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farmer supposing that; but such is not the case. The best Cheviot laid is grown in Sutherland, and some beautiful half-bred wool in Caithness, whilst the best Cheviot white is grown on the Cheviot hills and district. Again, East-Lothian wool is, I believe, preferred to West-Lothian, Fife, and other places. In this age of competition, and when wool is so very high in price, it is the interest of those who wish good prices to give this matter their consideration. Wool is not "penny pies" now: prices will vary considerably for the same description, as it is the best wool that is wanted, and buyers prefer paying at all times a good rattling price for a superior article, to a shabby price for a slovenly got A good lot, when bought, is half sold to the consumer, but a bad lot sticks long, and it is up-hill work to quit it, and frequently spoils one for a future transaction. I have been taken so much at unawares that nothing else occurs to me at present, but shall be glad to hear any member's opinion on the subject.

up one.

Mr. Dowell (of Dowells & Lyon) wool broker, Edinburgh, having been introduced to the meeting by the chairman, said-From the exceedingly courteous invitation of Mr Harper to appear here, I considered it would have been most unbecoming if I did not cheerfully respond to his wish by giving a few remarks in extension of our circular, the more particularly as it touches the most important product of our island; and in following this up, I might justly be accused of arrogance, if I did not at the outset declare it was not from personal practical experience that these remarks were founded on, but what is more valuable-from the experiences of many who have enthusiastically devoted their energies in the furtherance of our native manufactures. In conversing with practical men, both producers and consumers, more particularly the latter, one feels thoroughly convinced there is still a vast field open for improvement in the getting up of the wool; and let it not be considered I am running away with the harrows too fast, when I assert that in wool there is as much room for improvement as there was in days not long gone by, when guano and artificial manures were unknown in agriculture; nevertheless, it must excite a pleasing sensation in the breast of every well-wisher of his country to observe the gradual, but marked attention, which has of late years been bestowed on rural affairs. To men of all ranks of society, agriculture seems now to be the favourite study, not only of the landed proprietor and practical farmer, who are more immediately interested in its improvements, but also of the philosopher or man of science, who, instead of wasting his time and talents in useless metaphysical disquisitions, now devotes them to agricultural researches, which, redound to the benefit, not of a few individuals only, but to the community at large. When we consider the wool of this country alone warms almost every class of society, gives employment to thousands in its manufacture, and engages whole fleets in its exportation, it should excite within every one of us a lively interest in its progress; and in a national point of view, it must be gratifying to know that the tartan and the tweed are eagerly competed for in every clime; and it affords us no ordinary pleasure

to notice that the managers of some of the largest charitable educational institutions of our country have at length seen the propriety of clothing their youngsters with the becoming garb of Scotch tweed. Little does a careless farmer know of the trouble occasioned to a manufacturer from ill got up wool; and if he would but for a moment reflect on the vast amount of capital involved in machinery, it should prompt him to be more careful; and when we read of, and daily hear of, hill farms increasing in rent from 12 to 45 per cent., surely it is but hopeful that every improvement should be attempted to increase the value of the crop, whatever it may be. This I humbly submit, can only be done by care in selecting the stock; and as we are particularly on wool, the careful washing is of the highest importance to the manufacturer, inasmuch as it yields more weight of yarn, enables him to put a greater quantity through the carding process, as it does not clog up the cards speedily. Its freeness not only makes it spin more sweetly, but makes a better thread; hence it is more valuable to the manufacturer in many respects, and he well knowing the qualifications of well washed wool, is ever desirous of acquiring it even at a considerable advance. Bright-haired wool is much desired and eagerly sought after by the manufacturer, being far more valuable to him than wool tinged with the yellow hue; the production of a pure white wool free from all tendency to clamminess is what woolgrowers cannot be too ambitious to attend to, and the attainment of this object depends very much on prompt attention being paid to early clipping after the sheep has been thoroughly washed and dried. Wet or unsettled weather may interfere with such an arrangement; but, generally speaking, the delay is attributable to the idea that farmers entertain, that they gain by weight when shearing is post. poned. In this they are greatly mistaken, for they sacrifice the beautiful white appearance of the fleece, a quality which cannot be too highly estimated, and which the manufacturer invariably keeps in view in the advance of price. Considerable loss is often experienced in the deterioration of wool, by allowing a flock after washing to be turned into a place where sand or moss rubs are prevalent; great care ought to be exercised in avoiding such, and in procuring the best place till the clip is finished. Of late years complaints have been on the increase from the French buyers, who have been large competitors, that kemp hair is far too often found in flocks; this should be particularly studied, and every experiment adopted to devise the means of eradication. Allow me now in a few words to draw attention to the advantage of disposing of the wool by auction, and let it not be con sidered I am too one-sided in this opinion, but believe me it is from an honest conscientious convic tion that I am advising for the best: established usage, old connections, and an indifference to change, makes the task to prove the fact all the more difficult; but can the enlightened farmer of the 19th century not see that when wool is collected into a well-lighted store, placed in competition with others of a worse or better sort, and when the direct competition of some 40 or 50 bidders come into play, each sort receives its just reward accord

ing to the care it has been got up with? How infinitely better then is this plan, compared to what we hope some day to see entirely exploded, viz., of accepting from the old dealer his idea of the value, and the giving of the same price in localities, let them be ill or well washed. In saying this, let me not be misunderstood by a highly intelligent and gentlemanly class of dealers, who have long occupied the wool field-that I wish to take the butter off their bread, and perhaps their bread as well. I wish even to show them that sales would decidedly be to their advantage, and why. Look at the enormous expense they are put to, in travelling the country; whereas at sales they would get what they required, with a tithe of the trouble and no expense; they would thereby be better remunerated by receiving a commission for so buying. Have we less intelligence than our American and Australian neighbours, who have long seen the advantage of sales? Certainly not! Still we are only waking up to appreciate what they have long enjoyed and

benefited by in purse. Sales are now springing up in all quarters; but unless one general central market be adopted, it is easy to predict the issue; and another fallacy is the frequency of the sales. To suit all, more particularly the buyers from distant parts, set periods, such as the London practice, should be adopted, and we will ever endeavour to advance with the times in lending our aid to improve every method that will tell to the benefit of the grower. In conclusion, allow me to thank you for this opportunity of expressing my opinions, and as I was an aspirant to the enviable position of an agriculturist under the able tuition of Mr. Steedman of Boghall, I am proud of the opportunity of meeting so many intelligent cultivators of the soil.

The following members also took part in the discussion-Mr. Douglas, Athelstaneford; Mr. R. Scot Skirving, Campton; Mr. Durie, Standingstane, &c. The discussion ultimately was adjourned till next meeting, so that Mr. Harper's views on the subject might be obtained.


1. THE BEST MODE OF LAYING DOWN LAND | means of the subsoil plough, and also by manual TO PERMANENT GRASS, &c.

In laying down land to permanent pasture, the first point to be attended to is its thorough and efficient drainage; for without this all-important preliminary, no matter how the other operations are conducted, disappointment will finally ensue. We need not enter into any lengthened account of the manner in which draining is performed, for the details are generally well known; but this much we must say the drains ought not to be less than four feet deep, and, as a general rule, not more than 21 feet apart. We are aware that there are many persons who do not consider it necessary to drain pasture land, or what is intended to become such, as closely as they would do land intended to be under regular cropping; but we consider this to be mistaken policy. Unless the land is naturally dry, it must be rendered so artificially; for if this is not done, coarse grasses will displace those finer descriptions which may be sown, and coarse grasses are always innutritious. Taking it for granted that the land intended to be laid down in permanent grasses has previously been under a lengthened course of rather severe cropping, combined with, perhaps, careless general management, we would beg to detail the steps which we have in many instances of this kind adopted, for the purpose of preparing and finally laying down the land to grass.

After draining, and when the surface soil is shallow and the subsoil retentive, it is of the utmost consequence to deepen it by subsoiling. We have had experience of land being laid down to grass both with and without subsoiling; and in every instance where it was omitted, if the subsoil was of a retentive character, we have invariably been led to attach a greater amount of importance to this operation. We have deepened land by

labour; and although in the latter case the expense was considerable, still we found it remunerative. Generally speaking, however, the subsoil plough will be found sufficient to answer the purpose. Subsoiling must in no case whatever be put in the room of or used as a substitute for draining, as it has been done by some persons. This would only lead to disappointment, and very likely to undervaluing what is in reality a most important operation when properly performed, and in its proper time and place.

The eradication of weeds is indispensably neces sary, and it is impossible to be too careful and minute in conducting this preliminary operation. When the land is very foul it may be necessary to resort to a bare fallow, particularly when the grass seeds are to be sown in autumn. At the same time, even very foul land may be cleaned during the preparatory operations for a root crop, and in the summer culture of the same. By this, we mean turnips or mangel wurzel, drilled or (as it is denominated in many parts of England) ridged, from twenty-seven to thirty inches apart; any closer intervals will not permit the horse-hoe and grubber to act efficiently. When a root crop is grown, the grass seeds cannot be sown until the following spring. In the case of potatoes, indeed, the crop may be removed in time to permit sowing in autumn; but unless the land is already tolerably free from weeds, potatoes do not answer well as a preparatory crop, so far as the eradication of the weeds is concerned, because the potato must be planted at so early a period in spring as to prevent When the a thorough cleaning of foul land. autumn cleaning of stubbles can be carried properly into effect, preparatory to growing a crop of potatoes, then such a crop will be found very favourable indeed to the growth of sown grasses. In whatever mode the eradication of weeds is

performed, whether by bare fallowing, or in the cultivation of root, or, as they may be more correctly designated, fallow crops, the operation must be done effectually, and not hurried or slurred over. The couch-grass rake, which is used in many parts of England, will be found a useful auxiliary in the earlier stages of the business, but it ought not to depend altogether on this, but must be followed by careful hand-picking. Joints of couch-grass, small dock roots, and various other weeds, will escape the rake, and these can only be effectually removed by the hand. Hand picking, no doubt, adds to the expense; but it is nevertheless absolutely necessary, if it is desirable to lay the land down in a proper manner.

It is of no use attempting to lay down land to permanent grass if it is in poor condition, or what is called out of heart. When potatoes are the preceding crop, and autumn cleaning can be carried into effect, the manuring ought to take place before the land is rough-ploughed previous to winter. This manuring ought to consist of not less than 25 to 30 tons of farm-yard dung, and it is not necessary that the manure be fully decomposed. By the spring it will become incorporated with the soil, and there is a greater probability of a sound crop of potatoes than would be the case if the application of the manure was deferred until the planting season. In the spring, and immediately previous to planting, when the manure was ploughed down in autumn, is the proper time to apply lime. The quantity necessary depends on the nature of the soil; but in the case of loams of a medium character, that is, neither a heavy clay, nor a light, moory, or sandy soil, we have been in the habit of using from 120 to 150 bushels of lime per statute acre as it comes from the kiln. If it is not convenient to apply it in spring, the operation may be deferred until the removal of the crop. In this case we would sow eight to ten bushels per statute acre of half-inch bones broadcast, previous to planting the potatoes. In all cases which have come under our observation, we have seen that bones are almost an indispensable necessary when laying down land to permanent grass. We may be permitted to mention one case in particular as an illustration. In laying down a field of rather stiff clay loam, which had been previously heavily limed, to a part of the field bone-dust was applied, whilst the remaining portion was laid down after farmyard manure. The boned portion was in the middle of the field. Ten years afterwards the boned land could be plainly distinguished from the rest of the field, even at a considerable distance; the turf was closer and greener, and always closely eaten by whatever stock was grazed in the field, but especially by sheep.

After the potatoes are removed, say early in September, the land must be harrowed, and all weeds carefully removed. After this apply the lime, or bones, if not done in spring, and then set the two-horse grubber to work, stirring up the soil thoroughly, both across the field and lengthways. Taking for granted that the land is either naturally or artificially dry, it will be best to lay it down to grass in a level state, that is, without furrows; and the action of the grubber ought to be quite suf

ficient to make an excellent seed bed. The seeds are then sown and the land harrowed, but not rolled, unless in the case of very dry, sandy, or sharp land. We shall afterwards refer to the kinds and quantities of seeds to be used. When turnips or mangel are the crops which precede grass, the liming ought to be done immediately after the removal of the previous grain crop, before the land receives the winter furrow, so that it may be thoroughly incorporated in the soil before the application of manure for the root crop. The farm-yard manure, not less than 20 tons per acre, in combination with bones, will be applied, of course, immediately before sowing the turnip seed. As turnips do not perfect their growth until it is too late to sow grass seeds, and very likely being either wholly or in part consumed by sheep (if so, so much the better), the sowing of the grass seeds must be deferred till spring. In this case, as soon as the turnips are removed or consumed, the land must be ploughed in very broad ridges or lands, say fifty or sixty feet wide (still taking for granted that the land is dry), and even wider, if convenient. In this state it will lie until spring, when, if the crop has been entirely removed, and not consumed either altogether or partly by sheep, after the land has been thoroughly operated upon by the grubber, 2 cwt. per acre of Peruvian guano may be harrowed in, the grass seeds sown, harrowed, and rolled.

If the land is bare fallowed, preparatory to being laid down to permanent grass, we would strongly urge the necessity of being most particular in conducting the various operations of ploughing, har rowing, and weed picking, because we have not unfrequently seen bare fallows which could only be called fallows by courtesy. The land certainly was not in crop; neither was it, properly speaking, in grass; but it was bearing a luxuriant crop of couch and other weeds; and instead of attempting to remove these, their growth was merely retarded for the time by an occasional ploughing. We have, indeed, known in more than one case a crop of couch-grass hay to be taken off these so-called fallows. "THOROUGH" must be the motto, whether it relates to draining, manuring, working of the land, or eradicating every vestige of the weeds by which it is infested.

The kinds and quantities of grass seeds to he sown are regulated by the nature of the soil. On soils of medium quality, the following mixture will be found advantageous :

Perennial rye-grass, 10 lbs.; Italian rye-grass, 4 lbs.; Timothy, 1 lbs.; Cocksfoot, 5 lbs.; Meadow Foxtail, 24 lbs.; Rough-stalked meadow grass, 2 lbs.; Hard fescue grass, 24 lbs.; Meadow fescue grass, 3 lbs.; Perennial red clover, 6 lbs.; White or Dutch clover, 4 lbs.; Alsike clover, 2 lbs., per statute acre.

In dry lands intended chiefly for sheep pasture omit the timothy and the rough-stalked meadow grass, and substitute 3 lbs. of sheep's fescue and 2 lbs. of common parsley, both of which are greedily eaten by sheep. In heavy or damp soils double the quantity of timothy as given in the above mixture; and whilst allowing only one-half of the hard fescue grass, add the quantity deducted from this,

or 1 lbs., to the rough-stalked meadow grass. Half-a-pound to one pound per acre of sweetscented vernal grass may be added or not, in all soils, as pleasure dictates. It is not a valuable pasture grass; but, from the sweet smell it imparts to the hay with which it is mixed, it is to a certain extent useful on this account.

In the great majority of cases grass seeds are sown in spring along with a cereal crop, which is allowed to ripen its seeds; but when permanent grass is the object, the best plan is to sow them alone; that is, any of the cereals sown along with them, for the purpose of shelter, should not be allowed to ripen. When grass seeds are sown in autumn, a bushel of rye per statute acre should be sown at same time; and when the sowing takes place in spring, a similar quantity of any of the cereals will answer the purpose. Rape is an excellent seed to sow along with grass seeds, whether they are autumn or spring sown. From 3 to 4 lbs. an acre, sown broadcast, may be used; it shelters the young plants, and affords a most valuable amount of forage for sheep when pastured on the young grasses.

When grass seeds are sown in autumn, they will in ordinary cases have advanced sufficiently by April to admit of being lightly stocked with sheep. We are not partial to the system adopted by some, in such cases, of stocking so heavily as to eat down the young grasses to the root; for we consider that by doing so many of them are entirely destroyed. It is, no doubt, a great temptation to a man who is, perhaps, short enough otherwise of grass for his ewes and lambs, when he has a field of young grasses forward; but it is better to remove the sheep for a week or ten days at a time, after being grazed, so as to allow the young grass to shoot out afresh. In like manner, spring-sown grasses must be stocked as soon as they are sufficiently advanced to afford a full bite. Cattle must not be allowed to graze on the newly sown lands. In many districts the land is full of small stones, and all which would interfere with the scythe ought to be removed at any early period when most convenient. Some do this as soon as the grass seeds are sown; others defer it until after they have perhaps been eaten down for the first time. In either case, broad-wheeled carts ought to be used to carry away the stones, so as to prevent the formation of ruts, as will be the case when narrow wheels are employed. The frequent use of the roller is highly advantageous in smoothing and consolidating the surface.

Although the production of hay should be an object which it was desirable to attain, the grass ought not to be mown the first year, but entirely consumed by sheep. The second year's grass may be mown, but as soon as the hay is removed, let a wet day be selected to top-dress the field with 1 cwt. of Peruvian guano and 1 cwt. nitrate of soda per statute acre, after which, when the grasses are sufficiently grown, stock again with sheep. The aftermath ought on no account to be mown, neither should a hay crop be taken two years in succession. In the after-management of the land, should a crop of hay be taken, top-dressing immediately afterwards either with guano and nitrate of

soda, or with farm-yard manure in winter, must not be omitted. A large extent of naturally excellent grass land has been ruined by a two frequent repetition of a hay crop, accompanied by a neglect of top-dressing.


In attempting the improvement of inferior pastures, drainage must form the preliminary operation in this as in the previous case. We know many instances where thorough draining alone has acted like magic in effecting a vast improvement of inferior pasture lands, where the grass has been changed through the influence of the drainage from being of the coarsest kind, and greatly disliked by stock, to sweet, fattening pastures, from which it was almost impossible to keep out either cattle or sheep if an open gate or a hole in a hedge could be found by them. In a case to which we would particularly allude, the soil was a very tenacious clay, and had been tile-drained at one time about two feet deep, the drains running across the slope. The grass, however, was never good; but when this land was drained four feet deep, the drains running up and down the slope, and only seven yards apart, in the first year afterwards a great change for the better was manifest, and each succeeding season added to the value of the pastures. To expect to improve inferior pastures which require draining without that operation being carried into effect, is simply to expect an impossibility; and we may be permitted to remark that there are more pastures requiring drainage, and the want of which is the primary cause of their inferiority, than many appear to be aware of. One thing we may be certain ofthat as long as there is a single case of rot in sheep, we may rest assured that the thorough-drain has not been called upon to lend its aid in eradicating the evil.

If the land has become fogged, or covered with mosses, the harrow may be used with good effect; and afterwards let the opportunity of a damp morning be taken advantage of, to sow grass seeds over the parts which have been most scarified by the implement.

The application of bone-dust, at the rate of say twenty bushels per statute acre, is, we need scarcely say, a most efficient mode of improving inferior pastures. Instead, however, of putting them on the land in their natural state, another method may be adopted, and which we believe to be the better plan. When grass land is drained-pipes being used as under-ground conduit-let the filling of the drains be finished neatly, without laying the top sod on the surface, Collect these sods, and after chopping them in pieces, form a heap, upon each layer of which spread a quantity of bones, and also coarse salt. There will be thus-first a layer of earth, next a covering of bones and salt, then earth, again bones and salt, and so on, until the heap is say four feet high. The uppermost layer must be of earth. The bones to be at the rate of 20 bush. an acre, and the salt 5 cwt. The former will decompose rapidly, and become absorbed in this heap of earth. It may be applied to the land a month

other sweet grasses. This practice of using marl alone in the improvement of poor grass lands is common in some districts with which we are

after being mixed, observing to turn the heap carefully over before drawing the compost out on the field. If it is in the power of the farmer to saturate the heaps with the liquid drainings from his farm-acquainted; and shell sand got on the sea shore is yard, the value of the compost will be greatly increased.

also employed for the same purpose, and with precisely a similar effect. Even common sand will be found to improve the pasturage on poor clays. We had on one occasion a very striking proof of this being the case. A field of poor, ungrateful clay was laid down to permanent grass, and although it had been previously treated liberally, the grass still was always very thin, and of extremely indifferent quality. A considerable quantity of fine sand was drawn and spread over the worst parts of the field, and from that time the sward began to improve, becoming thicker every year, the bare spaces being filled up by sweet herbage, which did not exist previously.

A compost of earth, lime, and salt is an excellent top-dressing for pastures, and very effectual in improving the quality of the grasses. Let the heap be made in layers as above described, but in this case, after being made up, it must remain untouched for at least six months. Then let two men commence at one end of the heap, and turn it over, carefully intermixing every portion of it, and adding a shovel-full of lime where it may appear to have been passed over lightly at the first mixing. The heap will be permitted to remain for two or three months longer, then turned again, beginning at the opposite end from that which was begun upon the first time. A compost of this kind is better to lie twelve months before being applied to the land, so that the particles may be allowed to be thoroughly intermixed, and also to permit certain chemical changes taking place which the lime and salt will effect in connection with the organic An unremitting warfare must be waged against matter contained in the earth, and by which the weeds, and the most effectual mode of removal is fertilizing effects of the compost will be increased. | by digging them out. Cutting them down reguCalcareous manures alone, when used as a top-larly at an early stage of their growth will weaken dressing, will effect great improvements in the character of pastures. We have often applied marl to poor heathy pastures, and the result was that the heaths and coarse bents became eradicated, their place being supplied by natural white clover and

All pastures which are eaten down by cattle ought to be frequently gone over, and all the droppings carefully scattered. This prevents the grasses from growing in tufts, as in the case where this precaution is not adopted, besides helping to improve the pasture generally.

them so much that in course of time they will die out; but this is apt to be neglected until they perfect their seeds, when it is too late, and we therefore prefer recommending digging out instead of merely cutting down.-Irish Farmer's Gazette.

THE BEAUTIFUL IN AGRICULTURE. Both the art and the science of agriculture are | sufficiently advanced in this country to enable its citizens to study and practise the Beautiful in planting, and in all farming operations, with entire success. Beauty in rural objects and scenery is not confined to embellishments, but is attainable in all that relates to plants and their culture, to domesticated animals, forests, parks, fields, orchards, and gardens. Nature kindly favours, and often suggests agreeable features to such as have an eye to see and heart to feel the charms of beauty. She aids in a thousand ways to quicken into life and activity the dormant taste for the Beautiful placed in every bosom by a beneficent Creator. To develop and cultivate this latent and prolific source of enjoyment in mankind, is one of the highest duties of educated persons. It should prompt all to investigate the elements of beauty in natural objects and in rural arts, whether they relate to the vegetable, animal, or mineral kingdom. With each of these grand departments of Nature the cultivator has much to do; and he should learn her processes and laws, from which he will at length fully understand that Beanty and Utility are integral parts of any wise system of farm economy.

If beauty in a country residence, in farm buildings of whatever kind, or in tillage, were incom

patible with anything that is useful in agriculture or important in household affairs, the fact would excuse the general neglect of this principle in nature. But so far from being hostile to the creation of wealth, or to its accumulation in the hands of the owners of the soil, Beauty is one of the most reliable elements of money value in every species of property. In proof of this, we cite the facts that a beautiful horse often sells at from £70 to £120, where an ugly one of the same weight and muscular power will bring only a fifth of the sums named. A beautiful plantation has equal advantages over one quite lestitute of pleasing and attractive fea tures. As society advances, and the popular appreciation of lovely and captivating expressions becomes more acute and refined, it is obvious that Beauty must appreciate in cash value. Indeed, not one in a thousand knows how to turn to the most profitable account the intrinsic power and the solid merit of the Beautiful in agricul ture. It is not, as many suppose, a mere ideal matter, having no foundation in things substantial and enduring; but it is a material part of that perfect economy which owes its existence to the Supreme Architect of the universe. Hence, as planters and husbandmen, it is a part of our highest wisdom to cultivate that faculty within us,

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