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into the treasury of the house of the Lord. was burnt.

The city

George. Did the people not get anything at all?

Grandfather. They were forbidden to touch anything. The city of Jericho was in a peculiar manner taken by the Lord, therefore everything it contained specially belonged to Him. It was the first city taken in the land of Canaan, and the first fruits are due to God. A curse was to descend on whoever took to themselves anything that was in Jericho. A curse was also denounced against the man who should build Jericho. “He shall lay the foundation thereof in his first born," says Joshua," and in his youngest son shall he set up the gates of it.”

George. Was it ever built afterwards?

Grandfather. It was built by Hiel the Bethelite in the days when Ahab was king of Israel, and the curse, as it had been prophesied by Joshua, descended upon Hiel-his eldest son died at the commencement of the work, and his youngest son at the completion of it.

Johnnie. Then the people would be afraid to live in it. Grandfather. No, for no curse had been denounced against those who might inhabit it, and no curse came. It was honoured by the prophet Elisha, who sweetened its waters. He changed the salt rivulet into a fresh stream, which rendered the plain of Jericho fair and fertile. Moses calls it the city of palm trees. It was also famous for its balsam trees.

was a place of importance, second to

In later times it

none in Judea

except Jerusalem.

There were many magnificent buildings in it, among which was a royal palace where Herod the Great died. It was destroyed by the Romans, and another city was built, but not exactly on the same site. The modern Jericho has dwindled down into a poor small Arab village. About four miles from it the ruins of the ancient Jericho may be seen, but no tree of any kind is to be seen near the ancient " city of palms."

This was all that grandfather told of the Jewish history that evening; and these are the questions that he asked of us :

Of the spoil of the Midianites the soldiers paid from their half a five-hundredth part, and the people of their half paid a fiftieth part, as tribute to the Lord-What does this teach us?

After the battle the officers brought the valuables in their share as a thank-offering to the Lord-What do we learn from this?

In what respect was Joshua a type of Christ?

The Lord bade Joshua meditate on the law by day and by night, and keep it, that he might enjoy prosperity and success-What does this shew us?

The Israelites erected two heaps of stones to perpetuate the remembrance of the dividing of the Jordan -What does this teach us?

Of what is the river Jordan a type?

In what respect is the ark a type of Christ?


"If pain afflict, or wrongs oppress-
If cares distract, or fears dismay ;-
If guilt deject, if sin distress-

The remedy's before thee-Pray."


George. Now, grandfather, we are all ready to hear

of another battle.

Joshua attacked?

What was the next town that

Grandfather. About three leagues from Jericho is a city named Ai, or Hai, as it is called in the book of Genesis, where we are told that Abraham pitched his tent between it and Bethel. Joshua sent men to view the country. They went and viewed Ai. On their return they said to Joshua that there was no necessity for all the people going against the place; two or three thousand would be sufficient, for the men of Ai were few. So about three thousand of the Israelites went against Ai; the men of that place fought against them; killed thirty-six of them; put them to flight, and pursued them. This defeat depressed the people so much that we are told their hearts melted, and became as



George. They ought to have picked out braver men to go; it was very stupid to send three thousand cowards. Grandfather. The three thousand men were not to blame; there was a reason for their arms not being successful at that time.

Marianne. But was it not very strange, grandfather, when the Lord had promised that all the land was to be theirs?

Grandfather. It had not been promised that in each conflict with the enemy success was invariably to attend the Israelites, although we have reason to believe that such would have been the case if the people had not displeased the Lord; for, as I said before, there was a reason for this defeat.

Marianne. What had they done wrong?

Grandfather. You shall hear. Joshua was greatly grieved. He rent his clothes, and put dust on his head, which, you know, are in the East symptoms of mourning and humiliation. The leader of Israel, along with the elders of Israel, lay on their faces before the ark until the evening. Joshua lamented and prayed; God heard and answered. We are taught by this that when trouble comes upon us, if we complain to God earnestly, he will hear and answer us. The Lord told Joshua that the reason of the Israelites' disgrace was that they had transgressed; they had taken of the accursed thing; had stolen and hidden it. any more," said the Lord, cursed from among you."

"Neither will I be with you "except ye destroy the acThe Lord then directed Joshua

how he was to proceed in order to discover the offender, and also what punishment was to be inflicted on him. It was too late that night to do anything; but it was early in the morning when Joshua rose, that no time might be lost in purging the camp from that which defiled it. The people were brought forward by tribes; the lot fell on the tribe of Judah. The tribe of Judah was brought forward by families; the family of the Zarhites was taken. The family of the Zarhites was brought forward, man by man, and Zabdi was taken. He brought his household, man by man, and Achan was taken. Joshua then besought Achan to glorify God by confessing what he had done. Achan replied in these words" Indeed I have sinned against the Lord God of Israel, and thus and thus have I done. When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonish garment, and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of fifty shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them ; and, behold, they are hid in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the silver under it."

Marianne. How terrified Achan must have been when he saw the lot coming nearer and nearer to him; but, grandfather, I do not know what is meant by taking of the accursed.

Grandfather. I told you that the town of Jericho, along with all that it contained, was doomed to destruction; a curse was on it.

Johnnie. Had the coat that Achan stole come from Babylon?

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