Obrazy na stronie

ducible by the act of their recombination or combustion. I latent in the food we eat and the air we breathe respectively. The sun's rays, for instance, falling upon the leaves of the sugar-beet or sugar-cane effect an eventual decomposition of carbonic acid into oxygen and sugar, thus:

Carbonic anhyd.


[ocr errors]

Sugar. Oxygen.
C12(H22O11) + O24.

But the heat and light of the sun absorbed in this pulling apart of oxygen and carbon, the one discharged into the atmosphere, the other retained in the vegetable juices, are not lost, but rendered latent in the oxygen and sugar respectively. Here I have a mixture of sugar with a compound in which the oxygen of the air has been accumulated, namely, chlorate of potassium, and on touching the mixture with a drop of sulphuric acid-on pulling the trigger of the cross-bow, so to speak-there is produced a brilliant deflagration, in which the light and heat of the sun, stored up in the separated sugar and oxygen, are again manifested to you by their combination with one another to reproduce carbonic acid. The light and heat of this combustion, and, indeed, of every combustion, are nothing more than the light and heat of the sun, originally absorbed by the living plant, and rendered latent in the tissue of the plant, and oxygen of the air respectively. Even the heat evolved by the direct or indirect combustion of zinc is no exception; it is only the heat stored up in the metal at the moment of its deoxidation by means of the coal or charcoal in which the sun's force was intermediately retained.

But whilst nutrition, or the storing up of force, constitutes the chief action of vegetable life, in animal life it occupies an altogether subordinate position. For the prime characteristic of animality is activity, the employment of pent-up force in the production of external acts. Hence, while in the vegetable and animal organism deoxidising and oxidising processes, constructive and destructive actions alike take place, in the vegetable the destructive are subordinate to the constructive, whilst in animals the constructive are subordinate to the destructive acts. The contraction, for instance, of a man's muscle depends entirely upon the oxidation or destruction of the substance of that muscle, and the equivalent of motion produced upon the amount of muscle destroyed.

Thus we perceive that all actions of the animal body are traceable to cosmical force, that in living as in dead matter there is no creation of force, and that any explanation of the phenomena of life which recognises the agency of vital force is simply no explanation at all. Applying the word force as we now do to certain transferable states of actual or potential activity having quantitative metamorphic correlations, I much question whether the expression chemical force is a correct one, though it is one of which the meaning is perfectly definite and intelligible. By the chemical force of so much oxygen and hydrogen, for instance, we mean the potential energy stored up in them at the moment of their separation, and reproducible from them in the act of their combination. Similarly, we might apply the phrase vital force to the potential energy of so much fat or muscle, capable by oxidation of being manifested in the form of external heat or motion. But what the physiologist means by vital force I have never been able to understand. So far as I can make out, it seems to be a sort of internal, incommunicable, immeasurable, self-originating power, which performs nutritive acts by its absolute will and pleasure; as if it were not abundantly manifest that the growth of a plant and incubation of an egg cannot be performed without a direct supply, and the development of animal organisms without an indirect supply of extraneous force. Speaking of the progress of natural science, Mr. Mill has pertinently observed that for a long time" fictitious entities continued to be imagined as means of accounting for the more mysterious phenomena; above all, in physiology, where under great varieties of phrase, mysterious forces and principles were the explanation, or substitute for

We see, then, in this way that the vegetable organism is a machine in which the sun's energy is absorbed in the pulling apart of carbon and hydrogen from oxygen. The light and heat force emanating from the sun is rendered latent in the separated oxygen and carbo-hydrogen, just as human muscular force is rendered latent in the stretched cross-bow. When the separated carbo-hydrogen in the form of some vegetable product is recombined with the evolved oxygen, as in burning a log of wood upon the fire, or in consuming bread and oil and wine in the animal frame, the heat liberated in both instances is nothing more than the heat of the sun which had been stored up in the carbo-hydrate and oxygen respectively. Conversely, the animal frame is a machine in which the sun's energy is set free by the recombination of that oxygen and carbohydrate, in the pulling apart of which it had been absorbed or rendered latent. The plant may be regarded as a miser, or hoarder up, the animal, on the other hand, is a spend-explanation, of the phenomena of organised beings." thrift, or dissipator, of the sun's force; but just as the miser is not a producer, or the spendthrift a destroyer of gold, so neither is the vegetable a producer, nor the animal a destroyer of force. All modern philosophy combines to prove that force, like matter, is indestructible. It may be accumulated, but not created; be dissipated, but not destroyed. The force of every kind, active or latent, existing in the earth, at any given moment, is only the sum of the force received by the earth from the sun in excess of the force radiated by the earth into space.

as a whole.

Hitherto, in contrasting the functions of animal and vegetable life with one another, I have had regard to their broad general features, looking at each description of life A more detailed examination, however, shows us that oxidising and deoxidising processes are common to both kingdoms of nature. For instance, the germination of seeds and maturation of fruits are strictly oxidising acts, whilst the conversion of starch or sugar into fat in the animal organism, is a strictly deoxidising or vegetative act. It would seem, indeed, that in all purely nutritive processes, whether of vegetable or animal life, there is an absorption or rendering latent of force, and consequent necessity for its supply. In highly-developed vegetable life this force is derived directly from the sun. In highly-developed animal life it is obtained by a liberation within the body of the sun's force which had been rendered

Seeing, then, that the enormous number and variety of vegetable compounds are produced out of carbonic acid and water, not by any peculiar vital force, but merely by the light and heat force of the sun acting through vegetable machinery, the question naturally arises whether the chemist may not effect in the machinery of his laboratory a similar intercombination of deoxidised carbonic acid and water, either by a direct application of sun-force, or, indirectly, by the aid of those terrestrial transformations of sun-force which are so abundantly at his disposal. This question, decided absolutely in the negative so long as the fiction of vital force held undisputed sway over men's minds, has of late years received a rapid succession or brilliant affirmative replies. Already hundreds of vegetable compounds heretofore produced only in living organisms, and, as was supposed, put together and held together by vital force, have been formed by the chemist in his laboratory out of carbonic acid, water, and ammonia, or, in other words, out of charcoal, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. That a still greater number of compounds have not been so formed is due more to a deficiency of knowledge than of power; for as our acquaintance with the constitution of bodies, and with synthetic processes, is daily advancing, so is the unlimited constructive power of chemistry becoming daily more and more apparent.

(To be continued.)


August 14.

M. PASTEUR Communicated some "New Observations on the subject of the Preservation of Wines." The author's recent communications on this subject are within the memory of our readers; but we may as well give M. Pasteur's recapitulation. He believes that he has established (1) that wine ripens, or, in other words, is improved by age simply by the action of atmospheric oxygen; (2) that when wine becomes what is called sick, it is in consequence of the presence of parasitic vegetation; (3) deposits form in wine either in consequence of oxidation, or from the presence of parasites, or most frequently from the two causes together; (4) the deposits resulting from oxidation adhere, but parasites render wine turbid. Consequently the most important thing for the preservation of wines is to destroy the vitality of the parasitic germs. The author shows that new wine placed in bottles with the air completely excluded gives no deposit, never changes colour, and never acquires a bouquet. On the contrary, the same wine under the influence of atmospheric oxygen becomes muddy, loses the taste of new wine, does change in colour, and acquires a bouquet, and he adds that all these effects of ageing may be produced in the interval of a few weeks. The author's process is known to our readers. He destroys the parasitic germs by exposing the wine for a time to a high temperature. He states that it is sufficient to raise the wine for a few minutes to 60° or 70° (C.) to give an extraordinary power of resisting sickness. His last experiments, seem to show that 45° C. may be sufficient. After exposure, it is said that the wine may be exposed to the air without fear of its becoming acid. As regards the flavour of wine treated by the author's process, he relates that a professional taster who made comparative experiments without knowing which had been submitted to treatment and which had not, gave a preference to the treated wines

seven times out of nine.

M. P. Schutzenberger presented a memoir "On Some Derivatives of Indigotine." Indigotine by oxidation gives isatine, which, by the action of nascent hydrogen from zinc and hydrochloric acid, gives isathyde. The author speculated on the possibility of regenerating the indigotine by the action of a more powerful reducing agent on isatine, and with that idea heated isatine with hydriodic acid. Indigotine was not produced, but the author obtained isathyde, and three new bodies-1, a green body, isatochlorine; 2, a red substance, isatopurpurine; and 3, a white body, isatone. These bodies, the author states, have some analogies with the bodies prepared from sulphuretted isathyde by Laurent, but, nevertheless, are altogether


M. Gernez, whose paper "On the Crystallisation of Supersaturated Solutions" we lately published, now makes known an experiment which, to his mind, decides that sulphate of soda is present everywhere in the air. He distilled water in a platinum still to avoid suspicion from glass, and passed through this water air taken in the park at Talmay at a long distance from any houses. A few drops of the water evaporated on a plate of glass showed, under the microscope, crystals of sulphate of soda.


Researches on Thallium. By M. S. NICKLES. Nancy. 1865. THE eminent Professor of Chemistry at Nancy has in this publication collected the various papers he has published on the compounds of thallium. With one exception, these papers have already appeared in our pages, and it is unnecessary to notice them again, further than to acknowledge their great merit. The exception we have named is a short note on the use of chlorothallate of ammonia as a reagent, and this we shall publish in a future number.

Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Chimique de Paris. August, 1865.

THE proceedings of the two last meetings of the Parisian Chemical Society offer some papers of considerable interest. We give now only the abstracts from the minutes of the Society. M. Naquet presented a note relating to Mr. Catton's paper on the synthesis of organic bodies which we published last year. M. Naquet states that he has not succeeded in forming malonic acid by the simultaneous action of carbonic and acetic acids and sodium, which, according to Mr. Catton, will produce malonic acid. A paper "On the Spectrum of Nitrogen" was sent by M. Waltenhofen, who states that in an atmosphere of nitrogen properly rarefied the violet rays disappear before the blue and green. The author's observations lead him to believe that nitrogen is a compound body.

MM. Oppenheim and Pfaundler have produced, by the action of cyanide of potassium on dinitrophenic acid, a new acid, which they propose to call metapurpuric acid, indicating by the name the analogies with isopurpuric acid. M. Schutzenberger described some researches on the products of the oxidation of morphia, among which he has found a new base, Oxymorphine.

M. Gautier has studied the "Action of Hydriodic Acid on Hydrocyanic Acid," which he finds to combine, equivalent for equivalent, forming a white crystalline compound, which the author regards as an iodide of ammonium, in which the triatomic radical II takes the place of three atoms of hydrogen, and which he consequently repreCH"

sents as


We shall give a longer abstract of this paper.

Annalen der Chemie and Pharmacie. August, 1865. THE first paper in this number is by Erlenmeyer and and Melampyrin." In both instances the authors obtained Wanklyn "On the Action of Hydriodic Acid on Mannite an iodide of the composition HI, which they provisionally designate iodide of 8 hexyl since the alcohol (H) derived from it differs from the hexylic alcohol of Faget. The authors have prepared many other derivatives from the iodide, full descriptions of which are given, theoretical considerations being avoided, the authors not being in accord on many points.

The next communication is by Bilfinger, "On Azodracylic and Hydrazodracylic Acid." Nitrodracylic acid is obtained by the action of strong nitric acid on toluol. A concentrated solution of the soda salt C111(NO)O2} O2+6Aq.



treated with sodium amalgam gives a deep gold-yellow solution from which hydrochloric acid throws down a flesh-coloured precipitate of azodracylic acid C11HNO1. The author describes the soda, ammonia, baryta, and silver salts of this acid. Azodracylic acid, like its isomer azobenzoic acid, gives, on boiling with caustic soda and protosulphate of iron, another acid-hydrazodracylic acid CHHONO -an isomer of hydrazobenzoic acid. In a postscript to this paper, Strecker expresses an opinion that Zinin's azobenzoic and the author's azodracylic acids are probably the same bodies.

In the next paper Dr. Haarhaus describes "Hydrazoanilin," which he obtains by the action of sodium amalgam on nitraniline. The author writes the formula of the new

body C24H4N4. He also gives the following table, which will serve to show the relations of the bodies described in the previous paper :Aniline Nitraniline Azoaniline

C12H, N

C12HG (NO)N C2H2N, (wanting) Hydrazoaniline C2H1N

Hydrazoaniline is a tolerably strong base, fusing at 160°, subliming for the most part undecomposed at a higher temperature. It forms crystallisable salts with acids. It is obtained in the form of long gold-yellow needles, which are but slightly soluble in water, but freely soluble in alcohol and ether.

We have another body of the same class described by Dr. Brigel, in a note entitled "On a Product of the Reduction of Nitrosalicylous Acid." This acid (C1H(NO)O1) treated with sodium amalgam loses the oxygen of the group NO, and becomes hydrazosalicylous acid C1H&NO4. The next paper is by Werigo, "On the Action of Sodium Amalgam on Nitrobenzol," the principal product of which is azobenzid 12H10N2. The author describes several derivatives of azobenzid.



On the Cause of Numerical Relations among the Equivalents.
To the Editor of the CHEMICAL NEWS.
SIR,-By way of addition to my last letter, I will, with
your permission, endeavour to show that all the numerical
relations among the equivalents pointed out by M. Dumas
and others, including the well-known triads, are merely
arithmetical results flowing from the existence of the
"law of octaves," taken in connection with the fact of the
equivalents forming a series of numbers approaching to
the natural order, as may be observed by an inspection of
the following table :-
Symbol. No. Eq.




Several other papers of much interest are contained in this number, among which we may point out that by Dr. Erdmann" On some Derivatives of Benzoin; " Blomstrand "On Niobium and Tantalum," in which we read that the author has determined the equivalent of the former metal C to be about 40; Strecker "On Some Salts of the so-called N Peroxide of Thallium," to which we shall return; Feld- | O mann "On Laserpitin," an interesting body obtained from F. the root of Laserpitium latifolium; and Wickelhaus "On the Action of Perchloride of Phosphorus on some Organic Acids."


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Eq.No. | Symbol. No.

Eq. Eq.No.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]




[blocks in formation]





[blocks in formation]




[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]





2.286 Ro

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors][merged small]



[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

2.555 Ag
2'4 Că
2'5 Sn

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors]



2.333 U

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

2.385 Sb

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

2.286 I.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

2.367 Te

[blocks in formation]


2'437 Cs

[blocks in formation]


2.353 Ba

[blocks in formation]


2.778 Ta

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

2.763 W

[blocks in formation]


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

2'75 Nb

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

2.667 Au

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

2.659 Pt

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

2.761 Os

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]


[ocr errors][merged small]


[blocks in formation]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

2.6 TI

53 203



• 26


2.769 Pb

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

2.778 Bi
2.839 Th

[ocr errors][merged small]


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]




Communicated by Mr. VAUGHAN, PATENT AGENT, 54, Chancery Cr
Lane, W.C.

1905. J. H. Chaudet, Rouen, "An improved system of manufacturing salts, sulphates, and acetates of chrome, and of applying them as mordants in dyeing and printing textile substances, both animal and vegetable."-Petition recorded, July 21, 1865.

2013. W. Morgans, Brendon Hill, Somerset, "Improvements in coke ovens and in the manufacture of coke." 2015. E. L. Ransome, Ipswich, "Improvements in paints or preparations for coating surfaces."-Aug. 3, 1865. 2019. P. Robertson, Jeffrey Square, London, "Improvements in brewing and distilling; also in drying yeast, and in the apparatus employed."

[blocks in formation]

966. W. Teall, Louis Lefraige, and E. T. Simpson, Wakefield, Yorkshire, "Improvements in the manufacture of lubricating oil and grease." A communication from E. Lepaulle, Paris.

970. E. Ritherdon, Fenchurch Street, "Improvements in protecting iron ships and other submerged structures from oxidation and corrosion."-Petition recorded April 6, 1865.

995. H. Edmonds, Gosport, "Improvements in lighting and ventilating ships, part of which is also applicable for producing fresh water at sea."-April 7, 1865.

1023. C. Vaughan, Birmingham, "Improvements in the manufacture of iron and steel."-April 11, 1865.

1776. J. Jobson, Derby, and J. F. Dickson, Leicester, "Improvements in the conversion of wrought or malleable iron into steel, and in the means or apparatus employed therein."-July 5, 1865.

In this table the first column of figures gives the numbers of the elements; the second, their equivalents; and the third, the product obtained by dividing the equivalent of an element by its number. It will be seen that the number of an element is nearly equal to its equivalent divided by a certain sum, which varies, however, as we

ascend the scale, thus-
4 to 17, the No.
From 18 to 34, the No.
From 35 to 46, the No.
From 47 to 56, the No.

[blocks in formation]

Now, as the equivalents correspond more or less closely in their rate of increase to the numbers of the elements, anything that is true of the latter must, with a certain amount of latitude, be true of the former also; and, therefore, if the number of one element is the mean of those of two others (whether belonging to the same group or not), its equivalent will also be the mean of their equivalents.

Thus the number of Ti, 18, is the mean of those of F, 8, and Se, 28, and the equivalent of Ti⇒50 is also the mean of those of F=19 and Se=79 ̊5, thus— 19+79'5

[blocks in formation]



ing it 1, the succeeding members will have the numbers 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, &c., respectively.


But 8 is the mean between 1 and 15; 15 is the mean between 8 and 22; 22 is the mean between 15 and &c.; and, therefore, as an arithmetical result of the "Law of Octaves," the number of an element is often the exact mean of those of two others belonging to the same group, and consequently its equivalent also approximates to the mean of their equivalents.

The real triad exists in the numbers of analogous elements, as a consequence of their differing by some multiple of a regularly recurring number-viz., 7. The triad of M. Dumas is only an approximation to the former, and is due to the partial concordance between the equivalents of the elements and their respective numbers.

A similar train of reasoning will explain why it is that on deducting the equivalent of the lowest member of a group from that immediately above it we obtain a constant number (about 16). For we find that if, instead of taking elements of the same group (that is, elements whose numbers differ by 7,) we perform a similar calculation with elements whose numbers differ by 8 or by 9, &c., we obtain in each case numbers quite as constant as in the above. The difference of about 16 merely expresses the average difference for an interval of seven elements in the lower part of the scale of equivalents.

The above remarks are merely offered as an attempt to indicate, in a general manner, the mode in which the existence of arithmetical relations among the equivalents may, at any rate, be partially explained."

[blocks in formation]

Crystallisation of Bromide of Potassium. To the Editor of the CHEMICAL NEWS. SIR,-In the CHEMICAL NEWS of the 4th ult. there appeared à report by Mr. Tichborne in reference to the Dublin International Exhibition. He therein directs attention to a remarkably fine specimen of bromide of potassium, and states:-"It is a fact that a small quantity of the iodide makes the bromide crystallise in much larger crystals." In practice I have found the reverse to be the case, although French and German bromine is rarely or ever quite free from iodine, which is really the way in which the iodide is introduced into the bromide. Any excess, however, of iodide contained in the bromide is readily removed; but, practically, traces are not easily separated. After the separation of all but traces of iodine, the salt then forms very sharp and well-defined cubes, far more so than the iodide, the opacity, or transparency, and size of the crystal depending upon the manipulator. In support of this conclusion, I operated upon a quantity of bromine manufactured in Scotland a few months since as an experiment. This bromine did not give the faintest indication of the presence of iodine on the addition of starch acidified with hydrochloric acid and nitrite of potassa, but furnished large cubes of great beauty.

I am inclined to think the idea that a well-developed cube must contain iodide will be found to be altogether I am, &c.


WILLIAM HUSKISSON, jun. Swinton Street, Gray's Inn Road, August 17.

Skeleton Leaves.

To the Editor of the CHEMICAL NEWS. SIR,-The most expeditious method of removing the cellular from the vascular tissue of leaves, and thereby "skeletonising" them, is not that suggested by your correspondent a fortnight ago, but the following:

The leaves are boiled for two minutes, then transferred to a strong solution of permanganate of potash and gently heated. In an hour or two the laxer tissues may be

[blocks in formation]

must be told, we are bound to say that the Agricultural Hall looks very bare, and considering what they have to exhibit it would have been well if the Committee had contented themselves with less space. The redeeming point is, that, for the most part, what is shown is of great excellence, and this is especially true of the articles which call for a notice from us. To commence with the chemical exhibitors, we may say that the cases shown by Messrs. Morson and Son, of Southampton Row, and by Mr. How, of Foster Lane, would attract notice in any exhibition. Both exhibitors confine themselves mostly to photographic chemicals. Those of Messrs. Morson are remarkably fine, having, in fact, more the appearance of museum specimens than commercial samples. The iodide and bromide of cadmium, and the gallic and pyrogallic acids are very beautiful specimens, and there is some well crystallised iodide of ammonium of an unusually good colour. The Messrs. Morson also exhibit one pharmaceutical preparation, a new remedy for cholera, which we sincerely hope no one will have an opportunity of trying. Mr. How's case also contains some fine samples of photographic chemicals, having what we may call a reasonably commercial look-that is, they appear like the best articles that can be bought across the counter. The iodide of cadmium has a superior look, and so has the pyrogallic acid. Some very pretty specimens of other than photographic chemicals also find a place in this case, among which is a quantity of that beautiful coloured compound the sesquichloride of chromium. A very fine looking specimen of nitrate of uranium is also shown; the whole contents of the case, indeed, have a very creditable appearance. Messrs. Johnson and Sons have a case containing very large crystals of nitrate of silver, and also open dishes of very fine crystals marked respectively chloride of gold and chloride of platinum "for photographic purposes." The crystals of chloride of gold are very dry, and are no doubt permanent, and they are said to be guaranteed to contain the quantity of gold stated on the label, which appears to be seven grains of gold in fifteen grains of the salt. Now, we have no doubt that this is a very useful salt for toning, but it would be as well to say what it is. Photographers in these days are mostly chemists, and understand that a definite chemical compound needs no verbal guarantee for the proportions of its constituents. It would be far better to label the salt with its proper chemical name, and then a photographer can always calculate its composition. We have, however, no objection to say that, whatever they are, the salts look very beautiful. We shall notice some of the philosophical apparatus on a future occasion.

Explosive Force of Nitro-Glycerine.-Experiments have been made in the open workings of the tin mines of Altenburg, in Saxony, by M. Nabel, which prove that the use of nitro-glycerine for blasting purposes is quite practicable. Its chief advantage is, that it requires a much smaller hole or chamber than gunpowder does, the strength of the latter being scarcely one-tenth of the former. If the boring presents fissures, it must first be lined with clay to make it watertight; this done, the nitro-glycerine is poured in, and water after it, which being the lighter liquid, remains at the top. A fuse is then applied in the usual manner. In one of the experiments referred to a

bore-hole 1-inch in diameter was made perpendicularly thetics. He stated that he had not lately performed any in a dolomitic rock, 60 feet in length, and at a distance of 14 feet from its extremity, which was nearly vertical. At a depth of 8 feet a vault filled with clay was found, in consequence of which the bottom of the hole was tamped, leaving a depth of 7 feet. Nearly three pints of the nitro-glycerine was then poured in-it occupied 5 feet; a match and stopper were then applied, as stated, and the mine sprung. The effect was so enormous as to produce a fissure 50 feet in length, and another of 20 feet. The total effect has not yet been ascertained, because it will require several small blasts to break the blocks that have been partially detached by this.

Metallic Tungsten.-We learn that a Swedish metallurgist has discovered a method of reducing tung. sten, by which he obtains it at once in a state of fusion, and that ingots of the pure metal weighing several pounds each are now on exhibition at Stockholm. We are informed, too, that the cost of obtaining tungsten by the new method does not exceed a few shillings per pound. If really obtainable thus cheaply, a metal which will bear exposure to so intense a heat without undergoing either fusion or oxidation must prove of incalculable value to certain of the arts, provided that the difficulties in the way of working it are not insuperable. With the exception of gold and platinum, tungsten is the heaviest metal yet known. Its specific gravity is about 18, that of gold being 1936, and that of platinum 21'53.Mechanics' Magazine.

Bismuth. This metal has of late years risen considerably in price. Amongst other causes, some journals have stated that two or three years ago a company was formed to work an invention by which gold was to be made by the transmutation of bismuth into that metal, and that large quantities of the former metal had been bought up for this purpose. Whether such an enterprise was or was not entered upon does not appear. The following is a list of the prices :

[subsumed][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][subsumed][merged small][ocr errors][subsumed][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][subsumed][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][subsumed][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][subsumed][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Up to 1844, a large quantity of bismuth was produced in this country from cobalt ores in the old way of refining, but a new way of treating such ores, then introduced, necessitated the loss of much of the bismuth, and since that time we have been chiefly supplied from the Saxon and Bohemian mines. In 1845 there was a large demand for a composition to make rollers for calico-printers, raising the price for a few months. In 1858 the supply began to fall off, and in 1861-2 there was a very large extra demand for medicinal preparations, which, to a certain extent, still continues, but the demand for mechanical use has since that time been very trifling. New sources of supply are opening, and prices, it is said on good authority, are likely to fall.-Journal of the Society of Arts, M. F. 5, viii., 65. New Forms of Anæsthetics. Mr. Nunneley showed to the members of the British Medical Association two substances, the bromide of ethyl and the chloride of olefiant gas, which for some time past he had used as anæs

serious operation, either in private practice or at the Leeds General Infirmary, without the patient being rendered insensible by one or other of these agents; each of which he believed to possess important advantages over chloroform. They were amongst the many analogous bodies experimented upon by him, and were favourably mentioned in his essay upon Anæsthesia which was published in the Transactions of the Association for 1849. At that time the difficulty and cost of their manufacture were too great to allow of their being commonly used. This difficulty had, however, been overcome; and, should their use become general, they can be made at a cost not exceeding that of chloroform, if not at less. They both act speedily, pleasantly, and well. The patient might be kept insensible for any length of time, while the most painful and prolonged operations were being performed. No disagreeable symptoms had in any case resulted from their use.

The Copper Smoke Question.-For many years past the subject of utilising or neutralising the effects of the obnoxious copper smoke has received much attention from practical chemists and the smelters engaged in the trade. In the neighbourhood of Swansea, where there are large copper works, the effect of the smoke is such that vegetation is completely destroyed for miles around, and the result is that the copper smelters have to pay enormous sums of money as compensation for the land that is thus rendered valueless. Various remedies have been attempted to neutralise the poisonous effects of the smoke, such as high stacks, conductors, condensers, &c., but only a limited degree of success has been attained. It is well known that the smoke possesses some valuable properties, which, if separated from the other ingredients, could be utilised and made profitable, and nearly all the inventions proposed have had these objects in view, but hitherto, as already stated, the attempts have ended in failure. Messrs. Vivian and Sons, the extensive copper smelters, have recently determined to adopt the patent of a German chemist, and Mr. H. H. Vivian, M.P., the senior partner, has stated publicly that he believes, after a careful investigation, that the invention will prove completely successful, and that it will enable the firm to make 1000 tons per week of sulphuric acid from the copper smoke, which is now not only of no value, but a source of great loss, owing to its injurious effects on the surrounding vegetation. The completion of the necessary works is looked forward to with especial interest by those who are engaged in the copper-smelting trade.-Times. [Mr. Spence has already taken out several patents for effecting this object, which is successfully carried out at his works near Manchester.-Ed. C. N.]

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