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The first, or introductory lecture on the Commercial | 7,000 public conveyances plying for hire, and the omniProducts of the Animal kingdom, in course of buses alone employ about 13,000 horses. The number of delivery at the South Kensington Museum, was vehicles passing along the principal thoroughfares in an delivered by Professor R. Owen, who gave a resumé ordinary day of twelve hours, is about 126,000. of the economic uses of animals generally to man, interspersed with much interesting information on anatomy and physiology, in that pleasant and popular style for which he is characteristic.

The second lecture was delivered on the 25th Feb., by Dr. Lyon Playfair, C.B., on the use of refuse animal matter; and it is this address to which we would chiefly call attention, as affording much curious detail. Taking as his text, the uses and value of a dead horse, the lecturer went over the whole range of seemingly waste products, detailing their processes of re-conversion, comparative value, and resulting products; thus proving that if we but follow the example of Nature, all substances, however apparently noxious and useless, are re-convertible into other and very important commercial products.

We shall confine ourselves, in the present instance however, to his main illustration-the carcase of a dead horse.

What the mortality may be of the equine race in the United Kingdom we have no means of ascertaining. Indeed, we have no correct data for estimating very precisely even the total number of horses in the United Kingdom. We have returns for Ireland and Scotland, and the agricultural statistics for these countries for 1856, gives the number at 753,170. Those in England and Wales must be guessed at. Sixteen or seventeen years ago Mr. M'Culloch estimated the number of horses in Great Britain at 1,400,000 to 1,500,000. Now this guess must have been somewhat wide of the mark, for there are scarcely more than this in the whole kingdom at the present time, at least judging from the most careful calculations.

Three or four years ago Mr. Braithwaite Poole, in his "Statistics of British Commerce," took some pains to arrive at the true figures; and his estimate, based upon parliamentary returns and carefully-conducted enquiries, brought out the numbers at about one million and a-half, classified as follows:

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Now this is much below the number at the present time; for in 1847 the number of adult horses in the United Kingdom was given at 805,458, of brood-mares 4,246, and of horses used in husbandry 900,000; and a parliamentary return of 1854 showed that there were 432,746 horses paying duty. We have also, of late years been importing largely from the continentespecially from France and Belgium. For the four years, ending with 1856, we received 18,293 horses from the Continent.

With the large traffic carried on in the metropolis by omnibuses, cabs, pleasure horses, brewers, carriers, travellers, and other draught animals, the numbers in London must be very considerable. There are at least

Having dealt with the statistics of living animals, let us now look to the commercial products of the dead horse. From 250 to 300 horses die weekly within a radius of five miles from Charing Cross, and the flesh of these is chiefly consumed by dogs and cats within that area.

Firstly, then, we have the hair, which may weigh about 14lb., and which sells for 8d. to 1s. Horse-hair we know is applied to many purposes; it is made into hair-cloth for seatings, coloured hair damasks, bags for crushing seed for the use of the oil-crusher, cidermakers, and others. A consumption of 800 tons of horse-hair a-year, of home and foreign production, valued at about £80,000, shows the value of this one item.

Next we have the hide, weighing-say 30lbs., and worth possibly 8s., for converting, when split, into the finest Cordova leather; or, in its full thickness, for covering the large board-room tables of offices, &c.

The tendons weigh probably 6lbs., and are converted, like other animal tissues, into fine glue, or gelatine. The flesh will weigh about 224lbs. boiled, and may be used as meat for men, dogs, poultry, &c.

Smile not, gentle reader, at the banquet offered-of viands which are just now in high repute on the continent. A society of economists, naturalists, and hardy gourmands in Paris, aim at the introduction of horseflesh in the category of butcher's meat. They set the example themselves, and this example is spreading. It is argued that the horse ought to contribute to the nourishment of the human race, as well as the ox, the sheep, and the pig. That it does so already in our own metropolis to a great extent, in the shape of nominal smoked "ox-tongues" from Russia, and chopped socalled "beef" sausage-meat in Westminster, Whitechapel, and other suburban localities. But the penchant for roast and boiled horse-flesh has found adherents even here, and our esteemed contemporary, the "Journal of Agriculture," of Edinburgh, has come out strong in a recent number in its favour.

M. St. Hilaire, the champion of this new addition to our food resources, reasons in this fashion

"Horseflesh has long been regarded as of a sweetish disagreeable taste, very tough, and not to be eaten without difficulty. So many different facts are opposed to this prejudice, that it is impossible not to recognize its slight foundation. The free or wild horse is hunted as game in all parts of the world where it exists-Asia, Africa, and America--and foritself is made use of as alimentary as well as auxiliary-in merly, and perhaps even now, in Europe. The domestic horse some cases altogether alimentary-in Africa, America, Asia, and in some parts of Europe.

"Its flesh is relished by people the most different in their manner of life, and of races the most diverse-negro, Mongol, Malay, American, Caucasian. It was much esteemed up to the eighth century among the ancestors of some of the greatest nations of western Europe, who had it in general use, and gave it up with regret. Soldiers to whom it has been served out, and people in towns who have bought it in markets, have habitually, it has been sold in restaurants, even in the best, frequently taken it for beef. Still more often, and indeed as venison, and without the customers ever suspecting the fraud or complaining of it.

"And, further, if horseflesh has been often accepted as good

under a false name, it has also been pronounced good by those who, to judge of its qualities, have submitted it to careful experiment, and by all who have tasted it in proper conditionthat is, when taken from a sound and rested horse, and kept sufficiently long. It is then excellent roasted; and if it be not so acceptable as bouilli, it is precisely because it furnishes

one of the best soups-perhaps the best that is known. It is good also, as experiments prove, made by myself as well as others, when taken from old horses, not fattened, whose age was sixteen, nineteen, twenty, and even twenty-three years animals thought worth no more than a few francs beyond the value of their skin. This is a capital fact, since it shows the possibility of utilizing a second time, for their flesh, horses which have already been utilized up to old age for their strength; and, consequently, of obtaining a further and almost gratuitous profit at the end of their life, after they had wellnigh paid the cost of their rearing and keep by their labour." So much for the great champion of horseflesh. Having disposed of the flesh, we come next to the blood, heart, and tongue, weighing about 60lbs. The former is used, like the blood of other animals, as a decolorizer, for manure, and for making, with other animal substances, the well-known salt, prussiate of potash. The disposal of the heart and tongue we will say nothing about, as there is somewhat of mystery resting upon their appropriation.

The intestines of the horse, weighing about 80lbs., are converted to several uses. When cleaned, they serve for covering polonies and sausages; or they are twisted into bands or strings for bowing cotton, or for other purposes.

There is seldom much fat to be got from the horse: probably about 20lbs. may be obtained; and this is used, after being distilled, for burning in lamps. We import horse grease largely from the River Plate, but we get better at home. The grease is also worked up by the soap and candle makers in common with other fats, while the entrails and remnants are given to hogs, to make food for home consumption-at least this is so in the United States, where the porcine race are less daintily fed than our own store-fed pigs.

The bones come next; and these weigh, say about 160lbs., and are sold at the rate of 4s. 6d. per cwt., either to convert into knife-handles, or for making phosphorus, and superphosphate of lime. They will not do for animal charcoal, because horses being usually killed

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The Kensington Museum catalogue, compiled by Mr. P. L. Simmonds, lets us into the secret of a ready way of cleaning the bones and divesting them of putrid flesh, &c., so as to fit them for use in manufactures. To take off the flesh by hand is a tedious and difficult operation. An ingenious Frenchman solved the difficulty. He noticed that rats were very fond of horseflesh; so are fowls-other arguments in favour of M. St. Hilaire's reasoning of the wholesomeness of the food. Our Frenchman advised the authorities to colonize the dead horse-pound with rats. This common pound is an enclosed area of about ten acres, surrounded by a stone wall, to which all carcases, &c. are taken, and among the rest the 400 horses which die or are killed in a week in Paris. The catacombs furnished rats by thousands; and now a dead horse put in over night is picked beautifully clean by the morning, and the bones are ready for the bone-dealer. A grand battue is also periodically made, to keep under the rats, and they are utilized by making their skins into gloves, and possibly their flesh into pies or ragouts. We have nearly done with the economic uses of our worn-out hack; there remain but his pedal extremities to deal with. The hoofs, weighing about 6 lbs., are worth 88. to 10s. per cwt. for gelatine, or for making prussiates. They are not adapted to pressing into the, so-called horn buttons, which are made from ox-hoofs, but possibly may turn up polished in the shape of a snuff-box, capped with silver. The shoes will work up into shoes again, or sell for old iron; and the nails are much esteemed for making gun barrels.

We have now used up our " old horse," and this is merely the example of many other animals whose carcases are turned or might be turned to various useful purposes. Such a history points a moral that nothing should be despised, for out of many waste substances money is to be made; and the large profits of scavengers, knackers, and dust-contractors are evidences of the utilization of offal and sweepings.


SIR,-As you now and then receive some little matters I shall now make some remarks on the most valuable of written by me, and are so courteous as to give them a place those old practices which are too much neglected-feeding in the Farmers' Gazette, I now send another, in the hope cows and horses on furze (whins), the fiorin grass, and irriit may promote your object in being of benefit to gation. I have been for fifty years and more feeding my those who read your paper. It has been too much the cows and horses on furze; and I can say, from that long expractice of horticulturists to introduce and recommend new perience, that it is the cheapest and the best food for the plants and flowers, and to let the old pass into oblivion. autumn and winter months. I saw it in constant use at the Thus the beautiful moss-rose, the cabbage-rose, the York residence of the late Rev. Horatio Townsend, the author of and Lancaster, the double white-rocket, with others, which the statistical survey of this county, who strongly recomfifty years since were the delight of the cultivators, some mended it. I followed his example, and never have reare now never seen, and others, like poor relations, are left gretted doing so. I have had my horses, getting neither to take the lowest room, and new or scarce plants and flow-hay or oats, in more beautiful condition (sleek as mice) than ers, which bear no comparison in fragrance or beauty, are any of my neighbours, though they had costly grooms, the the ornaments of the garden. In the same way, in improved horses fed with best hay, oats, and beaus, and warmly clad. agriculture-though there are few who join more in heart Mine were, perhaps, not as fit for the race-course or the and hand in the introduction of new plants and new prac-hunting-fields; but for road-riding, carriage-work, or the tices to this land-though there are many of the old I long to see exploded, such as poorly-paid, badly-fed, and, as a certain consequence, badly executed labour, small, weak, badly-fed horses, and consequently light and inefficient ploughing, and therefore scanty produce-still there are others of the old school I regret to see neglected

"Tis right to be off with the old love,
Before we are on with the new."

work of the land, they were most tit, although fed only on chopped furze and steamed swede turnips; and I rejoice to see that this valuable food has been brought under the notice of the agriculturists.

On arranging some papers lately, I found a letter, dated June, 1840, from one of the best practical agriculturists I know. He states, "The most profitable crop I have planted is furze. With an acre and-a-half I fed five horses up to the

first of June. I have twelve tons of hay for sale, which I never had before. It would be much easier to induce the farmer to cultivate furze than to grow turnip; and I believe it is more profitable. Land inaccessible to the plough, of which we see so great a proportion, would yield great crops of furze; and land remote from manure could not be better disposed of. We are in the infancy of knowledge as to what ground is capable of, or what plants are best suited to the varieties of soils. The florin is a plant that never got a fair trial in the south of Ireland. I think the time will come when all the bog and low lands will be covered with it. If you look out about the latter end of June you will meet it at every step." The old practice of preparing furze was tedious, and comparatively expensive-by a block with transverse knives, sometimes with a long handle, and better with a chain, hooked on what is known by the name of a turner wattle, or by a straight spade, sometimes by thrashing. The great desideratum has been hit upon by Messrs. Richmond and Chandler, in their powerful straw-cutters, varying in price from £7 to £10.

I have just now attended my machine bought from Mr. Thomas M'Kenzie, Cork, for £7, a man cutting, and a boy feeding it, the furze ready, and in 17 minutes they cut 17 buckets full. The bushel contains 3 gallons. This is fully sufficient for four horses for 24 hours instead of hay; hay is spread on the top of the furze, and cut with it; it improves the cutting, saves the boy's hands from the prickles, and is an advantage in the feeding. When ready it is wetted with water, which makes the mastication easier. The expense of the man and boy is 1s. 5d. a day-say 10 working hours, and working little once a quarter-hour or (the one-fortieth of 17 pence for the labour of preparing food for four horses, or about three-eighths of a penny a-head. A tenant of mine who lives in Carberry told me he feeds his horses entirely, and his

cows mostly, on it all autumn and winter; he mows it every second year, and has abundance for them from a piece of land which cannot be ploughed, and which would produce nothing else; he cuts it with the straight spade, and it takes a man for the entire day to prepare sufficient for six horses. Now that Richmond and Chandler have brought out such a machine, there is no excuse for it not being in general use; and though furze will grow well on stony and rocky land (I have seen the roots several feet down in the chinks of a quarry), the best arable dry land will produce a far better and more abundant crop, and a more succulent shoot. Three acres of such land appropriated to the growing of a plant which is perennial, and requires no further culture (though, I doubt not, it would be still better for annually opening the ground and digging or forking in manure), still an everlasting winter meadow, of no comparison better food than hay, is no slight benefit now that the difficulty of its preparation-the great obstacle-has been overcome. Cattle will not hove with it. They are always sleek, an indication of health. It is in a fit state from October to May, inclusive. It improves the wind; a thick-winded horse becomes a free breather; broken-winded have no appearance of their being so; and I have seen horses cured of cough by feeding with it. Í dare say many who know not its value, and who are of those who deprecate any innovation or change, will say all this is hyperbole; this was often said of fiorin and of turnip culture; but when the failure of the potato compelled turnip culture, they then saw that the new was better; and I pledge myself that any who henceforth use furze, as directed, will fully agree in every word I say. Directions for sowing the seed in fields would be very desirable. Yours, &c., WILLIAM R. TOWNSEND, Aghadda Rectory, Rostellan,

Co. Cork, Feb. 12, 1858.


In according its kind approbation to my last researches on the solubility of fossil phosphates of lime, and in deigning to encourage me, through the organ of its reporter, M. Payen, to follow them up, the Academy of Sciences has marked out for me a course in which I have proceeded with the anxious desire of noticing in it some facts interesting both to physiology and to agriculture. I propose to detail the first results to which my experiments have conducted me.

I was desirous, in the first instance, in spite of the unfavourable season, to make in May some preliminary essays on the culture of wheat. For that purpose I commenced operations upon a piece of land cleared only a few days previous to the experiment, and on which I have comparatively employed nodules of pulverized phosphates at the rate of 55 per cent., and animal charcoal (black) in small grains, 72 per cent. of richness. The earth, rich in humus and acid principles, possessed the best conditions for dissolving the phosphates. The dressing was employed at the rate of 6 hectolitres to the hectare, and the results observed were as follow:

In the pieces which were planted with wheat there was no appreciable difference between the produce of the animal charcoal, the fossil phosphates slightly animalized, and the same phosphate mixed with very porous charcoal, There was a very marked superiority, which I was far from expecting, in another piece in which the nodules, simply reduced to very fine powder, had been employed comparatively with animal charcoal in small grains. In all these essays in other respects the produce was moderate, whatever was the dressing adopted, in consequence of the very recent clearing of the land.

Two pieces of land were sown with oats, and dressed, one with powdered nodule, the other with animal charcoal. In both cases the produce was fine, but there was still no appreciable difference observable, either in quantity or in the appearance of the crops.

In spite of the unfavourable conditions in which these preliminary essays took place, I must confess I was struck with



"JOURNAL D'AGRICULTURE PRATIQUE."] surprise on seeing my anticipations at fault in regard to the action of the fossil phosphates employed alone, and in the state of fine powder. My researches in the laboratory on some coefficients of solubility in carbonic acids, the laws of analogy, and, I must also add, the ignorance of actual science as to the modifications the nodules undergo in presence of the air contained in the arable soil-all this led me to regard these manures as slowly assimilable, deserving on this account to be classed far enough from bone charcoal. Nevertheless the agricultural experiments seemed to contradict my preconceived ideas. We shall see, as we proceed, that this contradiction manifested itself afresh in more conclusive essays.

My second series of experiments were made on the culture of buckwheat, which in the west absorbs enormous masses of animal charcoal. The surplus of the quantities assimilated by this plant remain in the soil, in which its action is subsequently felt upon the winter wheats.

In order to place myself as much as possible beyond the influences, multiplied and unequal, of experiments on a large scale, I resolved to make my experiments in pots, on substances exactly weighed, and in presence of elements of irrigation and exposure perfectly identical.

Eleven pots were filled with earth extremely poor, and derived from the disintegration of schistose rocks. The earth was minutely mixed in each pot with 10 grammes of manure and two seeds of buckwheat, which were sown from the 25th of June to the 22nd of September, when the experiment was completed. The watering of the pots was performed twice aday with rain water. Vegetation proceeded well, except in the cases in which earth was used without manure, and with nodules treated with 20 per cent. of sulphuric acid. In these two instances the plants were poor and weak, and the produce insignificant. We must not forget that the poverty of the earth employed was extreme. Humus existed in it only in very minute proportion. Its aptitude to retain water and condense the gases was as feeble as possible.

At the end of three weeks, it was easy to perceive the favourable effect of the phosphoric acid upon the buckwheat. Where the superphosphate of lime, of animalized phosphates, and of the mixture of blood and powdered nodules were used, the vegetation was both luxuriant and precocious. The animal charcoal was distanced, and owing to the poverty of the earth the pure phosphate of lime gave wretched results. The following, however, is the complete summary of the observations, made with the greatest care:

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nodules mixed with blood. I would, however, remark that the experiment No. 3, the results of which are very fine, were produced under the influence of weak doses of animal substances. Had the porous vegetable charcoal in this case a condensing action immediately utilized? It appears very probable.

Let it therefore be well understood that the figures expressed in this table are applicable only to the special circumstances of the experiment, and it is requisite, in order to study more completely the action of the nodules, to make new essays in which the organic matter of the soil determined will perform a part which is wanting here. Under these reserves I think I am able to establish the following facts:

1. The nodules of phosphate of lime of the Ardennes, reduced to fine powder, and exposed some months to the air, are assimilable by vegetables.

2. Their favourable action on granitic and schistose soils, in the clearings of lands and heaths, may be variable according as we employ them alone or associated with organic substances. 3. As this is also remarked in the employment of the phos. phates of charcoal of clarification, and charcoal powder of the filters, there is agreement sometimes in associating organic substances with the nodules in fertilizing poor soils by dissolvent agents, and sometimes, on the contrary, in employing them alone on clearings in which vegetable substances abound. 4. The addition of blood to the powdered nodules gave excellent results in the triple point of view, of return in grain, of vigour of the straw, and of precocity.

5. The employment of the action of acids, in order to promote the assimilation of phosphates, will only take place in lands and cultures in which the superphosphate is actually found useful by the agriculturists. In all cases, on the contrary, in which bone-black in grains is rapidly dissolved, the nodules finely powdered will themselves be assimilated.*

6. Lastly, and as a consequence useful to point out, it is once more established that from the search for co-efficients of solubility in the laboratory, to the agricultural verification, there is all the distance that separates an extremely simple effect from one extremely complex. ADOLPHE BOBIERRE.


In examining these figures it is important to state

that they clear up a particular point of the question, without constituting on that account a scale of return applicable to the condition of an extensive cultivation. Indeed it is very evident that the impulsive action produced by the azote was not applied here to the phosphate of the animal charcoal as to that of the


A Monthly Council was held on Saturday, Feb. 27, at Waghorn's Hotel, Taunton, John Sillifant, Esq., in the chair. THE CARDIFF MEETING.-Mr. Widdicombe (Director), brought up a report on the subject of the tenders received from the various contractors for the erection of the hoarding, for the show-yard, offices, and works for the meeting at Cardiff in June next. The tender of Mr. George Pollard, builder, of Taunton, was accepted. The report of the committee (under the guidance of Mr. Gooch, the consulting engineer of the society), on the terms upon which steam-engines would be permitted to exhibit in the show-yard, was introduced and discussed. The report was adopted, and ordered to be printed and circulated among intending exhibitors in this department. THE MEETING IN 1859.-The deputation appointed to visit Barnstaple reported that they went to that town on Thursday last, and inspected three sites offered for the exhibition next year. They now recommended a piece of land about a mile from the Barnstaple Station, on the North Devon Railway, in every way suitable, provided the requirements of the society were complied with. It was also reported that eligible fields for the trial of implements would be offered to the council on advantageous terms. NEW MEMBERS.-The following new members were elected:Mr. R. F. Jenner, Winvoe Castle, Cardiff Mr. Blackburrow, Tower Head, Banwell Mr. N. Cook, Ayshford Court, Somerset

Mr. F. T. Allen, West Kington, near Chippenham
Mr. J. Spurway, Spring Grove, Milverton
Mr. J. P. Spurway, Spring Grove, Milverton
Capt. F. Spurway, 2nd Somerset Militia.

*This is, on the whole, what practice has already demonstrated in the last harvest with the greatest clearness.


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RESPECTED FRIEND,-Herewith I send thee an extract from the Suffolk Chronicle, giving a brief outline of the life and labours of our valued old friend and father of farmers' clubs, Charles Poppy-thinking it probable it would be interesting to the readers of the Mark Lane Eipress, some few of whom, who were readers of the agricultural periodicals sixty years since, will probably recollect his early efforts to promote the practical interests of agriculture. To him we owe in this district the earliest introduction of swede turnips, as of a crop of mangel wurzel, and of Belgian white carrots; the most successful prevention of the ravages of the turnip fly; the invention of the scarifier, which was the original type of those now in use; and the introduction of the system of farmers' clubs. Well do I recollect visiting, in company with my highly-esteemed friend, John Morton, one of the monthly meetings of the primitive club, held in the long low-room of the village inn at Ashbocking, when, seated as president at the end of a long table, covered with gigantic roots, interspersed with glasses of steaming mixture, and pipes with well-waxed ends, he gave us, in his own genial and unobtrusive manner, interesting anecdotes of his successes and his failures, of his temporary discouragements and his ultimate rejoicing in the triumph of successful attainment. At a shortly subsequent period, two or three of those warmly interested in agriculture in the neighbourhood of Yoxford visited the Ashbocking Club, and the rapid establishment of similar clubs in Yoxford, Halesworth, Beccles, Wrentham, Harleston, Framlingham, and Wickham Market, was the result. Through the kindness of the editors of the Mark Lane Express the reports of the proceedings of these various little societies were published, and the practical usefulness of their discussions thus obtaining wide circulation, institutions of a similar character were speedily formed throughout the length and breadth of the land.

About this time, the late William Shaw with two or three of his friends, conceived the idea of centralizing these by the establishment of a club in London, and hence the commencement of the Central Farmers' Club.

Surely amongst the thousands who have through so long a period benefited by the disinterested labours and researches in which he has spent his long and useful life, there must be many who will rejoice in the opportunity to contribute to the promotion of his comforts and that of his aged partner for the few remaining years that may yet be allotted to him, now that the day of his working for others -at the age of 85-is well nigh passed.

His old friend and co-worker for nearly 50 years, Arthur Biddell, of Playford, has organized the plan of obtaining sufficient funds for the purchase of an annuity on the joint lives of the worthy pair; and if thou couldst suggest that subscriptions should be received at the office of the Central Farmers' Club, there is little doubt the object would be speedily accomplished.

With kind regards and pleasant memories of other days,
I remain, my dear friend, sincerely thine,
Ipswich, 2nd Month 22.


among the occupiers of land in Suffolk—is justly entitled to a niche in the temple of agricultural fame.

Charles Poppy was born in the parish of Withersfield, in the year 1773. At eight years of age he was sent to be educated at Tilney School, Harleston, Norfolk, where he remained seven years. Thomas Pallant, the meteorologist, was a schoolfellow of his. When he left school he was placed with Mr. Candler, of Linstead, near Halesworth, for instruction in farming. There he profited but little, for his master was not a strict one, and, as many of Charles's schoolfellows lived in the neighbourhood, he had the run of many farms; and this suited a mettled lad of his age better than work. It was a dairy farm, and he remained there two or three years. Candler was a regular old-fashioned farmer, but hearing that a new-fangled system of draining had been tried on a farm at Cookley, he took his agricultural pupil with him to look at it out of curiosity, and here it was that our future experimentalist saw, for the first time, an arable field of six or eight acres subjected to the system of thorough drainage.

From Mr. Candler's he went to "Frendze Hall Farm," Scole, Norfolk, an arable and grazing farm of upwards of four hundred acres. There he remained four years, and there he learnt to work. There it was that he made the acquaintance of Mr. Kent, who was steward to George the Third, which led to an interchange of correspondence upon agricultural subjects. There it was that he first saw Swede turnips grown. Thomas Avis, Esq., steward to the Duke of Norfolk, occupied the farm adjoining "Frendze Hall," and he was at that time trying to grow swedes, the root being then unknown in the East Anglian district. Mr. Avis raised them in his garden and then planted them out, and he continued this practice for several years.

As the fourth year drew to a close our young farmer began to feel himself able to practise the art of agriculture, and he therefore engaged himself as assistant to Mr. Wythe, a land valuer and agent at Eye, who occupied the "Park Farm," and two others in the immediate neighbourhood. Having procured some seed from his old neighbour in Norfolk, Mr. Avis, he proceeded to try the experiment of grow ing swedes. There was a bailiff at the farm, but such scarce and valuable seed he could not trust in other hands than his own, and he therefore sowed it himself. This was the first known instance of Swede turnips being sown for a in Suffolk. The seed, however, was put in too late, and the crop proved very poor, too small to feed cattle, lest they should choke themselves; in fact, they were like Bloomfield's description of the rinds of Suffolk cheese:


"Too big to swallow, and too hard to bite." After remaining four years with Mr. Wythe, he resolved upon farming on his own account. He took a farm at Occold; but at the end of three years the owner wanted it, and Mr. Poppy had to quit. He then entered into the seed business, and travelled over Suffolk, Norfolk, and part of Cambridgeshire. Being a keen observer, his travelling gave him a good opportunity of making himself acquainted with the soil, culture, and vegetable productions of the districts he visited, and this he did not lose sight of. The

SUFFOLK WORTHIES AND PERSONS OF line of life, however, did not please him, and before the end


CHARLES POPPY, THE AGRICULTURIST. Among the many men in Suffolk who have achieved a name and reputation by the practice of agriculture, few could be mentioned who have so deservedly won a claim for distinction among Suffolk farmers as Charles Poppy, of Wituesham. This venerable agriculturist, the correspondent and contemporary of Arthur Young, Sir John Sinclair, George Webb Hall, and others-a man whose numerous experiments and lengthened experience on the crops and soils of this district render him pre-eminent

of twelvemonths he was again engaged by Mr. Wythe to undertake the sole management of his farms, that gentle man having removed to West Norfolk.

Mr. Poppy, desirous of being on his own footing, next took a farm at Wetherden. Here a new phase of life opened to him. He married Frances, the youngest daughter of the Rev. John Gibbs, rector of Occold, and vicar of Yaxley, by whom he has had five children; three of them are now living in the United States, one, a daughter, is living at West Ham, and one is deceased. When he began married life he thought he was comfortably settled prices were good; his farm of 160 acres was, to all appearance, one of average quality; his house was sub

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