Hitler, Neither Vegetarian Nor Animal Lover

Przednia okładka
Pythagorean, 2004 - 81
The myth that Adolf Hitler was an ethical vegetarian refuses to die! Even some misinformed eminent Hitier biographers have asserted that Hitler was not only an ethical vegetarian, but also a vegetarian rawfoodist! Now, vegetarian historian, Rynn Berry, who is the author of such vegetarian classics as Famous Vegetarians and Their Favorite Recipes, and Food For The Gods: Vegetarianism and the World's Religions, adroitly demolishes the seeming paradox that a genocidal tyrant could have been an animal lover and an ethical vegetarian. Eloquently written and thoroughly researched, Hitler: Neither Vegetarian Nor Animal Lover provides a necessary corrective to one of history's biggest and most enduring lies. Book jacket.

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