Filologia romanza, Tom 16Loescher-Chiantore, 1970 |
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Strona 365
... Guicciardini's government not only grafts itself on Flrorence's con- stitutional tradition ; not only does it remain substantially popular but bears the further advantage of having solved , by means of the application of the theory of ...
... Guicciardini's government not only grafts itself on Flrorence's con- stitutional tradition ; not only does it remain substantially popular but bears the further advantage of having solved , by means of the application of the theory of ...
Strona 369
... Guicciardini's preference for this spiritual valour was as adamant as his hatred for the ignorance of the multitude and its interference in government ; in fact , Ercole affirms , « < il Gucciar- dini ( ... ) odiò e disprezzò sempre ...
... Guicciardini's preference for this spiritual valour was as adamant as his hatred for the ignorance of the multitude and its interference in government ; in fact , Ercole affirms , « < il Gucciar- dini ( ... ) odiò e disprezzò sempre ...
Strona 370
... Guicciardini , un punto da raggiungere » . Within the boundaries of this political reality , constantly in fluctuation , amorphous , devoid of a systematic profile , realistic and relativistic , implicitly adverse to extremes , ...
... Guicciardini , un punto da raggiungere » . Within the boundaries of this political reality , constantly in fluctuation , amorphous , devoid of a systematic profile , realistic and relativistic , implicitly adverse to extremes , ...
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Abaritte Alberto Savinio alcuni Arcadia Archiloco Ataraxio Boine Browning Calin canzone certo Chanson Chanson de Geste classici critica cultura culturale discorso entremés epica ermetica filologia filosofia Firenze Garrone Gaucelm Faidit genere Giacomo Leopardi Giannone Giovanni Giovanni Boine Giovanni Papini Giovanni Verga Giraut de Bornelh giudizio Gravina graviniana greca Guicciardini Guicciardini's gusto infatti intellettuale Italia italiana joven latino leggi Leopardi lettera letteraria letteratura lettere libro lingua linguistico lirica mente moderna mondo Napoli opere pagine págs Papini parole Peire Vidal pensiero personaggi Pietro Giannone Pindemonte poesia poeta poetica polemica politica political popolo preciso pretz e valor problema prologo proprio prosa pure racconto ragione realtà regno di Napoli riga risulta romana Saffo saggio Saul Savinio scritti scrittore scrive secolo senso sentimento Settecento stile storia storico studio Summonte termini testo Tommaseo traduzione tragedia tratta trova trovatori Turturici umana Valgimigli veda verso volume zione