Obrazy na stronie


No one disputes the importance of the bovine race of animals, in connexion with the slaughter-house; nor, on the other hand, does anybody appear to doubt that we have taken a wrong course in that great question-the production of meat.

Both the consumption increases and the price advances continually. People are uneasy at this, and inquire the reason, which is very simple: Production remains stationary, and is not in accordance with consumption; and it has remained stationary because it is not sufficiently profitable to the agriculturist.

The remedy for so serious a state of things is not easy of application; for, in some degree, it requires the co-operation of every one, and, above all, the vigorous support of authority, which should have the sole power of effecting a reaction in the tendencies of the market.

The most liberal encouragements lavished upon the breeders of cattle would not be too much, at this time; and they should, undoubtedly, bring the consumption to modify itself to something like what it is in England, which is at once more profitable to agriculture and to the public health than what is taking place in France.

In France, the number of horned cattle amounts, in round numbers, to ten millions; that of cows being four millions, and of calves three millions. Of these latter they kill two-and-a-half millions per annum, which do not yield more than 30 kilogrammes of meat (about 664lb.) per head. We slaughter, besides, 1,500,000 head of large cattle; and this total of four million head yields four hundred million kilogrammes (886,070,000lb.) of meat.

In England, with eight million head, they slaughter only two million; and that number yields five hundred million kilogrammes (or 1,107,587,500lb.) of meat.

Yes: in France, four million head yield four hundred million kilogrammes; and in England, two million yield five hundred million kilogrammes of meat. The cause is that, in England, they kill neither so many calves nor so many old. oxen; and it is this correct and skilful proportion that gives them an economic position much superior to that of France in this respect.

The first and most important of the encouragements to be given for the production of cattle is, an entire change in the present customs of the slaughter-house. "Freedom," they say, is about to succeed monopoly in the great market of Paris, and to respond to the incessant and just complaints of the consumers; which is good news. The freedom of the slaughter-house is as useful to agriculture as to the consumer; for it will suppress a part of those intermediaries who absorb too large a share of the price, and cause the consumer to pay too dear for the meat, whilst the producer sells it too cheap, and is, consequently, disgusted with the market produce.

Let us judge of this by the following statement, which is taken from official documents, aud which shows that the average price of an ox weighing 350 kilogrammes (775lb.) of net meat is 314f. (£13 1s. 8d.), or per kilogramme 89c. to 90c (or about 4d. per lb.) Certainly, there is a considerable distance between this price and the selling price of meat; and if, as ought in justice to be the case, the greatest part of it accrued to the grazier, his advantage would be a powerful encouragement to production. But, besides the indispensable intermediation of the butchers, there are others of all sorts. There is the Pay Office of Poissy, which charges, besides an interest of five per cent. upon the loan granted to the butcher, a municipal right of 3c.; which led M. Chale to say, in his deposition before the Parliamentary Inquiry made in 1851 : "The Pay Office of Poissy is an instrument with which the city of Paris takes 1,400,000f. from the pockets of the agriculturists, under the pretext of ensuring their payments, which

Taken from the second edition of "The Principal Bovine Races of France, England, and Switzerland," by the Marquis of Dampierre.

they do not ensure at all." Next, there is the town due of 2c. per kilogramme, and the abattoir tax of rather more than 7c., making in all 15c. 3 milles.

But still this is not all. There is, in consequence of the law which makes it imperative to bring all the animals to the markets of Sceaux and Poissy, intended for the supply of Paris, at least one purchaser at first hand, who forms the groups of cattle, and conducts them to the privileged market; but there are more frequently two, three, and even four intermediate dealers, whose exactions are not less than from 10c. to 15c. per kilogramme each. There are also the commissioners near the same markets; the guides, to show the way from Sceaux to Poissy, and from Poissy to Sceaux; the hay-merchant; and the lodging-house-keeper: and all these people have their share of the benefit that the consumer ought to pay to the producer. It also raises the price of meat from 6c. to 8c. per kilogramme, on the average.

I am aware that all these middle-men cannot be suppressed, but they may be considerably reduced in number; and they ought to be placed on a well-understood footing. Nor can the production of cattle make any important advance whatever until the agriculturist shall be fully satisfied and secured in this respect.

Light breaks in on every side, and the most interesting publications are applying the torch to those questions which the interest of the Paris butchers hold in voluntary obscurity. Documents abound; and we can obtain from them a knowledge of abuses of all kinds, which ignorance alone of the facts has suffered to exist to the present time.

It is to the parliamentary inquiry commenced in 1851which the political events of that period prevented from being completed-to which is due the merit of the deep investigation of this question. The documents collected at that period are the basis and starting-point of all the publications which have since been issued. They display such a character of honesty and truth, that we have felt secure in quoting them; and they are found continually under the pen of every writer. One of these, amongst others, M. E. Blanc, in his "Mysteries of the Butchery," supports by that authority the result of his personal works. M. Blanc does not draw conclusions in favour of freedom; he would substitute one monopoly for another. But his statements are, nevertheless, interesting and instructive; and I shall borrow from him some of great importance.

The price of beef at Paris, in 1820, was from 55 to 60 cents. per pound; in 1841, according to the report of M. Boulay de la Meurthe to the Municipal Council, 70 cents.; and it has successively risen from that time to 100 and 104 cents. (or 10d. to 10d. 1-25th per pound)—an increase of 90 per cent. in thirty-six years, and that in spite of all the efforts of the Administration to reduce the price of meat, and a multitude of opposite measures contradictory and incessantly reviving, with the view of remedying the evil. "He has been assured that the butchers of Paris could sell meat retail at 10 cents. less per kilogramme than they purchase it, on account of the skin and other proceeds."-[Parliamentary Enquiry (French) of 1851, vol. i. p. 32). Now, the mean course of the averages of the markets this year (1857) quotes meat at 1 franc 40 cents. (Is. 2d.), and this price is imaginary" because the butchers have an interest in raising fictitiously the price of live cattle, in order to justify them in selling dearer by retail." -[Report of M. Boulay de la Meurthe, 1841.]

Let us, however, accept the quotation of 1 franc 40 cents.; the average retail selling price has been 1 frauc 98 cents., or 58 cents. (53d.) more than the cost price, instead of 10 cents. less. The following is, under another form, the butcher's


Coat price of meat

F. C. 1 40

F. C.

Retail price.... 1 981
Selling price.. Skin and other



0 34

2 82
0 92 cts.

But this is not all: we must now state the less palpable profits which accrue to this return of 2 francs 32 cents., namely

1st. The coarse meat imposed upon the purchaser, in spile of the regulations of the Prefecture of Police, amounting to one-fourth, and more frequently to one-third of the weight; say 40 cents. per kilogramme.

2nd. The substitutions of one class for another, or the deviation of the general amount from the classes, 40 cents. per kilogramme.

3rd. The sale to the tallow-melter of the fat from the carcase (about 15 kilogrammes per beast); of the loose fat and skin, charged according to custom, at the price of the meat (1 franc 98 cents. per kilogramme), and thrown into the basket, then sold a second time (about 10 kilogrammes, at 1 franc 20 cents. per kilogramme). Total, 25 kilogrammes. Making a profit, on an average, of 49 francs 80 cents. per beast, or 1 franc 45 cents. per kilogramme.

4th. The sale of 20 kilogrammes of bone allowed to the butcher upon each bullock, and reckoned by the Prefecture of Police at 20 cents. per kilogramme, and which they sell at the price of meat (1 franc 98 cents).

5th. The kidneys and false-chines, the normal weight of which is 20 kilogrammes; to which must be added 20 other kilogrammes, taken from the first, second, and third classes.* The whole sold at 3 francs per kilogramme.

6th, and above all, we must reckon the skill with which the meat is managed, so that there never remains a morsel for the fourth class, and but little in the third; by which it is estimated that they gain 1 franc per kilogramme on the fourth class.

Now, there is still the substitution of cow beef for that of ox; the difference in the price being from 48 to 50 cents. All the butchers kill cows, of which, on an average, 25,000 per annum are killed in Paris; and they are right in doing so, for that meat, although we say it, is as good, and often as fine, as that of ox beef, depending on the quality and health of the animal. We never, however, find any cow beef amongst the butchers; they scout, as an insult, the inquiry for it. The reason is, that cow beef is transformed into ox beef as soon as it appears upon the stall, and this fraudulent substitution constitutes an average net profit of 149 francs 54 cents per cow (or £6 48. 2d.) on all that are killed.

With all these enormous profits, what are the expenses to be deducted? They are as follows:

The cost price.....
The municipal duties
The expenses of the stall..

fr. C. m. 1 40 0

0 12 34

0 8 50

1 60 84

These results are so important, that the skill of the butchers has been exercised successfully to conceal them up to the present time. It is high time to give a complete statement of them; for the profits accruing from them ought to be shared by the graziers, who, up to the present time, have been simple enough not to lay any claim to this fifth quarter (cinquieme quartier), which nevertheless amounts to 126 fr. 90 c. per head, or 36 c. 78 m. per kilo., upon 345 kilos. of ox beef; 75 fr. 90 c. per cow, or 3 c. 45 m. per kilo., on 220 kilos. of net meat; 29 fr. 30 c. per calf, or 45 c. per kilo., on 68 kilos. net meat; and 11 fr. 60 c. per sheep, or 64 c. per kilo., on 18 kilos. of net meat.

This mysterious fifth quarter does not amount to less than from 18 to 20 millions of francs profit per annum to the Parisian butchers alone. Judge then of its importance to the grazier!

The calculations which attribute an average profit of 34 cents. per kilo. (34d. nearly) as the result of this fifth quarter, are based upon the average of 1856. Those of 1857 are higher, and exhibit an increase of 22 fr. 10 c. per ox, 14 fr. 95 c. per cow, 6 fr. 33 c. per calf, and 2 fr. 22 c. per sheep. They consequently increase proportionally the profit, estimated too low at 34 c. per kilo, raising it 36 c. 78 m. for ox beef, 84 c. 5 m. for cow beef, 45 c. for veal, and 64 c. for mutton. In order to complete this useful information for the graziers,

By the law in France, the butchers are bound to divide their meat into four classes, and sell it, according to the quality, at a certain price, fixed by the Prefecture of Police.-[Translator.]

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Let us

All these figures are taken from authentic sources. consider what an enormous bearing they have upon production. We would wish that in this point of view it may attract serious attention; and that, when once delivered from the monopoly, means may be found to make the butchers pay for all those parts which have a value as high and real as the meat sold to them.

Let us now see what influence the price of meat has upon consumption, and especially on the qualities consumed. An English work, "The Night Side of London," has published some very interesting statistical documents on the consumption of London. There are eaten in that city annually 277,000 oxen, 30,000 calves, 1,800,000 sheep, 35,000 pigs, &c. On this statement M. E. Blanc makes the following reflections :

"If we refer to the consumption of Paris, we find that that annual average consumption, for a population which amounts to only half that of London, is 88,000 oxen (only one-third of the consumption of London), 77,000 to 80,000 calves (nearly two-thirds more than are consumed in London), and from 20,000 to 25,000 cows, &c.

"Now, reducing these classes to kilogrammes, we find the following differences between the alimentary conditions of the

two capitals:

"The 277,000 oxen of London, superior in weight to those of the French oxen, and weighing in net meat a minimum of 400 kilos., allow for the 2,360,000 inhabitants of that city 47 kilos. per head; and the 30,000 calves, a food destitute of all nutritive qualities, 86 grammes only.

"The 88,000 oxen of Paris, on the contrary, weighing on an average 345 kilos., allow to the 1,200,000 inhabitants of that city only 25 kilos. 300 gr. per head; and the 77,000 calves 5 kilos.; which makes a difference in favour of the population of London of 24 kilos. 70 gr. of beef per head, and a difference in favour of the population of Paris of 4 kilos. 14 gr. of veal-the former being substantial, and the latter unsubstantial food.

"These statements explain why the work of which we speak thinks itself authorized to say, that London is the city in the world where they live the longest. In ten years the average of deaths has been 25 per thousand; and in 1856 that proportion was reduced to 22 per thousand.

"If, in order to complete the comparison, we consult the mortuary statistics of Paris, we find in them, by the statements of the English work, a sad contrast in the constant progression in the deaths, the average of which was, in 1831 to 1840, 26 per thousand; in 1841 to 1850, 28 per thousand; and in 1851 to 1855, 31 per thousand.

"Perhaps the price of meat at these different periods will explain to us the cause of this deplorable mortuary progression."

"From 1881 to 1840 meat sold at the stall from 60 to 65

cents. (6d. to 64d.) per lb. It rose from 1841 to 1850, to from 70 to 75 cents.; and we have seen, from 1851 to 1855, and afterwards, it has attained a rate assuming from day to day more of a prohibitory character.

"Is it not expedient here to recall that fearful declaration made before the Commission of Inquiry of 1851, and quoted in page 101 of this work, that when the consumption of meat decreases, THE MORTALITY INCREASES IN AN ANALOGOUS PROPORTION ?"

We have here certainly matter for serious reflection, and motives for endeavouring to bring back the production and consumption of cattle, that source of public health, to conditions equitable for all.

Could agriculture produce meat in a profitable manner, by producing more, and at the same time considerably diminishing the price to the consumer? Certainly yes; but, in my opinion, three conditions are necessary, in what relates to the butchery of Paris, and these measures would have an immediate and decided influence upon the butchery of the rest of France, which, without reaching the impositions of the Paris butchery, tends to copy its proceedings in its own. These three conditions are as follow:

1st. Free-trade for the butchery-that is, competition. A vigilant authority may, by measures more efficacious than those which now exist, survey more closely the quality of the meat. It could not make the matter worse, in any case, however evidently disposed to do so; for fraud has been introduced everywhere, and the existing monopoly lives only by the violation of the laws and regulations which govern the matter. 2ndly. The suppression of all the middle-men and all the duties which are placed between the producer and the consumer. Let there be only the butcher, and the municipal and abattoir charges, reduced to 5 or 6 centimes.

3rdly. The creation of one market only, within reach of Paris, and thereby the suppression of the 8 or 10 centimes which tax the meat of animals usually driven from Sceaux to Poissy, from Poissy to Sceaux, or from Sceaux or Poissy to Paris, to the great injury of their health, their weight, and the quality of their meat. By this arrangement, again, we might look for a more strict and real attention than that which a director of Abattoir intimated in the following terms in the Legislative inquiry of 1851:-"It is certain that the inspection of the markets is completely illusory; for the inspectors inspect nothing at all. They do on the market just as they please, and the public find in it no guarantee. There come animals in the most deplorable condition; the inspectors never see them; and then even if they did see them, it is a question whether they would prevent the sale of them." The establishment of a single market, and within reach of Paris, might involve other desirable measures; for instance, the verification of meat, which every one declares to be of a quality frequently wretched; and by this means the prevention of the entry into Paris of dead meat, or that of animals killed beyond the Barriers, most frequently diseased, and killed clandestinely. The consumption of meat under such circumstances assumes a frightful proportion; for in 1856 it reached the amount of 17,150,000 kilos., being a third of the consumption of meat proceeding from the Abattoirs; whereas in 1818 it was only 366,000 and in 1846 4,653,000 kilos.

All meat which has not passed under inspection alive ought to be proscribed: it is the only means of insuring a healthful alimentation.

Such is the state of this great question of the butchery, so important in all points of view for agriculture, and so worthy of engaging the attention of all reflecting men.


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On the occasion of the rent-day in December last, in connection with the estates of Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton, Bart., M.P., a general feeling was expressed by the tenantry that some mark of their appreciation of the honest, courteous, and exemplary conduct of Mr. R. T. Beckett, the agent, was called for; and no sooner was the sentiment expressed, than arrangements were made for bringing such good wishes into a tangible shape. A committee to obtain subscriptions and arrange details was formed, consisting of Mr. J. Vernon, of Willington (chairman), and Messrs. Warburton and Barnes, of Eaton; Messrs. J. Barker, Finchett, and H. Siddon, of Rushton; and Mr. Rigby, of Fenna Wood. Mr. William Vernon was appointed secretary. The intentions of the committee were at once announced, and tenants on the Oulton, Broxton, Astbury, and Upton and Chester estates, all came forward with their contributions from £2 to 1s., to pay a tribute of respect to the man who for 23 years had discharged the onerous duties of land-agent with fidelity to his employer, and at the same time with benefit to the tenantry. So unanimous was the feeling, that in a week or two £140 was subscribed; and to add to the general gratification, Sir P. Egerton expressed his hearty approval of the whole proceedings. Af ter some little consideration, the committee determined that the testimonial should consist of a handsome, but useful col

lection of silver-plate. The articles comprised a dozen silver table forks, a dozen dessert ditto, a case containing a dozen dessert knives and forks, four silver tablespoons, two gravy ditto, massive soup ladle, salt cellars, knife rests, cruet stand, liqueur frame, bread basket, cake basket, a richly chased flowerbordered salver, an elegantly embossed kettle and stand, a dozen Queen's pattern teaspoons, and a splendid gold watch and chain. A purse containing 30 guineas was also added to the above-mentioned articles. Accompanying the present was a beautifully emblazoned and engrossed list of the articles, and also the names of the various subscribers to the testimonial. On the kettle, salver, and watch, the following inscription was engraved Presented, with other pieces of plate, by the tenantry of Sir Philip De Malpas Grey Egerton, Bait., M.P.,

to Mr. Richard Trim Beckett, as a token of their admiration of his courteous conduct, and of their high regard as an honest and efficient agent for the last twenty-three years. 10th February, 1858." The ladle, spoons, &c., each bore some part of the inscription, denoting that they formed portions of the testimonial.

In order that the tenantry generally and the friends of Mr. Beckett might have an opportunity of paying their personal respects on the occasion of presenting the plate, it was decided that a dinner should be held at the Red Lion Inn, Eaton, near Tarporley, on Wednesday last. Early in the day, the indefatigable secretary, Mr. Wm. Vernon, had tastefully set out the articles of plate in a small room at the Red Lion, where they were inspected by nearly 300 of the ladies, gentlemen, and labourers living in the neighbourhood.


At two o'clock

took place in the large room of the inn, when about 90 of the tenantry sat down. Amongst the company present we noticed and Mr. W. Beckett, Northwich; Mr. Moss, Shaw Farm; Mr. John Vernon (chairman), Mr. R. T. Beckett, Mr. Beckett, Mr. Hicklin, Chester; Mr. Brown, Broxton; Messrs. Baddeley, Leadbeater, Robinson, and Bivy, Astbury; Messrs. Hyne, Little Budworth; Messrs. W. C. Warburton, Barnes, Bithell and Beecroft, Upton; Messrs. R. Taylor, Rigby, and Law, Ruscoe, Finchett, and Barker, Eaton; Messrs. Bebbing Egerton Hall; Messrs. Hitchens and Bretley, Rushton; ton and Siddon, Broxton; Mr. Shrigley; Mr. Johnson, Messrs. Ellwood and Rowe, Kelsall; Mr. Davies, Egerton; &c., &c.

After the dinner had been disposed of, the Chairman proposed the usual loyal and complimentary toasts; after which the health of Sir P. Egerton (the landlord) was drunk with

three times three.

The testimonial was then placed by Mr. Butt in front of The CHAIRMAN, who rose and said-Mr. Beckett, the committee formed for the purpose of providing come substan.

tial memorial to mark the high estimation in which you are held by the tenantry of Sir Philip Egerton, have done me the honour to appoint me their chairman, in which capacity I now stand. Proud I am of the duties entrusted to me, though very far from being able to discharge them in a manner that I would wish; but I am quite sure you will excuse me when I say you must take the feeling of the heart for the will of the mind. During the time you have been amongst us, which now extends over the long period of twenty-three years, we have had very many opportunities of witnessing the unremitting care and attention with which you have discharged your important duties as agent to our worthy landlord. I can say from experience, when you have seen it needful you have not been backward, with the kind consent of your benevolent master, to render us every assistance in your power; and now, sir, on behalf of my brother-tenants, whose names are herein written, I beg your acceptance of the accompanying testimonial as a mark of the esteem we bear towards you, and also as a small return for the many acts of kindness you have done us, and for the uniform good feeling and gentlemanly manner with which you have treated us; and we hope and trust that your valuable life may yet be spared many years to us and to your esteemed wife and family, and that you may be permitted by a gracious Providence to pursue your career of usefulness in the enjoyment of every blessing this world can bestow. And when declining years come on, may you view that tribute of respect with delight, and say "I have won those for an example to a rising progeny and ages yet unborn ;" and when it pleases God in his infinite mercy to call you hence, "may you die the death of the righteous, and may your last end be like his." And now, gentlemen, I call upon you to show your further wishes to our worthy guest by filling a bumper to his good health, with the honours due to a hearty good fellow.

The toast having been drunk amid enthusiastic cheering and musical honours,

Mr. BECKETT rose and said: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen, I rise with no ordinary feelings of gratitude and pleasure to receive from your hands this valuable testimonial, as mark of the estimation in which you hold my conduct and services as land-agent to Sir Philip Grey Egerton. More than 23 years ago I entered upon that appointment with the highest gratification, and I soon found that I had to work with an intelligent and improving class of farmers, who only required confidence and encouragement, not dictation. I also found, as I expected, the nobleman whom it was my duty to serve and represent, to be a most liberal-minded landlord, whose greatest desire and happiness was to improve the condition of his tenantry, to make their homes comfortable and condition prosperous. I further found in Sir Philip Egerton's professional agent, Mr. Humberston, the present Mayor of Chester, a most gentlemanly and agreeable adviser, easy of access, and always at my right hand whenever I required advice. Under such circumstances, and with such advantages, it was no difficult duty for me to sail smoothly with you in all matters connected with a landagency. My course has been as smooth as an unruffled sea. I am proud to say that I have never had to encounter a headwind or a stiff gale; nor do I yet see any breakers ahead, except the chance of a break-down in my attempt to acknowledge your great kindness on this occasion. While the brilliancy of your magnificent testimonial dazzles my eyes, my heart throbs with gratitude which I cannot fully express. I value it for its intrinsic worth, but still more because it comes from a respectable disinterested tenantry, with whom I have had the honour to act for so many years. I little thought when I entered upon my stewardship, that the 1st October, 1834, would be the harbinger of such a day as this. I thank you all most sincerely. Ithank also my absent friends, the tenantry, who have contributed to this testimonial, which I shall endeavour to hand down to my children as unsullied as I receive it at your hands. May health and happiness attend you and your families, and may the tenantry of the House of Oulton always be as united and prosperous as their warmest friends can desire; and believe me that amongst those friends you have none more sincere than Sir Philip Egerton your landlord, and your humble servant his land-agent. Mr. Chairman, I beg leave to thank you individually for the kind and flattering manner in which you have been pleased to present this testimonial; also to you, gentlemen, for the patient hearing you have given me, to enable me most inefficiently but most sincerely to acknowledge the high compliment which you have paid me.

The health of Captain Egerton was next drunk. Mr. HICKLIN, in a speech expressive of the pleasure he experienced in seeing so good a feeling existing between landlord, agent, and tenantry, proposed "Success to the Flail and the Plough."

The healths of Mrs. Beckett, the Vice-Presidents, the Committee, the Secretary, the Press, of Mr. Butt, and thanks to him for his exertions to obtain so handsome a testimonial, with other toasts, were proposed and duly responded to, the entire company enjoying the occasion in a happy, convivial manner.


As a convention of the Peruvian Legislature is now sitting at Lima, as to the future disposal of guano, whether it is to be continued as a monopoly in the hands of the present consignees, Messrs. Baneda Brothers for the United States, Anthony Gibbs and Son for Great Britain, and the agent for France and the continent, or opened for free sale at the islands, it may be interesting to know a little of the trade and of the immense profits made by the consignees. The shipments to this country and England for 1854, being in round numbers 163,000 and 200,000 tons (those to the continent not included), will show the great interest the consignees have in continuing things as they are, and the necessity of our citizens and the English exerting themselves to open the trade to the public:


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Memorials had been presented by the British landowners, farmers, shipowners, and merchants to the government, to use their influence to have the monopoly so injurious to the public good done away with; but hitherto their exertions with the Peruvian government have been unsuccessful. However, there is now a hope, as the Peruvians think a change ought to be made. The ministers of both countries should render their assistance for so desirable an object.

Though freights have fallen considerably since 1854, the price of guano has been raised from 55 dols. to 62 dols.

When at the Chincha Islands a few years ago, Mr. Elias had the contract for shipping, at nearly a dollar over the tender of Mr. Lloyd, though backed with good security. This would be a charge extra of 400,000 dols. a-year to the farmers, estimating the annual shipments at that amount. The vessels were then delayed a month, by having to enter and clear at Callao.

In 1851 the price of guano, with higher freights than at present, was 45 dols. This year the English agents attempted to raise the price to 70 dols., being 8 dols. over the rates here, though the charges were the same; but it failed, owing to the Mark Lane Express calling the attention of the farmers and the trade to its injustice. 500,000 tons could be annually shipped from the islands, which at 20 dols. would give a revenue to Peru of 10,000,000 dols. (less the shipping charges), afloat, instead of 60 dols., as under present management. and with 20 dols. freight would make guano stand 40 dols.

This is a question of importance to the farmers of the world. -Hunt's (American) Merchants' Magazine,

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On Monday evening, Feb. 22, a lecture was delivered by Mr. Robert Smith, of Emmett's Grange, South Molton, Devon, in the new lecture-theatre of the South Kensington Museum, on "The Culture of Sheep," being the last of a series of six ad- | dresses to working-men, and intended to explain the collections of the animal kingdom in the museum. The attendance was very large, there being at least 500 persons present. The lecturer produced a great number of pictorial sketches of the various breeds of sheep, English and foreign, which added materially to the interest of the lecture; they being frequently referred to in elucidation of the subject.

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After some introductory observations-in which Mr. Smith spoke of the advantages offered to working men in that institution, and observed incidentally that in going over the museum he had found that the collection of specimens relative to the culture of sheep was incomplete, and that he would do what he could to supply the deficiencies-the lecturer proceeded to bring before the audience the subject of his lecture. The culture of sheep was, he said, a branch of their rural and national economy which had not as yet received that degree of public attention which was due to it. As a rural occupation it was the foundation of all good husbandry, and in a national point of view they looked to it as a means of employment for thousands of their artisans, and as an important source of food and raiment for an increasing population. They found from history that sheep had existed at the earliest periods in every quarter of the globe, from Iceland to the regions of the torrid zone; but they had been most cultivated in Europe-especially in Germany, Spain, and Great Britain; and not only had the cultivation of sheep in this country recently outstripped that of every other country, but they were daily witnessing a new and important auxiliary in the culture of sheep in the British colonies. As he had already intimated, sheep were found in every quarter of the globe. Thus they were to be met with in every variety of climate, adapting themselves to the vicissitudes of heat and cold. In each country they were cultivated according to the wants and tastes of the people, whether for food, clothing, or the uses of commerce; but when left to themselves, under the operation of Nature's laws, they represented every form of carcase and clothing which corresponded to or fitted them for the particular climate and country in which they existed. Sheep when in a wild state preferred to range at large on open plains, and displayed considerable sagacity in the selection of their food. They herded together in small flocks, and were in general active, swift of foot, and easily frightened by dogs or men. When completely domesticated, the sheep appeared as stupid as it was harmless; but when left to depend upon itself for food and protection, it exhibited a more decided character. Under such circumstances a ram had been seen to attack and beat-off a formidable dog. On the approach of storms they retired for shelter to the spot which they knew from experience to be moat adapted to afford it. Of all the domesticated animals of Great Britain, the sheep was of the greatest consequence both to the farmer and to the nation to the farmer, because it was raised with ease and in situations where other animals could not exist, and generally made a better return for the quantity and quality of the food consumed than any other animal; to the nation, because it

supplied a staple article of food and raiment, and at the same time afforded employment to an immense number of artisans. The culture of first-rate sheep was a "science blended with practice;" and consequently a proper knowledge of Nature's laws, more especially as regarded the effect of climate and situation on their character, had led to important improvements in their form, quality of flesh, and general management. It must not be forgotten that the sheep of the present day were, in fact, the production of man's skill and enterprise in their propagation from their original wild state. From this it might be inferred that were the breeders to relax their exertions, leaving the animal again to Nature's course, the various flocks would soon degenerate. Let them fancy for a moment such a state of things. Where then would be the advance of commerce or the increasing production of meat for an increasing population? Happily for the English nation, however, there was no cause to fear that this picture would ever become a reality. In every point of view "the culture of sheep" deserved to be esteemed one of the principal branches of rural economy, and claimed the attention of the artisan, the manufacturer, and the State. Now he must coufess at the outset that he was not so familiar with foreign breeds of sheep as he was with English breeds; and therefore on that part of the subject he must call in the assistance of a very able work by Mr. Youatt. He should afterwards speak of what he himself was familiar with. The sheep which was handed down to us from time immemorial was a horned sheep. [The lecturer here referred to a picture of the original breed.] As he had before intimated, sheep were transformed in the process of propagation, by means of certain rules which were known to the breeders, and that the original breed should have been transformed into the sheep of the present day [pointing to specimens of the latter], showed how great an art was the culture of sheep. He was indebted to Mr. Davis, the Queen's artist, of Church-street, Chelsea, for the paintings and pictorial specimens before them; and when he told them that gentleman had executed the whole of the sketches since 11 o'clock that morning, they must feel he had lost no time. After referring to a representation of the Russian sheep, the Wallachian sheep, and the fat-rumped sheep, ss affording illustrations of the original breed, and also to a picture of a black-faced Scotch sheep for the same purpose, he alluded to the fat-tailed sheep of the Cape, and remarked, in passing, that the tail of this sheep was esteemed so great a luxury in its native country, that it often sold for more than all the rest of the carcass. He then mentioned the Cyprus sheep, known by its spiral horns, and the Moufflon sheep, which inhabited Iceland, and resembled our deer. There were also the Asiatic argalia, the American argali, and more particularly the Merino sheep, of which he would speak at a future period of the lecture. Before he proceeded any further, he said, be ought to remark that the fine-woolled sheep were produced in dry warm countries, while strong-coated sheep were produced in wet cold countries; the coat being, in fact, adapted to the climate. From this it followed, that if the finest-woolled animals were introduced into this country, they would die away; while sheep of the opposite description might be expected to thrive. After illustrating and explaining the foreign

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