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Fichardson, Dr. B. W. oxygenated | Sestini, M. Fausto, facts relative to

saline waters, 121
ozone, 181

Rodwell, G. F. F.C.S. on the sup-

posed nature of air prior to the
discovery of oxygen, 62, 74, 293
Rosaniline, action of aldehydes on,
21, 159

Royal Agricultural College, Ciren-
cester, 143

College of Physicians and Sur-
geons, Edinburgh, 144
Surgeons, Ireland, 145
Institution of Great Britain, 22,
68, 166, 175, 187, 290, 301, 304
School of Mines and College of
Chemistry, 140

Society, the 242, 261
Roussin, M. causes of solidification

of balsam of copaiba by lime
and maguesia, 111
Roux, M. on water tanks for the
navy, 33

Rutherfurd, L. M. astronomical
photography, 50, 64
Rube, Dr. on a volumetric method
of estimating chromates, 82

ST. BARTHOLOMEW's Hospital and
College, 141

Hospital Reports, 213
George's Hospital, 142
Mary's Hospital, 142
Thomas's Hospital, 142
Saline solutions, researches on su-
persaturated, 130

Salts, researches on the solubility
of, in mixtures of alcohol and
water, 70
solubility of, 20
Santonina, facts relative to the che-

mical metamorphosis of, 61
Saturated solutions, sources of error

in experiments with, 32
Savoy, on the new epidemic in, 130
Scarlett, Mr. experiments on am-

monium amalgam, 209
Schiff, Hugo, action of aldehydes
on rosaniline, 21, 159
and E. Becchi, on boric ethers, 219
Schorlemmer, Mr. researches on
hydrocarbons, 261

and Dale, on hydride of heptyle
from azelaic acid, 262
Schroetter, M. A. process for the ex-
traction of lithium. cæsium,
rubidium, and thallium, from
lepidolite, 195

Schultze's white gunpowder, 182
Schutzenberger, M. P. action of

acetic anhydride on cellulose,
starch, &c. 156

easy means of preparing gaseous
methyl, 156

on catechine, 59

on some derivatives of indigotine,
93, 220

Science examinations of the Com-
mittee of Council on Education,


Scientific property, destruction of,
by fire, 12

Scott, W. E. F.C.S. skeleton leaves,


Scottish schools, chemical lectures
at, 144

Seguier's experiment on the in-
compressibility of water, 193
Selenium, colouration of glass by,


Sele, M. on a product of the oxida-
tion of erythrite, 228
Semenoff, M. on the mono and di-
hydriodate of alleylene and
scetylene, 202
Separation of bodies, process of
fractional condensation applic-
able to the, 85, 97

the chemical metamorphosis of
santonina, 61

Seyler, Dr. H. a contribution to

the knowledge of albumens, 58
recognising poisoning by car-
bonic oxide, 58

Sheffield Medical Institution, 144
School of Metallurgy, Chemistry,
and Pharmacy, 144
Siemen's regenerator, 247
Silicium ethyl, on, 59
Silico-nonyl, hydrate of, 238
Silk worms, chemical and physio-
logical studies of, 262
Silver, accidental forination of sul-
phide of, 160
recovery from photographic resi-
dues, 255
Simonin, M. on pressure and tem-
perature of air in mines, 288
Simple method of preventing boiler
incrustations, 308
Skeleton leaves, 47, 95
Smith, J. Denham, Associateship of
the Royal School of. Mines,
266, 30 1

on the analysis of a phosphatic
1ock, 254

J. Laurence, on the use of bisul-
phate of soda instead of bisul-
phate of potash in the decom-
position of minerals, 220
Snook's invigorator, 258
Soaps, on a volumetric method of
valuing, 61

Soda, American manufacture of,

from cryolite, 146, 158

bi ulphate of, use in place of
bisulphate of potash, 220
nitrite of potash, 162
process, the theory of, 202
waste, &c. utilisation of, 180, 215,
241, 264, 290

Sodium ethyl, action of carbonle
oxide on, 303

reaction of, upon pure benzine, 59
Solubility, note on, 263
Solutions, on supersaturated, 252
Soret, M. on density of ozone, 274
South Kensington, examinations

in connexion with the Depart-
ments of Science and Art, 139
how things are done at, 239
Spanish grass in the manufacture
of paper, 151
Specimens, disposal of the Chemical
Society's, 249

Spectrum analysis, application of,

to the discovery of chlorine,
tromine, and iodine, 243
Spiller, John, F.C.S. on new com.
pounds of pyroxiline, 295
Spiller's boiler fluid, 60

Spirit to prevent oken barrels
from colouring, 72
Squire, B. ointment of yellow oxide
of mercury, 60
Stahlschmidt, Dr. the knowledge
of nitride of iron, 21
Stained glass, removal of stains
from, 237

Standards of length, best material
for, 305

Starch, decoloration of iodide of,

Steel, cast, new direct method of
producing, by means of gases,


Stoddart, Mr. W. W. on a com-
mercial sample of sulphate of
quinine, 163

Stone implements of pre-historic

times, on the chemical com-
position of, 106

Storer, suicide of, 301
Strecker, A. on some salts of the
peroxide of thallium, 136

[blocks in formation]

TANTALUM group, metals of the, 106
Tartaric acid, on the action of, on

neutral sulphate of potash, 70
Thallium, reaction of the metal on

some metallic solutions, 242
researches on, 33, 93

some salts of the peroxide of, 136
Thermo-electric battery, aproposto,

piles of sulphide of copper, new
observations on, 57

Thorpe. Mr. carbonic acid in air
above the Irish Sea, 297
Thymotide, on, 70
Tichborne, C. R. C. F.C.S. &c. Dub-

lin International Exhibition, 5,
28, 38, 51

on the estimation of nitrites in
presence of nitrates, 147
Tissue metamorphosis, influence of
alterative medicines on, 224
Titanium, metallic, 308
Tobacco, on, 74, 88
Trial of Dr. Pritchard, 23
Trichlorphenylic acid, new method
of forming, 82
Trinity College, Dublin, 145
Troost, M. researches on zirconium,

[blocks in formation]

University of Aberdeen, 145
Cambridge, 143
College, 25, 140
Edinburgh, 144
London, 60, 137
Oxford, 143
Uranite, 180

Uric acid, and its products, 197
estimation of, 25, 47

Urine, on variations in the amount

of nefrozymase present in the
different states of the body, $1
Utilisation of soda waste, &c. 211

Veratrum, viride, on, 256
Verstraet, M. new method of esti-
mating sulphides, 109
Veterinary College, Royal, 142

Royal Albert, 142
Vogel, Dr. M. ethylenviolet, 82
new method of forming trichlor-
phenylic acid, 82

on the action of nitrous acid on
aniline and the aniline colours,

Vrij, Dr. De, on possibility of manu-
facturing neroli in
colonies, 151

WALKER, Mr. J. on utilisation of
soda waste, &c. 241, 290

Waltenhofen, M. on the spectrum
of nitrogen, 93
Wanklyn, Professor J. A. action of
carbonic oxide on sodium ethyl,

[blocks in formation]


influence of, in the production of
milk, 81

Waterproofing material, Dr. Sten-
house's, 258

Watts, Mr. I. strength of solutions

of phosphoric acid of various
densities, 160

Weber, R. on several compounds of
pentachloride of antimony, 22
Wenham, Mr. F. H. on the fracture

of polished glass surfaces, 172
Westminster Hospital, 142
Wetherill, Dr. C. M. on ammonium
amalgam, 207

Wheeler, C. G. on the mineral in-
gredients in Bavarian hops, 10
Williams, C. Greville, F.R.S., on

the presence of didymium in
churchite, 183
Williamson, Á. W. F.R S., &c. on
chemical nomenclature, 1
Wills, Mr. A. W. on Parkes's com-

pounds of copper and phos-
phorus, 172
Wilm, M. J. G. researches on thal-
lium, 33

Wines, ageing of, 130

new observations on the subject
of the preservation of, 93
Wood, Mr. C. H. on Pharoah's
serpents, 170

YATES, Mr. J. F. R.S. on best mate-
rial for mural standards of
length, 205

Yeast, adulteration of Dutch, 132

vitality of, 213, 267

Young, J. W. preparation of aliza-

rine, 296

ZEITSCHRIFT für Analytische Che-

mie, 180

Zinc plates, ready mode of amalga-
mating, 242

statues, to blacken, 180
Zircon; action of, on alkaline car-
bonates and chlorides, 69
Zirconia, action of, on alkaline car-
bonates, 58

VAPOURS, absorption of, by char- Zirconium, note on, 171
coal, 224
researches on, 45


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