Obrazy na stronie

ground of under-drains may not be any way affected by the non-efficiency of the trunk or trunks; the stoppage may not reach the height of the situation, nor be large to inflict damage anywhere. But in many situations of several fields of small drainage delivering the contents into open cuts, rivulets, brooks, and even into rivers, the least degree of insufficiency in the trunks of conveyance will rise into damage. In these places a small fault may cause a large damage, and spread a wide devastation; in higher situations a large deficiency may do little hurt, or none at all, by reason of the circumstances of the position. But in every case of high or low grounds, of flat

or elevated positions; the immediate receiving trunk of the small drains must be in the top level of its water, below the bottom of the ramifications, in order to convey away freely the discharged contents. If the current does not flow from the orifices in a purling stream, any stagnation must not rise to cause a reflux into the small drains. This is the chief accident to be prevented, and it forms the main purpose of trunk drains. The attention paid to it is equal to the care of small drainage, and it must precede any operation of the latter kind. The object is twofold-the collected water is received and carried away, and stagnations are removed.


A meeting of the committee appointed on the 18th of December to consider the best means of applying the £336part of the surplus subscription for the Royal Agricultural Society's Meeting in 1856-to the advancement of the agriculture of the county, was recently held at the Shire Hall, Chelmsford. C. Du Cane, Esq., M.P., presided; and there were present-W. M. Tuffnell, Esq., Colonel Brise, W. F. Hobbs, Esq., Mr. J. Clayden, E. Round, Esq., J. W. P. Watlington, Esq., J. O. Parker, Esq., J. S. Thompson, Esq.; Messrs. Christy, R. Baker, K. Viall, Burrell, Page, &c.

by the committee. He was aware that objections might pos sibly be urged to the course he recommended them to adopt. It might be urged that the experiment had been tried, and had failed; that not long since there was an agricultural society in this neighbourhood, which, after dragging on a lingering existence for a few years, died a natural death. But he would say to those who adduced this argument that 14 years ago and the present time were two very different periods in the agriculture of the county. We had witnessed great changesgreat progress had been made; and in nothing had this taken place more than in the agriculture of the United Kingdom. Therefore he would hope that an agricultural association, established at the present period on the basis named, would meet a very different fate from that of its predecessor, and would probably enjoy a long and prosperous career of general utility (cheers). There was, however, another objection of a more serious character-that the establishment of one grand county association might have the effect of checking the career and cramping the means of the numerous Labourers' Friend Societies established throughout the county, and now pursuing so useful a course. He should be losth to recommend a plan that would in any way retard the career of those societies, convinced as he was of the great practical good they effected amongst the labouring classes; but he thought by confining themselves in this great society to the branches of agriculture he had mentioned, and steering clear of those branches of husbandry which it was the province of the Labourers' Friend Societies to foster and promote, they should indirectly, if not directly, confer on them a great benefit; for the higher the perfection they arrived at in agricultural implements, the greater would be the demand for well-skilled labour, and the more would be valued that industry and sobriety amongst the labouring classes which it was their object to promote (Hear). Such was an outline of the scheme he proposed to them, and he should be happy to receive their suggestions, assured that at whatever end they arrived, it would be creditable to themselves as a committee, and conducive to the cause of agriculture in general (Hear).

The CHAIRMAN having read a letter from Sir John Tyrell, in reply to an invitation to attend, and another from Mr. Gurdon Rebow, expressing their approbation of the proposal to establish a county society, said he thought it would be unnecessary for him to make any lengthened introductory remarks on the object for which they were assembled, as they must be all aware that in consequence of the liberal response made by the county of Essex in aid of the great meeting of 1856, a surplus fund of £540 remained. At a meeting of the general committee held on the 18th of December last, it was resolved, after some discussion, "that the surplus funds, &c., after applying £200 for the erection of a pedestal for the Sebastopol gun, in the High Street of Chelmsford, be devoted for the advancement of agriculture, and that a committee be formed for carrying it into effect." It was also resolved that a number of gentlemen named should be a committee for carrying out that object. As chairman of that committee, up to the commencement of the present meeting, he bad power to make additions to it, and accordingly he had added the names of Mr. T. Kemble, Mr. T. B. Western, Mr. Cornell, Mr. Mechi, and Mr. Perry Watllington. Now they were assembled here again to day, to discuss and decide upon the application of the surplus of £336 to agricultural purposes; and if he for a moment thought there was likely to be any difference of opinion as to the method of applying it, he might be inclined to leave the suggestive part of the business to others, and sit down; but as he was in hopes they would all be unanimous, and believing that all their thoughts ran in the same channel, he ventured to take the Mr. J. CLAYDEN (of Littlebury) said he came from a initiative, and to state at once that he thought the possession of distant part of the county, and having taken pains to this sum, contributed for an agricultural purpose, presented inquire the feeling upon the subject in his district, he them with an excellent opportunity for the institution of that thought there was a prospect of fair and continued support which was a desideratum in the county-an agricultural asso- for an association of this kind, and if well formed it would ciation (Hear.) Considering the size and importance of the certainly be likely to succeed. They had had in their discounty, the high rank it held amongst the agricultural countiestrict a good society, which was certainly defunct, but its of England, the great names to be found amongst its agricul machinery still remained, to promote the object of an tural men, he might say renowned throughout England for association of this kind. Much, however, would depend on agricultural and practical skill, he thought an association of the support of the landed proprietors; and he wonld sug this kind could not fail to be a great boon to the county at gest that they issue a few circulars, canvass the different large. Of course it would not be his province to enter into districts of the county, and adjourn to March, when it the details of such an association. These would be matters should be seen what support they were likely to receive; for serious consideration on subsequent occasions. But perhaps for they would require a tolerably good sum, £500 or £600 he might state the kind of association he had in his mind's eye. a-year he should say, to support an association of this kind. If the proposition met the support of the landowners, the working successfully in Suffolk and Norfolk, meeting once farmers, he believed, would respond to it heartily, and he a-year for the distribution of prizes for agricultural stock and earnestly wished to see it carried out. Perhaps Essex was implements, and such other branches of agriculture as might not so much a breeding county as some others; but with fat be determined on by the committee. He also thought there and store stock united he thought they might have a good was another point which would be material that was, that the show, and a good society; he should say, let annual meetings should itinerate to the different towns in the circumscribed (Hear). He moved "That the surplus fund county, such towns being selected as might be hereafter named of £336, arising from the subscriptions to the meeting of

It was founded on the model of those he saw established and

not be too

the Royal Agricultural Society, at Chelmsford, in 1856, be applied to the formation of a County Agricultural Association, for the aid and advancement of agriculture, and the promotion of enterprise and emulation amongst the owners and occupiers of land."

Mr. R. BAKER said he had great pleasure in seconding the motion; he felt that Essex was standing far behind other counties in regard to agricultural societies at the present moment. They had had one at Chelmsford, one at Colchester, and one at Saffron Walden, all flourishing for a time; but it happened with local societies that after a time competition ceased (Hear). Therefore travelling from town to town would perhaps be the best mode of embracing the stock of the whole county. Still he thought there should not be more than three or four towns at which the meetings should be held, for transporting stock was an expensive concern, and the places selected should be those most convenient for the railway, or they would find their shows would be deficient. The benefits of these societies on a large scale had been and were fully appreciated; those little societies prepared the way for larger ones; and thus the shows of the society would prepare the county better for the Royal Agricultural Meeting (Hear). The details, however, of the association would be matters for serious consideration; but let them once establish the principle, and the details would follow, and he believed they should go on successfully.

The CHAIRMAN put the resolution, and it was adopted unanimously.

Colonel BRISE said he did not think there was much difference of opinion as to the objects for which they were met, and he was happy to think there was to be an association of this kind established, Essex having men eminent in agriculture throughout the kingdom, who would give them the benefit of their experience and ability. The association, he believed, would be the means of promoting to a great extent the agriculture of the county; nor did he think, after the appropriate observations of the chairman, that it would interfere with the Labourers' Friend Societies; whilst it being an itinerating association, going from place to place in the county, would instil a little competition into all parties (Hear, hear). He thought a subscription ought to be opened at once, and that the matter should be left till they ascertained the opinion of the county on the subject. He moved

"That a meeting of the association be held annually at such towns in this county as may hereafter be named, for the exhibition of stock and implements, and the distribution of prizes in those and such other branches of agriculture as may hereafter be determined upon by the committee."

Mr. W. FISHER HOBBS said he was glad to find that the view he took of this matter on a former occasion had met with the unanimous approbation of this meeting; he must also express his satisfaction at the observations of the chairman in opening the meeting, which he had no doubt would have the approbation of the landed proprietors and the tenant farmers of the county generally. The remarks of Mr. Clayden and Mr. Baker proved the feelings of the farmers on the subject, and he would reiterate their statements as to the feeling of the agriculturists in his own neighbourhood. His object, however, in rising was to suggest that they should not bind themselves as to where they should go in different years. Let them admit the principle of itinerating, but he should rather suggest that the towns should be left to invite the society; not that they should ask the towns to allow them to hold their meetings there. With this understanding, he should be happy to second the resolution. Before, however, they could get the society in working order there was a great deal that was required to be done, and much would depend on the intelligence and activity of the secretary (Hear, hear). He must be a man known to, and mixing up with, the agriculturists, so as to be at all times able to communicate with them and solicit their subscriptions. They would also require a good working committee, not a large one, for the purpose of framing the rules of the society; and it would be necessary to meet day after day before anything could be prepared for the general meeting. It was a question, too, whether there should be one general meeting or two in the year. They had tried both in this county, and sometimes they had succeeded and sometimes not. There had been a spring meeting for store animals and the sale of wool, and then at Christmas a fat stock show. He thought at first they

had better not attempt too much; they should have a good meeting once a year, either in May or June, or perhaps in September, when they could have an annual ploughing match and a show of good roots, and where seed corn would be exhibited and competed for. He thought Mr. Baker would agree that, as to seed corn and roots, they had not the compe tition they used to have. There were other points, too, not usually taken up by societies of this description, which he thought might be dealt with in a manner beneficial to agriculture.

The resolution was put, and unanimously agreed to.

"That the Society consist of president (to be elected annually), vice-presidents, a committee (of which the vicepresidents shall be ex officio members), and members: aud that a yearly subscription of five guineas entitles a subscriber to the rank of vice-president, and of half-a-guinea and upwards to become a member of the association."

He was no practical agriculturist himself, but he had taken some interest in the various Labourers' Friend Societies, and he felt no fear at all that such an institution as had been suggested to-day would do any injury to these societies in the different localities (Hear). In a grand society of this sort, carried out in the way which had been stated, he saw nothing that could interfere with them.

Mr. J. CHRISTY, jun., seconded the resolution, which was adopted.

Mr. W. M. TUFNELL said he thought there could be no possible doubt that an agricultural society, based on such principles as would command universal support, must be of great benefit to the county. He confessed that whatever misgivings he might have had on the subject, they had been very much removed by the feeling he had heard expressed to-day (Hear), and he was quite sure the best way of promoting the success of such an association would be by all putting their shoulders to the wheel, and having a long pull together (cheers). He was glad to see present gentlemen of great practical character in agriculture from all parts of the county, as this was more satisfactory than if they were all from one locality; and he thought they should take such measures as were necessary to prevent by their subscriptions the society falling into decay. Mr. Clayden, who was as well qualified to give an opinion as any man in the county, said they must have £500 to support such a society, and therefore he was glad to see the subscriptions had been fixed at half-a-guinea, as it ap peared to be the opinion of practical men they should thus obtain a larger sum than if it were double the amount. With respect to Mr. Hobbs's observation as to the time of holding the meeting, he did not wish to criticise that gentleman, but he thought they should take the most popular feature in the agricultural field, and then there would be a large show of fat stock. Therefore he should like to see the meeting fixed at a time when the largest quantity of fat stock would be brought together. He moved

"That the Chairman be requested to write to gentlemen in various parts of the county, asking for their individual ccoperation with the association, and requesting that they will ascertain what support will be given to the establishment of such an association by the owners and occupiers of land in their own immediate neighbourhood; and that Mr. Burrell be invited to act under this committee until such a time as a regular secretary be appointed."

Mr. J. O. PARKER said, as to the small societies, the cause of their failure had been pointed at; the petty jealousies of these societies had led to their failure, but here they took a large field and aimed at great results. He looked on these societies as following in the steps of the Royal Agricultural Society, their objects being to confer some benefits on agriculture; and he would rather not see any fat stock, for breeding was the great object, and he believed Essex was growing into its place as a breeding county. In a remote part of this county the other day he saw some good home-bred stock stalled, a fine home bred bull in a corner of the yard, petted by the occupier, and a number of home-bred animals on the farm. Tais showed what was doing; and he thought that they ought to promote the breeding of stock on the Essex farms, and that as a society they should have nothing to do with a ploughing match or a wool fair, or anything of that sort. If they introduced anything connected with the labourers, they should trench on the objects of those local

societies, which they were so anxious not to infringe on. (Hear).

Mr. CLAYDEN said he thought the latter end of May would be the best time for holding the meeting, and he should say put breeding stock in the first rank; but at that period of the year much fat stock had often been held over, the weather was not too hot, and they would no doubt have a good show of fat stock at that time.

Mr. FISHER HOBBS called attention to the importance of holding out encouragement to the production of good agricultural implements. Essex had a number of small implementmakers as well as large, and they were rising up year by year, having, through the meetings of the Royal Agricultural Society, an opportunity of competing with the leviathan makers.

Mr. R. BAKER could not but think something might be done for the agricultural labourers, that they might have something for the prize-man recommended by each local Society. He thought the greatest encouragement should be given to neat

stock and sheep. If they had the meeting in the summer they
would have but little fat stock, if in winter but little breeding
stock; but in May they would have sufficient fat stock to give
eclat to the show, though they could not expect a great quan-
tity. The great object, however, should be the improvement
of breeding stock. In the old Society he brought the subject
of breeding before the committee, for at that time he had not
seen a calf weaned in the county; now breeding was carried
on to some extent, and if they introduced a good breed, and good
short-horns were spread over the county, they would soon see
a different state of Essex breeding.
The resolution was carried.

A general committee consisting of sixty influential gentlemen was appointed.

Thanks were voted to the Chairman, which Mr. Du CANE acknowledged; and the meeting adjourned to Friday, the 26th of February.



is the most important branch of the trade of Chicago. The receipts in the year 1857 was 21,856,206 bushels: this shows an advance over 1855, which was only 29,487,953 bushels, yet 1857 wanted about 3,000,000 bushels of being as large as 1856. The shipmeats of grain and flour, reduced to its equivalent in wheat, was, for 1857, 18,032,768 bushels, or 2,818,618 bushels less than those shipped in 1856; but it is 2,000,000 over the quantity shipped in 1855. These numbers give the general totals of all cereals; but if we look at the great staples (wheat and flour), we find that the increase of shipments of 1857 is over that of 1856. Thus, of wheat they exported 9,485,052 bushels; or, 1,147,632 bushels more than in 1856, and 3,286,897 bushels more than 1855. In flour likewise there is the large increase of 40,000 barrels more shipped than in 1856, the numbers being, for 1857, 259,618 barrels.

We again avail ourselves of the information for- | compared with 1856, and an increase over 1855. Grain warded us by the commercial editor of the Chicago Daily Press, in his Sixth Annual Review of the Trade and Commerce of Chicago for the Year 1857. A year of more than ordinary calamity, in which some of the old and wealthy cities on the Atlantic seaboard have been obliged to succumb to the financial crisis, but that has left this city of Chicago, which is only the growth of the past dozen years, as sound as ever in its commercial relations, and with a vigour and elasticity which promises to be equal to any and every emergency True it is that the trade of Chicago, being dependent on the produce of the surrounding agricultural country, poured into its stores and warehouses along three thousand miles of iron road, was on a more solid basis than many of those other cities which bore the traces of the late commercial ruin. Still, we were prepared to see in its returns symptoms of the general stagnation in trade; while we find the fact to be, that the prudence displayed by the bankers and traders of Chicago, aided by their solid capital-the accumulations of the energy and successful commerce of the last twelve years-has preserved her credit, and enabled her to achieve a commanding position amongst her sister-cities of the Union. The report says:

The provision trade of 1857 shows also an important increase over 1856; the number of cattle slaughtered in the past year being 19,127, or 4,000 over 1856. It is stated that before the scarcity of money occurred, the packers calculated on 30,000 head as being the quantity required. The quantity of live cattle shipped was 25,000, or 3,000 over the business of the previous year. Though some of our country banks were forced to close The figures given above will show our readers the imtheir doors, and all the banks in Illinois and Wisconsin, portance and the rising position of this vast grain empoexcept the Marine and the Chicago Banks of this city-ium. The grain trade of this prairie city, and its rise which, to their honour be it said, paid the coin on demand and progress, to those who have seen it in its infancy, for all their issues-virtually suspended specie payments, appear a miracle. In 1838 it commenced by the shipyet our bankers received at par the bills of all the country ment of 39 bags of wheat. In 1857 (not twenty years) banks, and thus saved the business of the city from utter stagnation and ruin. The position which our bankers it has attained the magnitude of over 20,000,000 bushels assumed towards our business men, and that of business of all kinds of grain. Yet this is as nothing to what the men towards each other, was not one of hostility, but position of Chicago promises at its full and future deveof mutual forbearance and support; and never, in commer-lopment. It is yet but in its infancy. From its situacial as well as in all other matters, was the motto more tion-" the key and natural outlet of the great northbeautifully illustrated-In union there is strength.'" west"--it must become the mightiest interior commercial The consequence of this "union" was that, during port of America. As the railways creep up still more the worst weeks of the panic, the shipments of wheat north and west, so will the trade of Chicago increase, were one hundred thousand bushels per day, and of all and that from the actual producers of the soil; so that cereals averaged nearly two hundred thousand bushels. to the merchants of the old world it must become the The reviewer By a reference to the commercial tables, we find that cheapest and best supplied market. the exports last year, in spite of the low prices which proudly says— prevailed, have not materially fallen of. They have exported more wheat, packed more beef, and shipped more cattle than in the previous season; and a large surplus is reported in the country for this (the coming) season's business. The prospects of this year are stated to be such as will far outstrip that of any previous one. The grain trade of 1857 has been active, and, contrary to all expectation, shows but a very slight falling-off as

"The grain trade of Chicago, it must be remembered, too, in this connection, has a much brighter future than most the East, Chicago will not long remain. The markets of people dream of. As a mere depôt for the grain trade of Liverpool, Glasgow, Hamburgh, and the whole Continent of Europe are fed by us; and it is not natural to suppose that in length will carry our ships of a thousand tons burthen we will remain an inland port when a canal of about fifty miles laden with grain to the St. Lawrence, and thence into the

broad waters of the Atlantic. No; Chicago-the commercial emporium of the entire Northwest-will, before many years, be placed in as direct communication with Liverpool, Havre, and Glasgow, as New York now is. When this shall have been accomplished-when our railroads have reached the valleys of the Missouri, the Platte, the Big Sioux, and the Red River of the North-then will the grain trade of Chicago begin to shape itself into a legitimate magnitude and importance."

The following receipts of flour and grain, with the shipments for the four past years, will show the importance of this city as a primary grain port:

ounces of alum with every sack of flour, in ignorance of the law. The wheat seized had been imported from America. It was dark and sprouted; and in order that the baker might make the bread rise and be able to "draw the batch," it was necessary to mix a small quantity of alum with it. He had been in the habit of selling the flour produced from this mixture as "seconds," and when it was made into bread his family had been in the habit of eating it. The bench convicted defendant in the penalty of £20 and costs.

[blocks in formation]


The English value corn by measure, the Irish by weight. The former use a measure called a quarter, containing 64 imperial gallons; the latter use a weight called a barrel, which for wheat contains 20 stones, for oats 14 stones, and for barley 16 stones, each stone 14 lbs. It is manifest, therefore, that no exact relation does exist between the English measure and the Irish weight; a practical approximation, however, is obtained, by weighing a quarter of wheat of medium character, which is actually found to be 480 lbs. avoirdupois. In the same manner a quarter of medium oats is found to be 328 lbs. avoirdupois, and a quarter of medium barley 416 lbs. avoirdupois. By this means we reduce an English quarter of wheat, oats, or barley, to barrels of wheat of 20 stones to the barrel, to barrels of cats of 14 stones to the barrel, and to barrels of barley of 16 stones to the barrel, respectively, as in the following table, in which quarters of wheat are turned into barrels of wheat, quarters of oats into barrels of oats, and quarters of barley into barrels of barley :

3,229,987 1,899,538 1,014,547

41,157 148,421 92,082 19,051

[blocks in formation]



Eng. qr.

16,734,438 1,298,240

[blocks in formation]

One thing only is wanted to crown Chicago as the greatest port of America; that is, a ship canal. What are its merchants and traders about, that the project is not undertaken? The St. Lawrence is the natural outlet to the world-a ship canal to the St. Lawrence would complete the fortunes of all interested in the welfare of Chicago. Is there no company to be formed to carry out this work? By the Georgian Bay and Toronto is the best route. If this were accomplished we could join the reviewer in asking-"What will its future be?" and answer-" What Nature by the commanding position she gives Chicago has destined." To the north-west are the lovely valley of the Saskatchewan and the Red River of the north. Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin are but new countries half developed; while Kansas, Nebraska, and Minesota have but yet commenced an existence. Ten years ago what were they? Ten years hence what will they be? The completion of a ship-canal from Chicago to the St. Lawrence would answer both questions, and open to the old world a greater and cheaper source of supply of human food than we can now even dream of, and that in a direct line of transit from the producer to the consumer.

ADULTERATION OF FLOUR.-At the Castle of Exeter, on Friday, before a full bench of county magistrates, John Manley, a miller of Erwick, near Exeter, was charged with having mixed alum with his flour for the purposes of sale. A large piece of alum, weighing a hundred pounds, and some sprouted wheat and cats with small bits of alum in them, were produced. The latter had been seized whilst in process of being ground into flour. The defendant pleaded guilty, but said that he had adopted the practice of mixing only six

6677 f




8 8 167 4 12 = 185 11 6

From an inspection of this table, it appears 7 quarters of wheat are equal to 12 barrels of wheat, 7 quarters of oats to 11 barrels and 10 stone of oats, and 7 quarters of barley to 13 barrels of barley.

The French valne corn by the hectolitre, which is a measure containing 2 bushels 3 pecks and 1 pint imperial measure. By this hectolitre corn is principally bought and sold on the Continent. Three hectolitres make 1 English quarter of corn, and 2 gallons and 3 pints over. According to the principles before enunciated, a hectolitre of medium wheat is equal to 11 stones and 12 lbs. avoirdupois, or to half a barrel 1 stone and 12 lbs. of wheat. A hectolitre of oats weighs 8 stone and 1 lb. avoirdupois, and a hectolitre of barley weighs 10 stone and 4 lbs. avoirdupois. By this means we reduce hectolitres of wheat, oats, or barley, to English quarters, into Irish barrels of wheat of 20 stones to the barrel, barrels of oats of 14 stones to the barrel, and barrels of barley of 16 stones to the barrel, as in the following table :Hecto

litre. qr. bh. pk. pt.

023 1


Barley. br. st. lb. br. st. lb.

0 8 1 212 5

[blocks in formation]

Wheat. br. st. lb. 0 11 12 5 5 3 2 19 4 3 3 2 10 5 18 9 34 4 2 4 59 5 10 =


0 10 4


3 3 6


[blocks in formation]


NOTE. A Scotch boll is equal to 6 bushels, therefore 4 Scotch bolls are equal to 3 English quarters.—Purdon's Irish Farmers' and Gardeners' Almanac.




However deeply we may feel for what has befallen the Emperor Napoleon, we cannot but rejoice that an all-wise Providence has so carefully watched over him, and preserved to his country one, who has certainly displayed no ordinary power or perception as the governor of so great a people. So much has been said and written on the late dastardly attack, that it scarcely comes within the pale of our duties to enter further into this painful subject-beyond the expression of our firm belief of there being scarcely an Englishman who does not sympathise with us in our joy at Napoleon's deliverence.


Happily for ourselves and our readers, we can turn to a more pleasing picture. When the Emperor and Empress paid a visit to our shores, and became the guests of Queen Victoria, they were naturally enough made acquainted with the course of English farming, as practised not only on the Royal Farms at Windsor, but also at Osborne, and where the most approved agricultural implements and machinery of this country were exhibited before them, and the finest specimens of stock also brought specially under their notice. The Emperor of the French, with that ability which is admitted to be so characteristic of him, has now resolved to apply himself to such a course of proceeding, as shall, in an agricultural point of view, be most likely to prove of the greatest advantage to his Own people. In furtherance this object we have within this day or so had the opportunity of making an inspection of a fine collection of Short-horns, selected with great care and judgment, by Mr. Wilson, who, as many of our readers are aware, has under his care the royal farms at Windsor. We were gratified to learn that, in the purchase of this stock, together with some South Down Sheep from the Duke or Richmond and Mr. Jonas Webb, Mr. Wilson has met with the greatest possible liberality on the part of breeders generally, and that every possible facility was afforded him in carrying out the instructions he had received from the Emperor. We trust that the great national object sought to be attained herein may, for the benefit of France, be in this wise fully accomplished, and that our neighbours may ultimately possess themselves of a breed which certainly takes the very highest rank in our own country.

The stock now about leaving England has been in course of collection for some time past. It contains specimens from many of the most distinguished breeders, from whose sorts we doubt not ere long as



fine a herd will be reared in France as must gradually
lead to the general establishment of the breed. It
would be invidious to mention specially the name of
any particular breeder where all have co-operated so
handsomely with Mr. Wilson in carrying out so useful
an object-increasing the food of the people. The
stock going out will be located at the model-farms of
St. Cloud and Versailles. They will be accompanied
by Mr. Knowles, the agent of Captain Gunter. His
convoy is thus registered:

Venus.. Bought of Mr. R. Lawson

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