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cattle in different parts of the country. The earliest accounts which we received of the outbreak came from Norfolk, and there seems no reason to doubt that it was here that the disease was first observed. Cattle of all ages and under every variety of system of feeding and management became the subjects of the malady, which was recognised by the existence of vesicles upon the upper surface of the tongue, inside the lips, and the dental pad. Vesicles were also formed between the digits, and occasionally upon the teats and udders of the cows. The existence of these vesicles was associated with a discharge of viscid saliva from the mouth, loathing of food, imperfect mastication, suspension of rumination, loss of milk, a tenderness in walking, and general symptoms of febrile action.


The malady was not confined to cattle, but sheep, pigs, and domestic poultry of the gallinaceous tribe were likewise its subjects. By common consent it was designated the cattle epidemic, but has since been scientifically known as Eczema epizootica, or popularly as mouth and foot disease." It has continued from that time to the present, not proving on the whole a destructive disease to life, but at irregular intervals assuming a severer form than ordinary, more particularly in 1845 and 1852, and leading on these occasions to a great deterioration in the value of the animals affected.

Shortly after the appearance of the eczema, namely, in 1841, pleuro-pneumonia broke out among the cattle, and it, too, has remained down to the present time. It is worthy of a passing remark that neither of these were imported diseases. It was not until several months after pleuro-pneumonia had established itself in the country that an alteration took place in the tariff by which live stock came in free of duty, and up to that time the high rate of duty prevented any importations of foreign cattle or sheep being made. This fact in itself is sufficient to prove that the malady was not imported by foreign cattle; besides which, the parts of the country where it was first observed could not possibly have had any imdiate or direct connection with the ports. Pleuropneumonia had no sooner gained a footing, than, following the laws of all epizootics, it quickly spread over a great breadth of country, and continued to devastate our herds with almost unmigitated severity for the first few years. It has since taken on rather an enzootic form, and has prevailed mostly in such localities and places where secondary causes are in full operation to predispose animals to its influence; hence its continuance in the ill-ventilated, over-crowded, and badly-drained cow-sheds of the metropolis and other large towns, and on the "cold retentive soils" and undrained farms in the country, especially such as lie in exposed situations.

Besides the special cause, or rather, perhaps, special combination of causes, which give origin to the enzootic form of pleuro-pneumonia, its appearance in a cattleshed, or on a farm, is frequently traceable to the introduction of newly-purchased animals, who bring the disease in a latent state with them; and which, on its declaring itself, extends by ordinary infection to those with whom they are located. Infection we hold to be one of the chief causes of the continuance of pleuro-pneumonia for so many years among us, as every diseased animal, by virtue of the exhalations given off from its body, becomes a focus of the malady, and a new source, whence the poison, so to speak, is disseminated. The same fatality which marks the progress of pleuro-pneumonia here, attends it everywhere; and throughout the continent it is looked upon as an incurable disease, and dealt with accordingly. Its great fatality arises from the circumstance that the nature of the changes which take place in the lungs is such as immediately to arrest their function as perfect aerifying organs, and soon to destroy, to

a greater or less extent, the integrity of their structure. The true pathology of pleuro-pneumonia is among the questiones vexate of science. In this report we have not immediately to do with this question, still we may observe that the most eminent professors of veterinary medicine throughout Europe hesitate to declare, as some medical men have done, and others also who have probably given but little thought to the subject, that the changes wrought in the lungs are altogether due to inflammatory action.

In Belgium, in France, and in many parts of Italy, the disease is designated exudative pleuro-pneumoniaa name which, while it marks a peculiarity in the disease, implies, at the same time, that it differs somewhat in its results from ordinary inflammation of the lungs and their investing membrane, and which is correctly called pleuro-pneumonia. We have no hesitation in giving it as our opinion that the changes which are originally effected in the lung tissue can take place otherwist than by inflammatory action. We observe, as the analogue of these changes, that in the advancement of the disease, the interstitial areolar tissue, contiguous to the more affected parts of the organs, becomes primarily choked with serous effusion, which, by its pressure upon the air cells and their rete of capillary vessels, obstructs both the admission of air to the cells, and the circulation of the blood through the vessels, and thus leads to an imperfect decarbonisation of the blood, as well as to far more important changes in the fluid itself. Not only, in many diseases, are serous exudations entirely independent of inflammation, but fibrinous are equally so in the opinion of some of the ablest pathologists of the present day. These deposits may result from the vital force of the vessels being impaired by some depressive influence acting on the nervous system, either generally or locally, as well as by some unexplained or ill-understood alteration taking place in the composition of the blood, by the existence within it of morbific animal or vegetable products. The fibrinous depositions in pleuro-pneumonia succeeds the seroua, and are probably due to either an alteration in the relative proportion of the component parts of the blood, or an interference with its vitality, brought about by the presence of the special materies morbi of the disease, and which may have entered it in the ordinary manner of infection. The abnormal action which commenced in the parenchyma of the lungs extends towards their investing membrane, when, from the nature of this tissue, as well as from the longer existence of the action itself, an augmented fibrinous exudation takes place upon their surface. We regard, therefore, the implication of the pleura as a characteristic of an advanced stage of the malady, and also of a still further deterioration of the blood.

Since the appearance of pleuro-pneumonia no other disease of a fatal character and possessing contagious or epizootic properties has shown itself among our cattle; but in 1847 a very fatal malady broke out among the sheep. This affection was recognised as the small-pox of sheep; and it was ascertained in the most conclusive manner that it had been introduced here by some "Merinos," which had been shipped at Tonning, on the coast of Denmark, and also by some others shipped at about the same time at Hamburgh for the supply of the English market, and in whose systems the disease was incubated. From the free commingling of these foreign sheep with our own breeds in the London Cattle Market, and also from the circumstance that many of them were purchased by farmers as "stock sheep," the small-pox was soon spread over a great tract of country, proving destructive to life in numerous instances to the extent of even 90 per cent.

This state of things was met by legislative enactments with view to arrest the progress of the disease, and happily they proved of essential service in so doing. By the expiration of the third year from the outbreak, scarcely an instance of the disease could be met with in any part of the country, and this notwithstanding tens of thousands of animals were, to our own knowledge, affected in the year succeeding its introduction. From the time of its subsidence in 1850 until now, we have been perfectly exempt from cases of small-pox.

This short historical account of epizootic affections of cattle, in this country, brings us down to the present period, and to the especial subject of this report.

It was during the latter part of the past year that the public mind became much excited by frequent and almost continuous reports that a malady of a most fatal description had shown itself among the cattle on the Continent, and that it was rapidly extending towards those countries whence we received our chief importations.

In the early part of the present year the subject assumed so much practical importance that the attention of Parliament was directed to it on two or three different occasions. Her Majesty's Government, it was found, had early given instructions for our Consuls abroad to collect all the information they possibly could in their several localities, and transmit the particulars of their inquiries without delay to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. These despatches were from time to time forwarded by Lord Clarendon to the Council of the Royal Agricultural Society, who also had from the beginning taken the liveliest interest in the matter, and who lost no opportunity of placing the latest information before the country through the weekly publication of their proceedings. The official documents, however, in no way tended to allay public apprehensions, but rather, on the contrary, to increase them, as it was distinctly stated that the "murrain" was rapidly making its way westward from the countries where it had been first observed, and that it would ere long be introduced here unless the greatest caution was exercised in regulating our supply of foreign cattle; and that even then it was more than probable the disease would come in, it being said that it could be carried from place to place by skins, hoofs, or horns, or indeed anything which had been exposed to the infection by being brought near to the diseased animals.

Notwithstanding the great amount of information which was supplied by our Consuls, but very little of a satisfactory kind could be obtained with reference to the true pathology of the disease. The Council of the Royal Agricultural Society therefore felt that under such circumstances as these some more decisive step should be taken; and this opinion found a ready response in the other two national Agricultural Societies of Scotland and Ireland. At this juncture a communication was received from the Royal Agricultural Improvement Society of Ireland, suggesting "that it would be desirable for the three agricultural societies of the United Kingdom to join in the common object of despatching abroad a special veterinary inspector, for the purpose of ascertaining the exact nature of the contagious typhus."

At a meeting of the Council, held on the 1st of April, some further communications were read from Mr. Hall Maxwell, C.B., Secretary of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, and from Captain Croker, Secretary of the Royal Agricultural Improvement Society of Ireland, expressing their willingness to concur with the Royal Agricultural Society in making arrangements for despatching a veterinary inspector to the districts abroad where the cattle murrain was at present raging. The Council thereupon agreed to the following resolution :

"That it is expedient to send a competent veterinary professor to examine into the nature of the cattle murrain on the Continent. That the Society gladly accepts the co-operation of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland and the Royal Agricultural Improvement Society of Ireland in this step. The Society ventures to recommend that Professor Simonds, of the Royal Veterinary College, be commissioned to this task. That he be empowered to take with him a German veterinary surgeon, established in London, quite competent for the business, and who would smooth the difficulties of the German language. It is supposed that about three weeks would be required for a satisfactory examination. That the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland be informed that the Royal Agricultural Improvement Society of Ireland propose to share the expense of this mission with the Royal join in the same manner." Agricultural Society of England; and that they be asked to

It is scarcely necessary to say that the national societies of Scotland and Ireland most readily consented to the proposition contained in this resolution; and on the Government being informed of the step about to be taken, Lord Clarendon kindly forwarded the subjoined letter of introduction to the British Consuls to me, through the Secretary of the Society, accompanied with the following communication:

"Foreign Office, April 4, 1857.

"SIR,-I am directed by the Earl of Clarendon to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2nd instant, acquainting his Lordship with the intention of the Council of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, in conjunction with the Societies of Scotland and Ireland, to send Professor Simonds to those districts abroad where the disease among cattle is at present raging; and I am to enclose a letter which has been addressed, by Lord Clarendon's direction, to the British consular agents in Northern and Central Europe, instructing them to afford to Professor Simonds all the assistance in their power in carrying out the objects of his mission.

"I am, sir,

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"Foreign Office, April 4, 1857. "SIR,-I am directed by the Earl of Clarendon to acquaint you that the Council of the Royal Agricultural Society of this country have notified to his lordship their intention, in conjunction with the Agricultural Societies of Scotland and Ireland, to send a veterinary professor to the districts abroad where the disease among cattle is at present raging, and that the Committee have selected Professor Simonds for this service. I am, therefore, to instruct you, in the event of Professor Simonds visiting any part of your district in the course of his mission, to show him every attention, and to afford him all the assistance in your power in carrying out the objects of the societies by whom he has been appointed-I am, sir, "Your most obedient humble servant, "E. HAMMOND

"To the British Consular Agents in Northern and Central Europe."

The first step, according to my instructions, being to secure the services of a veterinary surgeon familiar with the German language, I at once called on Mr. Wm. Ernes, M.R.C.V.S., a gentleman eminently fitted for the task; and who, besides being a native of Belgium, had had the great advantage of travelling almost throughout Europe, thus becoming practically acquainted with most of the foreign languages. Mr. Ernes had also received an English medical education, and his tastes were in full accordance with the objects of the mission.

Having secured his co-operation, we left London for Belgium on the morning of April 9th, and arrived the same evening at Ghent.

We deemed it expedient to ascertain, with as little delay as possible, the health of the cattle in those countries whence we were receiving our daily supplies, and also

the details of the system which prevailed with regard to the cattle trade, together with the particulars relating to the shipment of animals to England. This part of our mission was the more pressing as the recent Order in Council, prohibiting the importation into the United Kingdom of "cattle or of horns, hoofs, or hides, from those territories of Russia, Prussia, or MecklenburghSchwerin, which lie in the Gulf of Finland, or between the Gulf and the city of Lübeck" might be found to require an immediate extension to other countries, or possibly we might ascertain that a relaxation of it could be made without the incurrence of a greater risk of the disease being introduced. We therefore commence our inquiries in


Our investigations here fully confirmed the statement made by Lord Howard de Walden, her Majesty's Ambassador at Brussels, in his despatch to Lord Clarendon, dated March 20th, 1857, that this country was perfectly free from the rinderpest. We found that eczema epizootica prevailed to some extent, but not in a serious form, and that pleuro-pneumonia also existed in several parts of the kingdom. Rinderpest had not shown itself to an extent to create much solicitude since the Seven Year's War, during which time it destroyed vast numbers of cattle. From 1813 to 1815 some cases occurred in the district between Namur and Luxemberg, and which are said to have depended upon the passage of the Austrian army into France. The route taken by the army was south of the Belgian frontier, and near to the places in question; and it appears that along its whole course the disease was manifested to a greater or less extent on either side of the military road. It is also said that the cattle belonging to the Prussian army being healthy, no disease followed its course through the country, and thus a great part of Belgium escaped the pest; the measures of sanitary police confining it chiefly to the neighbourhood of Namur, and the districts in which it had manifested itself.

We refrain from commenting on these facts in this place, as hereafter we shall have to call attention to the freedom of continental states in general from the disease, unless infected cattle, or such as have been exposed to the contagious influence of the malady, are introduced


At Ghent we visited a cattle fair which was held the day after our arrival, and had thus an opportunity of observing the general state and condition of animals brought from all parts of the kingdom, and which proved to be most satisfactory. From the cattle-dealers we learned that no difficulties existed in the way of the passage of cattle to or fro over the frontier, so long as they are healthy, but that restrictions would be rigidly enforced on the breaking out of a contagious disease. Lord Howard de Walden writes that "no law exists under which diseased cattle can be excluded at the frontier; a project of law, with a view to such sanitary precaution, was presented to the Chambers two years ago, but was rejected; and therefore the only resource lies in the activity of the burgomasters in frontier localities, by enforcing the general regulations in regard to animals while within the range of their jurisdiction."

Pleuro-pneumonia has prevailed rather in a sporadic than an epizootic form for the last two years, and an equal number of cases are said to have occurred in places where the feeding and general management of the animals are unexceptionable, as in those where the opposite state of things obtains, but that, under the latter-named circumstances, the disease has assumed a more fatal character. All animals which are supposed to be affected by this disease have to be reported by the proprietors, and if, on examination by the Governmental veterinary

surgeon, they are found to be the subjects of it, then an order is given for them to be killed. The skin, horns, and other integumental parts are used, but the flesh is buried as a rule, in accordance with the regulation of the Government, who pay a proportionate amount of the value of the animal, and generally to the extent of onethird.

It appears, however, that this regulation is sometimes evaded, and that the carcases of such animals occasionally find their way into the meat market, but no instance of injury done to persons eating such flesh is known to have occurred. Many animals also are not officially reported, as the proprietor either sells them for slaughtering or has them killed unknown to the authorities. Should this, however, become known, the animal is seized, and disposed of as the Government sees fit, and a fine is also inflicted on the offender. Upon the whole, the laws of the sanitary police are so strictly enforced, that in the event of the rinderpest extending into Belgium, it seems scarcely possible for animals which had even been exposed to its infection to be exported from the country.

At Antwerp, we ascertained that the chief exports of animals to England from thence are calves, and that the major part of the cows and oxen which are fatted for the market are sent into France, where at this time a better price is obtained for them than in England. The calves are purchased of the farmers in different parts of Belgium by commissioned agents, who collect them together for shipment from Antwerp, but some of the oxen come direct from Holland. The proportionate amount of oxen to calves which are exported is shown by a return furnished by MM. Vandenbergh for the year 1856. The MM. Vandenbergh are the largest shippers of cattle to England; and although a few animals are sent over by other companies, they are in about the same proportion. The return shows that 2,020 calves were forwarded here in the year, but only 10 oxen.


As this country sends our principal supply of foreign cattle and sheep, it became the more important to ascertain their freedom, or otherwise, from contagious diseases. With the exception of pleuro-pneumonia and eczema, no other affection prevails among the cattle. Rinderpest has had no existence for upwards of forty years, and is unknown even to the veterinary profession, except by name. The parts of the country most affected with pleuro-pneumonia at this time are North Holland and Friesland.

By a statistical return from forty-three villages in North Holland and Friesland, it is shown that only eight of them have been comparatively free from pleuropneumonia, and in these but very few cattle are kept. In the villages where the disease has prevailed, about a fifth part only of the cattle-owners have escaped upon the whole, but in many every proprietor has had his herd affected. In the first quarter of the present year the official returns show a total loss of 3,655 head of cattle, of which 1,502 died, and 2,153 were killed by order of the authorities, which gives an average loss of about 281 per week.

We are not surprised at the great extent of these losses, judging from what we saw of the secondary causes of epizootics in operation in the vicinity of Rotterdam. The cattle are often crowded into houses so thickly, that to pass between them is almost an impossibility. The form and size of the building also will frequently allow of a passage only to be made by a person along its centre, where the heads of the animals nearly meet over their feeding troughs, while the height of it is generally insufficient to stand upright in. No windows exist in many of these sheds, nor any other inlet for light and

air, except the door. The heat is almost suffocating, and the stench abominable. In such unwholesome and pest-breeding places as these the cattle, often to the extent of forty or fifty in a shed, are kept for weeks together to be fatted for the market, by being fed chiefly on the wash and grains which come from the distilleries.

The cattle which are sent from Friesland are shipped at Harlingen direct for England, and the numbers put on board there are fully six times greater than at Amsterdam. Friesland is one of the great cattle districts of Holland, and supplies not only the English market with many animals, but other countries likewise. She therefore receives no imports, nor does it appear that any of the vessels conveying cattle from the ports of the Elbe or the Weser, or from any part of the coast of Holstein, ever touch at the Dutch ports, so that a contagious malady like rinderpest, existing in Holstein or in the countries watered by those rivers, would have to make its entrance by way of the land into Holland.

No restrictions are put upon the cattle trade with reference to the bringing of animals over the frontier, but all importations of the kind would be immediately prohibited on the appearance of the disease in question in any neighbouring states. The prices obtained for cattle in the English market are not viewed as being sufficiently remunerative just now by the Dutch feeders, and hence the diminished numbers sent here. When the contrary state of things prevailed, many animals were purchased in Prussia by the dealers, and forwarded to the different ports of Holland for exportation; and not a few, it is said, came even from Switzerland down the Rhine for the same purpose. These facts show that it is possible for a disease of a malignant kind, which is incubated in the system of an animal for ten days or a fortnight, to be introduced into England from other countries via Holland and, also, how necessary it is that we should be acquainted with what is passing on the continent with regard to diseases in general as affecting cattle, and particularly if belonging to the class which forms the subject of this report.

The continuance of a well-ordered and rigid system of inspection of imported animals on our part will, how ever do much to protect us, and that not merely by its leading to the detection of diseased animals on their arrival, but by the effect which it will have upon the ex

port trade of foreign countries. Proof of this is given by the circumstance that last year, when it became known that our Customs' inspectors had received orders to be particularly strict in the examinations of cattle, the General Steam Navigation Company of Rotterdam, unwilling to take the responsibility of the probable rejection of animals committed to their care, appointed a veterinary surgeon to examine them when put on board their boats. This company brings by far the largest proportion of cattle to England, and although this precautionary measure was not adopted by other shipping companies, they nevertheless declared their intention of having recourse to it, and only refrained from so doing, because of the great diminution which took place in the number of the animals which were shipped. The system of examination was kept in force for about three months, when also, and from the same cause, the General Steam Navigation Company discontinued it. The returns of these examinations, together with the results were regularly transmitted to the British Consul. Should the prices again rise in England to an extent which would, in the opinion of the cattle feeders, justify them in sending us more animals, then there cannot be a doubt of the re-establishment of this system of inspec


No duty is chargeable on animals imported into Holland, but an export one has to be paid, and which amounts in English money to about the following rate

per head, namely, oxen, 10d., calves 2d., sheep 2d., lambs 1d., pigs 1d., with an additional duty of thirteen per cent. on the gross sum.

Although Holland rears immense numbers of cattle, she, for her great export trade in these animals, becomes an importing country for hides, receiving her chief supply of these from Java and Buenos Ayres, with some England, but none from Russia, so that all fear of our introduction of contagious diseases through the means of skins may cease, in so far as Holland is concerned.

Our investigations led us to visit the cattle feeders, and among others we saw Mynheer A. Poot, who resides within a few miles of Rotterdam. M. Poot ships upon an average 600 animals a-year. He informed us that no disease had prevailed in his sheds since February last, prior to which time he had several cases of pleuropneumonia. He appeared to be an entire stranger to any other contagious disease, and said that, in the event of an affection like rinderpest breaking out among his stock, a cordon would be immediately placed around the farm by the local authorities, and that he should be compelled to slaughter the diseased animals and bury them with their skins on in quick lime. In his opinion it would be an impossibility to export any portion of their carcases to England, even if attempts were made to lo so, in consequence of the strictness with which the police sanitary regulations are carried out. He adduced as an instance that on the first breaking out of pleuropneumonia in 1829, and before experience had shown that the flesh could safely be used for food, he and others had to kill the affected cattle and bury them entire, with a view to prevent injury being done to the people, as well as to limit the spread of the malady.

On the question of our Government ordering all imported animals to be slaughtered on their arrival in the docks, and their carcases sent to the meat market, M. Poot considered that such a step would be tantamount to the stopping of the importations entirely. The boats very rarely, if indeed at any time, are freighted with cattle all belonging to the same person; the cargo is therefore mostly comprised of animals the property of several individuals, and identity of each particular animal, which is necessary for the purposes of trade, could scarcely be made under such circumstances; besides, he said, a necessity would be created for an immediate sale of the meat to the injury of the interests of the persons sending the

animals. He was equally opposed to the establishment

of a quarantine, and was of opinion that it could never be carried into practice, and England continue to receive full supplies of foreign cattle.

The system at present adopted is for various feeders to consign their cattle to salesmen in the London marret, who, as in the home trade, charge a commission on the sales they sffect. As no animals are brought into Rotterdam coastways for re-shipment, all consequently have to pass through the town to reach the vessels, so that they are thus subjected to the general inspection of the local authorities, regulations existing to prevent diseased animals from entering into this and the other towns of Holland. Besides the security thus afforded it is clearly not in accordance with the interests of the exporters to put diseased cattle on board, as it is impossible for them to bear up against the fatigue of a sea-voyage, or to be on their arrival here in a fit state to pass the scrutiny of our Customs inspectors.

The cattle which are fatted either for the Dutch markets or for exportation are purchased at the different fairs and markets in the country, and are for the most part reared in Friesland and Guelderland, scarcely any being brought in from other countries

Upon the whole, notwithstanding the dangers we have pointed out, the system which prevails generally with regard to the cattle trade, and the additional regulations

which would be enforced did necessity arise, appear to offer a fair amount of security against the introduction of a new cattle pest from Holland.


These countries are entirely free from Rinderpest, and have been so for upwards of forty years; and, besides which, very little disease of any kind was found to be prevalent among the cattle. The laws which are enforced with regard to contagious diseases, are analogous o those which are generally adopted upon the Continent, but differ a little in some of their details.

Pleuro-pneumonia was said by the late M. Hausmann, Professor of the Veterinary School, to have been first observed in Hanover as early as 1807. This disease has existed with some few intervals, and with more or less severity, down to the present day. Of late years the animals attacked have been so few as not to create any great solicitude on the part of the Government. Precautionary measures are, however, adopted on the frontier with regard to cattle coming from Holland, which are made to undergo a quarantine, and none are allowed to enter from Holstein, unless they are certified to be in a state of perfect health.

Veterinary surgeons are bound to give notice of all cases of contagious disease which they may meet with in their practice, and proprietors also are required to report the appearance of pleuro-pneumonia or allied affections among their cattle. No animal, although seemingly in perfect health, if it has been living with others affected with pleuro-pneumonia, can be pastured or driven on roads so as to come within two hundred yards of other cattle; nor can the owner dispose of any of his herd under such circumstances until it is certified by the department veterinary surgeon that all the animals are perfectly free from the disease. The period of time which is allowed to elapse after the passing away of the malady and the selling of the cattle is left to the discretion of the veterinary surgeon. A proprietor can place his animals under medical treatment if he sees fit, or he is at liberty to slaughter them and send them to the meat market. The flesh of those affected with pleuro-pneumonia, even in its advanced stages, is not unfrequently sold, as in England, by the inferior class of butchers.

A regulation exists with regard to the disease of glanders, which, although it does not belong to the special object of this report, may, nevertheless, be men. tioned. Horses affected with this malady are not only prevented being sold or exposed for sale, but the owner is compelled to have them killed; and he is not allowed, under the pain of a heavy penalty, to sell any other horse out of his establishment, or even to place any one of them in stables belonging to other persons, for six months after the death of the affected animal.

M. Hausmann, Veterinary Surgeon to his Majesty the King of Hanover, informed us that a conviction had very recently taken place under this law, where a carrier was heavily fined for putting his horses, which had been with a glandered animal, into a stable at a public inn in the town of Hanover, on the occasion of his coming to the place on the market day.


This, as the chief port of the Elbe, receives a considerable number of cattle from the surrounding districts for exportation to England, and large quantities of hides are also sent from hence. Some diminution in the amount of cattle which of late has been shipped at Hamburg has taken place, and from the same cause which is assigned by the exporters from Holland, namely, that the price obtained in the English markets is not sufficiently remunerative when compared with that which can be procured at home.

The cattle come chiefly from the distillers, sugar refiners, and farmers in the town and territory of Hamburg, and the adjoining duchies of Holstein and Lauenburg. They are usually sent first to the market at Hamburg, and if not sold are exported to England. An inspection of them is regularly made in the market by a duly appointed veterinary surgeon; besides which they are prevented entering the town unless found to be in a healthy state. These regulations afford us a certain amount of security against the importation of diseased animals from this port. The system of inspection has been in operation from the commencement of the recent outbreak of pleuro-pneumonia in Holstein; but it has been particularly observed since September, 1856, when the following proclamation was made by the Senator of the Marshlands of the territory of Hamburg


It having been communicated to the Senator for the district of the Marshlands that in several parts of the Duchy of Holstein a pulmonary disease has again broken out among the cattle; in order to prevent the introduction of this dangerous malady, it is hereby ordered that for the present no cattle can be brought into the district of the Marshlands from the duchies of Holstein and Lauenburg without a certificate from the proper local authorities, stating that, at the places from whence the same may come, no infectious disease prevails among the cattle, and this under a penalty of 50 thalers for every case of


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Senator for the Marshlands.

Hamburg, 19th September, 1856.

No cattle intended for the English market are brought into Hamburg by the ships from Tonning or the other ports on the coast of Denmark, but they go direct to England; nor are many conveyed there for this purpose by means of the navigation of the Elbe from Central Germany. "The Order in Council," at the time our visit in April, did not appear to be understood by the exporters of cattle as to the intention of the Government with regard to this port; and they refrained at first from shipping cattle, although Hamburgh was not named in the prohibition, for fear lest on their arrival in England they should be seized by the Commissioners of Customs.

We were informed by Colonel Hodges, ConsulGeneral at Hamburg, that a similar doubt existed with regard to hides, and, further, that the order would be inoperative for good, presuming that the seeds of a contagious disease could be conveyed by these articles of commerce so long as Hamburg, as the port of the Elbe, and Bremen, as the port of the Weser, were left open, as large quantities of these commodities come down those rivers. The hides are collected from out of various countries, and it is impossible to trace them to their original source. The merchants of Hamburg, however, continued to export hides, first making a declaration before the consul that they did not come from Lubeck or any of the Baltic ports. The consul upon this certified that such declaration had been made, and thus left our Commissioners of Customs to deal with the question as they might see fit. Should the necessity unfortunately arise to prohibit the importation of cattle, hides, hoofs, &c., from fear of introducing a contagious disease, such as the rinderpest, then not only must Bremen and Hamburg be named in the order, but Tonning also, as the port of the Eider, as this place has direct water communication with the port of Kiel on the Baltic, from which place hides, hoofs, &c., can readily be conveyed.

Little fear, however, need be entertained of the introduction of the disease from Denmark by means of any

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