The plays of William Shakespeare, Tom 5Longman, 1856 |
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Alarum arms Bard Bardolph bear blood brother Cade captain Clar Clarence Clif Clifford crown Dauphin dead death doth duke of Burgundy duke of York earl Edward enemy England English Enter King HENRY Exeter Exeunt Exit eyes Falstaff father fear fight France French friends give Gloster grace hand Harfleur hath head hear heart heaven Henry's honour house of Lancaster house of York Jack Cade JOHNSON lady liege live look lord lord protector majesty MALONE Margaret master never night noble Northumberland peace Pist Pistol play Poins pray prince PUCELLE queen Reignier Richard RICHARD PLANTAGENET Salisbury SCENE Shakspeare Shal shame sir John sir John Falstaff soldiers Somerset soul sovereign speak Suffolk sweet sword Talbot tell thee thine thou art thou hast traitor unto valiant Warwick wilt words