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1597. Richarde Belassis of Morton, in the parish of Houghton-in-the-Springe, co. Durham, mentions in his will his niece, Katheren Baynbridg. Ibid. vol. ii. p. 338. 1642, July 11. The House of Commons order "that Mr. Wm. Bainbrigge of Lockington, in county of Leicester, gentleman, shall have leave to send down ten musquets and two Carbines to Lockington."-Commons' Journals, vol. ii. p. 664.

1643. John Bainbridge, son of Robert Bainbridge, by

Anne his wife, of Richard Everard Shenton, co. Leicester, born at Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Savilian Prof. of Astronomy at Oxford, author of several works on Astronomy, died Nov. 3, 1643; buried in Merton College chapel.-Wood's Athena Oron, sub nom.; Lowndes' Bibliographer's Manual (Bohn's ed.) vol. i. p. 100.

1643, Sept. 1. The House of Commons order "that Mr. Tho. Bainbrigge shall have a pass to go to Oxforde to fetch one hundred pounds for Colonel Goringe, prisoner to the Parliament." -Commons' Journals, vol. iii. p. 225.

16-. Dr Thomas Baynbrigge, Master of Christ's Coll., Cambridge, during the Great Rebellion, a Puritan.-Le Keux, Memorials of Cambridge, 1847, vol. i. p. 87.

16. Ralph Bainbridge held the eleventh prebend at Ely; was ejected during the Great Rebellion; died before the Restoration. Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy, 1714, p. 21, second pagination.

16. Bainbridge and Bukridge Streets, St. Giles's, London, now removed, "were built prior to 1672, and derived their names from their owners, eminent parishioners in the reign of Charles the Second."-"N. & Q." 1st S. i. 229.

1669. Thomas Banbrige of Tunstall, and Ellen his wife, recusants. Raine's Depositions from York Castle, p. 170. 1734. Mr. Earl Bainbrigg, to be warehouse keeper to the Commissioners of the Stamp Office.-Gent. Mag. vol. v. p. 51.

1749. Philip Bainbrig of Lockington, Esq., High Sheriff for Leicestershire. - Ibid. vol. xix. p. 41.

1753. Sept. James Bainbridge of Leeds, tobacconist, bankrupt.-Ibid. vol. xxiii. p. 446.

1754. Richard Bainbridge, B.D. formerly Fellow of University Coll., Oxford, presented to the vicarage of Harewood, co. York. He was also for some time curate of Allerton, co. York.-T. D. Whitaker's Loidis and Elmete, pp. 132, 173; Gent. Mag. vol. xxiv. p. 292.

1769, Jan. 5. "Captain Bainbridge, to Miss Allgood, with 15,000l., married." - Gent. Mag. vol. xxxix. p. 54. 1797, Oct. 15. At Woodborough, co. Notts., Mrs. Eliza beth Bainbrigge, owner of that lordship and of Lockington, co. Leicester, aged 81. She was the last of her family, and was buried among her relations at Lockington. Ibid. vol. lxvii. p. 983; vol. lxviii. p. 902.

1816. Bainbridge, G. C., author of The Fly Fisher's Guide, 8vo, Liverpool, 1816. Lowndes's Bibliographer's Manual (Bohn's ed.), vol. i. p. 100.

Bottesford Manor, Brigg.


Dr. John Bainbridge, an eminent physician and astronomer, was born at Ashby-de-la-Zouch in 1582. He was educated at the Free Grammar School of his native town, and was afterwards sent to Emanuel College, Cambridge, under the

tuition of his kinsman, Dr. Joseph Hall, the eminent Bishop of Norwich. He also applied himself to the study of mathematics and astronomy, to which he had been devoted from his earliest years. Upon his removal to London, he was admitted a Fellow of the College of Physicians. His Description of the Comet in 1618, introduced him to an acquaintance with Sir Henry Savile, by whom he was appointed, in 1619, his first professor of astronomy at Oxford, where he settled, having entered himself a Master Commoner of Merton College, for some years. At the age of forty he began the study of Arabic, with a view of publishing correct editions of the ancient astro

nomers. He died at Oxford, November 3, 1643, in the sixty-second year of his age. His works that were published are, An Astronomical Description of the late Comet, from November 18th, 1618, to the 16th of December following, London, 1619, 4to; Procli Sphæra, and Ptolemæi de Hypothesibus Planetarum liber singularis; to which he added Ptolemy's Canon Regnorum, 1620, 4to; Canicularia, published at Oxford in 1648 by Mr. Greaves; together with a demonstration of the heliacal rising of Sirius for the parallel of Lower Egypt, written at the request of Archbishop Ussher. Several other treatises were prepared for the press, and left in MSS. HENRY T. BOBART. 33, Cambridge Terrace, Leicester.

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2. Of Edward Bainbridg, 1613, I know nothing, but in Burke's pedigree of John Bainbrig, of Wheatly Hill, co. York, the names Edward Henry, b. 1609, Samuel, and Abraham, occur among seven sons of Robert son of Thomas, of Ashby de la Zouche; the said Robert married twice, and had in all twenty-three children. The elder brother of Thomas was Robert, of Lockington Hall, Leicestershire.

3. I have not the ancestry of Dionysius Bainbridge, but he married Edith, a Protestant, widow of Edward Fawkes, proctor, &c. at York, and mother of the renowned Guy, b. 1570, and three younger children. Both the Fawkes's and Dionysius Bainbrigge had property at Scotton, near Knaresborough. The stepfather induced Guy to become a Roman Catholic.

I hope your correspondent, B. A. H., may find some of the above particulars useful in his researches. M. F. née BAINBRIDGE.

F.R.S." This paper was reprinted, with the omission of only a few sentences, in the abridge

TOTTENHAM, M.P. (2nd S. vii. 522.) - Lieut.Colonel Charles G. Tottenham, the new M.P. for New Ross, who was elected on the 6th June inst., ❘ment of the Transactions, by Hutton, Shaw, and

by a majority of two votes only, is the sixth Charles Tottenham, in immediate lineal descent, who has represented that borough in Parliament.

H. L. T.

GOLDSMITH CLUB (3rd S. iii. 490.) - The Goldsmith Club was nothing more than a social affiliation, established in the year 1856-7 by some gentlemen, the greater number of whom were contributors to a Dublin paper called The Commercial Journal, which was probably the first cheap British newspaper ever established, and which was published weekly and sold for 1d. Its prosperity was great for a season, as its circulation reached to about 16,000 copies; but by the secession of its principal correspondents, and other causes, it ultimately fell. Some of the original members, however, subsequently became local celebrities; amongst whom I may mention S. N. Elrington, now editor of Saunders's News Letter (the oldest Conservative journal in Ireland), and a lyric poet of recognised ability; W. J. Fitzpatrick, author of the lives of Dr. Doyle, Lady Morgan, and Lord Cloncurry; Herbert J. Stack, now editor of the Birmingham Daily News, and author of Madeline; E. L. A. Berwick, author of Eveleen, the Queen's Dwarf, &c.; Samuel Alfred Cox; Professor Shaw, F.T.C.D.; Mark O'Shaughnessy, barrister; Sir James Murray, M.D.; Bond Cox, barrister; and others of less mark. Their place of meeting was in the rooms of the Commercial Journal, kindly given them by the proprietor; and I venture to say that there is not a ci-devant member who does not remember their meetings with pleasure and regret.


TIME (3rd S. iii. 387.)


"God gives us time by parts and little periods; He gives it to us, not as nature gives us rivers, - enough to drown us, - but drop by drop, minute after minute; so that we never can have two minutes together, but He takes away one when He gives us another. This should teach us to value our time, since God so values it, and by his small distribution of it tells us it is the most precious thing we have." -Taylor, from Holy Thoughts, an exquisite little book, published by Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., price 1s.


WILLIAM MARSHALL (3rd S. iii. 484.) -To complete the list of Mr. Marshall's publications it may be well to add A Review of "The Landscape, a Didactic Poem," with an Essay on the Picturesque, 1796; a small publication On the Enclosure of Lands, 1801; and a paper in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London for the year 1783, entitled "An Account of the Black Canker Caterpillar, which destroys the Turnips in Norfolk, in a Letter to Charles Morton, M.D.,

Pearson (xv. 386), and was quoted in the first edition of Kirby and Spence's Entomology (і. 186), as the only authority for the information there given on its subject.


SHERIFFS OF CORNWALL (3rd S. iii. 494.) — KAPPA will find lists of sheriffs of Cornwall in Polwhele's History of that county. I believe that the Rev. F. V. J. Arundell, author of A Visit to the Seven Churches in Asia, and late rector of Landulf in Cornwall, compiled a more correct list of sheriffs for the history of Cornwall that he intended publishing. I do not know who the representatives of that gentleman are, but I would suggest to them, that it would be a great gain to the literature of his county if they were to deposit the MSS. of his "History" in the library of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, at Truro.


KAPPA will find a list of the sheriffs of Cornwall, from the earliest times down to the 22 Charles I., in Harl. MS. 2122, No. 5.* The same volume contains also similar lists for the other English counties. There is another list for Cornwall, 1647-1653, Add. MS., 5832, f. 181. JOHN MACLEAN.


TURNING THE CAT IN THE PAN (3rd S. iii. 191, 314.) - This expression would appear to be the equivalent, or perhaps the origin, of the modern turn coat. It is used in this sense by Sir Hudibras (in canto 1. of Butler's† Ghost, or Hudibras, Part IV.), the worthy knight, about to make himself an offering to delicate love by hanging himself in a barn, pronounces a Cato-like soliloquy:

"This said, the ladder he ascends,
And from the beam to swing intends;
But first to purge his conscience means,
And make confession of his sins."

In the course of this "last dying speech," he


"Like Y-k I took the test, and then
Like S-bury, turn'd cat in pan,
Ofttimes afraid my neck would be
The forfeit of my loyalty."

By way of concluding, I take leave to ask by whom this fourth part of Hudibras was composed ? It is dedicated to "Henry, Marquess and Earl of Worcester, &c. by T. D."

[* This list commences at the same period as that of Fuller's, namely, Henry II.; whereas KAPPA wishes for one from the earliest Norman period.-ED.].

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"Butler's Ghost: or Hudibras, The Fourth Part. With Reflections upon these Times. London: Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh, at the Black Bull in Cornhill, over against the Royal Exchange, 1682."

Do these initials represent Thomas Doggett of the "waterman's coat and badge" notoriety?* CHESSBOROUGH.

Harbertonford, Devon.

PLOUGHS IN CHURCHES (3rd S. iii. 429.) - Up to a period not very remote, when the science of road making was in a very primitive state, it was customary in rural districts to level the roads by means of a plough. This was purchased from the parish funds, and called " the parish plough," and when not in use was generally deposited in the church porch or belfry. Such ploughs, although not now used, are still to be found in many parts of the country, as well as at Bassingbourn and Barrington.

E. V.

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GENTILHOMME: NOBILIS (3rd S. iii. 317.) — Many months ago you were kind enough to consign to the editorial limbo some weak suggestions of mine-opposed, I grant, to the opinions of high authorities-as to the derivations of certain words

in common use, e. g. the word " church," "kirk," as having come to us, not from the Greek κυριακή, but from the British, "cûr, a circle" (the sacred circle, or periphery), or "cwrc, a rotundity,"the plural of which is cyrcau. With some trepidation, then, I venture to suggest in opposition to the "nosco" theory, that nobilis is the contracted form of "non vilis, not common," as opposed to the vilis, or "common herd." Horace (Epist. lib. ii. 36), seems to make use of "vilis " in this


" Scriptor abhinc annos centum qui decidit inter Perfectos veteresque referri debet, an inter Viles atque novos?"

subsequent recession of the former, the latter became visible for the second time under the denomination of a third set. We might as readily imagine the octogenarian to have been the subject of lampas-a disease which sometimes attacks young colts when shedding their teeth, and in which, from "inflammation of the gums, the bars swell and rise to a level with, and even beyond, the edges of the teeth" (Youatt's Horse, 1831, p. 134). With but a little further stretch of imagination, we might see in this reappearance of the old man's teeth an evidence of that second juvenescence shadowed forth by Hunter; and might, with equal pertinence, pronounce the old boy to have still "a colt's tooth in his head."



"CRUSH A CUP:" "CRACK A BOTTLE" (3rd S. iii. 493.) - The prevalence of the drunken, and apparently fashionable English custom, that gave rise to the former phrase, is well shown in the following quotation from Webster's Devil's Law Case; where Julio (Act II. Sc. 1,) is being baited for his riotous living:

"Rom. [He spends] A hundred ducats a month in breaking Venice glasses. "Ariosto. He learnt that of an English drunkard, and a knight too as I take it."

It would seem, too, that a chivalrous colouring was given to the mere drunken act of bravado, when lovers, flap-dragonists, and others, adopted

the custom as one of their humours or fancies; and the time is within the recollection of older men, when glasses were broken that they might not be sullied by the wine drank to a less noble toast. See also a quotation from Marston, under the word " Arms," in Nares's Glossary.

The phrase of "cracking a bottle" arose, doubtless, from the ready and apparently soldierly habit of deftly knocking off its neck. Among tavern

The Delphin edition paraphrases the latter roysterers this would be a proof, first that they

portion of this sentence thus: "inter veteres et bonos an inter ignobiles et recentiores?"

Whether this derivation will satisfy A. A. is for himself to determine.


DENTITION IN OLD AGE (3rd S. iii. 499.)-There are no grounds whatever for supposing that "what occurred to the old gentleman," was "not the cutting of new teeth, but the reappearance of old ones, through the falling away of the gums." This supposition necessarily involves the previous dis

appearance of the teeth. Such an occurrence could have arisen but from one of two causes: either inflammation and swelling, or hypertrophy of the gums. We have no evidence that the old gentleman's gums swelled, and covered and concealed his second set of teeth, after these had made their appearance in the mouth; and that, by the

[* This doggrel production is by Tom Durfey.-ED.]

were men of valour, who had made money in the wars; and secondly, that they were stout drinkers, since to any others the feat after the first few glasses would be a difficult one. BENJ. EASY.

CHAUCER AND HIS EDITOR, THYNNE (3rd S. iii. 453.)-William Thynne died in 1546, as appears by an inscription upon his monument - a fine brass, lately restored at the expense of the present Marquis of Bath, in Allhallows Barking. CHESSBOROUGH is right, therefore, in questioning

his claim to be considered editor of the edition of 1561. I believe the editions produced by Thynne were those of 1532 and 1542. I write at a distance from books, but I think I have read somewhere of "Thynn's fine old folio of 1516."


THE DANISH INVADERS (3rd S. iii. 467.) — A. E. W., after quoting the statement of Thierry, that in 787 the fleets of Denmark and Norway reached the south of Britain in three days, and then assuming that these Scandinavian fleets consisted of the three ships spoken of by Lappenberg, enters into a speculation of some length respecting the speed of the vessels. But before he can arrive at any satisfactory conclusion on this point, I would beg leave to suggest to A. E. W. that it is absolutely requisite that the original authori

ties should be consulted. What leads me to offer

this suggestion is, that I am persuaded that the readers of "N. & Q." would look with great in

terest on the result of his researches.


SIR CHARLES CALTHROPE (3rd S. iii. 489.) - A reference to a MS. pedigree of Calthorpe (or Calthrope), in my collection, gives the following information: "Charles Calthorpe, of Lincoln's Inn, was eldest [?] son of Sir Francis Calthorpe of Ingham, by his second wife Elizabeth, daughter of Ralph Berney, of Gunton, Esq." It is not stated when, or where he died. I have a MS. copy of his "reading" on copyholds. Sir Henry Calthorpe, the Recorder, who died 1637, was the second son of Sir James Calthorpe of Cockthorpe, a different line from that of Sir Francis. His mother was Barbara, a daughter of John Bacon, of Hesset, Esq. G. A. C.

GREEK AND ROMAN GAMES (3rd S. iii. 490.) Your Capetown correspondent has, I think, misquoted the passage from Justinian. Should it not run thus?

"Deinceps vero ordinent quinque ludos, monobolon, contomonobolon, quintanum cordacem sine fibulâ, et perichyten, et hippicen," &c.?

The monobolos was an athletic exercise, which consisted in throwing summersaults, or leaping by the gymnast's own unaidea exertions as opposed to the conto-mono-bolos, in which the leap was performed with the aid of a pole, κοντός.

The cordar was a rough boisterous dance, hornpipe, Irish jig, and Highland fling, all in one, indulged in by the comic chorus, and mentioned in the Greek plays:

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Quintanus alludes to the five deep rows of which the chorus was composed, though its numbers varied. As the cordax required freedom of limb in its performance, the sine fibula may easily be explained. About the other games I

am not so confident. The perichyte was some

kind of contest; but whether the term implies that it was fought in the P. R., or that the performers contended in a pool of water, I leave to the etymological sagacity of UUYTE to determine (περιχέω). The hippice may, probably, be identi

fied with the "ludus Trojæ." Is there no work on the Sports and Pastimes of All Nations, Ancient and Modern? Surely some "Strutt" should step forward to write one. CHESSBOROUGH. Harbertonford, Devon.

EPITAPH IN LAVENHAM CHURCHYARD (1st S. vii. 235 et seq.) -"John Weles, ob. 1694: Quod fuit esse,'" &c. The epitaph consists of two hexameter lines; and propounds the Sphynx of Time (if I may so express it) in presence of Death itself, in that melancholy vein of "the dark sayings," so characteristic of the Solomonian philosophy in the Hebrew Coheleth. See both the authentic and apocryphal Scriptures: Eccl. i. 9-11, iii. 15; 2 Esdras, iv. 45-6, et alia.

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COLD IN JUNE (3rd S. iii. 489, 519.) - Madame de Sévigné, in a letter to her daughter, dated "Aux Rochers, mercredi 26 Juin 1680," says:

"Quand je trouve les jours si longs, c'est qu'en verité, avec cette durée infinie, ils sont froids et vilains. Nous avons fait deux admirables feux devant cette porte c'étoit la veille et le jour de Saint-Jean; il y avoit plus de trente fagots, une pyramide de fougères, qui faisoit une pyramide d'ostentation; mais c'étoient des feux à

profit de ménage, nous nous y chauffions tous. On ne

se couche plus sans fagot, on a repris ses habits d'hyver; cela durera tant qu'il plaira à Dieu."


never hinders


PROVERBIAL QUERY (3rd S. iii. 209, 439.) There is an old English proverb very much akin to "Meals and matins minish never," inquired for by MR. HAYNES. It runs thus: "Prayer and provender a journey." I met with it in the pages of an old commentator, but I now forget who he was. I remember, however, that it was quoted as an old proverb; and very probably it is so old that we shall not be able to

trace its parentage. Thurstonland.




History of England during the Reign of George the Third. By John George Phillimore. (Vol. I.) (Virtue Brothers & Co.)

Mr. Phillimore tells us, that the greatest of English rulers said to Sir Peter Lely, "Take care that you draw my face as it is, with all its wens and wrinkles;" and asks whether the citizen of a free state, who undertakes to paint the history of his country, should shrink from the same liberty in behalf of truth? The answer is obvious-he should not. But Mr. Phillimore's book suggests another query-ought the citizen of a free state, on the strength of such citizenship, to take the one-sided liberty of painting nothing but the wens and wrinkles? Such is what Mr. Phillimore appears to us to have done both with regard to George III. and the people of England. He has scarcely a single good word for the monarch,

whose court formed so marked a contrast between those which preceded and those which succeeded it, and certainly he has few more for the people whom that monarch governed. Dissenting, as it will be seen we do, entirely from the views of the author, we are bound to testify to the ability which he displays. He is no careless writer; no hasty vamper up of second-hand facts, and borrowed opinions. He is a good hater, but gives good reasons for his hatred; and although the impression left upon the mind after the perusal of the volume is, that Mr. Phillimore's opinions were unalterably fixed before he began to examine the materials on which they ought to have been formed, there is no doubt that he has worked hard and zealously at his self-imposed labour; and the result is a book vigorously and ably written, which will be read with interest even by those who are utterly unable to agree either with the conclusions which the writer draws, as to the causes, or the results of the events which he describes, or with his view of the characters of the chief actors in those stirring and perilous times.

The Works of William Shakespeare. Edited by William George Clark, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, and Public Orator in the University of Cambridge, and John Glover, M.A., Librarian of Trinity College, Cambridge. Vol. I. (Macmillan & Co.)

We have here the first volume of The Cambridge Shakespeare, which appears under the editorship of the Public Orator and the Librarian of Trinity; Mr. Luard, who was to have been associated with them, having been compelled by his election to the Registrarship of the University to relinquish, at least for the present, his share in the responsibility of its production. The chief characteristics of the present edition are, first, that it is based on a thorough collation of the four Folios, and of all the Quarto editions of the separate plays, and of subsequent editions and commentaries; secondly, that it gives all the results of this collation in notes at the foot of the page, with conjectural emendations collected or suggested by the editors or their correspondents; so as to furnish the reader, in a compact form, with a complete view of the existing materials out of which the text has been constructed or may be amended. Thirdly, in all plays of which there is a Quarto edition, differing from the received text to such a degree that the variations cannot be shown in foot-notes, the text of the Quarto literatim is printed in a smaller type after the received text. Thus, to the Merry Wives of Windsor, the editors have added the Pleasant Conceited Comedie of Sir John Falstaffe and the Merry Wives of Windsor from the edition

of 1602, preserved among Capell's Shakespeariana at Cambridge. Lastly, the editors add at the end of each play a few notes: (a) to explain such variations in the text of former editions as could not be intelligibly expressed in the limits of a foot-note; (b) to justify any deviation from their ordinary rule in the text or the foot-notes; and (c), to illustrate some passage of unusual difficulty or interest. To carry out these objects, the editors have laboured long and diligently, as a glance at any page of their work will show. Not only do Messrs. Clark and Glover appear to have collated carefully, and weighed considerately all the various editions of the poet-and one moment's reflection as to what those editions, from Pope, Warburton, and Theobald (who, we are glad to see, receives justice at hands of the Cambridge editors) to those of Collier, Dyce, and Singer amount to, will give some idea of the labour of so doing; but they have in addition gone through the various articles in the magazines, The Athenæum and Notes and Queries, culling from them all that they deemed necessary for giving completeness to such an edition of the poet's works, as they had proposed to themselves. The edition is one which every student of Shakspeare will hail with satisfaction, as it affords him the best means of judging what is the correct text of the poet, and what are the most valuable of the illustrations which his writings have received; and we are sure that those who have worked hardest in the same field will be the warmest in their acknowledgments of the good service rendered by Mr. Clarke and Mr. Glover to the writings of William Shak



Particulars of Price, &c. of the following Books to be sent direct to the gentleman by whom they are required, whose name and address are given for that purpose:

ROMALDKIRK; the History of the Tithe Cause tried in 1815, between the Kev. Reginald Bligh, Rector of Romaldkirk, and John Benson, Farmer. 8vo. London, 1815.


LIFE OF HENRY JENKINS, by Mrs. Anne Saville of Bolton in Yorkshire. 12mo. Salisbury.

R. G. Batty, M.A., Incumbent of Wragby. 8vo. London, 1856.
PROSE, by Tamworth Reresby, Gent. 4to. London, 1712.

Wanted by Mr. Edward Hailstone, Horton Hall, Bradford.

Notices to Correspondents.


BOOK EXCHANGE. We have a plan for this under consideration, which, when matured, will probably meet the requirements of our friends.

THE INDEX TO THIRD VOLUME OF THIRD SERIES is at press, and will be issued with "N. & Q." of Saturday the 18th instant.

W. E. BAXTER. For the origin of the phrase Way-goose, or Wayzgoose, the printers' festival, see our 2nd S. iv. 91;192.

X. Y. Z. The history of the Scotch Metrical Version of the Psalms will be found in Holland's Psalmists of Britain, i. 58; ii. 31-38. Consult also "N. & Q." Ist S. vi. 200, 278.

F. C. A Commentary upon Genesis, printed for Richard Chiswell in 1695, 4to, is by Bishop Symon Patrick.

Answers to other Correspondents in our next.

ERRATA.-3rd S. iii. p. 485, col. i. line 47, for "provisional" read "provincial;" p. 490, col. i. line 9, for "Tarquinic" read "Targumic."

"NOTES AND QUERIES" is published at noon on Friday, and is also issued in MONTHLY PARTS. The Subscription for STAMPED COPIES for Six Months forwarded direct from the Publishers (including the Halfyearly INDEX) is 118. 4d., which may be paid by Post Office Order in favour of MESSRS. BELL AND DALDY, 186, FLEET STREET, E.C., to whom all COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE EDITOR should be aduressed.

Full benefit of reduced duty obtained by purchasing Horniman's Pure Tea; very choice at 38. 4d. and 48. "High Standard" at 48. 4d. (formerly 48. 8d.), is the strongest and most delicious imported. Agents in every town supply it in Packets.

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