Arabic, therefore, "she who will bring forth" would be represented by the feminine participle Mutawălădătun, contracted Műtvălădătun, or Mutvălădăhun, which is nearly = in sound to Mutfaladahun = Mutfaladun by contraction when pronounced rapidly. This last word strongly resembles Matfelon if the first a is pronounced as the last a in the word Romans. (Thet in the word Mutawaladatun is in fact an h, according to the Arabic Grammar). When we consider that the d is often changed into th, and in the course of ages may be corruptly elided in pronunciation, I think it not improbable that the word Matfelon may = Matfaladon. Can any correspondent assist or refute my conjecture? Was there any connection between this parish and Chartres? Was there any image or picture of the B. V. M. at Whitechapel or the adjoining Spital of St. Mary, which resembled that in France? The Holy Virgin is generally represented not as alone, but as carrying her divine son. Are there any examples in England to be found wherein she is From the Historical Register for 1720, vol. v. p. 8, of "Chronological Diary," it appears that the book was burnt on the following day by the common hangman in Palace Yard, and before the Royal Exchange; and that Joseph Hall, Esq., the author, was removed from his office of serjeantat-arms, Edward Horner, Esq., being appointed in his place. Can any reader of "N. & Q." tell me whether Hall was prosecuted by the attorney-general; if so, when, and what was the result? E. Smith, whose name appeared on the titlepage, having denied all knowledge of the book, the Committee investigated the fact, and reported "That by the printer's acknowledgement it seems to be a very common thing for those of that employment to put the names of persons to pamphlets who have no concern therein, and that it is an arbitrary practice in printers." т. APSLEY: STRICKLAND: WYNNE. - Mrs. Hutch represented not as actual, but as predestinated inson, the wife of Col. Hutchinson, of the Parlia mother? St. Mary's, Great Ilford. HIGGS, HALL, AND WATERLAND. J. R. On February 12, 1719-20, a complaint was made to the House of Lords of a printed pamphlet, entitled "A Sober Reply to Mr. Higgs's Merry Arguments from the Light of Nature for the Tritheistic Doctrine of the Trinity; with a Postscript relating to the Reverend Doctor Waterland. London: Printed for E. Smith, 1720," and E. Smith was ordered to be attached, and a Committee appointed to inquire after the author, printer, and publisher. On February 15, the Committee reported, among other things, that the whole book was a mixture of the most scandalous blasphemy, profaneness, and obscenity, and in a most daring and impious manner ridiculed the doctrine of the Trinity and all revealed religion. That Thomas Warner in Paternoster Row was the publisher of the said pamphlet; that William Wilkin in Little Britain, who voluntarily appeared before the Committee, owned himself to be the printer, and further owned that he did it in opposition to the doctrines in Mr. Higgs's book, to which this pamphlet is an answer, and that "Joseph Hall, a gentleman, and Serjeant-at-Arms to the King," was the author of the said pamphlet, the errors of the press and some small variations excepted. The House then ordered the book to be burnt by the hands of the common hangman, and the author, publisher, and printer to be prosecuted by the Attorney-General. See Lords Journals, vols. xxi. pp. 229-231. mentary army, was a daughter of Sir Allen Apsley and his wife, a daughter of Sir John St. John. A connection is said to exist been Mrs. Hutchinson's family and the Stricklands of Boynton, co. York, and the Wynnes of Nostell, co. York. I shall be obliged if any one will give information on this point. H. D. BELLS OF SPAIN. - There is a large bell with a piece cut out of the side (through which the rope was passed to attach to the clapper, it is said), which hangs in the belfry of one of the cathedrals of Burgos, Toledo, Seville, or Cordova. In which cathedral is it? С. М. CROMWELL MEMORIAL. - At the principal entrance of Dyrham Park (the seat of Capt. Trotter), near Barnet, there stands a handsome gateway; consisting of a central arch, supported by pillars, and flanked on either side by lodges. This is said to have formed part of a structure erected, strangely enough, to the memory of Cromwell in the neighbourhood of Red Lion Square, and to have been removed to its present position about the middle of last century. Although I have searched Maitland, and other books of a similar character, I cannot find any mention of such a monument; but perhaps some of your antiquarian readers may have some information on the subject; and, if so, I should be glad to receive it either through the medium of your pages, or by letter. JOS. HARGROVE. Clare College, Cambridge. THE DUDLEYS OF COVENTRY. -I should feel obliged if any one could give me an account of the Dudleys of Coventry and arms. In an old corporation book which I have, entitled An Account of the Loans, Benefactions, and Charities, belonging to the City of Coventry, I find the following names: "Mr Thomas Dudley's Will, 1581, July 3rd, Ex. Reg. Cur. Prærog. Cant. Mr Thomas Dudley, Alderman of this City, by Will charges all his Lands with the yearly Payment of 5l., to the Use and Behoof of the poor Children of Bablake for ever; and with the further Payment of 6s. 8d. for the Relief of Gosford Ward in the Payment of the fifteenth, when the said Ward shall be charged therewith. He appoints Bartholomew Tate, Esq., and others, Feoffees; with full Power to destrain into any of his Lands, in Case the said 51. 68. 8d. be not paid by equal Portions at the Feast of the Annunciation of the B. V. and St. Michael the Archangel. Edward Bradney, Mayor of Coventry, 1683. Mr Edward Bradney, Draper and Alderman in 1678. Thomas Dudley, 1675, 10£s Loan Money. Lady Spencer's Loan. John Bradney, in 1685, gave 10£ for Coventry. Alderman Bradney, Treasurer to the Loan Money, April 5th, 1693. Samuel Troughton, John Basnet, and William Story, gave 10£ to the Loan Fund. Christopher Wale, 10£. In 1660, Mr Æmilian Holbeche paid to Alderman Basnet for an Assignment of his Lease, in which were only 8 years to come, 130£." The Dudleys, Bradneys, Basnets, and Troughtons, were all connected by marriage. JULIA R. BОСКЕТТ. Bradney, near Burghfield Bridge, Reading. FLODDEN FIELD. - In an early genealogical MS., probably compiled during the reign of Charles II., I met with a notice of "Robert Blounte of Eckington, 4 sonne of Sir Thomas Blount of Kinlett, in Shropshire, Knight. This Robert was Captaine of the Hallamshire Forces, about Sheffield, in the Countie of York, at Flodden Field in Scotland in the Reigne of K. H. 8." Are any Muster Rolls of the English army at the battle of Flodden extant? Or is any detailed English account of the battle in existence? Sir W. Scott says (notes to Marmion): "See the only distinct detail of the Battle of Flodden in Pinkerton's History, book xi.; all former accounts being full of blunders and inconsistency." Hallamshire. H. J. KNIGHTHOOD. - Miles, Eques, Eques Auratus : these three terms are equally used as implying knighthood. Quære, Is there any difference or distinction? for the terms seem equally applied to knights military or civil. Q. LAW OF ADULTERY. - Can any one favour me with the name of that king who is mentioned in ancient history as having made a law against adultery, in which it was enacted that the offender should be punished with the loss of both eyes? A. M. LUTHER. I am at a loss to guess (and I think your readers in general would be glad to know), on what grounds H. B. C., in his catalogue of doubtful books, has included Luther on the Galatians (see 3rd S. iii. 477)? MELETES. MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS' LETTER TO QUEEN ELIZABETH.-Walpole, in a letter to Gray, dated February 16, 1759 (vol. iii. p. 209), ed. Cunningham, says, "I wanted to ask you whether you, or anybody that you believe in, believe in the Queen of Scots' letter to Queen Elizabeth. If it is genuine I don't wonder she cut her head off; but I think it must be some forgery that was not made use of." This letter is printed in Murden's State Papers, p. 558, and I should be glad to know if any recent investigation into its authenticity or otherwise has been made, and if so with what result? т. MONUMENTAL BRASS.-At the sale of the effects of John Holmes, Esq., F.S.A., of East Retford, Notts, which took place on Oct. 27, 1841, a monumental brass of a knight-crest a ram's head, set into a carved oak table top-was sold for 51. 15s. See Gent.'s Mag., 1842, p. 23. This fact is worth reproducing as a specimen of modern Vandalism. Perhaps a notice of it in " N. & Q." may lead to the restoration of this monument to the church from whence it was originally removed. At the same sale were two oak panels, bearing the arms of Swift of Rotherham. In whose possession are they now ? EDWARD PEACOCK. Bottesford Manor, Brigg. PIZARRO'S COAT OF ARMS. - When at Trujillo, I saw on the house pointed out to travellers as that formerly occupied by Pizarro, an escutcheon with the conqueror's arms emblazoned thereon. It was surmounted by a small shield, with a banana or cocoa nut-tree in its centre, and a bear (or more probably a pig, from Pizzaro having been swineherd) standing, one on either side of the tree on their hind legs, and resting their fore legs upon the upper part of the trunk of the tree. Can anyone fully explain this? a Prescott, in his Conquest of Peru, gives a lengthy description of the arms, but does not mention this, though it appears (by the impression of the coat of arms on that book) to form part of the С. М. arms. THE RISING IN THE NORTH. - Is there any reference to the names of the persons who were concerned in, or were executed on account of, the rising in the north, temp. 2 Eliz.? In an old genealogical MS. of the time of Charles II. I find that "Rosamond, the eldest Daughter of the first Sir Peter Frechevile of Stavely, co. Derby, was first married to Bowes, who was executed in the rebellion in the North, Q. E.'s time. Her 2 husband was Ellis Markham of Dunham; lastly, she married to her 3 husband, George Blount of Eckington, Esqre." In the Memorials of the Rebellion of 1569 no mention whatever is to be found of the execution of any one of the name of Bowes; but at p. 74, in a letter from the Earl of Sussex to Sir W. Cecil, he writes: 17, 1863; or indicate the printed sources of such information? "One of the French pastors for the Department du Cher has communicated the following interesting fact to the secretaries of the Evangelical Alliance:-In that district a Scotch colony has been established since 1430. They were the remains of the Scottish Guard of Charles VII. of France, whom the Maid of Orleans brought to Rheims to be crowned. The Duke de Henrichement, Constable of France, and commander of the Guard, settled them on his lands; where for a time they were employed on the iron works, but afterwards turned their attention to agriculture. For four centuries they have kept distinct, without mingling with their neighbours, preserving their Scotch names with but slight variations, and also the tradition of their British origin. The Protestants of that part of France relate that they have heard from their parents that these descendants of the Scotch, called Foresters, were brought to the knowledge of the Gospel by the preaching of Calvin, but that at the revocation of the Edict of Nantes they returned to the Romish Church. The desire has been expressed that steps may be taken to reunite the links of connection with this country." 50, Buccleuch Street, Glasgow. J. D. CAMPBELL. SNUFF-BOXES PRESENTED BY QUEEN ANNE. Mr. Dennis Chirac, who lived at Paddington House, Paddington, was jeweller to Queen Anne. Would it be possible to ascertain the names of the generals to whom her majesty presented snuffboxes with her portrait set in diamonds? AN OBLIGED CONSTANT READER. STAFFORD, MR. - Amongst the Lambeth MSS. (604, fol. 9) is a holograph letter addressed by Sir Robert Cecil to Sir George Carew, some time about February, 1600, soon after the latter was appointed Lord President of Munster. The letter is undated, but it is endorsed as having been received in March, 1600. Cecil commends to the notice of Carew this young gentlemen, Mr. Stafford, in respect of his owne good meritt, and perticulerly for the loue you beare to those freends of his for whose sake he is worthy to be extraordinarily regarded;" and he goes on to say, he is "a gentleman to whom I do for diuers considerations much desire to shew my affection." Among other reasons for his recommendation, he says: "The gentleman hath chosen that Province (Munster) to serve in the rather from the affection he hath to be comanded by you;" and he adds, "you shall do for one whose freend being both of place and quality will be apt to requite it." Can any readers of " N. & Q." assist me in identifying this Mr. Stafford? I am unable to find any mention of him in the Irish State Papers of the period in question. Is it possible that he was Thomas Stafford, who, in 1633, published Pacata Hibernia? The author is said (in Biog. Brit. art. "Carew") to have been Carew's natural son. And in the preface to the Pacata, the author or editor, as the case may be, says it was composed "by the direction and appoyntment of Carew, and ALESSANDRO STRADELLA. - Can any of your musical correspondents inform me the name of the cantata, by Alessandro Stradella, from which Dr. Crotch obtained one of his Specimens of various Styles of Music. It is written in E minor, time, and is a three-part fugue. Any information relative to Stradella and his compositions would be gratefully accepted. W. A. BOWSER. - Can you in ATTACK ON PRINCE OF WALES. form me where is to be found an account of an attack-whether by highwaymen or assassins, I cannot recollect-made upon George IV. when Prince of Wales while in his carriage, in London or the outskirts, possibly in Piccadilly, in the end of the last century? Among the persons with the Prince was the Earl of Clermont. ΚΑΡΡΑ. TENBURY WELLS.-The inhabitants of the town of Tenbury, in Worcestershire, have annexed the term "Wells" to the ancient appellation of that place, from the accidental discovery of a medicinal spring a few years since. Is it not unusual to do so, except to create a distinction with another place? as at Tunbridge Wells and Malvern Wells. Neither Cheltenham or Leamington, both ancient parishes, adopt such a mode of distinguishing their springs of water, and both of comparatively recent discovery. THOS. E. WINNINGTON. Queries with Answers. WHO WAS SEDECHIAS? - The Dicta Moralia Philosophorum, an anonymous Latin compilation, made about 1350, professes to give a collection of the wisest sayings found in the writings of, or attributed to, the most renowned philosophers of all nations and eras. The philosopher whose name occurs first is thus introduced: "Sedechias primus fuit per que nutu dei lex precepta fuit et sapia intellecta. Et dixit Sedechias," &c. - See Brit. Mus., Add. MS. 16906, fol. 1. Philosophes in our national collection, all of which agree in the name and orthography of Sedechias. For instance, "Sedechias fut philosophe le premier par qui de la voulente de dieu loy fut Receue et sapience entendue. Et Sedechias dit," &c. -See Reg. MS. 19 A. viii. In 1450 an English translation, entitled The Doctryne and Wysedom of the Wise Ancyent Philosophres, was made for the special use of Sir John Fastolffe by his son-in-law, Stephen Scrope. The only copy known (Harl. MS. 2266) unfortunately wants the first leaf, but doubtless, like every other version, Scrope began with Sedechias. Lastly came the well-known Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers, translated by Earl Rivers, and issued by Caxton in 1477, being the first instance of an English book with the date of printing. Of this also there is a manuscript in the British Museum (Add. MS. 22718), which begins, like the following extract from Caxton's first edition, with the same name: "Sedechias was the first Philosophir by whoom, through the wil and pleaser of oure Lorde God, Sapience was vnderstande * * whiche Sedechias saide," &c. I end as I began - Who was Sedechias ? WILLIAM BLADES. [We regret that we are unable to afford any satisfactory answer to this inquiry. There was a Sedechias in the ninth century, physician to Louis le Débonnaire, who was also a great magician, and amused the court by cutting off a man's hands and feet, swallowing him, and then bringing him up again, alive and whole. Unfortunately, however, it does not appear that this talented individual left anything in writing for the amusement or instruction of posterity. In another Sedechias (BarAbraham) we seem to come nearer the mark. He on the Sabbath, on the New Moon, and on other Mosaic matters. But as he did not flourish till about the middle of the thirteenth century, we doubt whether he could have been the individual, of whom it was said an hundred years after in the words cited by our correspondent, that "primus fuit per quem lex precepta fuit." Still it is not impossible, after all, that this might be the party intended; for we know very well that mediæval records are not always very particular in their chronology.] BIBLICAL QUERIES: PROVERBS XXVI. 8. 1. As he that bindeth a stone in a sling, so is he that giveth honour to a fool. (Eng. Aut. Version.) 2. Ὁ ἀποδεσμεύει * λίθον ἐν σφενδόνῃ, ὅμοιός ἐστι, &c. (LXX. Version.) 3. As the closing up of a precious stone in an heape of stones, so is he, &c. (English Bible, London, 1590, Deputies of Christopher Barker.) 4. Sicut qui mittit lapidem in acervum mercurii, ita qui, &c. (Jerome's Version in Latin The celebrated provost of Paris, Guillaume de Bibles of 1514, 1551, and the modern Vulgate.) Tignonville, who died in 1414, translated the 5. As he that casteth a stone into the heap of original into French, and this version became very v mercury, so is he, &c. (English translation of the popular, being found in every library of that peVulgate.) riod of which the catalogues have been preserved. There are three copies of Les Dits Moraulx des * "Ος ἀποδεσμεύει, according to Liddell and Scott, should be "he who bindeth (a stone) to, not in (a sling.") Surely there is a mistake somewhere. We find three translations: 1. LXX. σφενδόνῃ, Aut. Vers. "sling." 2. Eng: Bible, 1590, "heap of stone." 3. Latin, "acervum mercurii;" Eng. Vulgate, "heap of mercury." As I have no Hebrew Bible at hand, I am anxious to know the original word or phrase which has thus been variously rendered; and I shall be glad to obtain information as to the grounds on which our Authorised Version was made to differ from ancient versions claiming to have been translated immediately from the Hebrew. CHESSBOROUGH. [As the "ancient versions" differ in this instance among themselves, it was almost unavoidable that the rendering of our Authorised Version should be "made to differ" from one or the other of them. On referring, however, to the Marginal Renderings of our English Bible, we think our correspondent will feel satisfied that our translators had their eyes open, and that neither the rendering of 1590, nor that of the LXX., was overlooked by them. The Vulgate rendering was based upon a rabbinical gloss, and we doubt if any one would now venture to maintain it. Learned men have tried their hands upon the passage in question, and have brought out meanings which tend very little to its elucidation, though much to the display of their own acuteness. Wonderful exhibition of Aaron's skill, when he manipulated the gold, and there came out-a calf! We would submit, however, that the original words, בְּצְרוֹר אֶבֶן בְּמַרְוּמָה are rendered about as closely and as literally as they could be rendered to be intelligible, in the received translation-"as he that bindeth a stone in a sling." Surely the meaning of the verse is sufficiently obvions. Honour to a fool resembles a stone in a sling-it is thrown away. If our translators thought fit to notice former renderings in the margin, this may have been because they wished to show that while their first object was truth, they did not despise antiquity.] FLY-LEAF SCRIBBLINGS. - I have in my possession a copy of the second edition of Newton's Principia (published in 1713), which appears to have belonged, at one time, to Sir William Jones, and was given in 1798 by Lady Jones, his widow, to her brother-in-law, C. William Sloper, Esq. On the fly-leaf there is a memorandum in Sir William Jones's handwriting, to the following effect: "BURROW told me that he had seen in NEWTON'S handwriting, opposite (in a list of mathematical books) to my father's SYNOPSIS, Multum in parvo,' or some such phrase: TAFAZZUL HUSAIN says BURROW told him the phrase was, 'An ocean in a pitcher." " William Jones, Sir William's father, a mathematician of some eminence, was the author of a work entitled, Synopsis Palmariorum Matheseos, which appeared in 1708. Who was Burrow? Who was Tafazzul Husain? P. S. CAREY. [Reuben Burrow, the mathematician, and the original compiler of the Lady and Gentleman's Diary and Poor Robin almanacs, is noticed in our 1st S. xii. 142; 2nd S. x. 309. A memoir of him will be found in the New Monthly Magazine, i. 536-538, abridged in Gorton's and Watkins's Biographical Dictionaries. It is stated that whilst Burrow was in Calcutta, a Cashmirean, one of his pupils who understood English, was translating Newton's Principia into Persian! We do not find the name of Tafazzul Husain in Lord Teignmouth's Memoirs of Sir William Jones, 4to, 1804.] PASSAGE IN VALLANCEY. - Dr. Petrie, in his work The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland anterior to the Anglo-Norman Invasion, comprising an Essay on the Origin and Uses of the Round Towers of Ireland, refers to Vallancey's Essay upon the Antiquity of the Irish Language, first published in 1772, and afterwards reprinted in the Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis in 1781, and gives what appears to be a quotation from Vallancey, in the following words: "The Irish Druids caused all fires to be extinguished throughout the kingdom on the eve of May-day, and every house was obliged to light his fire from the Archdruid's holy fire, kindled on some elevated place, for which they paid a tribute to the Druid. This exactly corresponds with Dr. Hyde's description of the Parsi or Guebri, descendants of the ancient Persians, who have, says he, an annual fire in the temple, from whence they kindle all the fires in their houses, which are previously extinguished, which makes a part of the revenues of their priests; and this was undoubtedly the use of the Round Towers, so frequently to be met with in Ireland, and which were certainly of Phœnician construction." Now in the copy of Vallancey's Essay which I have consulted at the British Museum, in an edition of 1772, I can neither find these words in form, nor anything which could be so construed. I should be glad, if either you, or any of your readers, could throw any light upon this apparent discrepancy. T. M. MAUNSELL. [Our correspondent's query is another proof of the convenience, to save time and trouble, of stating the edition of all works quoted. The second edition of Dr. Vallancey's Essay, 1781, contains considerable corrections and additions, among others the passage quoted above, which will be found only in the Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis, vol. ii. p. 285.] ROYAL ARMS OF SPAIN.-Can anyone inform me of the full meaning of the motto, Plus ultra, and why it was assumed in the royal arms by the Emperor Charles V. of Spain? Murray, in his Hand-Book for Spain, edit. 1847, mentions it slightly at p. 44 of section 1. С. М. [The full phrase was "Ne plus ultra," in which form it was applied to two eminences at the entrance of the Mediterranean, Calpe in Spain, Abyla in Africa, these being regarded as the boundaries of the exploits of Hercules, also as the conventional limits (in that direction) of the old world. But Charles V. having inherited not only the Crowns of Arragon and Castile, but their vast transatlantic dependencies, it was then thought fitting to remove the negative, and to apply to the Columnæ Herculis no longer the phrase "Ne plus ultra," but the more appropriate phrase "Plus ultra." In order, however, to appreciate the full import of this change, it is necessary to bear in mind, that just as Robert Hall said of a person whose conduct had been extremely bad, that he deserved "to be kicked beyond the walls of creation; " so did the |