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816'5 With respect to the yellow combinations obtained by the action of ammonia upon gun-cotton of various kinds, I find that they are all distinguished by their ready solubility in wood spirit, and in mixtures of ether and alcohol, but that alcohol alone is for them but an indifferent solvent. The solutions obtained do not offer any promise of being successfully employed as photographic collodion; firstly, on account of their objectionable colour; and, secondly, by reason of the opaque and pulverulent qualities of the film left on evaporation.-Photographic News.


Dr. Roscoe, therefore, suggested that I should under take some experiments on this subject, and kindly placed the necessary time and apparatus at my disposal. I may here be allowed to express my thanks for his kindness, and for the advice I have received from him during the prosecution of these experiments.

It appeared from the observations of Vogel on the air of the Baltic and of the Channel that the sea abstracts to a very considerable extent the carbonic acid from the atmosphere; and this conclusion was apparently confirmed by the experiments of Emmet on the air over the Atlantic and at Bermuda, and by the determinations of Watson at Bolton, made on the air blowing from the seaward. merely qualitative, and the circumstances under which These experiments were, however, for the most part, they were made, together with the inaccurate nature of the methods employed, render such a conclusion premature. In fact, the experiments of Lewy and Morren on the nature of the gases which sea water holds in solution at different periods of the day and during various seasons of the year would appear to show that the sea may possibly act in quite the opposite direction, and cause a sensible increase in the comparative amount of atmospheric

carbonic acid.

The air contained in sea water consists of variable quantities of free carbonic acid, oxygen, and nitrogen, and Morren and Lewy have shown that the changes in

MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL the relative proportions of these gases depend—(1) upon


November 28, 1865.

R. ANGUS SMITH, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c., President, in the


DR. ROBERTS drew attention to the injurious effects produced by burning Pharaoh's serpents in close rooms, and gave the particulars of a case which had lately come under his notice.

Dr. Roscoe stated that in his opinion persons could not be too careful respecting the inhaling of even small quantities of mercury vapour, and he alluded in support of his opinion to the fact that two German gentlemen who were engaged in a London laboratory, in the preparation, for a scientific purpose, of volatile organic mercury compounds, had recently been poisoned by the accidental absorption through the lungs or skin of very small quantities of the vapours of these substances. The symptoms characteristic of this form of mercurial poisoning are of the most painful and distressing kind, the first patient dying in a state of mania shortly after his admission into the hospital, and the second, on whom the effect became first perceptible three months after he had ceased to work with the substance, now lying in a hopeless state of idiocy.

A paper was read "On the Amount of Carbonic Acid contained in the Air above the Irish Sea," by Mr. T. E. Thorpe, Assistant in the private Laboratory, Owen's College, communicated by Professor H. E. Roscoe, F.R.S.

The determination of the amount of carbonic acid contained in the atmosphere over the land has been made the subject of investigation by many experimenters, and from the results obtained by Theodore de Saussure, Brunner, Boussingault, Angus Smith, and others we are acquainted with the exact proportion of this gas contained in the atmosphere under varying circumstances of situation and weather.

But hitherto the influence which à priori must necessarily be exercised by large bodies of water on the proportion of carbonic acid in the atmosphere has scarcely been sufficiently studied. The fact that a considerable influence is exercised has certainly been noticed, but beyond the incomplete results of one or two observers, we have no numerical data from which to judge of the extent of this influence, and we therefore know but little of the changes in the comparative amount of the atmospheric carbonic acid as effected by the waters of the ocean.

alteration of temperature affecting the relative amounts of the dissolved gases in accordance with the laws of gaseous absorption; and (2) upon the variations in intensity of direct and diffused solar ligl.t, producing a corresponding effect upon the vitality of sea plants and animals, and hence altering the composition of the dissolved gases.

Some further experiments by Lewy, on the composition of the atmosphere above the Atlantic ocean in the tropics, tend to confirm the above supposition of the possible increase in carbonic acid in the atmosphere above the sea. In fact, if it is possible that the composition of the air above the sea in our latitudes can be sensibly altered by this phenomenon of the variation in the nature of the gases in solution in sea water, as Lewy and Morren assert, we might expect that the atmosphere above the tropical oceans would manifest to a much larger extent variations in the relative amounts of carbonic acid and oxygen, since infusoria exist, as is well known, in enormous quantities in these oceans, and the composition of the air in their waters must necessarily undergo rapid variation, and a considerable evolution of the dissolved gases must consequently occur. At the instance of the French Academy, Lewy collected air at different times during a voyage from Havre to Santa Marta, and on subsequent analysis not only did it appear that the mean quantity of carbonic acid was sensibly greater in the air of the Atlantic ocean in the tropics than in the air of the land, but also that the air of the day was appreciably richer in carbonic acid and oxygen than air collected in the night. On comparing the means of each series we have, in 10,000 volumes of air, for the

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and this variation appeared to increase in proportion as the middle of the ocean was approached.

This remarkable phenomenon, of the variation in composition of the air above the tropical oceans, may doubtless be accounted for, without any reference to the direct action of infusoria, by the heating effect of the sun on the sea water and the consequent disengagement during the day of gas proportionately rich in carbonic acid and oxygen. During the night, on the other hand, as this source of action is removed, the disengagement may be assumed not to occur; and, following Lewy, one may

perceive that this difference would become more appreciable and easier to trace in air at great distances from any continent than in air collected nearer the coasts, and, consequently, liable to be mixed with the air of the land. Although the precision of these results is certainly remarkable, they still require confirmation. The air was collected in glass tubes of about 100 c.c., and analysed eighteen or twenty months after in the eudiometric apparatus of Regnault and Reiset. The fact pointed out by Regnault that air which has remained for any great length of time in glass tubes invariably exhibits notable diminutions in the amount of carbonic acid, since the glass absorbs a portion of this gas; and the difficulty generally experienced in accurately noting contractions so minute as the absorption of the carbonic acid from a small volume of atmospheric air, are circumstances which may possibly influence the reliability of the results.

The kind permission of the Honourable Board of Trinity House has enabled me during the vacation of last summer to make some additional experiments in this direction on board the Bahama Bank Light-vessel, situated in the Irish sea, latitude 54° 21′ and longitude 4° 11', seven miles W.N.W. of Ramsey, Isle of Man, and consequently nearly equidistant from the nearest shores of England, Scotland, and Ireland. The ship is placed to mark the proximity of a dangerous bank, by which, for the greater part of the day, a strong current, setting in from the southward, flows through the North Channel and thence into the Atlantic.

These experiments were made in the early part of August, at the same periods of the twenty-four hoursnamely, about 4 a.m. and 4 p.m., or nearly the times of minimum and maximum temperature. Pettenkofer's method of analysis was adopted, with the improvements in the practical details suggested by Angus Smith. This method is in principle similar to the one adopted by Watson and Emmet, but admits of far more delicacy and precision in practice. Baryta is substituted for lime water, and oxalic for sulphuric acid. The solution of oxalic acid for these experiments was made so that one

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cubic centimetre of it corresponded to one milligramme of carbonic acid; it thus contained 2.864 grms. of pure crystallised oxalic acid per litre. Twenty-five cubic centimetres of the baryta solution were originally made to correspond to about twenty-eight of oxalic acid; but, of course, the exact strength of the baryta water was ascertained previous to each experiment. The bottles were generally filled with the air by means of the bellows; but sometimes when the wind was strong it sufficed to hold them up for a minute or two in such a manner that the air could circulate freely within. The baryta water remained in contact with the enclosed air for three-quarters of an hour to one hour, during which time the bottles were frequently agitated. Although even this is longer, perhaps, than is actually required for the complete absorption of the carbonic acid, still, for the sake of conclusiveness, in experiment 4 the bottles were allowed to stand for three hours, and in experiment 13 for six hours, before the solutions were tested. The capacities of the two bottles which served for all the experiments were 4815 c.c. and 4960 c.c. The burette was Mohr's modification, for which a table of calibration had been constructed by weighing and interpolating in the ordinary way.

The fact that the various meteorological changes influence to such a remarkable extent the nature and amount of the gases dissolved in sea-water renders it necessary, in any investigation on the constitution of the atmosphere over the sea, to take particular account of these changes. Accordingly the temperature, pressure, and degree of humidity of the air; direction and force (estimatedBeaufort's system) of wind); amount (estimated-overcast 10) and nature of clouds, and general appearance of the day, together with the temperature of the seawater and amount of sea disturbance (1 to 9), were noted at the time of each experiment.

The following table shows the results of these observations, together with the amount, in volumes, of the carbonic acid in 10,000 volumes of air. All the experiments which were made are here given. The hours of observation, as before stated, were 4 a.m. and 4 p.m. :— TABLE OF RESULTS.

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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Amount and Nature of
(Overcast = 10.)

[blocks in formation]

2'66 3'07 Day v. fine & cl. 9 2'92 305

cirro-cumuli 9
cirro-cumuli 9
cirro-cumuli 6


308 3 21 Not much sun. 3'30 3 22 Bryt.wtr.exp.3h 3 20 3'15 Sunny, v. fine. 306 3 19

3 32 302 Fine and sunny. 7 293 310

756'4 1510


S. by W. mod.



10 10th D.


3'09 2 23 Rain.


[blocks in formation]


11th N.

S. by W. fresh

[blocks in formation]

311 311 V. wet, rain all

[blocks in formation]

12 16th D. 1316th N.

S.W. by W. str.


nim. & cirro-cum.


652 3 14'7

309 310 V.windymuch

[blocks in formation]

N.W. by W. lt.

[blocks in formation]

2'93 295 rain fr. 11-16.

[blocks in formation]

312 294 Byrt.wtr.exp.6h

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day and night air on the land-a conclusion subsequently confirmed by several experimenters.

In noting the above mean 308, and the apparent identity in the amount of carbonic acid in the air of day and night over the sea, it should be borne in mind that July and August are, in general, the hottest periods of the year (these months were unusually hot this year, 1865), and that, consequently, all the influences may be supposed at work which would tend to increase the relative amount of carbonic acid, and render appreciable any difference in the air of night and day.

The conclusions therefore to be drawn from these experiments are:

1. That the influence of the sea in our latitudes in abstracting the carbonic acid from the atmosphere is not so great as the old experiments of Vogel and others would lead us to suppose.

2. That the sea in our latitudes does not act in increasing the amount of carbonic acid in the air above the ocean, as found by Lewy over the Atlantic near the equator.

3. That the differences observed in the air of night and day by Lewy on the Atlantic are not perceptible in the

air above the Irish Sea.

4. That in the month of August, 1865, the mean quantity of carbonic acid in the atmosphere of the Irish Sea was 3'08 in 10,000 volumes of air.

In conclusion, I beg to acknowledge the kind attention which I received from Captain Temple and from his crew during my stay on board his ship.

Wednesday Evening, December 6.

Mr. HILLS, Vice-President, in the Chair. AFTER the usual preliminary business, Mr. SQUIRE called the attention of the Society to "Cod Liver Extract." He had brought with him the extract resulting from the evaporation of the water which oozes out of the cod's liver when extracting the oil. He finds that on the average 28lbs. of large and fresh livers yield 12lbs. of oil and 1lb. of water; this evaporated yields 2 oz. of extract. 5 grs. of the extract, when purified, is stated by Messrs. Barr and Co. to be equal to a tablespoonful of cod liver oil. It was this startling announcement that induced him to have the water collected and evaporated, in order that the members of the Society might examine the product and judge for themselves, and if it was thought worth while to have it analysed in their laboratory. He thought it was highly important for us to know whether or not that we were throwing away so valuable a nutrient as these gentlemen state it is.

A gentleman who attended for Messrs. Barr and Co. explained that the cod liver extract was in no wise a secret or quack remedy. The method by which it was prepared, he said, had been patented, and he read the specification of the first of the two patents taken out by the proprietors. Mr. SQUIRE wished to know how the value of the extract was estimated, so as to compare it with the value of the cod liver oil.

It was explained in reply that the amount of extractive and inorganic matters yielded by a given amount of the oil, and supposed to be the same as those contained in the extract, give the means of determining the relative value of the oil and extract.

Dr. ATTFIELD said that he would not shrink from making the analysis suggested by Mr. Squire; but he thought the question one on which chemistry could throw but little light. It was a matter for physicians, who observed the effects of medicines, to decide.

Mr. DEANE thought it was no business of the Pharmaceutical Society to take up the analysis of proprietary medicines. If one was alleged to be poisonous or dangerous, it was another matter; but in general it was no part of the Society's business to expose nostrums.

Mr. SQUIRE replied that he had no wish to expose nostrums. In the present case it was asserted that this extract, which was usually thrown away, was much superior to the oil which was preserved, and he thought it of importance to establish the truth or falsehood of this assertion.

Dr. EDWARDS contended that the discussion was one which the Society could not enter upon. They could not decide upon the therapeutic value of a medicine.

The CHAIRMAN suggested that Mr. Squire should induce a medical friend to make some experiments with the extract, and report the results to the Society.

Mr. BARR (?) said that the extract itself was sold to druggists or medical men, who could use it in whatever form they pleased. Under the first patent, he might explain, only the aqueous extract was used, but under the second this extract was treated with alcohol and ether, and all the extracts (so we understood) were used together. The subject was then dropped.

Dr. ATTFIELD read a note from Mr. Groves, who claimed to have first made known, in a communication to the Pharmaceutical Conference on the " Rancidity of Fats," the fact that some essential oils, especially those of pimento and cloves, prevent ointments from becoming rancid.

Mr. REYNOLDS exhibited some models of fungi of German manufacture.

The CHAIRMAN expressed an opinion that a set should be purchased for the Society's museum.

Professor BENTLEY called attention to specimens of Victorian products lately exhibited at the Dublin Exhibition, and now presented to the Society. Among them was some of the oil of the Eucalyptus odorata, now imported into this country in considerable quantities, and used to scent soaps.

Dr. ATTFIELD then read a long communication " On the Physics of Filtration," a report of which we are obliged to defer.

December 11, 1865.

SEVERAL communications on the subject of "Cholera"
were read.
We need only mention that by M. Rezard de
Wouves" On the Diagnosis of Cholera by the Presence of
Albumen in the Urine of the Patient at the Commencement
of the Malady." The presence of albumen in the urine
is regarded by the author as the one characteristic and
distinguishing symptom between simple diarrhoea and
true cholera.

M. Nickles presented a note "On a New Character Distinctive between Cane Sugar and Glucose." The behaviour of cane sugar and glucose, when heated with bichloride of carbon, is as different as black from white. In other words, cane sugar sealed in a tube with the bichloride and heated for some time to about 100° C., soon turns black; while glucose, under the same circumstances, keeps its colour. Although the bichloride of carbon alone is not decomposable at a temperature of 98°, the author believes that in this experiment a decomposition takes place, chlorine being set free in the first instance, and passing subsequently to the state of hydrochloric acid by its action on the organic matter. That chlorine is formed first, and then hydrochloric acid, the author considers is proved by the following experiments :-In one tube, dry glucose and bichloride of carbon are sealed; in another, dry tartaric acid and bichloride of carbon; in a third, a mixture of dry tartaric acid and dry glucose, and bichloride of carbon. All three tubes are then heated in a steam bath. In the first two tubes no action is observed; in the third, the mixture is seen to swell up and turn brown, and on opening it the tube is found to contain free chlorine. The explanation of this appears to be that the decomposition of the bichloride is determined by the elements of water separated during the production of the gluco-tartaric acid.

M. Caron, in a note, announced his "Discovery of Niobium and Tantalum in the Tin Ore of Montebras (Creuse) to the extent of some 2 or 3 per cent. of the mineral.

M. E. Kopp communicated an account of the “Chemical Examination of some Ornaments Found in a Celtic Tomb." He gives the analyses of two rings, composed chiefly of tin and copper, and of a third ring, which seems to have been made of some very bituminous or resinous fossil wood.

M. Houzeau addressed a short note on "Ozone." He is very unwilling to believe that his paper will not really detect ozone in the atmosphere, while he admits that it gives no decisive proof of the presence. He agrees with M. Frémy that such decisive proof is wanting; but he still believes in the existence of atmospheric ozone.

M. Payen replied to the note of M. Personne last week, and claimed the first publication of the explanation of the decolouration of iodide of starch by heat in 1843. M. Personne made his communication on the subject in 1861.


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Dec. 22, 1865

glass, and iron, and steel, and for other like purposes." A communication from H. Boetius, Schaunstein, near Obernkirchen, Germany.-August 15, 1865.

2219. H. Terrell, Basinghall Street, London, and T. Dow, Alpha Road, New Cross, Kent, "Improvements in the method of and apparatus for treating peat and other plastic materials."-August 29, 1865.

2482. C. H. L. Wintzer, Osnabrück, Hanover, "Improvements in separating phosphorus from iron and other metals in metallurgical processes."-September 27, 1865. 2870. F. Prange, Liverpool, Improvements in the manufacture of steel." A communication from J. Rosenthal and F. Gierow, Berlin, Prussia.-November 7, 1865.

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2964. W. E. Newton, Chancery Lane, "An improved process for hardening malleable and non-malleable cast iron." A communication from T. H. Jenkins, New York, U.S.A.-November 17, 1865.

2187. C. A. Watkins, Greek Street, Westminster, "Improvements in apparatus for supplying carbonic acid gas to casks and other vessels from which beer, wine, and other fermented liquors are drawn."-Aug. 25, 1865..

2682. W. Beardmore, Parkhead, Lanarkshire, "Improvements in furnaces.”— Oct. 17, 1865.

3025. W. A. Lyttle, General Post Office, London,

GRANTS OF PROVISIONAL PROTECTION FOR "Improvements in furnaces."-Nov. 25, 1865.


Communicated by Mr. VAUGHAN, PATENT AGENT, 54, Chancery
Lane, W.C.

2952. R. Jones, Botolph Lane, London, "Improvements in preserving animal and vegetable substances, and in means or apparatus employed therein."-Petition recorded Nov. 16, 1865.

3042. W. R. Lake, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, "An improved composition for enamel, paint, varnish, cement, or plaster."-A communication from W. B. Watkins, New York, U.S.A.-Nov. 27, 1865. 3071. W. Thompson, Lower Gardiner Street, Dublin, "Improvements in fining, purifying, and mellowing spirituous liquors, by combining therewith other stances for the production of a new spirituous or vinous compound therefrom."


New Cornish Minerals.

To the Editor of the CHEMICAL NEWS. SIR,-Hard work may bring its own reward, but it sometimes brings other things which are not very nice. On the whole it is better not to labour overmuch. To analyse and describe a really new and interesting mineral is, it seems, an unwarrantable liberty for a chemist to take. To analyse and describe several new minerals is more than a mistake; it may even amount to a crime, if the wretched chemist sub-chance to speak of the crystallography of any of his new species. Most chemists, however, do not commit this offence; they are generally content with the safe, though vague, expressions "the substance crystallises in delicate tufts of needles;' or, "in hard and lustrous prisms." But I must now describe my own offence, and try to show that I have not been so very wicked after all.

3075. J. Gamgee, Bayswater, Middlesex, " Improvements in disinfecting stables and cattle sheds, and in the apparatus employed therein."--Nov. 30, 1865.

3095. E. D. Wilson, Edinburgh, "Improvements in furnaces."

3101. I. N. Bennie, Gowan, Lanarkshire, "Improvements in apparatus for distilling oils and condensing oily vapours."-Dec. 2, 1865.

3109. W. Beardmore, Parkhead, Lanarkshire, "Certain improvements in the construction of forge furnaces.” 3111. A. Paraf and R. S. Dale, Manchester, "A new colouring matter for producing scarlet colours upon woven fabrics and yarns."

"A new

3115. J. Tomlinson, Eden Mount, Carlisle, "Improvements in the manufacture of disinfectants."-Dec. 4, 1865. 3119. R. A. Brooman, Fleet Street, London, or improved cement or composition applicable to the agglomeration or moulding of various materials, and to other useful and decorative purposes." A communication from S. Sorel and E. J. Menier, Paris.-Dec. 5, 1865.


In the CHEMICAL NEWS of September 15 I gave a brief note on a new phosphate of cerium. Shortly afterwards Mr. Greville Williams established the presence of didymium in the mineral, and was good enough to name it Churchite. But before this occurred, I had sent to the Chemical Society my full memoir on three new mineral species from Cornwall, cerous phosphate being fully described therein. My paper should have been read at the first meeting of the present session of the Chemical Society, had not the Secretary accidentally mislaid it. So, at five minutes' notice, I gave a lame account of my chief results. Afterwards, Professor Maskelyne, although he did not accept my opinion as to the crystalline form of the new mineral, yet spoke of the interest attached to my discovery, in courteous and congratulatory terms. But a change has now taken place. Professor Maskelyne now speaks of me "the chemist who introduced the mineral;" how elegant a way of avoiding the suggestion of "Mr. Church's discovery!"-and thinks that it would have been well if I had adopted in my paper the diffident tone with which he credits my speech before the Chemical Society. Professor Maskelyne further says "there are no grounds whatever at present for calling the mineral oblique," &c. In answer to this statement, I beg to say that my paper is essentially chemical, and is so entitled; that the attempted description of the crystalline form of the species is confessedly imperfect, and is prefaced by the modifying words J. F. Boetius, Smethwick, Staffordshire, 'It would appear," &c.; and that my opinion thus doubtprovements in furnaces to be used in the manufacture of fully expressed was not formed hastily, but after numerous


1936. W. Richards and J. Richards, Oldbury, Worcestershire, "Certain improvements in the manufacture of sal ammoniac."-Petition recorded July 26, 1865. 1964. E. Sabel, Moorgate Street, London, "Improvements in the manufacture of iron and steel." munication from M. D. Henvaux, Saint Servais, near Namur, Belgium.-July 29, 1865.

A com

2015. E. L. Ransome, Ipswich, Suffolk, "Improvements in paints or preparations for coating surfaces.August 3, 1865.




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angular measurements, and after careful study of the cleavages. For these purposes my specimen must be far more suitable than the specimens which Professor Maskelyne possesses, and which, he says, are in every respect inferior. Professor Miller, of Cambridge, was good enough to inform me that from a small fragment which I forwarded to him he had not been able to detach a crystal so as to obtain the necessary reflexion. I stated this at the Society's meeting; I did not say that Professor Miller "could not meet with any angles good enough for measurement."

As to the fancied resemblance of Churchite to Wavellite, I never mistook the former for the latter. Had I been under this impression, I should not have been so glad to secure the curious fragment, nor so eager to investigate its chemical composition.

Professor Maskelyne very justly complains of the want of a laboratory at the British Museum. But when Mr. Talling sent the new mineral to the Museum on approba tion, might not Professor Maskelyne have tried a blowpipe experiment with it at home? Thus he might have saved me the labour of investigating, as far as I could, all the chief physical and chemical features of this new mineral, of which, I confess, I am now very fond; thus, also, I should have been spared the trouble of writing this reply. I wait for Professor Maskelyne's promised crystallographic determination of my new phosphate of cerium. I am sorry he did not accept my offer to lend him my own specimen. I am, &c. A. H. CHURCH. Cirencester, December 18.

"Associate of the Royal School of Mines." To the Editor of the CHEMICAL NEWS.

SIR,-The reply of the Registrar of the Royal School of Mines to the inquiry I ventured to make is complete and to the point. It is satisfactory to know that this title of "Associate of the Royal School of Mines" is warranted by recognised authority, and conferred with the sanction of a representative of the Crown. The knowledge that the title is thus bestowed must tend to enhance its value in general estimation. I am, &c.

December 11.


Removal of Bisulphide of Carbon from Coal Gas.

To the Editor of the CHEMICAL NEws.

SIR,-Your notice at page 277 of the CHEMICAL NEWS for December 8 respecting the results obtained in my experiments upon the removal of bisulphide of carbon from coal gas by "scrubbing" with ammoniacal liquor of gas works is not quite correct, and you will oblige by allowing me to give some explanation.

You remark that my results are not equal to those obtained by others, and you mention it had been found that nine-tenths of the sulphur compounds is removed at the Nottingham Gas Works. In the summer of this year I found that all the bisulphide of carbon and such allied sulphur compounds, could be taken out of the gas without difficulty in this way; and some experiments conclusively proving this were published in the Journal of Gas Lighting for September 5 last, in reference to which a leading article in the same number I now quote from says: "The means by which Professor Anderson has succeeded in completely purifying coal gas from sulphur in any form is by repeated and copious washing with sulphide of ammonium."

I have heard that experiments have been made upon the same points at Nottingham; but as they have not been published until my own papers appeared in the Journal of Gas Lighting, gas companies have been, I believe, without much information upon this subject. It is also within my recollection that the Corporation of the City of London some fifteen months ago appointed a scientific commission to investigate the matter; but it does not appear that they

have yet reported thereupon. The indifference manifested by the metropolitan companies to this simple mode of purifying their gas from these troublesome sulphur compounds and ammonia, with correlative improvement in illuminating power, whilst not unprecedented in manufacturing annals, is certainly unique in its way. Thus they have been for a long time past constantly censured by the examining chemist to the Corporation for violating the Act of Parliament regarding the purity of their gas, until they have at last provoked the formation of a new company, backed by the Corporation itself, with, at the same time, a sort of waste product of their manufacture, generated in their own works, crying out, as it were, 'Why will you not let me purify your gas?"

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I am, &c.

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Royal Institution of Great Britain.-The following are the lectures for the ensuing week:-Tuesday, Dec. 26, Thursday, Dec. 28, and Saturday, Dec. 30, o'clock, Professor Tyndall, "On Sound” (juvenile lectures).

Suicide of Storer.-This young man, who, it will be remembered, was assistant to a surgeon at Salisbury, whose daughter he was accused of poisoning by stry chnia, committed suicide in Fisherton Gaol. From a letter he left behind him, it appears that he prescribed some pills for the young lady, each of which contained 4th of a grain of strychnia a dangerous dose, which could only have been ordered by a rash or ignorant prescriber. The young lady was directed to take but one at a time. She probably took four at once, or at short intervals, and death was the result.

How it Onght (?) to be Taught that Fat is Formed in the Body." Let him teach that the hydrogens are generated to a large amount in the system from the fat taken, and consequently absorb oxygen freely, the natural results being aqueous elements, which become inspissated, and fatty deposits are the result. When there is a diminished supply of oxygen to the intestines, with a full supply of hydrogen, then greater quantities of fat necessarily ensue. But let them give up the idea that eating fat itself, or fat-producing elements, supply fat per se, for they do no such thing. This can only be done in the way I have previously said, by their conversion into hydrogens, and then combining with oxygen; and if this is not done many persons, to my own knowledge, who are great consumers of fat, never made fat nor carried fat themselves in any like proportion."-Writer in a Medical Journal.

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