langue "let the cat out of the bag." when he remarked that it would be desirable, or might be interesting, to form an union of the Roman and Anglian portions of the Order, only betrays the dulness or perverseness of its author. According to his false notion, the English Chapter "committed suicide" by adopting the Memoir in question, which contained a direct acknowledgment that their body had no confirmed connection with the Roman Council. But the Memoir met with the entire approval of the English authorities, on the ground that it clearly and succinctly showed the exact nature of the title under which the Langue was revived, and proclaimed that the association could stand alone without any confirmation of its powers and privileges from the "venerable débris" of the Order at Rome. They might, at the same time consistently with this view, consider it an event of common interest to the Order, that its segregated and enfeebled branches should be once more bound together, in accordance with the old maxim that "union is strength." And let it be here understood, though SIR GEORGE BOWYER IS willing to conceal the fact, that the Roman Council were quite as willing as the English Chapter that an amalgamation of the respective bodies should take place. Extravagant, indeed, were the emotions of joy exhibited by the Italian party at the idea of the reconsolidation of the long-dissevered fragments of the Order. The limits of my paper here remind me that I have no space for more particular detail, in reference to the past contemplation of a restored union between the Italian and

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