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Messrs. Hoddy of Bildestone, Browne of Stowmarket, and Thompson of Grundisburgh, alternately proclaimed the everlasting gospel. Mr. Quant was invited to attend these services, and they were blessed to his conversion, so that the language of his heart was, "This people shall be my people, and their God my God. Where they die, will I die, and there will I be buried. The Lord do so to me, and more also, if aught but death part them and me." And never was the holy vow more conscientiously regarded and fulfilled to the letter than in the steadfast adherence of the departed to the cause which he at first espoused. On the 30th July, 1800, at the opening of the first baptist chapel in this place, he was baptized with nine others, who were formed into a church, which, after passing through many vicissitudes, and from which five other churches have been formed, now numbers 350 members.

Mr. Quant was firmly attached to the views of evangelical truth, so ably maintained by the justly celebrated Andrew Fuller, whose niece he married, and who survives to mourn his loss. In consequence of the stand he always made against what he considered unscriptural views of the gospel, he was called to pass through many difficulties in the former history of the church; was often in a minority, and, therefore, compelled to listen to ministrations he could not approve. But here was brought out the noble steadfastness of his attachment to the cause; many, in such circumstances, would have turned away.


the writer has often heard him remark, that the words of our Lord, "Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations,' Luke xxii. 28, always held him firm to the cause which he at first espoused,-an example worthy the imitation of all, especially of deacons and pastors, who ought not precipitately to leave the ship in a storm, or to turn their backs in the day of battle. One saying of his, illustrative of this trait in his character, frequently elicited a smile-"Have what ministers they may, if they do not swear in the pulpit, I will stand by the cause and wait for better days." Nor did he wait and pray in vain, the Lord sent prosperity in his own good time, and the faithful deacon rejoiced that he had not prayed and waited in vain.

Liberality in the cause of Christ was another of the distinguishing traits in his character. For many years the burden of its support, in connexion with this church, lay principally upon him. His house was always open for godly ministers, and to the full extent of his means he cheerfully afforded his pecuniary aid. To the poor he was a constant friend; and to the missionary and kindred institutions a generous contributor. It is pleasant for a pastor to be able to say what may be affirmed of him, that he never refused, during twenty-six years of that pastor's connexion with him, to contribute to any one

object for which he was solicited, nor did he give grudgingly or with a frown; on the contrary, on many occasions he put down a sum which was thought by his pastor more than he ought to give, or more than was required as his proportion for that object. How rare the liberality in the cause of Christ which needs to be restrained!

Love to the house and ordinances of God was his ruling passion, and many years ago, as expressive of this attachment to the sanctuary, he selected as a text for his funeral sermon, these words of the Psalmist, "I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth." He used "the office of a deacon well," for more than thirty-three years; and from his first joining the church, till the infirmities of age incapacitated him, he was a constant attendant at the seven o'clock prayer-meeting on a sabbath morning, and on all the week-day services. He was mighty in the scriptures. His well-worn bible testifies how he loved the word of God.

It may serve, in a few words, to express his habitual feeling, to state, that for more than five and twenty years, he told the writer, he every day repeated the 90th hymn, second book, Dr. Watts, which, he said, contained the whole gospel, the last verse of which especially, it will long be remembered, he frequently quoted in prayer,

"A guilty, weak, and helpless worm,
On thy kind arms I fall;

Be thou my strength and righteousness,
My Jesus and my all."

His end was peace. One day, when near his home, he said, "I can say with Mr. Fuller, I have no raptures, and no despondency, but a hope fixed on Christ my rock.'" It may be recorded for the encouragement of others, that although he had all his life feared ed, and his frequent language was, "Come, the article of death, this was entirely removLord Jesus, come quickly." These and many other precious scriptures and hymns he repeated at intervals, and the last words he was heard to articulate were, "Ordered in all things and sure." Thus, in the 73rd year of will be held in grateful remembrance by his his age, died this servant of God, whose worth bereaved widow and family, pastor and church, till, one by one, they are reunited where the parting pang will be felt and feared no more

for ever.

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last year raised the rent £20, and now deDied, December 26, 1848, Ann, the beloy-manding an additional £10 per annum. ed wife of Mr. John Chappell, baptist minister, Long Parish, Hants. It pleased God to call her to the knowledge of the truth before she was fourteen years of age; and during nearly forty years she enjoyed much of the presence of God. Called to experience an affliction of more than ten years' duration, she found God faithful to his promises. The last two years and four months she was confined to her dwelling. "This," she often said, "is a Bethel, for here I enjoy the presence of the great Refiner." Her end was peace; her last words being, "Perfectly happy."


For Mr. Cater, as well as the church, much sympathy will be felt, parting, as he does, from a little flock who entertain for him the kindest and most affectionate feelings. little flock from whom Mr. Cater is thus separated, entertain towards him the most kindly feelings, and earnestly hope that Providence will overrule his removal from Brompton for abundant good, and guide him to a sphere of more extensive usefulness. The farewell services of their last sabbath evening were most affecting, and will be long remembered. The text was Isaiah xxi. 12. Mr. Cater's address is 4, King Street, Chelsea.


the Baptist Irish Society, requests us to say, that he is open to an invitation from any strict baptist church which may be in want of a pastor.

Died, January 8th, in tranquillity and The Rev. W. Hamilton, intending to repatient hope, the Rev. Josiah Wilkinson. move from Ballina, where he has for some This estimable minister undertook the pas-years occupied a station in connexion with torate of the baptist church, Saffron Walden, Essex, in October, 1809. His labours were very successful for many years; but having combined the work of a schoolmaster with that of a pastor, his constitution gave way when he was about sixty years of age, and he became inadequate to public exertion. He will be long remembered with affection by the inhabitants of the town in which he resided.




As all our readers do not see this paper, it is probable that some of them would like Died, January 17th, Ann, the beloved wife to see a specimen. We will give them one of Mr. James Minns of Chelsea. Her case which we find in the number for January 3, 1849. was remarkable. Above eleven years ago, she was seized with a peculiarly distressing malady, for which science could afford no relief, and from that time forward the work assigned to her was to glorify God by the tient endurance of bodily agony. A firm faith sustained her spirits; and her conversation exhibited habitually an extraordinary combination of submission to the divine will, with ardent desire for removal to the better world, in which she looked for a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.




Many readers of this magazine will learn with regret that the interesting cause at Alfred Place, Brompton, which has struggled through many difficulties, is at last obliged to be abandoned.

It was hoped that under the pastoral care of the Rev. Philip Cater, who has laboured there for the last two or three years, it would be maintained; but the loss, by death and removals, of those members most able to assist in its support, has so reduced the numbers that they are unable to meet the heavy and increasing liabilities; the landlord having

"The Baptist Magazine opens with a good 'Address' to the baptist churches, which it were well that every baptist should read. The first question is, 'Do you take the Baptist Magazine? This is capital! Let the minister put it, the deacons, the visiters, and the sabbath-school teachers, and every baptist to his fellow. Why ought not this magazine to be in every baptist family? The portrait of the ever-to-be-remembered William Knibb is very properly prefixed to the first number of the year. The articles are various, instructive, and edifying; at the same time, there appears to us to be greatly more space devoted to the thing called Intelligence,' than is for the real good of the churches. This horse leech cry for News!' News!' ought to have limits set to it by the public press. What the world wants is, we think,

not so much News,' as more solid information, more intellectual culture, more thorough-going, bracing instruction. Here we have twenty-two pages consecrated to general matter and notices of books, and twenty-two pages to 'Intelligence,' so called,

that is to say, half and half; and this intelligence is exclusive of Missionary Herald and the Irish Chronicle. We should say, were we in the place of the excellent editor,

'More beef! more bread! less slops! These are necessary to your strength, and, will ye, nill ye, you must make up your minds to it. Mind that!"""


the collectors, Mr. W. Muir and Dr. Davies, obtained the sum of £60 2s. The facts and incidents connected with this mendicant effort furnish materials for many notes and comments, both curious and common-place; but we will offer only two, viz., that men of all An effort has been recently made in this classes, except Puseyites, are among the concity to collect money towards paying a debt tributors, and that our citizens in general are on the Baptist College. In view of the hard-worthy of all respect for courteous and beness of the times, it was thought best to limit nevolent dispositions even in these trying the amount to one dollar from each contri- times. butor, that so the application might be made very generally among the inhabitants supposed to be friendly to educational institutions. As the result of a somewhat toilsome canvass for this object among the community, 1

It was thought that similar attempts might be made in other places, particularly our large towns, in aid of the object. Will any friends of education try the plan in their localities ?---- Montreal Register.



To the Editor of the Baptist Magazine DEAR SIR,-Returning seasons naturally excite reflection upon the past; and men in the commencement of a new year should closely examine the working of those experiments which they have promoted. It also is profitable for persons who are entrusted with the management of charitable institutions, supported by public benevolence, to aid the scrutiny of the subscribers, by bringing before them a statement of their proceedings.

Under a conviction of this duty, I ask the favour of your inserting in your journal the following result of an alteration which has recently been made in the constitution of the Baptist Building Fund.

During the year 1845, the amount of the annual subscriptions to its support was reduced to the sum of £523. In April, 1848, the death of the widow of the late William Newman, D.D., enabled his executor to divide the invested property in which Mrs. Newman had a life-interest, and as the will of the doctor directed, to pay to the treasurer of the Baptist Building Fund £1000. The committee of that institution, upon receiving the amount, adopted a plan suggested by Mr. Bowser, to relinquish the former practice of giving money, except in extreme cases, and under the authority of a general meeting of their subscribers, to commence a loan fund with the doctor's legacy, thereby establishing a system of lending without interest, for the repairing or building of chapels for the use of the baptist denomination; and stipulating that the money so lent shall be repaid in ten years, by twenty half-yearly equal instalments, and that repayment be secured by the joint and separate note of hand of four respectable persons belonging to the church or congregation. The result of this alteration is as follows:-

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With this sum of £1950, twenty churches have been assisted by loan without interest, and that amount of debt paid off. The instalments have been regularly paid at Ladyday and Michaelmas without a single exception, and the amount receivable from instalments at each of those periods is now 295, that sum will be increased at each returning half-year, by the return from future loans; and will, at every period, be lent to the church then standing first upon the list of approved applications. The amount of annual subscriptions is in like manner disposed of. Thus Sir, by lending money to the necessitous a permanent fund has been created, and is accumulating; it is invested, not in public securities to lie idle, nor for a solitary purpose, it is spread and treasured throughout the kingdom. It first pays off long-standing and oppressive debt, and its return into stocks is secured by the voluntary undertaking of respectable men, legally bound, to guarantee a repayment at the time, and in the manner specified in the engagement. The borrowers of the money, the church, who previously had been compelled to raise and annually to pay five per cent. for interest, without lessening their obligations for the principal, are freed from that incubus, and now are encouraged cheerfully to exert themselves to raise double the amount under the animating certainty that in ten years their anxieties will close with the annihilation of their debt.!

This plain statement of a regular process, producing a certain and beneficial result, does not require any explanation or comment; it evidences that whatever sum is given to the Baptist Building Fund, is not spent, and cannot cease its operation; on the contrary, it first pays off a debt bearing interest, and then it half-yearly increases a permanent fund in perpetual circulation, which fund, with the exception, perhaps, of some trifling defalcation, will be in vigorous and extensive operation so long as there shall be one baptist church in need of the assistance it is intended to render. Such a termination of the labour of the society, or a want of proper recipients of its bounty, the most timid need not use as a reason for withholding their aid, because UNERRING AUTHORITY has said, "the poor ye have ALWAYS with you."

If, Sir, persuasion, impressed by conviction of certain utility, could operate to induce every member of our denomination, according to his ability, to give one donation of one or any number of pounds, to this sacred investment for the promotion of the public worship of God, that one donation, once, and only once given, would render the resources of the Baptist Loan Fund, adequate to pay off at once ALL the existing debt without reducing the capital invested in this joint stock bank, and also (as that capital revolved without reduction) to assist in the future erection and repair of chapels and schoolrooms, divested of the cost and consequences, and free from the hazard of mortgages, created and suffered to secure interest. And be it observed, that so long as the payment of the interest exists, it assuredly weighs down the laborious and deserving pastors of our churches, because the continual and hopeless provision for the annual payment of interest, discourages and cripples the exertions of the poor members to provide for their minister. He suffers, not from their want of affection, but through their inability. This should afford a motive sufficiently operative to remove the cause, and abate the pressure upon those who cannot complain.

May this representation, Sir, prove an appeal sufficiently availing to induce some members of our denomination to become depositors in this peculiar fund, which, like "the widow's cruse," amply supplies without exhaustion, and carries a blessing to the giver with the gift. The business of the society is conducted with very little expense, all services are gratuitous, except those of the collector: no poundage is paid upon donations. And if the fund were increased twenty thousand fold it would not make any material difference in the cost of management. Donations by draft on London bankers, crossed Bank of England, or post office orders payable at Limehouse, will be thankfully received by the committee, the secretary, Mr. John Eastty, Victoria Terrace, Grange Rond,


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To the Editor of the Baptist Magazine. MY DEAR SIR,-A most cheering event has recently transpired in Orissa, which should be known throughout the world, and I have much pleasure in communicating it for the information of your numerous readers. In the district of Goomsur, inhabited by the Khunds, the practice of infant sacrifice for the promotion of the fertility of the soil is very prevalent. The philanthropy of the British government is vigorously hunting to death this monster cruelty, and we have now to record the rescue of more than a hundred victims, and provision made for their support and education under the watchful eye of the missionaries at Cuttack and Berhampore. The Rev. W. Miller thus refers to the subject :

"You and all our friends in England will rejoice to learn that one hundred Meriah victims have been rescued from the Khunds, and are to be placed in the orphan asylums of Cuttack and Berhampore. Indeed the Berhampore brethren have already received their portion. Those for Cuttack will be detained until the cold season, when the roads will be in a fit state for travelling. The government has generously offered two rupees and three quarters per month for each for their support, and something to assist them on entering into life."

The Rev. W. Bailey, of Berhampore, under date October 3, 1848, gives a very interesting account of the arrival of the prey taken from the mighty, and the deliverance of the unhappy captives." He says,

"On August 17 we received from the agents for the suppressing of the Meriah in Goomsur fifty-one children, namely twenty-five boys and twenty-six girls. The agents were very anxious to establish schools on the borders of the Khund country, and have the children trained under their own care; hence various plans were recommended to the government, but none of them obtained their approbation. At length it was proposed that the younger children should be given over to the Orissa missionaries, and that the government should bear the expense of maintenance and education. To this the government assented, and the agents despatched as soon as possible the fifty-one children, all under twelve years of age, with the understanding that they would send us more if we wished. These children were all appointed for sacrifice, and would in their turn, as they were fattened, have been

cut to pieces alive by the cruel Khunds, had they not been rescued by a humane government. It is very affecting to hear the boys talk of the way in which their cruel parents sold them to this barbarous race. I intend at some future time to write some of their histories, as I think a brief account might be interesting to our friends. I shall not soon forget the day on which they came. Some of them were very weak, and most of them were poorly clad. They were all placed in a room, and their names were called over by the person who brought them, prior to their being delivered to our charge. One name after another of the boys was called over, and at length the name of Dasia was called, and a boy named Philip, who has been with us about five years, clapped his hands, and exelaimed with joy and surprise," Dasia, Dasia, that is my little brother !" and he ran to him with all haste and embraced him. I said to him. "How do you know that he is your brother?" He replied, "Oh! I do know, I am sure Dasia is my brother; I well remember the day when he was sold, but now I see him again!" Philip soon published the tidings all around, that his "brother who was lost, was found again." He was so delighted for some hours, that he could scarcely contain himself. I was reminded of the touching scene when Joseph and his brethren met. Two or three instances of this kind have occurred before in the history of the Orissa mission. I feel very thankful that these children have been entrusted to our care. Many of them I trust will become pious and useful to their degraded countrymen. Two Khund boys who were trained here, are now sustaining important situations in Goomsur, so that we have reason to hope that great good may result from our efforts. Our highly esteemed friend, J. P. F. Erg, is now studying the Khund language, and has already made considerable progress, so that "the wanderers on the mountains" will be able ere long to read the scriptures which are able to make wise unto salvation."

In reading this interesting account, we are ready to say in reference to the British career in India, "O si sic omnia!" Oh, if thus all things, how would the glory of our country and of our common Christianity have been promoted! Compared with such real glory, "The laurels that a Cæsar reaps are weeds!" Your helper in Christ,

Burton-on-Trent, January 16, 1849.



To the Editor of the Baptist Magazine. DEAR SIR,-As you have introduced the subject of separate services for children, I trust it will meet with the consideration its importance demands. The circumstance of so very small a number out of the thousands VOL. XII.-FOURTH SERIES.

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of our Sunday scholars being converted under the public means of grace is deeply affecting, and ought to raise in the minds of pastors as well as teachers the inquiry, What is the cause? Having been intimately connected with Sunday schools more than half a century, I have seen very many instances in which the familiar addresses of the teacher or superintendent have been the means, under the divine blessing, of producing a saving change; but very few instances have come to my knowledge, in which the attendance on public worship has appeared to be productive of benefit, and I think we are indebted to Mrs. Davids for having drawn the attention of our churches to the subject.

But your readers should be made aware that Mrs. Davids has not laid down her proposition to the extent represented by Dr. Morison in the quotation you have made. She refers to the elder and better instructed children under the new system, as to be found in the general congregation, and it is clear that her wish is, that separate services shall be provided for only the younger of the children, whether in Sunday schools or in families. The Rev. Samuel Martin, whose practical acquaintance with the working of Sunday schools, as well as his deep interest in the young, entitle his opinion to great weight, makes the same distinction. In a paper read by him at the meeting of the Congregational Union at Leicester, he says, "It is desirable that separate religious services should be conducted for all children whose intellectual and moral capacity is considerably below the powers of the adult, and whose condition and circumstances involve strong contrasts with the circumstances of the adult. The preaching which is adapted to the adult cannot be supposed to suit the case of the child. worship and preaching, as administered in our ordinary public services, contemplate mainly, if not exclusively, the state of the adult." I would copy the whole of this section of Mr. Martin's address, for the whole is excellent, but that I hope those who desire to form a correct judgment will read it before they decide.


Every one is aware that the talents of our ministers vary exceedingly. Some have a simplicity of style and an engaging mode of address, which render their conversation and their preaching interesting to the young, to some even when very young; while others cannot condescend to children-even when they attempt it they fail-the words they employ are of a class to which the children can attach no idea, and their illustrations are by objects unknown to children. Then it is not only the style of the sermon, but the length of the service, which renders it irksome and repulsive. Take for instance, a service where the prayer is of twenty minutes duration, and the sermon from an hour to an hour and ten minutes,thewhole service occupying,ordinarily,

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