Obrazy na stronie

Oodooville boarding-school, 9, 60, 252; free | schools, 9, 210; Dr. Green's practice, 9; the press, 9; annual meeting, 59; Panditeripo, 60; Chavagacherry, 60; Dr. Green's students, 60; journal of Mr. Poor, 97; Manepy, 97; Tillipally, 98, 100, 375; temperance, 98, 100, 210, 232, 252, 277, 374; Native Evangelical Society, 99, 101, 231; Edward Warren, 99; annual meeting, 100; out-stations, 101, 210; Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, 187; Batticotta graduates, 210; sickness and famine, 220; liberality, 232; a forced marriage, 252; Mr. Sanders's impressions, 253; encouragement, 277; report at the meeting of the Board, 297; Arnicotta, 342; Taverkutta, 344; Dean and his father-in-law, 344; Hallock at Alleverty, 346; a communion, 374; Mavittapuram, 374.

Cherokees, mission to, 12, 60, 90, 124, 157, 186, 284, 298, 310, 348-9, 389; annual survey, 12; changes, 12; civilization, 12, 284, 298; national seminaries, 12, 186, 284; the churches, 12, 284; baptisms, 12, 124, 157, 186, 284, 349; schools, 12, 281, 319; missionaries needed, 60, 186, 349, 389; revival in the female seminary, 90, 124, 349; reinforcement, 124; reports at the meeting of the Board, 298, 310; annual meeting, 348; annual report, 348.

China, missions in, 380.

Choctaws, mission to, 11-12, 27, 90, 124, 186, 250, 284, 298, 307, 327-30, 349, 386, 389; annual survey, 11; hopeful appearances, 11; the churches, 12, 27, 186, 250, 284, 327-30; baptisms, 12, 27, 90, 186, 250, 327-30; contributions, 12; boarding schools, 12, 327-9; day schools, 12, 329, 330; translations, 12; changes, 12; Good Land, 27, 186, 250, 386; temperance, 27; Wheelock, 90, 327; reinforcements, 124, 349; reports at the meeting of the Board, 298, 307; station reports, 327; Stockbridge, 327; Norwalk, 328 Pine Ridge, 328; Good Water, 328; Mount Pleasant, 330; death of Mrs. Pierson, 386; illness of Mr. Pierson, 386. Constantinople, 4, 46-9, 125, 138-9, 156, 174-7, 188, 194, 220, 265-70, 318, 330, 346-7, 368-9, 387; churches, 4, 188, 194; Bebek seminary, 4, 139, 194, 220, 266, 318; female boarding school, 4, 194; Mr. Dwight's visit to Nicomedia and Adabazar, 46; Rodosto, 125, 189, 368; apostate Greeks in Rhodes, 138; Turkish kindness, 139; letter from the church at Adabazar, 156; Adabazar, 188, 194, 330; journal of Mr. Van Lennep, 174-7; a Greek licentiate, 174; Armenian subtlety, 174; Protestant honesty, 175; obstructed burial, 176; Nicomedia, 188, 194; tour of the pastor of Adabazar, 188, 346; a new church, 188; colporters, 188; new book depot, 189; station report, 194; Broosa, 194, 347; Psamatia, 265, 267, 387; correspondence with Lord Stratford, 267; an evening visit, 330; call for men, 347; a new church, 368; Kutaya, 387; Ortakeuy,


Church Missionary Society, 214, 378.

Dakotas, mission to, 12-13, 124, 187, 251, 284, 348, 386; annual survey, 13; changes, 13; the churches, 13; baptisms, 13, 348; cession of land, 13, 283; death of Mrs. S. W. Pond, 124; liquor law, 187; Lac-qui-parle, 251; treaty changed, 284; events at Red Wing, 348; new station, 386.

Diarbekr-see Assyria. Divrik-see Trebizond.

Erzrûm, station at, 4, 74-5, 172-3, 196, 264-5, 359-61; Arabkir, 74, 193, 334; Geghi, 74, 196; progress at Erzrûm, 74, 196, 265; opposition, 75, 172, 264; persecution of a Russian Armenian, 172, 196; station report, 196; Vartabed of Geghi, 196; a pasha displaced, 264; early seed in Khanûs, 359; persecution in Khanûs, 360; a wicked Armenian, 361.

Free Will Baptist missions, 57. Fuh-chau mission, 10, 60, 125, 187, 229-30, 297, 375-8; annual survey, 10; death of Mr. Richards, 10, 125; changes, 10; preaching, 10, 187, 376-7; schools, 10, 187, 376-7; degradation of a governor, 60; preaching in the villages, 187; Chinese funeral rites, 229; report at the meeting of the Board, 297; routine of labor, 375; hinderances from the government, 377; embarkation of Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell, 389.

Gaboon, mission to the, 2, 58-9, 83-6, 90, 283, 295, 388; annual survey, 2; the church, 2; Mr. Preston's station, 58; correspondence with M. Penaud, 58; slave trade, 58; excursions of Messrs. Bushnell and Porter up the Gaboon, 83-6; death and funeral at Ovizuwe, 83-4; historical gleanings, 83; passage up the Asango, 85; Pangwes, 85, 283; Messrs. Walker and Preston at Monrovia, 90; report at the meeting of the Board, 275; death of Mr. and Mrs. Porter, 388.

Gawar, station in, 6, 67-70, 91, 106, 139-40, 202-4, 205, 262-3, 283, 363-6; distance from Oroomiah, 6; Mr. Stocking's visit, 67; Memikan, 68, 91, 106, 139, 202-4, 205, 283, 363-6; Mar Slewa, 69, 140, 202, 366; visit of Messrs. Wright, Coan and Rhea, 91; station commenced, 106; persecution, 140, 363-6; school, 140, 203, 205; weather, 140, 202, 205; labors of Dea. Tamo, 202, 203; Mr. Perkins's visit, 262; murder, 363; Dea. Tamo and others imprisoned, 364; Col. Williams's aid, 364; accommodations, 366.

Good Land-see Choctaws. Good Water-see Choctaws. Gossner's Missionary Society, 184. Greece, mission to, 3, 135-8, 177-80, 238-9, 295; annual survey, 3; trial of Mr. King, 135, 178; his imprisonment, 137, 178; judgment of the Areopagus, 179; opinions of the press, 180; opinion of twelve lawyers, 239; report at the meeting of the Board, 295.

Hasbeiya, 5, 33-6, 59, 91, 188, 219, 318, 387; journal of Mr. Thompson, 33; progress, 33, 35, 59,91, 188; place of worship enlarged, 33; the Emir, 34, 318; a pious vine-dresser, 34; Rashaiah, 35, 91, 144; Ibel, 36, 59, 91, 144, 188, 318; Sidon, 59, 91, 387; Tyre, 59; the church, 219; opposition, 318.

Hawaiian Missionary Society, 326.
Hilo-see Sandwich Islands.
Hindooism, Hoisington on, 181.
Hoisington's address on Hindooism, 181.
Honolulu-see Sandwich Islands.

Ifafa-see Zulus. Ifumi-see Zulus.

India, missionary results in, 153-5.
India's religion, Hoisington on, 181.
Indian missions, statistics of, 123.
Indian lands sold to the United States, 278-9.
Isidumbini-see Zulus.

Donations, 28, 61, 91, 125, 157, 189, 221, 253, Itafamasi-see Zulus. 284, 318, 349, 389.

[blocks in formation]

Jews, mission to, 3, 78-83, 91, 157, 189, 235-8, 295, 367-8; annual survey, 3; Mr. Parsons's visit to Bulgaria, 78; preaching, 91, 157, 189; Mr. Dodd's visit to Larissa, 235; Berea, 236;

report at the meeting of the Board, 295; death
of Mrs. Morgan, 367.

Kilauea-see Sandwich Islands.
Killis-see Aintab.

Leipsic Missionary Society, 248.
London Jews' Society, 381.
London Missionary Society, 216.

a Moslem pupil honored, 337; elevations and
climate, 338, Mar Yohannan and his village,
338; the cholera, 339; boundary commission-
ers, 362; Col. Williams, 362. See also Gawar.
Netherlands Missionary Society, 249.
New York Indians, 13-14, 27, 60-1, 90, 124, 220,
250, 283, 299, 312, 387; annual survey, 13; state
of the Senecas, 13, 90; the churches, 13, 283
baptisms, 13, 61, 124, 220, 387; schools, 13;
temperance, 14, 283, 312; changes, 14, 27, 60;
discipline, 27; revival among the Tuscaroras,
61, 90, 124, 220, 250, 283; death of Mrs. Bur-
gess, 90; reports at the meeting of the Board,
299, 312.

Madras mission, 7, 18-9, 102-6, 157, 206-8, 220,
273, 296, 317, 318; annual survey, 7; Arcot,
7, 105, 206, 348; the churches, 7, 19, 105; bap-
tisms, 7, 19, 105, 348; schools, 7; the press, 7;
annual meeting, 19; love feast, 19; advan-Nicomedia, 4, 46-9, 188.
tages of medical missionaries, 102; laborers
needed, 105; Mr. and Mrs. Hurd, 157, 348;
children restored, 207; death of Mrs. Wins-
low, 220; death of a Hindoo, 273; an anni-
versary, 273; report at the meeting of the
Board, 296; a child delivered to her father, 317;
a convert mobbed, 348.

North German Missionary Society, 385.
Norwalk-see Choctaws.

Madura mission, 7-8, 26-7, 51-3, 69, 167-72,
208-9, 274-7, 296, 316, 371-4; annual survey,
7; changes, 7; the churches, 8, 168; baptisms,
8, 168, 171; village congregations, 8, 167,
208, 274-7, 316, 371-4; the seminary, 8, 27,
168; schools, 8, 26, 168, 276; Dr. Shelton's
practice, 8, 169; Hindoo medical skill. 26;
Tirumungalum, 26, 170; relapse to Romanism,
26; Mandahasalie, 51, 170, 371; opposition,
51-3; annual meeting, 59; annual report, 167;
Dindigul, 169, 170, 274; Madura, 169; Siva-
gunga, 169; Periacoolum, 170; Romanism,
170, 275, 372; appeal for help, 171; death of
a Hindoo, 275; report at the meeting of the
Board, 296.

Mandahasalie-see Madura.
Manepy-see Ceylon.
Mapumulo-see Žulus.

Marsovan, 42-5, 118-20, 197-8, 317; pastor
Simon's visit, 42; description of the place,
42, 317; history of its reformation, 45, 118;
persecution, 119, 197, 317; station commenced,
193, 317; annoyances, 197; interesting con-
vert, 198; shyness of females, 317.
Micronesia, mission to, 28, 91, 326-7, 353-5;
embarkation of Messrs. Snow and Gulick, 28;
embarkation of Mr. Sturges, 91; interest at the
Islands, 326, 353-5; preparation, 326; King's
letter, 327; church organized, 327; native
helpers, 354; embarkation, 355.
Missionary societies, American, 57-8.
Methodist Missionary Society, 248.
Medical lectures, free, 221, 349.

Molokai-see Sandwich Islands.

Moravian missions, 53-7.
Mosul-see Assyria.

Mount Pleasant-see Choctaws.

Nestorians, mission to, 5-6, 65-74, 91, 106-8,
140-2, 187, 204-6, 221, 239-45, 257-63, 283,
296, 317, 337-9, 362-3; annual survey, 5;
changes, 6; native assistants, 6, 66, 141; male
seminary, 6, 66, 91, 107, 141, 204, 317; girls'
boarding school, 6, 67, 91, 206, 317; day
schools, 6, 140, 205; the press, 6, 20, 204;
annual meeting, 20; preaching, 20, 108, 141,
317; sickness, 20; Mr. Stoddard's reception,
65; Mar Shimon, 69, 71, 72, 91; Mr. Coan's
visit to Ishtazin, 70; Mr. Coan's visit to Central
Koordistan, 71; wandering Nestorians, 71-2;
Nazee, 73; Bootan, 91, 257; toleration, 141;
donation of a Mohammedan Prince, 187; La-
zarists, 196; Geog Tapa, 204, 243, 317; Mr.
and Mrs. Crane, 221, 283; a Nestorian Sab-
bath school, 239; monthly concert at Geog Ta-
pa, 243; visit of Nestorian deacons to Bootan,
257; report at the meeting of the Board, 296;

Ojibwas, mission to, 13, 283, 299; annual sur-
vey, 13; removal of the Indians, 13, 283;
schools, 13, 283-4; the church, 13; prospect,
283; report at the meeting of the Board, 299.
Oodooville-see Ceylon.

Oregon Indians, mission to, 11, 60; annual sur-
vey, 11; changes, 11; Spokans, 11, 60;
Messrs. Walker and Eells do not resume their
labors, 11, 60.

Panditeripo-see Ceylon.
Paris Missionary Society, 89, 249, 385.
Periacoolum-see Madura.
Pine Ridge-see Choctaws.
Presbyterian missions, 245.
Psamatia-see Constantinople.
Punahou-see Sandwich Islands.

Rhenish Missionary Society, 24, 165, 212.

Salonica-see Jews.

Sandwich Islands mission, 10, 28, 60, 161-5, 187,
225, 297, 321-7, 353-6; annual survey, 10;
changes, 10; corresponding members, 10; the
churches, 10, 60, 161, 187, 323, 355; bap-
tisms, 10, 60, 161, 162, 323; contributions, 11,
162, 165, 323, 324-6, 353-5; schools, 11, 163,
321, 324-6; civilization, 11, 161, 322, 324-6;
native pastors, 11; revivals, 28, 161, 187, 323,
324-6; Wailuku, 28; embarkation of Mr.
Paris and others, 28; their arrival, 220; Mo-
lokai, 60; Waimea, 161; Mormonism, 161,
324; temperance, 161-2, 163, 325; Mr. Coan's
tours, 162-3; Hawaiian pic-nic, 163; Hawaiian
debates, 164; seamen, 165; eruption of Mauna
Loa, 225, 356; report at the meeting of the
Board, 298; annual meeting, 321; Lahaina-
luna seminary, 321,325; Punahou school, 321;
royal school, 321; legislation, 322; city of
Honolulu, 323; mails, 323; popery, 324; sta-
tion reports, 324; Hilo boarding school, 324;
mission to Micronesia, 326-7, 353-5; Hawa-
iian Missionary Society, 326; Kilauea, 356.
Satara, mission at, 6, 156, 347; schools, 6, 156;
arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Burgess, 156; church,
347; interesting baptism, 347; secret society,

Schoolcraft's work on the Indians, 378.
Scotch Free Church missions, 250, 280.
Senecas-see New York Indians.
Seventh Day Baptist missions, 57.
Sidon-see Hasbeiya.
Sivas, 4, 120, 193, 198.
Sivagunga-see Madura.
Slave trade, nearly abolished, 58.
Smyrna, station at, 4, 177, 188, 195; persecution,
177, 195; progress, 177, 195; opening in Thes-
saly, 188; station report, 195; Magnesia, 195;,
Akhissar, 195.

Society for Propagating the Gospel, 384.
Stockbridge-see Choctaws.

Tuscaroras-see New York Indians.

Stratford, Lord, correspondence with, 267.
Syria, mission to, 4-5, 28, 112-4, 125, 144-8,
201, 219, 270-3, 296, 387; annual survey, 4; Umsunduzi-see Zulus.
changes, 5; progress, 5, 112, 219, 273; Umtwalumi-see Zulus.
churches, 5, 112, 114, 148, 220, 270-3; schools, Umvoti-see Zulus.
5, 144, 146; seminary at Abeih, 5, 144; Mr. United Presbyterian missions, 281.
Smith's translation, 5, 219; the press, 5, 146;
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy, 28, 125; baptisms, 113; Wailuku-see Sandwich Islands.
Kefr Sheema, 114, 147; Bhamdûn, 114, 147; Waimea-see Sandwich Islands.
Abeih report, 144; Beirût report, 146; preach-Wesleyan Missionary Society, 214.
ing, 146; death of Miss Whittlesey, 201; an-
nual meeting, 219; help asked, 219; native
society, 220; history of certain converts, 270-3;
report at the meeting of the Board, 296;
church formed at Abeih, 387. See also Aleppo,
Sidon and Tripoli.

[blocks in formation]

Worcester, Dr. Samuel, Life of, noticed, 121.
Wheelock-see Choctaws.

Zulus, mission to the, 2-3, 90-1, 120-1, 129-35, 218-9, 295; annual survey, 3; death of Dr. Adams, 90, 120; changes, 3, 121; annual meeting, 129; station reports, 129; churches, 3, 129-33, 219; baptisms, 129-33, 218-9; Umvoti, 129, 219; Isiḍumbini, 130; Umsunduzi, 130, 218; Itafamasi, 131; Ifumi, 131, 218; Ifafa, 132, 219; improvement, 129; grounds of opposition, 131; statistics of the mission, 133; Umtwalumi, 133; attacks on the missionaries, 218; anniversary of the commencement of the mission, 218; Mapumulo, 219; report at the meeting of the Board, 295.


The following Index contains the Names of the Missionaries and Assistant Missionaries whose communications are inserted in this volume, and those about whom information is given.

[blocks in formation]

Adams, Mrs., 2, 120.

Bliss, Mrs., 14.

Agnew, Miss Eliza, 8.

Aiton, John F., 12.'

193, 197, 317.

Aiton, Mrs., 12.

Bliss, Mrs., 3, 118.

Butler, Mrs., 12.

Butler, John Adams, 2.
Butler, Mrs., 2.

Buttrick, Daniel S., 12.

Byington, Cyrus, 11, 12, 253, 308, 327.

Byington, Mrs., 11.

Bliss, Edwin E., 3, 21, 45, 118, Calhoun, Simeon H., 4, 114, 144,

Bliss, Isaac G., 4, 74, 196, 333, Castle, Samuel N., 10.

Calhoun, Mrs., 4.

Castle, Mrs., 10.

Chamberlain, Jason D., 349.
Chamberlain, Mrs., 349.


Chandler, John E., 7, 26, 167, 371, 372.


Chandler, Mrs., 7.

Cherry, Henry, 8.

Alexander, W. P., 10.
Alexander, Mrs., 10.
Allen, D. O., 6, 251.
Andrews, C. B., 10, 28, 220.
Andrews, Mrs., 10, 28, 220.
Andrews, Seth L., 10.

Arms, Miss Maria P., 124, 329,

Backus, Miss Elizabeth, 349.
Bailey, Edward, 10.
Bailey, Mrs., 10.

Baldwin, Caleb C., 10, 187,
Baldwin, Mrs., 10.

Baldwin, Dwight, 10.

Baldwin, Mrs., 10.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bonney, Samuel W., 9, 86, 87,
Bowen, George, 6.
Breath, Edward, 5, 20, 91,

Breath, Mrs., 5.
Brewster, F. H., 284.
376. Brewster, Mrs., 284.
Bridgman, Elijah C., 9, 349.
Bridgman, Mrs., 9, 349.
Bridgman, James G., 9, 86.
Brown, Miss Lydia, 10.
Bryant, James C., 2, 131.
Bryant, Mrs., 2.

Burgess, Ebenezer, 6, 7,
156, 342, 347.

179, Burgess, Mrs., 6, 156.

Benjamin, Mrs., 3.
Bennet, Miss Hannah, 11.
Benton, William A., 5, 37, 333.
Benton, Mrs., 5.
Best, Jacob, 2, 58.

Chamberlain, Mrs. M. P., 10.

Cherry, Mrs., 8.

Clark, E. W., 10, 187, 326, 327,
354, 355.
Clark, Mrs., 10.

Coan, G. W., 6, 20, 70, 71, 91,
106, 139, 202, 240, 262, 283,

Coan, Mrs., 6, 106, 140, 203, 205, 262, 263.

148, Coan, Titus, 10, 162, 225, 324,


Coan, Mrs., 10.

Burnell, Thomas S., 8, 342, 346, Cochran, Joseph G., 5, 20, 66,

[blocks in formation]

Cooke, Mrs., 10.

Goulding, Miss Harriet, 11.

Copeland, C. C., 11, 186, 250, Graves, Mrs. M. L., 6.

308, 309, 330.

[blocks in formation]

Crane, Edwin H., 221, 283.
Crane, Mrs., 221, 283.

Crane, Oliver, 3, 22, 77, 199, 220,
251, 369.

Crane, Mrs., 4.

Curtis, Miss Mary M., 349.
Cummings, Seneca, 10, 60,


Cummings, Mrs., 10.!

Dana, Mrs. Ann B., 11, 328.
Day, Kellogg, 12.
Day, Mrs., 12.
DeForest, H. A., 4, 201.
DeForest, Mrs., 4, 147, 201.
Dickinson, Miss Caroline, 12.
Dodd, E. M., 3, 91, 157, 235.
Dodd, Mrs., 3.

Döhne, Jacob L., 2, 3, 133.
Döhne, Mrs., 2, 3.
Dole, Daniel, 10.
Dole, Mrs., 10.

Doolittle, Justus, 10, 187, 376.
Doolittle, Mrs., 10.

Green, Samuel F., 8, 9, 60, 297.
Grout, Aldin, 2, 120, 129, 133,

Grout, Mrs., 2, 129.
Grout, Lewis, 2, 130, 133, 218.
Grout, Mrs., 2, 130.
Gulick, L. H., 10, 23, 220, 326,
327, 353-5.

Gulick, Mrs., 10, 28, 220.
Gulick, Peter J., 10.
87, Gulick, Mrs., 10.
Hall, Benjamin F., 13.
Hall, Mrs., 13.

Doty, Elihu, 9, 14, 15, 16, 149-

Doty, Mrs., 9, 14, 150.

Dulles, John W., 7, 348.

Dulles, Mrs., 7.

4, 5,

Dunmore, George W., 3,
59, 77, 112, 116, 142, 233, 264,
333, 361.
Dunmore, Mrs., 4, 5, 59, 77, 112,
116, 142, 333.
Dwight, H. G. O., 3, 21, 42, 46,
125, 172, 188, 194, 267, 346,

Dwight, Mrs., 3.
Dwight, Samuel G., 10.
Eddy, William W., 5, 28,


Eddy, Mrs., 5, 28.

Hall, Miss Lois W., 124.
Hall, Sherman, 13.
Hall, Mrs., 13.
Hall, William, 13, 90.
Hall, Mrs., 13.

Hall, Miss Margaret N., 13, 90.
Hamlin, Cyrus, 3, 138, 194, 220,
266, 267, 318.
Hamlin, Mrs., 4, 138.
Hancock, Joseph W., 12, 348.
Hancock, Mrs., 13.
Harris, John K., 349.
Harris, Miss M. A., 6, 337.
Hartwell, Charles, 389.
Hartwell, Mrs., 389.
Hastings, Eurotas P., 8.
Hazen, Allen, 6, 7.
Hazen, Mrs., 6.

Herrick, James, 7, 8, 26, 27, 59,
167, 171, 276.
Herrick, Mrs., 7.
Hinsdale, Mrs., 3.
Hitchcock, H. R., 10, 60.
Hitchcock, Mrs., 10.
Hitchcock, Jacob, 12.
Hitchcock, Mrs., 12.
Hitchcock, Miss Julia S., 12.
Hoisington, H. R., 8, 181.
Hoisington, Mrs., 8.

125, Holmes, T. H., 11, 328.
Homes, H. A., 4.
Hopkins, Robert, 13.
Hopkins, Mrs., 12.

dwards, Miss Jerusha, 13.
Eells, Cushing, 11, 60.
Eells, Mrs., 11.
Emerson, John S., 10, 354.
Emerson, Mrs., 10.
Everett, Joel S., 3, 188, 189, 267,
330, 368.
Everett, Mrs., 3.
Fairbank, Samuel B., 6, 27, 49.
Fairbank, Mrs., 6.
Farrar, Miss Cynthia, 6, 7, 148.
Fay, Miss Catharine A., 11.
Fisk, Miss Fidelia, 5, 67, 68, 69,
70, 206, 240, 338.

Fletcher, Adin H., 8.

Hosmer, Miss Angelina, 11.
Hotchkin, Ann J., 349.
Hotchkin, Ebenezer, 11, 186, 308,
310, 328, 329.
Hotchkin, Mrs., 11.
Hotchkin, Hannah M., 11.
Hotchkin, John J., 349.
Hough, Miss Eizabeth J., 11.
Howland, William, 8, 59,
230, 374.
Howland, Mrs., 8.

Johnston, Mrs., 3.
Ker, Miss Sarah, 11.
King, Jonas, 3, 135, 177, 238,
King, Mrs., 2.

Kingsbury, Cyrus, 11, 307, 328,
Kingsbury, Mrs., 11.
Kinney, Henry, 10.
Kinney, Mrs., 10.

Ladd, Daniel, 3, 193, 263, 267,

Ladd, Mrs., 3, 387.
Lathrop, Edwin, 11.
Lathrop, Mrs., 11.
Lathrop, Mrs. L. T., 11.
Lindley, Daniel, 2, 133.
Lindley, Mrs., 2.

Little, Charles, 7, 26, 59, 167,
171, 276.

Lobdell, Henry, 5, 28, 125, 220,
234, 263, 336.

Lobdell, Mrs., 5, 28, 263.
Lovell, Miss H. M., 3.
Lyman, D. B., 10.
Lyman, Mrs., 10.
Lyons, Lorenzo, 10, 161.
Lyons, Mrs., 10.

Marsh, Samuel D., 2, 131, 133.
Marsh, Mrs., 2, 131.

Marsh, Dwight W., 5, 76, 108,
219, 264.

McCormic, Miss Harriet, 124,

McKinney, Silas, 2, 133.
McKinney, Mrs., 2.

McMillan, George W., 7, 167,
170, 274, 316.
McMillan, Mrs., 7.

Meigs, Benjamin C., 8, 59, 277,
346, 374.

Mellen, William, 2, 133.
Mellen, Mrs., 2.

Mills, Cyrus T., 8, 9, 26, 187,
211, 230, 316.
Mills, Mrs., 8.
Minor, E. S., 8.
Minor, Mrs., 8.

Morgan, H. B., 3, 157, 367.
Morgan, Mrs., 3, 157, 367.
Mudgett, Miss Sophia, 13.
Munger, S. B., 6, 59, 339.
Muzzy, C. F., 7, 59, 167, 275.
Muzzy, Mrs., 7, 168.

Noyes, Joseph T., 8, 160, 220.
Noyes, Mrs., 8.

100, Ogden, Miss Maria C., 10.
Orr, James, 12.
Orr, Mrs., 12.

Huggins, Alexander G., 12, 348. Osunkirhíne, P. P., 14.

Huggins, Mrs., 12.

Hume, R. W., 6, 317.

Fletcher, Mrs., 8.

Hume, Mrs., 6, 27.

Foot, Horace, 5, 27, 114.

Hunt, P. R., 7.

Foot, Mrs., 5, 27.

Hunt, Mrs., 7.

[blocks in formation]

Ford, J. Edwards, 5, 36, 76, 196, Hurd, Isaac N., 157, 348.

Ford, George, 7, 8, 59, 167, 276, Hurter, Mrs., 4.


Ford, Mrs., 5.

Ford, Mrs., 7.

Ford, Henry A., 2, 58.

French, Ozro, 6.

Giddings, Miss Eliza, 12.

220, 387.

Gleason, Mrs., 13.

[blocks in formation]

[316. Ireland, William, 2, 131, 133, 218 Peet, Lyman, 10, 187, 229, 377.

[blocks in formation]

Gleason. Anson, 13, 14, 27, 60, Johnson, Edward, 10.

Johnson, Stephen, 10, 187, 375.

Goodell, William, 4, 45, 253, 315, Johnson, Mrs., 10.
Goodell, Mrs., 4.

Johnston, T. P., 3, 177, 195, 198,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Webb, Mrs., 7.

Smith, John C., 8, 59, 60, 220, Webb, Edward, 7, 59, 167.


Porter, Rollin, 2, 58, 83, 345, 388. Smith, Mrs., 8.
Porter, Mrs., 2, 388.

Potter, Joshua, 13.
Potter, Mrs., 13.

Powers, P. O., 3, 21, 42, 45, 120.
Powers, Mrs., 3.

Preston, Ira M., 2, 58, 90, 283,

Preston, Mrs., 2, 90.

Pulsifer, Charles, 13.

Pulsifer, Mrs., 13.

Rankin, Miss Sarah, 12.

312, 349.

Ranney, Mrs., 12.

Smith, Lowell, 10, 327, 353.
Smith, Mrs., 10.

Smith, Miss Maria M., 10.

Wetmore, Charles, 10, 163, 226,

Wetmore, Mrs., 10, 324.

Wheeler, Leonard H., 13, 284.

Snow, Benjamin, 10, 28, 220, 353, Wheeler, Mrs., 13.


Snow, Mrs., 10, 28, 220.
Spalding, Henry H., 11.
Spalding, Mrs., 11.

Spaulding, Levi, 8, 59, 60, 209,
252, 273, 278, 342-6, 374.
Spaulding, Mrs., 8, 343.

Ranney, T. E., 12, 284, 310, 311, Spooner, Miss Abigail. 13.

Stark, Oliver P., 11, 12, 27, 250,
329, 386.

Rendall, John, 7, 167, 208, 316, Stark, Mrs., 11, 12.

[blocks in formation]


Starr, Miss Eunice, 12.
Steele, William H., 9.
Stocking, W. R., 5, 20, 67,
205, 240, 245, 338.
Stocking, Mrs., 5, 67, 68, 69.
Stoddard, David T., 6, 20, 65,
91, 106, 107, 244, 337.
Stoddard, Mrs., 6, 65.
Stone, Miss Julia F., 124.
Stone, Seth B., 2, 132, 133, 219.
Stone, Mrs., 2.

Sturges, Albert A., 91.

Sturges, Mrs., 91.

Whitcomb, Miss Mercy, 349.
Whiting, G. B., 4, 112, 144, 219,
270, 387.

Whiting, Mrs., 4.

Whitney, Mrs. M. P., 10.
Whittlesey, Miss A. L., 5, 144,
201, 296.

Whittlesey, Eliphalet, 10.
Whittlesey, Mrs., 10.

Wilcox, Abner, 10, 128, 220.
Wilcox, Mrs., 10.

Wilder, H. A., 2, 132, 133.
Wilder, Mrs., 2, 135.

Wilder, Royal G., 6, 7, 148.
Wilder, Mrs., 6.

Willey, Worcester, 12, 60, 157.
Williams, S. W., 9, 86, 87, 125,

[blocks in formation]

Sutphen, Joseph W., 4, 28, 125, Williamson, Miss Jane S., 12.

Rockwood, Gilbert, 13, 14, 27, 193, 317.

Rockwood, Mrs, 13.

Riggs, Mrs., 12.

90, 124, 283, 312.

Rogers, E. H., 10.

Rogers, Mrs., 10.

Rood, Mrs., 2.

Rood, David, 2, 132, 133.

Rowell, G. B., 10.
Rowell, Mrs., 10.

Sanders, M. D., 8, 187, 253, 374.
Sanders, Mrs., 8, 187, 374.
Schauffler, W. G., 3, 189.
Schauffler, Mrs., 4.
Schneider, Benjamin, 3, 22, 39,
42, 115, 198, 251, 331, 359.
Schneider, Mrs., 3, 200.
Scudder, H. M., 7, 102, 104, 157,

Scudder, Mrs., 7, 105.

Scudder, John, 7, 19, 273, 274.
Scudder, William W., 8, 97,

[blocks in formation]

Sutphen, Mrs., 4, 28.

Swain, Miss Jerusha E., 124.
Talmage, John V. N., 9, 14, 149.
Talmage, Mrs., 9.

Taylor, Horace S., 7, 8, 51, 167,
316, 371, 372.

Taylor, Mrs., 7.

Wilson, David M., 5, 114, 318.
Wilson, Mrs., 5.

Wilson, J. L., 2, 58.
Wilson, Mrs., 2.
Winship, D. H., 11.
Winship, Mrs., 11.

Winslow, Miron, 7, 18, 220, 273,


Thayer, Miss Mary Jane, 13,

[blocks in formation]


Wood, Mrs., 4.

Wood, William, 6, 156,


Thomson, W. M., 5, 33, 59,
188, 318.

Thomson, Mrs., 4, 5.
Thurston, Asa, 10.

Thurston, Mrs., 10, 28, 220.
Town, Elijah S., 12.
Town, Mrs., 12.
Tracy, William, 7, 27.
Tracy, Mrs. 7.

Tyler, Josiah, 2, 130, 133, 227.
Tyler, Mrs., 2.
Van Dyck, C. V. A., 5, 33,
146, 219, 387.
Van Dyck, Mrs., 5.


Wood, Mrs., 6.

Worcester, S. A., 12, 124, 186,
310, 311, 349.

Worcester, Mrs., 12.

Wright, Alfred, 11, 12, 90, 327,


[blocks in formation]

Smith, Azariah, 4, 5, 78, 22-4, Van Lennep, Henry J., 3, 174, Youngblood, William, 9.

143, 220, 333.

Smith, Mrs., 4.

267, 347, 387.

Van Lennep, Mrs., 3.

Youngblood, Mrs., 9.

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